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Blackpill My Greatest Fear (Being Falsely Accused in the Tokyo Metro) (CHIKANPILL)



Chair of the Beautification Committee
Apr 1, 2018
I told my mom I want to go to Japan and she offered to take me there (this was months ago). (I'm set for June right now but it would've been last June if I agreed back then).

But I told her I was scared if I go in the subway it will be so crowded I will accidentally brush against the breasts of a Jap foid who immediately scream out "CHIKAN!!!" and a horde of beta nip men will surround me and drag me away to some death camp never to be heard from again.

I told her I need to get better looking first so if it happens the girl wouldn't be disgusted, or at worst not want to accuse a good looking man.

She told me just don't ride the subway then.

There was even a movie about someone falsely accused and it ruined their life until they were finally able to prove their innocence.


I once googled what Jap men think of this. They all say if you're falsely accused just run and don't even bother explaining. No one will believe you.
You will die in your second day on japan tbhtbh...
Fucking foids, they get their own train car over there. I bet you can't stand next to them as a sub 7 male over there too without looking like you are going to rape them.
This is the world we live in, whatever happened to innocent till proven guilty?
This is the world we live in, whatever happened to innocent till proven guilty?

I wish I could've gone to Japan in the 1980s where nobody would care even if there was real legit Chikan.


@Fontaine STAY OUT OF JAPAN ZOG (joking..sort of...)


I heard they're cramping down on this because of the Tokyo Olympics but most of their cars still don't have cameras JFL so it's the foid's word against yours.

I heard in Japanese jail you spend your whole waking hours standing perfectly straight and if you slouch a little you'll be beaten with a bat.

JFL if I get raped by a ricecel in jail.

I need to keeps looksmaxxing so I'll be immune from being falsely accused.

Everyone knows the more incel looking you are the more likely you are to be accused of a crime.
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how will you get better looking?
how will you get better looking?

NofapMaxx, Gymmaxx, Bodyfatpercentagemaxx, J-Pop hair maxx, Tight jeans and clothes maxx, Androgenousmaxx.

Pretty much becoming what Asian girls want.
NofapMaxx, Gymmaxx, Bodyfatpercentagemaxx, J-Pop hair maxx, Tight jeans and clothes maxx, Androgenousmaxx.

Pretty much becoming what Asian girls want.

you are white skinned arent you?
I thought japanese girls were perfect and had been untouched by western culture :horror:
I thought japanese girls were perfect and had been untouched by western culture :horror:

The evil of the ZOG knows no bounds, no borders, no limits. It's pure evil that threatens to engulf all that is good in the world.

How can you miss out that one by Asanagi, it was legendary.

Got all the sjws foids up in arms about it, good thing he didnt care because he's a jap truecel too.

Based lufthansacel

you are white skinned arent you?

Of course, what the hell would I be doing in Japan if I wasn't other than going to Akihabara.
The evil of the ZOG knows no bounds, no borders, no limits. It's pure evil that threatens to engulf all that is good in the world.
Ur rite bro i knew those perfect skinny high iq god tier personality big ass and tits 10/10 japanese girls were too perfect to act on their own accord
Damn Jews amirite?
I like this one, old but one of my favorites


High IQ mention to @Crustaciouse (crusty the crab) who suggested this solution to me in another thread. I've included it and my response here.

Ive heard the japanese can be heavily biased against foreigners when it comes to accusations.
Best advice would to never be outside alone. Always have a jap to back up your innocence

That's what my mom said to do. She also said I can go to bars with him and meet Nip girls.

She said she could get in contact with my uncle's old Japanese girlfriend and see if she has anyone in her family around my age to be her friend.

She called it "having a eunuch."

The only problem is it seems really awkward to meet a Japanese woman who knew me as an innocent child that she brought Pokémon cards and other merchandise you can only buy in Japan and ask her if she knows anyone my age for obvious debauchery and ruin the image I've had of her and the image she's had of me.

The other problem is I have no idea how I would make friends with a Japanese guy to be my wingman and personal eunuch bodyguard.
Of course, what the hell would I be doing in Japan if I wasn't other than going to Akihabara.

lucky af man. you have a way out with JBW. im half white but that isnt enough because my skin isnt white and i have afrocentric facial features :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Of course, what the hell would I be doing in Japan if I wasn't other than going to Akihabara.

lucky af man. you have a way out with JBW. im half white but that isnt enough because my skin isnt white and i have afrocentric facial features :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
lucky af man. you have a way out with JBW. im half white but that isnt enough because my skin isnt white and i have afrocentric facial features :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

lucky af man. you have a way out with JBW. im half white but that isnt enough because my skin isnt white and i have afrocentric facial features :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Run BBC /THUG game or musicmaxxing.
lucky af man. you have a way out with JBW. im half white but that isnt enough because my skin isnt white and i have afrocentric facial features :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

lucky af man. you have a way out with JBW. im half white but that isnt enough because my skin isnt white and i have afrocentric facial features :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

I am half latino and plan on using that as leverage to run Just Be Hafu game.

I'm going to run a type of game never seen before on this website, and I believe potentially much more powerful.

Though if I break my nofap streak my skin will turn as brown as your average sudaca just lol
I am half latino and plan on using that as leverage to run Just Be Hafu game.

I'm going to run a type of game never seen before on this website, and I believe potentially much more powerful.

