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It's Over My last incel year Will be 40 years old

  • Thread starter InternetSupremeBoss
  • Start date


Banned for being too based
Sep 11, 2023
Im still young 20 years old, I give me time until 40 years old, even at 39 i Will still give me time
If i Will be in a relationship ill be fine, if i Will be still incel at 40 yo i Will kill myself onestly no point in continuing to leave over 40 years as AN incel
Some oldcels May tell me how they do it
Fuck 40 I give this shit till my mid20s
Im still young 20 years old, I give me time until 40 years old, even at 39 i Will still give me time
If i Will be in a relationship ill be fine, if i Will be still incel at 40 yo i Will kill myself onestly no point in continuing to leave over 40 years as AN incel
Some oldcels May tell me how they do it
The more I think about it, the less courage I have to kill myself.
Im still young 20 years old, I give me time until 40 years old, even at 39 i Will still give me time
If i Will be in a relationship ill be fine, if i Will be still incel at 40 yo i Will kill myself onestly no point in continuing to leave over 40 years as AN incel
Some oldcels May tell me how they do it
you won't. we will die alone with 80 in our minimum wage apartment
Fuck 40 I give this shit till my mid20s
Too early Bro, at 40 yo its really over, at that point if you are AN incel you NEED to die, for your Freedom. That isn't Life, at 25 yo I would Say that we hav still Hope yes we are ugly / short but there Is still hope
this life is so mundane that i can't even see myself alive past 30
this life is so mundane that i can't even see myself alive past 30
I Will use a gun (on myself feds, on myself and no other human), over 40 years of Age, I think that guns are the best way to die (im not promoting suicide in any form, its Extreme, i think that Hope Is the First thing to have, not suicidal thinking)
By 40 you won't care about toilets anymore. Life fuel :society:
what's the point of living that long just to kill yourself? being incel at 40 must be less bad then being one at 20.
It gets harder and harder as time passes.
My last year will be proly around 35
Too early Bro, at 40 yo its really over, at that point if you are AN incel you NEED to die, for your Freedom. That isn't Life, at 25 yo I would Say that we hav still Hope yes we are ugly / short but there Is still hope
Probs why so many oldcels are obsessed with end of the world predictions and doomsday prepmaxxers. It's a good cope to think the world will collapse and your inceldom won't matter at that point. The reality is that the world is not ending (in all likelihood nuclear war will be avoided) and that you are just a useless subhuman.
I have considerable health issues, so I will just plow on until I die which will likely be 40-50 range anyways. I have put too much effort into moneymaxxing in my 20s to give up in my mid 30s or early 40s. Also incel aside my life is better now than 10-15 years ago.
I'm pushing 40, but I'm waiting until both my parents die to go through with it - so it could be 40,50,60
I'm pushing 40, but I'm waiting until both my parents die to go through with it
Same brocel, they would be devastated for my death
Why its better
lower sex drive, lower social expectations (nobody has any hope for you), normies your age will be in sexless marriages, etc. at this age you are free to cope with whatever you want.
Suicide is cucked. If you have nothing to live for, make your death something worth living for. Pick decent targets and go fourth.
Im still young 20 years old, I give me time until 40 years old, even at 39 i Will still give me time
If i Will be in a relationship ill be fine, if i Will be still incel at 40 yo i Will kill myself onestly no point in continuing to leave over 40 years as AN incel
Some oldcels May tell me how they do it
I'm 43 brocel and haven't pulled the trigger or roped as of yet nor do I have any intentions of doing so. As you get older I can tell you that your physiological impulse to gravitate towards sexually arousing stimuli begins to dissipate and diminish. Likewise, at this point in my life, I feel as though the best revenge I can exact upon this cruel and perverse world is to help my fellow, younger brocels properly manage the stress, anxiety, self-hatred, isolation and general immiseration that I know I experienced when I was a younger man. In point of fact, please see my recent thread espousing an incel movement irl, if you haven't already done so. https://incels.is/threads/why-incels-should-organize-irl.532806/
I'm pushing 40, but I'm waiting until both my parents die to go through with it - so it could be 40,50,60
Same.. around 60 so nobody will actually be there to care. I'll have exhausted my copes by then
Im still young 20 years old, I give me time until 40 years old, even at 39 i Will still give me time
If i Will be in a relationship ill be fine, if i Will be still incel at 40 yo i Will kill myself onestly no point in continuing to leave over 40 years as AN incel
Some oldcels May tell me how they do it
Hell nah, I give myself 4 more years, if I can't make it by the time I'm 24 then I'll have found my higher calling
Im still young 20 years old, I give me time until 40 years old, even at 39 i Will still give me time
If i Will be in a relationship ill be fine, if i Will be still incel at 40 yo i Will kill myself onestly no point in continuing to leave over 40 years as AN incel
Some oldcels May tell me how they do it
Ill go emergency room if I hit 36 and still in the inceldom:)
I give it til 30 5 more years if I can change things by then fine, if not then it's the ol chain tied around head tied to lamppost while in car stepping on the accelerator method just for the brutality of it
what are these then?
Some copes I know from niggas in their 40s is football, bmx, cars, jogging. I just wanna learn for another 20 years though. There's more to life than whores and you shouldn't have to base your entire existence around inferior beings
Some copes I know from niggas in their 40s is football, bmx, cars, jogging. I just wanna learn for another 20 years though. There's more to life than whores and you shouldn't have to base your entire existence around inferior beings
LOL a nice way to look at it
Most based thread. I have the same plan.

My reasoning is different, though. I already know for sure I'll always be an incel. I'd normally rope right now, but I'm lucky to have money, hobbies and some friends, so my life isn't too hellish and pointless. However, when I reach my 40s, health issues will start appearing and I'm not looking forward to suffering through that shit.

By 40 you won't care about toilets anymore. Life fuel :society:
Even if our sexual drive dies down, we'll still mourn the loss of our developmental milestones while our peers become parents and grandparents. It will be even worse for the incels who don't have any friends.
I am 21 and the desire to die is already overwhelming. Altough I am NEET now it doesn't satisfy me. It's all just a pointless, cruel existence.
My last year will be 34

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