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Blackpill My friend's dad wageslaved for 40 years of his life

Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees

Apr 24, 2024
Most of my friend's family comes from a poor background. His great-grandfather was the first in his extended family to receive a formal education. His father's upbringing was better. he had three meals a day, a roof over his head, and his family was able to afford to send him to uni without requiring him to do a day job on the side but they were still poor and lived in a cramped house of 3 rooms in a backward crime ridden neighborhood of the city but his dad was determined to make things better for the his children so he went on to wageslave for 40 long years before he finally retired last week.

His dad is a good example of what many here would call a wasted youth. He graduated with a degree in finance after a lot of difficulties and soon after got married and wageslaved in a 9 to 5 for the next 40 years of his life.

He started off as financial analyst for a small company and worked his way up the corporate ladder to become the head of finance for an MNC company raking in 6 figures but in the process he sacrificed his precious years as a youngster.

His entire routine consisted of him going to his workplace, spending time with his family ,watching an old movie on the TV, sleep, then rinse and repeat until the weekend when he would catch up with a few of his close friends from college and get drunk to forget about all the stress and worries that came with having a corporate job.

He never bought anything for himself. He was always selfless and cared more for his family than himself.He didn't own a car or a phone until he was in his 30s but because his dad worked his ass off to provide for his family. They are now in large 4 bedroom house in an upscale neighborhood, my friend goes to one of thr best universities in the country, my friend's sister is soon going to become a doctor, Their entire family is financially secured and they moved up social classes because his dad's sacrifices and because he wasted his youth. What do yall think of this story? Would you call this a wasted youth?
@CopingForBrutality @DarkStarDown
Dogshit forum
Did this happen in India? Anyways, good for him, I've seen many people live this sort of life and it's bearable if you have a great support network, family, friends and all that. The children end up living a much easier life so the father can cope with a great lineage. All possible too if you have a tough mental capacity.

A lot of people end in up a situation like this more than we think, plenty of Chinkcels do a 996 work schedule in their youth to cope with the brutality of life. Subhumans use work as a means to pass as much time as possible and forget about the cruel nature of this planet.
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Did this happen in India? Anyways, good for him, I've seen many people live this sort of life and it's bearable if you have a great support network, family, friends and all that. The children end up living a much easier life so the father can cope with a great lineage. All possible too if you have a tough mental capacity.

A lot of people end in up a situation like this more than we think, plenty of Chinkcels do a 996 work schedule in their youth to cope with the brutality of life. Subhumans use work as a means to pass as much time as possible and forget about the cruel nature of this planet.
I feel a lot of men would be more willing to wageslave like this if they had a loving and supportive family to give them the strength and willpower to wageslave everyday and you can't expect that from modern women. I'd say that's mission accomplished. Not many manage to move up social classes like that for their family.i wouldn't consider it a waste because it had some pretty significant effects
Dogshit forum
Why is telling us what some random cunt did for 40 years of their life interesting/ worthy of any response here, GrAY?

Nobody gives a shit boyo
Why is telling us what some random cunt did for 40 years of their life interesting/ worthy of any response here, GrAY?

Nobody gives a shit boyo
It's because it is inspiring to many and something different from the same repeated garbage of muh NEET, Muh chad fucks so I won't work bullshit that's gets propagated here
Most of my friend's family comes from a poor background. His great-grandfather was the first in his extended family to receive a formal education. His father's upbringing was better. he had three meals a day, a roof over his head, and his family was able to afford to send him to uni without requiring him to do a day job on the side but they were still poor and lived in a cramped house of 3 rooms in a backward crime ridden neighborhood of the city but his dad was determined to make things better for the his children so he went on to wageslave for 40 long years before he finally retired last week.

His dad is a good example of what many here would call a wasted youth. He graduated with a degree in finance after a lot of difficulties and soon after got married and wageslaved in a 9 to 5 for the next 40 years of his life.

He started off as financial analyst for a small company and worked his way up the corporate ladder to become the head of finance for an MNC company raking in 6 figures but in the process he sacrificed his precious years as a youngster.