Though if I break my nofap streak my skin will turn as brown as your average sudaca just lol

are you at least white passing though? thats the important part.
I wish you luck but you sound like you will cuck to the first Jap that gives you attention.
I heard in Japanese jail you spend your whole waking hours standing perfectly straight and if you slouch a little you'll be beaten with a bat.
Have you seen this documentary?
But I told her I was scared if I go in the subway it will be so crowded I will accidentally brush against the breasts of a Jap foid who immediately scream out "CHIKAN!!!"
She told me just don't ride the subway then.

That's not really an option unless you're willing and able to spend shit tons of money on taxis. Taxis in Japan are pretty fucking expensive.

There was even a movie about someone falsely accused and it ruined their life until they were finally able to prove their innocence.


I once googled what Jap men think of this. They all say if you're falsely accused just run and don't even bother explaining. No one will believe you.

Yeah, and the fucked up thing is that the vast majority of the time there's no witness or evidence and the man is always found guilty anyway.

Keep in mind, Japan has one of the highest conviction rates in the world, at literally 99.8 percent.

The false accusations are so common in Japan that lots of Japanese men have been buying false groping accusation insurance. And yes, this is actually a thing:

I told my mom I want to go to Japan and she offered to take me there (this was months ago). (I'm set for June right now but it would've been last June if I agreed back then).

But I told her I was scared if I go in the subway it will be so crowded I will accidentally brush against the breasts of a Jap foid who immediately scream out "CHIKAN!!!" and a horde of beta nip men will surround me and drag me away to some death camp never to be heard from again.

I told her I need to get better looking first so if it happens the girl wouldn't be disgusted, or at worst not want to accuse a good looking man.

She told me just don't ride the subway then.

There was even a movie about someone falsely accused and it ruined their life until they were finally able to prove their innocence.


I once googled what Jap men think of this. They all say if you're falsely accused just run and don't even bother explaining. No one will believe you.
they are basically NPCs/zombies in the metro
nobody will look at you directly in the eye and nobody will talk to you
less than 10% of them speaks decent english anyways so you cannot talk to anyone anyways
don't worry
(i was in tokyo for a month this year)
Have you seen this documentary?
The shobat thing seems good for islamists in French prisons tbh. 6 months doing nothing but watching a wall sitting on a chair, that's some advanced psychosocial treatment lmao.
they are basically NPCs/zombies in the metro
nobody will look at you directly in the eye and nobody will talk to you
less than 10% of them speaks decent english anyways so you cannot talk to anyone anyways
don't worry
(i was in tokyo for a month this year)

Ah Senpai.

You're the only one who knew of that original trip I aborted. Soon you will know about when I actually go there. I can only hope my trip will be half as good as yours.

You actually talk about this kind of stuff with your mother AND she takes you seriously? *Mind blown*

Just run salaryman compensated dating game W/ some gyaru.
You actually talk about this kind of stuff with your mother AND she takes you seriously? *Mind blown*

Just run salaryman compensated dating game W/ some gyaru.


She also told me why would I want to go there when we can go to Italy and the Italian girls are way better.

She also legit straight-up told me Asian girls are ugly.

She also said go to a Nordic Country because people with my features will be "unique." Just Lol.

She also told me to find a job in Japan and stay there if you hate the Cuck S. A. so much (she is really patriotic) after I said Japan is safer and better in every way which is why we should go see it and how much I wish I lived there).

I'm not a total autistic sperg, I just told her once about how I want to go to Japan and would like to talk with some of the cute girls they have over there. Kept it lowkey then she told me all this crap rofl.

* and I want a garufurendo not a gyaru slut
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Tell your mom about your 2D waifu, post results.

But seriously though, you're really lucky to have parents willing to fly you out to any country you want. Few people have such a luxury. I'm actually pretty envious. I've technically been to japan but only for a transfer. I did leave the airport for almost a day as I had a very long transfer, but I never really got to do anything.

Just don't go there with the mindset that you'll leave without remaining a KHV. Have shit planned out that doesn't involve women.

I know you probably have your heart set on finding an older, unmarried and elegantly attractive christmas cake woman who will be your non-literal mommy gf but try to plan some fun that a truecel weeb can have.
I was under the missconception that japanese women don't even talk when they are being sexually assaulted in the metro, like talking about it was shamefur
I was under the missconception that japanese women don't even talk when they are being sexually assaulted in the metro, like talking about it was shamefur

it dont be is like in the doujins
Tell your mom about your 2D waifu, post results.

But seriously though, you're really lucky to have parents willing to fly you out to any country you want. Few people have such a luxury. I'm actually pretty envious. I've technically been to japan but only for a transfer. I did leave the airport for almost a day as I had a very long transfer, but I never really got to do anything.

Just don't go there with the mindset that you'll leave without remaining a KHV. Have shit planned out that doesn't involve women.

My mom is the type of person who believes that traveling is what makes people better and she pretty much has the philosophy that to live a good life you must be well travelled.

She's not rich but lives modestly and puts all her money towards traveling. Usually alone because she goes to places I hate (western ones) but is always willing to broaden my horizons.

Especially because I work so hard in school and have a near 4.0 GPA. She feels like she should reward me, (I don't bribe her this is genuinely how she thinks).

My mom and I are going to do a lot of stuff because she most likely is coming with me if she's not too busy with work. Even if I'm alone I'll still do this stuff. Like going to Japanese art museums, seeing typical tourist attractions, and I"ll be looking for and buying a lot of merch you can't find or import here.

At the worst it'll be a fun vacation, at best it'll be ascension.

I know you probably have your heart set on finding an older, unmarried and elegantly attractive christmas cake woman who will be your non-literal mommy gf but try to plan some fun that a truecel weeb can have.

Blush Sultry

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