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SuicideFuel My High School Experience blackpilled me hard

  • Thread starter Deleted member 18193
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Deleted member 18193

Deleted member 18193

incel on incels.is
Apr 23, 2019
Crucial Info – I’m Hispanic but somehow my genes made me appear half middle eastern/curry, partly because of the shape of my nose. This led to hell on earth going to a 93% Hispanic school.
These experiences are very personal. I'm sharing them because I want lurkers here to know what it's like as an average incel going through high school.

Freshman Year of High School:

-Ethnic classmate, who we’ll call Jose, looks at my student ID and says to his buddy “this dude is ugly as hell” while his buddy looks at me in pity.

-In P.E., Jose comes up to me with his buddies and asks, “Have you ever had a girlfriend?” to which I replied “No.” and they started laughing with each other.

-I get a haircut sometime later. I walk into Spanish Class and this overweight Junior starts making fun of me.

-Partner from physics class, “You look like you’re going to blow up the school haha” and “Go back to Bangladesh”

-Geometry class partner shows our group a news alert on his phone that some school in California was cancelled because of a threat. He looks at me and says, “If you ever decide to blow up the school, let me know so I don’t go that day.”

-One of my group partners from Spanish tells me, “Yeah dude, everyone talks shit about you because they think you’re a terrorist or something.”

Summer after Freshman Year at my church:

I begin to go every Friday with my parents and siblings to this thing the church organizes where they sell snacks and food and people can hang out. I decide to take advantage of the opportunity in hope that I can meet a girl there(self-cringe looking back at this thought)

-Some 6 year kid starts treating me like shit for apparently no reason. I reason that he is just a little shit and deal with it. A few weeks after knowing him, I’m annoyed by him when he tries to talk to me, he takes notice of this and tells me, “Your face is ugly.”

There’s also a church festival we have every August where I meet this girl about a year younger than me. I talk with her and her friend every Friday after the festival. Her friend knows I’m interested in her(I made the mistake of telling her) and tells my crush, “You should date him, he’s a nice guy”, to which she immediately replies, “Ew, no. He’s ugly.” I say nothing back and leave a few minutes afterwards.

Sophomore Year:

English Class I’m paired with this guy we’ll call Alex. He would always try to assert his dominance over me, either by trying to make me flinch or taking my shit. One day he tells me, “You’re ugly.”

Spanish class, group of boys start making fun of me for looking middle eastern. I usually overhear them saying, “He’s a terrorist?” and also saying some random Arabic words trying to get my attention.
Outside of school, at church, I’m talking to this new girl who seems to like being friends with me. I ask her out. She bursts out laughing. I forgot what she said afterwards but it was probably along the lines of “I’ll think about it”. Never heard back from her.

Also at thou most holy church: I tell one of my friends I’ve struggled with girls and he suggests I practice with some of the girls there(It’s a group of 5 of us, were outside the church at night). After my friend tells this other dude about me, he says, “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

Back at school. We’re in the locker rooms changing for swimming and some nigger walks past me while I’m changing(wearing a towel, no shirt), and starts laughing in the most obnoxious negroid manner, whilst pointing. He says to his other nigger friend, “Hey nurry, look at this nigga! Hahahaha” If I was at least above average looking this would never had happened.
At lunch, I’m sitting with friends and also sitting in close proximity to Alex(the guy from English) and he starts laughing while looking at me. I ask, “whats so funny?” he says, “Your face.”

Now, ladies and gentleman, the experience that made me want to kill myself(happened on the day before spring break).

We were sitting in lunch, I was with my “friends” but appeared alone. The stacy of our school suddenly walks up to me, and says “I’m just pretending to tell you something”. I was confused as fuck, and then looked to my left to see 50 students sitting at the two other tables mocking saying, “oooohhhhh” and then proceeding to have a good laugh. I realized that they wanted her to ask me out as a joke. Don’t ask how I know.

Although things calmed down after spring break, I still felt like shit. I cried a few times a week, even during the summer.

Junior Year:

My Low T looking face causes one of the normies in my English class to begin making mocking sexual comments, and telling me “You’re cute.” Everyone at the school knows what’s happening, and they’re mocking me for it.

(I cant remember anything else but I’ll keep the placeholder here to edit later)

Senior Year:

In one of science classes, I sit next to this normie because it’s the only empty seat. He turns to look at my face, and looking at my side profile, he laughs.

