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Blackpill My grandma confirmed the blackpill



May 2, 2022
So there I was calling my Grandma, she has always been good to me and honestly she has given me the best advice out of any one of my family members, so I often chat with her. I don't quite remember how the conversation started but she was something like I heard that you have a girlfriend. And I was something like, no grandma, I don't... What could I ever offer a foid? She then said that I am obviously not a looker and that I'd firstly have to finish my studies and then get a high paying job if I ever wanted to get a girlfriend. She then proceeded to tell me how men only have two ways of getting girls: looking physically attractive or being financially successful.

Basically my grandma confirmed the blackpill.:blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
Could you imagine?! Even an 80 year old woman on the brink of death confirmed the fucking blackpill and fucking foids nowadays still claim that it's fake.
She literally outlined the two choices an inkie has: get jacked or begin betabuxxing. It is over.:feelsrope:
no shit nigga

my grandma asked me what type of foids im into

and i told her the non slutty ones

and she told me i was askin for too much :whitepill::blackpill:
I guess women become more honest when they hit that age.
thats just so brutal that she told u that to ur face
atleast shes honest hto
no shit nigga

my grandma asked me what type of foids im into

and i told her the non slutty ones

and she told me i was askin for too much :whitepill::blackpill:
beyond brutal truth pill

Kermit Suicide GIF
That's just common sense, it's insane how much NT's avoid the truth. They cannot admit that dating is about looks, they cannot admit that people apply for that job for money, not because wageslaving is their hobby which makes them act happy and they cannot admit that people select their careers which are for example least sufferable. They make people to pretend something they aren't, thus creating a fake plastic soyciety.

If you have to get a job so you can get a girlfriend, then she's not worth it, you would only date an escort with monthly subscription. She won't really love you and the risk that she will cheat on you, break up or go on psychological warfare on you by nagging and dead bedroom is huge.
no shit nigga

my grandma asked me what type of foids im into

and i told her the non slutty ones

and she told me i was askin for too much :whitepill::blackpill:

I wish my other grandma (not the one i live with) would be so honest with me. She and my grandpa keep asking me if i have a gf or how its going with the ladies. They just dont want to accept that their grandson is a genetic failure and the bloodline will end with me. I hope they will stop coping at least when i turn 30
you know its bad when even your own grandmother says its over :feelsrope: my condolences
based grandma. also if she says betabuxxing can work for you she's basically saying you're a normie. also she said "i heard you have a gf", if you were an actual trucel she'd never say that or end it with "but that's obviously not true". Anyways, you're likely an LTN who needs to accept inceldom or betabuxx.
based grandma. also if she says betabuxxing can work for you she's basically saying you're a normie. also she said "i heard you have a gf", if you were an actual trucel she'd never say that or end it with "but that's obviously not true". Anyways, you're likely an LTN who needs to accept inceldom or betabuxx.
Not necessarily. You wouldnt believe some of the mental gymnastics and copium abuse some families do to not accept that their son is a genetic trash.
based grandma. also if she says betabuxxing can work for you she's basically saying you're a normie. also she said "i heard you have a gf", if you were an actual trucel she'd never say that or end it with "but that's obviously not true". Anyways, you're likely an LTN who needs to accept inceldom or betabuxx.
It's called dementia and it sometimes happens when people age. This isn't the craziest thing she's said, she probably confused me with one of her tv shows.

Also it's 90% cope, she wants a great grandchild more than anything. She like my parents can't accept that this is where our bloodline ends.
I hope they will stop coping at least when i turn 30
They'll stop coping once they're dead. Worked for my Grandpa.... Nowadays he literally doesn't say anything about me not having a girlfriend.
They'll stop coping once they're dead. Worked for my Grandpa.... Nowadays he literally doesn't say anything about me not having a girlfriend.
My uncle is also pretty much the loser of my family (he mogs me into oblivion by being a tallfag and procreating, but he later got divorceraped and became a drug addict) and now he gets invited almost nowhere anymore and no one asks him about him meeting girls anymore. I hope the same happens to me
My uncle is also pretty much the loser of my family (he mogs me into oblivion by being a tallfag and procreating, but he later got divorceraped and became a drug addict) and now he gets invited almost nowhere anymore and no one asks him about him meeting girls anymore. I hope the same happens to me
Your uncle is a based Frankfurter-Bahnhof-addictcel.
Your uncle is a based Frankfurter-Bahnhof-addictcel.
He is clean since some years, but used to be addicted to the heavy stuff. Now when he isnt working in his part time job, all he does is rotting in his room and watch movies/series on his laptop. He is also like me and eats his food always in his room.
He is clean since some years, but used to be addicted to the heavy stuff. Now when he isnt working in his part time job, all he does is rotting in his room and watch movies/series on his laptop. He is also like me and eats his food always in his room.
Oh he's a divorcerapecel. Based uncle. Reminds me of my own uncle, his wife literally stole his kid and moved to the states. Now he's just spending his days playing basketball and fishing. (He's 70 and in the best physical shape of his life) He literally rejects all women. Won't acknowledge their existence.
She seems pretty cool

