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SuicideFuel My jaw is non-existent.



Feb 16, 2019
My whole facial profile is completely fucked up from my really short jaw. It appears that I have no jaw or chin at all, and my face looks as if it's melting. My chin and jaw is so receded that I'm missing not mm's of bone, but cm's of bone. Out of all things that matter the most in attractiveness, I completely lost in the lottery of chin and jaw.

I'm fucking ugly as hell, and I want to die. I'm a chin-less, jawless, troglodyte looking abomination and I wish I was dead. It's fucking over.
It's over to be honest, can you grow a beard?
Are you fat? Leaning down will make it look better(you have to get very lean like 10%)
Can you afford geino?
Other ways to max
It's over to be honest, can you grow a beard?
Yes, but my beard sucks unless I wait long enough for it to grow out. I stupidly plucked at the hairs and now my beard is patchy, so now I'm using tretinoin to fix the beard.

Are you fat? Leaning down will make it look better(you have to get very lean like 10%)
Can you afford geino?
Other ways to max
I am not fat at all, I'm hovering at around 11-12% bodyfat right now but my face still looks like it lacks a jaw entirely. That is how over it is for me.
How much is genio btw? I might be able to save up and afford it if it isn't too expensive, considering how I'm paying for zero living expenses.
do you look like this?

that sucks man a weak jaw can ruin everything
bimax or deathhhhhhhhh
Jaw can mostly be fixed if you do it right. But it takes luck and a good surgeon.

You most likely can't be good looking but going from freaktier to normal range is worth so much it's beyond words.
I'm highly hoping that I can go from incel to upper-normie in looks, it would be life-changing if I could just simply change my entire jaw. I'm not sure if I would be chad or not since my eyes are incredibly deepset and my eyebrows are massive, but I know for certain that I would look much more harmonious and better.

I'm saving up for one of these surgeries for certain. The only thing I'm afraid of is what it's like to go under because I've never been under anesthesia before.

I'm not that bad but I'm not too far off from him.

that sucks man a weak jaw can ruin everything
Yeah, I feel like my life would be completely different right now if I had a jaw.
I'm sorry bro
Thank you.
I really need jaw surgery tbh. I need a quick and immediate guaranteed fix, I don't want to waste any more of my youth being a jawless freak anymore. Not only does my jaw make me look ugly, I have problems such as sleep insomnia and terrible teeth crowding. My complexion is almost sickly pale from poor breathing and sleep quality. I'm surprised I was even tough enough to take on hard sports with such poor oxygenation.
I'm highly hoping that I can go from incel to upper-normie in looks, it would be life-changing if I could just simply change my entire jaw. I'm not sure if I would be chad or not since my eyes are incredibly deepset and my eyebrows are massive, but I know for certain that I would look much more harmonious and better.

I'm saving up for one of these surgeries for certain. The only thing I'm afraid of is what it's like to go under because I've never been under anesthesia before.
It's not bad man. You lie down in an operating room wearing a gown. They put a mask on you and have you count numbers and you drift off before you get to #6. Rapidly you go into oblivion like falling asleep. Then you wake up after and that's it. Spend the next few days with icepacks and percocet and hope when the swelling goes down your surgeon did their job right and your life is better.

Take your time and go for a few consults to make sure you get someone you can trust.
At least the rest isn't bad OP. My jaw and chin are bad too.
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Chin implants work, and are not all that expensive. If a recessed chin is your main problem, I urge you to look into them.
Same, and thing is my jaw isn't even bad itself it's just that I have so much skin and fat there that makes it invisible. Young and low body fat but still turkey neck like an elderly obese person:feelsrope:
I have a massive, square jaw. The problem is - it doesn't look good at all. It looks so big it's borderline deformed (I'm getting surgery to get it fixed). It takes up most of my face and it lookes hideous. I would love to have receded jaw.
I got a chin implant in 1985. It made a big difference. I was still ugly, but no longer looked like a retarded hick. At the time, it made a difference. Why wouldn't it now?
There are face exercises to make your jawline more obvious. The results are very minimal though.
Mewing might have a tiny effect, you can also try slimming down to 9% bodyfat. Just fast twice a week and run for 5-6 miles a week. I've basically given up on retaining most of my mass and it's helped leanmaxx my face.
My jaw is good, but recessed, fuck mouthbreathing, fuck parents, fuck everything
At least maybe you're tall... How tall are u?
Do you look like my avi?
At least maybe you're tall... How tall are u?
I'm not a manlet but I'm not tall enough to redeem myself. I'm 5' 10".

I have a massive, square jaw. The problem is - it doesn't look good at all. It looks so big it's borderline deformed (I'm getting surgery to get it fixed). It takes up most of my face and it lookes hideous. I would love to have receded jaw.
Send some of that jaw right this way my guy. I need it.

At least the rest isn't bad OP. My jaw and chin are bad too.
I can't say my eye area is that good either. I have a neutral cantral tilt and an overly prominent eye (my eyes are tiny though) area to the point of it looking comical. A girl said that I looked like a rapist once.
Lucky you! I have a very weak jawline, a recessed chin, I'm a manlet. Wish you good luck!
Thank you for the support guys. I need it.

It's not bad man. You lie down in an operating room wearing a gown. They put a mask on you and have you count numbers and you drift off before you get to #6. Rapidly you go into oblivion like falling asleep. Then you wake up after and that's it. Spend the next few days with icepacks and percocet and hope when the swelling goes down your surgeon did their job right and your life is better.

Take your time and go for a few consults to make sure you get someone you can trust.
I will definitely try to look around for someone I trust the most before taking the plunge. I want my results to be great.
Although I do have a few more questions, such as, how much pain do you feel after the surgery? Also, do you experience "being in oblivion" as if you're sitting in complete darkness waiting to wake up, or do you go under and then immediately wake up again? Do you experience "the oblivion" or not?
Thank you for the support guys. I need it.

I will definitely try to look around for someone I trust the most before taking the plunge. I want my results to be great.
Although I do have a few more questions, such as, how much pain do you feel after the surgery? Also, do you experience "being in oblivion" as if you're sitting in complete darkness waiting to wake up, or do you go under and then immediately wake up again? Do you experience "the oblivion" or not?

You don't experience the oblivion any more than you do every time you go to sleep at night. Imagine you're sitting on the couch and you doze off. Then you wake up 5 hours later and think "wtf?" It's no different. It's a dreamless sleep.

The pain is okay. I mean it's not fun getting surgery from a pain perspective. But I will tell you this. Some of my favorite memories in my entire life were in the few days after surgeries, partly because I was high on opiates like crazy and they feel really good. But partly because I also knew I was fixing (or trying to fix) the biggest problems in my life.

Some for me worked out better than others but I'm definitely much better looking and more normal looking from surgery than I was otherwise. And one of my surgeries I get complimented on all the time now (people don't know it was surgically changed - they just think it's nice). It's the first time in my life anyone's every complimented me on anything physical. It's a nice feeling. I wish I could fix more but there are always risks.
Did you always eat a softdiet and/or were mouth breathing a lot?

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