In the same science class, we switch seats where I’m in view of these two foids. They start mockingly saying, “He’s so hot! Hahahaha” and later in the year they continue to laugh and mock my sub humanness. Sometimes, when they had bad days and I had my good day, they’d say “What a creep. He’s disgusting.” “His face is an insult to me” “His face is so ugly”

In the hallway, some foids were walking behind me and they tapped my shoulder. They laughed and said in Spanish, “Me quiero vomitar” or “I want to vomit.”

Other dudes in the class would often say “That dude is ugly as hell” or other similar shit. I had to sit facing the class as often as I could to monitor everyone. I didn’t trust anyone and every time I walked to the class I felt like I was gonna shit myself not knowing what other shit to expect.

I finally broke when I observed my reflection using two mirrors. Everything about my face looked wrong. I understood why the comments were being made. I’d coped for a long time telling myself, “Aw come on, not everyone thinks what they think.” But I finally realized how wrong that line of thinking was. I spilled out my emotions when I found the reddit IncelswithoutHate forum. From there, I slowly learned other people who had the same problem, I moved onto Braincels, then I ended up here.

I also officially confirmed my face rating by posting it on lookism. I was rated a 3 PSL. Or a 3.7/10 in real life. Sure, it was painful hearing the comments made, but at least I knew. I just didn’t give a shit anymore.

And this ladies and gentlemen is how I slowly discovered my Inceldom and how fucked up society treats us. I probably have twice or thrice as many suicidefuel stories to share, but that’s it for now. Despite all of this, I survived and graduated. I’d probably have roped without this forum tbh.

“Just have confidence and a better personality and people will respect you”
What a fucking joke this world is.
My whole life blackpilled me tbh
Brutal lifestory, bro.
I live in South America and had similiar experiences, but not at this extent. Truly hateful people.
Bullying is the latinamerican cultural ethos.
This is why school shooters exist, then the media and everyone will say "that he was an outcast because he was a shiity person". Clown world indeed
Jesus fucking brutal, must be even worse being latino where the culture is very sexually charged and being machismo is a big thing there.
I was brutally bullied throughout high school too but never quite like that so overtly that I was ugly.

Life fucking sucks, it wasn't supposed to be this way.
I was very pale and vampiremaxxed my whole life so people would make fun of me a lot especially since i went to a school full of brown turks / arabs that’s why i’m so hateful towards muslims except for incel tier ones, that’s all.
I would go er if i was you
This is why I support school shootings. I couldn't make it all the way through high school like you did, though, I had to skip every other day to avoid the bullying.
Reading others’ school experiences makes me feel sad about my incel brothers and my own experiences.
Looks like you have been treated like shit just like me.
This is why people go ER
How in the fuck can i relate SO much????
How in the fuck can i relate SO much????
Tbh I don't think it's an uncommon experience. Its just that so many in the real world choose to cope by thinking that it was something they did, when the reality is that looks and other uncontrollable behaviors plays a huge part in how other people perceive and treat you.
Tbh I don't think it's an uncommon experience. Its just that so many in the real world choose to cope by thinking that it was something they did, when the reality is that looks and other uncontrollable behaviors plays a huge part in how other people perceive and treat you.
Damn man, once you take the blackpill and come to terms with all these things, it is crushing but also very liberating.
It is so true about the mirror with double reflection, the same thing happened to me and I even stopped looking at myself because it was unpleasantly horrible to see. It only takes a few centimeters for your perspective to change and you notice how scary you are, it reminds me of the one who said he installed a cctv in his home and saw himself on the camera recording and was horrified to see himself.
It is so true about the mirror with double reflection, the same thing happened to me and I even stopped looking at myself because it was unpleasantly horrible to see. It only takes a few centimeters for your perspective to change and you notice how scary you are, it reminds me of the one who said he installed a cctv in his home and saw himself on the camera recording and was horrified to see himself.
I did it so much that I eventually 'got used to it'. That is, I can observe my ugliness without any emotion attached to it. Notice how st. hamudi and grotesque seem to have no problem recording themselves. I think that's what they've done. Or maybe they knew it was over in the first place. Either way, its a band-aid that should be ripped off sooner rather than later imo

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