His entire routine consisted of him going to his workplace, spending time with his family ,watching an old movie on the TV, sleep, then rinse and repeat until the weekend when he would catch up with a few of his close friends from college and get drunk to forget about all the stress and worries that came with having a corporate job.

He never bought anything for himself. He was always selfless and cared more for his family than himself.He didn't own a car or a phone until he was in his 30s but because his dad worked his ass off to provide for his family. They are now in large 4 bedroom house in an upscale neighborhood, my friend goes to one of thr best universities in the country, my friend's sister is soon going to become a doctor, Their entire family is financially secured and they moved up social classes because his dad's sacrifices and because he wasted his youth. What do yall think of this story? Would you call this a wasted youth?
Sounds like a good father
Most of my friend's family comes from a poor background. His great-grandfather was the first in his extended family to receive a formal education. His father's upbringing was better. he had three meals a day, a roof over his head, and his family was able to afford to send him to uni without requiring him to do a day job on the side but they were still poor and lived in a cramped house of 3 rooms in a backward crime ridden neighborhood of the city but his dad was determined to make things better for the his children so he went on to wageslave for 40 long years before he finally retired last week.

His dad is a good example of what many here would call a wasted youth. He graduated with a degree in finance after a lot of difficulties and soon after got married and wageslaved in a 9 to 5 for the next 40 years of his life.

He started off as financial analyst for a small company and worked his way up the corporate ladder to become the head of finance for an MNC company raking in 6 figures but in the process he sacrificed his precious years as a youngster.

His entire routine consisted of him going to his workplace, spending time with his family ,watching an old movie on the TV, sleep, then rinse and repeat until the weekend when he would catch up with a few of his close friends from college and get drunk to forget about all the stress and worries that came with having a corporate job.

He never bought anything for himself. He was always selfless and cared more for his family than himself.He didn't own a car or a phone until he was in his 30s but because his dad worked his ass off to provide for his family. They are now in large 4 bedroom house in an upscale neighborhood, my friend goes to one of thr best universities in the country, my friend's sister is soon going to become a doctor, Their entire family is financially secured and they moved up social classes because his dad's sacrifices and because he wasted his youth. What do yall think of this story? Would you call this a wasted youth?
Oyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
It's because it is inspiring to many and something different from the same repeated garbage of muh NEET, Muh chad fucks so I won't work bullshit that's gets propagated here
In what way is wagecucking for half your life as a subhuman inspiring in any way? Being a slave to Mr.ShekelSteinKikeBerg will not give you purpose/ happiness as an incel.
What so weird, interesting about that? All normies wageslave around 40 years until they retire.
I feel a lot of men would be more willing to wageslave like this if they had a loving and supportive family to give them the strength and willpower to wageslave everyday and you can't expect that from modern women. I'd say that's mission accomplished. Not many manage to move up social classes like that for their family.i wouldn't consider it a waste because it had some pretty significant effects
Admittedly, even if I had a huge network and a loving partner I don't think I'd able to pull off something that
What so weird, interesting about that? All normies wageslave around 40 years until they retire.
People don't turn their life around and move up social classes. Most people are stuck in the rut
In what way is wagecucking for half your life as a subhuman inspiring in any way? Being a slave to Mr.ShekelSteinKikeBerg will not give you purpose/ happiness as an incel.
See this is the exact shit that gets regurgitated everyday. As an incel money is your best friend. Just because someone else profits off your doesn't mean it's all in vain.
See this is the exact shit that gets regurgitated everyday. As an incel money is your best friend. Just because someone else profits off your doesn't mean it's all in vain.
All money is useful for as a subhuman is buying copes. Unless you're very wealthy it doesn't go beyond that. Stop being such a kike
He is a true family man.
He's a married man and provided for his family. Nothing was wasted at all if what you say is true.
My dad has gambled away all his wages and left zero inheritance
His entire routine consisted of him going to his workplace, spending time with his family ,watching an old movie on the TV, sleep, then rinse and repeat until the weekend when he would catch up with a few of his close friends from college and get drunk to forget about all the stress and worries that came with having a corporate job.
How exactly is this bad ? What's wasted about this ?
How exactly is this bad ? What's wasted about this ?
Ypu know how incels here talk about slaying and racking up a high body count is what u should be doing in ur youth
This was the life of both of my parents and most of my family. Poor dumb Polaks. It sucks, what else is there to say.
Ypu know how incels here talk about slaying and racking up a high body count is what u should be doing in ur youth
There's no one path everyone should follow. If spending time with his family and friends made him happier than slaying, then his youth wasn't wasted in my opinion. As long as your life makes you happy there's no wrong way to live.

