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It's Over My Icepick scars



Paper bags mog me
Feb 13, 2018
Fyi icepick scars are holes left on your face from picking zits. They never go away and there really isn't anything you can do about them besides a few hit or miss treatments that don't even fully removed them. Worst of all I have a huge hole on the front of my nose and it just sinks my stomach every time I see it under bad lighting. I'm never going to have a normal life because of this shit, it was over before it started. All acne does is eliminate any possibility of passing your genes, not that I'd want to at this point. I couldn't have my own kids knowing I fucked their life up by reproducing my shit genes. I get called a freak by so many people too, it's hell living in my skin. I dont value life at all mine or anyone else's
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I thought you can get them filled? This is very unsettling. I have a few small ones from when I had chickenpox.
I thought you can get them filled? This is very unsettling. I have a few small ones from when I had chickenpox.

Not permanently from what I know, I've been looking for a solution for years. There doesn't seem to be a go to treatment and results vary widely too.
Try still having acne into your mid 20’s like me.
Time to Retinolmax
What's the difference between these and acne scars? I have some scars on my temples that I doubt are ever going away, but I don't remember picking them.
Try still having acne into your mid 20’s like me.

I mean the scars are permanent dude, as in FOR LIFE. I'm a prisoner in my own body basically.my acne ruined my teen years and now the scars are fucking up my 20s. They're both max tier suicide fuel imo. I consider it a legitimate deformity
What's the difference between these and acne scars? I have some scars on my temples that I doubt are ever going away, but I don't remember picking them.

Icepick scars are a type of acne scaring. It's the same thing just put into a different category
Just fill em in with silly putty, problem solved. Ever see edward j. olmos? morgan freeman? They're probably slayin' like errday. Just be famous, bro.
any pics?

Its hard to get detailed picks of them due to lighting and such. But in person their highly noticeable and makes every new interaction extremely awkward.
I knew someone with terrible deep rolling acne scars who got rid of them completely with laser surgery.
Just fill em in with silly putty, problem solved. Ever see edward j. olmos? morgan freeman? They're probably slayin' like errday. Just be famous, bro.
If only it was that easy, but I don't really want fame. Paparazzi are some annoying fuckers, I'd like the money though to looksmax. Regardless as an average Joe, ice pick scars are a death sentence in terms of smv and such. Thing is though my scars are only one of a long list of what's fucked up with my face.
I knew someone with terrible deep rolling acne scars who got rid of them completely with laser surgery.
Those are different from what i have, mine look like large pores as though my face was poked by something sharp.
Did you go to hospital for this OP?
If you have acne people actually dont even want to see you/talk with you. One look on your face is enough. its over.
Did you go to hospital for this OP?

You mean a dermatologist? No I haven't due to lack of money and distance of the appropriate facility. I may at some point though once I can afford some looksmaxing
You mean a dermatologist? No I haven't due to lack of money and distance of the appropriate facility. I may at some point though once I can afford some looksmaxing
Sorry about this bro. if you can go dermatologist,go there
Even if you don't pick your zits you still can get those. That was my case.
I have acne scars after taking accutane and accutane still didn't get rid of all of my acne. There are people with bad health issues (drug addicts and people with diabetes) that impact their daily life, but because they have clear skin everyone who sees them considers them as healthy as a horse. All of my blood tests come back perfect. I'm healthy, I wash my face, my bmi is good, I don't smoke and drink like every other normie, yet because of my 1/10 skin genetics I'm considered a diseased ridden grotesque circus freak with garbage hygiene. LDAR
Try still having acne into your mid 20’s like me.
Acne is also rare as fuck. At my school only five kids had acne and all of them except for me and this other kid had like 1-3 pimples at a time. If I go to the mall everyone has perfect skin and then there I am this genetic abomination that everyone stares at.
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Did you go to hospital for this OP?
He probably should, no doubt about that. Not going to lie OP save that money and get it checked out to be completely honest with you.
Time to trotskymaxx

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