I don't really know old people, I wonder if older generation is just less brainwashed

It feels like people 30's to 60's have a sort of brainwashed NPC mentality that I feel like older generations would lack
What ages are the foids asking him out ?
You have misunderstood me or I was too vague. He just down speak to women, I don't remember when the last time was that he talked to my mother. Whenever we are having family reunions he just talks to all the guys, he doesn't want to interact with femoids. That's why he's so based, even if they are related to him.
I wish my other grandma (not the one i live with) would be so honest with me. She and my grandpa keep asking me if i have a gf or how its going with the ladies. They just dont want to accept that their grandson is a genetic failure and the bloodline will end with me. I hope they will stop coping at least when i turn 30
Die Fragen mich schon seit ich 16 bin. Lmao dir haben kein Plan was abgeht
Wie alt biste jetzt ?
24 bald 25. Corona und keine Chance auf eine Ausbildung und dann Uni waren der Knackpunkt. Bis 2019 war alles eigentlich ganz "stabil". Danach Depri und keine Socials und es war vorbei.
24 bald 25. Corona und keine Chance auf eine Ausbildung und dann Uni waren der Knackpunkt. Bis 2019 war alles eigentlich ganz "stabil". Danach Depri und keine Socials und es war vorbei.
Brutal. Bist jetzt NEET und bekommst Bürgergeld ?
Brutal. Bist jetzt NEET und bekommst Bürgergeld ?
Ja bin schon ein NEET ich hab zahlreiche Minijobs gekloppt, aber das lohnt sich nicht und bin immernoch auf der Uni.

Bürgergeld bekomme ich nicht.
Bafög ebenso nicht weil das Gesamteinkommen meine Eltern zu hoch ist und ich den Großteil sowieso zurückzahlen müsste. Ich investiere nebenbei und mach so Beermoney hax. Vllt mach ich auch noch Youtube vllt zu spät aber whatever
@Friezacel PS: habe ein 1.6 Abitur und bin 2019 praktisch durchs ganze Land gefahren um eine Ausbildung zu bekommen und wurde nix. Haufend anderen Studenten geht das auch so, die wollten eigentlich nie studieren und ich auch nicht. Ich hasse es einfach nur noch.
@Friezacel PS: habe ein 1.6 Abitur und bin 2019 praktisch durchs ganze Land gefahren um eine Ausbildung zu bekommen und wurde nix. Haufend anderen Studenten geht das auch so, die wollten eigentlich nie studieren und ich auch nicht. Ich hasse es einfach nur noch.
brutal, es ist vorbei für Deutschland
Bürgergeld bekomme ich nicht.
Bafög ebenso nicht weil das Gesamteinkommen meine Eltern zu hoch ist und ich den Großteil sowieso zurückzahlen müsste. Ich investiere nebenbei und mach so Beermoney hax. Vllt mach ich auch noch Youtube vllt zu spät aber whatever
Es geht mir genau so.... Minijob und Uni. Vieleicht wir noch was von mir, aber langfristig werde ich Deutschland verlassen. Man kann hier einfach nicht anstendig leben.
Es ist vorbei.....
Imagine the amount of pain avoided being blackpilled so early would have caused.
I would've beat her to death if it was me.
I would've beat her to death if it was me.
Wtf you on, m8? Did the weed make you go full schizo or something?
My grandma has always been straightforward with me and I love her for that. She is the only woman that I can marginally trust.... and I should beat her cause she didn't bullshit around? Get out of here fake nigga! Go watch some VR porn if you don't care about the truth.

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