It's a different matter if he had a kid by accident and got stuck in the relationship of course.
No it's not wasted, as long as his kids are appreciative of him and do well in their own lives
sound like very fulfilling life tbh
I feel a lot of men would be more willing to wageslave like this if they had a loving and supportive family to give them the strength and willpower to wageslave everyday and you can't expect that from modern women. I'd say that's mission accomplished. Not many manage to move up social classes like that for their family.i wouldn't consider it a waste because it had some pretty significant effects
Exactly. Hate to say it, but I would gladly give away virtually every dollar I have and resign myself to a life where I purchase almost nothing for myself if it meant I had someone who genuinely loved and appreciated me. The only reason I make money at all is to try and have a shot at this for myself someday.
Exactly. Hate to say it, but I would gladly give away virtually every dollar I have and resign myself to a life where I purchase almost nothing for myself if it meant I had someone who genuinely loved and appreciated me. The only reason I make money at all is to try and have a shot at this for myself someday.
Yup, humans live for a WHO not a WHAT. Thats what will make society collapse in a couple decades. Theres no one anymore who has that WHO just a bunch of meaningless WHAT.
OP, your friend's dad sounds similar to my dad. My dad was a hardworking man from a very low class family. He worked hard so that I could enjoy a middle class upbringing. Where it differs from your friend's dad's story is that my father was divorce raped and will be ending his life in the economic class he started in. My mother who took more than half of his stuff bought with it new cars, tattoos, designer shoes.

His dad is a good example of what many here would call a wasted youth. He graduated with a degree in finance after a lot of difficulties and soon after got married and wageslaved in a 9 to 5 for the next 40 years of his life.
I don't think that sounds like a wasted youth. That's fair living, and he had a family.

What do yall think of this story? Would you call this a wasted youth?
I don't think it has much to do with inceldom. Unless you mention that your friend is incel.

People don't turn their life around and move up social classes. Most people are stuck in the rut
Not today, unless you have social mobility by being a woman or Chad. In the 50s I hear this story often, because there was much more opportunity for average looking men and a prosperous economy and housing market.

Exactly. Hate to say it, but I would gladly give away virtually every dollar I have and resign myself to a life where I purchase almost nothing for myself if it meant I had someone who genuinely loved and appreciated me. The only reason I make money at all is to try and have a shot at this for myself someday.
Just don't make kids
If you have a hot wife that actually gives a fuck about you this kind of life isn’t so bad at all.

You’re basically living the dream as your life and your struggles actually have meaning of providing for your family.

Right @Todd Thundercock?
If he is happy, then it doesnt sound like he had a bad life, unless of course he was treated like a betabuxx. He had money, a loving family, a structured day
If you have a hot wife that actually gives a fuck about you this kind of life isn’t so bad at all.

You’re basically living the dream as your life and your struggles actually have meaning of providing for your family.

Right @Todd Thundercock?
That's assuming his wife cared about him. I would say that's unlikely here.
That's assuming his wife cared about him. I would say that's unlikely here.
If you have a hot wife that actually gives a fuck about you this kind of life isn’t so bad at all.

You’re basically living the dream as your life and your struggles actually have meaning of providing for your family.

Right @Todd Thundercock?
If he is happy, then it doesnt sound like he had a bad life, unless of course he was treated like a betabuxx. He had money, a loving family, a structured day

She did. They are still happily married and all the kids are extremely grateful. He set an example for everyone in his family.

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