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my friend just moved to california with his girlfriend



Dec 23, 2017
just yesterday i was in full suifuel mode thinking about moving to hawaii or california to get away. i log on to instagram today to find he just went and moved to california with his girlfriend. 

while i am sitting here with suifuel feels imagining my life, people are actually doing it.

ive never been closer to the trigger until right at this moment. i actually almost cried 

i cant even get a job and he somehow has the means to move 2000 miles. the jealousy is making me sick. i need to figure out how to looksmax and move to california or ill die trying
Same my tyrone best friend is living out of state with his gf, graduated with a super useless degree, but got a job in a big city making 20 an hour

I'm sitting here thinking about job applications for the last 2 months
Californiacel here: you DO NOT want to move here. There are Chads EVERYWHERE. I can go multiple weeks before finding someone who doesnt mog me into the dirt, and I go to uni and have a job and social circle (so not hikki)
KV3 said:
Californiacel here: you DO NOT want to move here. There are Chads EVERYWHERE. I can go multiple weeks before finding someone who doesnt mog me into the dirt, and I go to uni and have a job and social circle (so not hikki)

I can just imagine. Cali seems like a hellhole for incels.
California is a SJW commie hell hole. You'll be fined and arrested for not using proper pronouns when addressing people. They tell preschoolers that being transgender is cool. It is no longer a felony to willingly infect someone with HIV, now it's just a slap on the wrist misdemeanor.

Fuck California.
california is a lib-infested shithole. drug addicts, fags, sjws, illegals, lots of chads and stacies.
CopeWithTheRope said:
California is a SJW commie hell hole. You'll be fined and arrested for not using proper pronouns when addressing people. They tell preschoolers that being transgender is cool. It is no longer a felony to willingly infect someone with HIV, now it's just a slap on the wrist misdemeanor.

Fuck California.

Now imagine that as an entire country. Thats basically Canada.
/pol/cel said:
Now imagine that as an entire country. Thats basically Canada.

Fuck, I know. I feel for you Canadacels. I lmaod when Trudeau corrected some roastie telling her it isn't mankind, but peoplekind. Your PM is the biggest cuck ever. Sweden 2.0, yall are fucked.
CopeWithTheRope said:
Fuck, I know. I feel for you Canadacels. I lmaod when Trudeau corrected some roastie telling her it isn't mankind, but peoplekind. Your PM is the biggest cuck ever. Sweden 2.0, yall are fucked.

Im doing everything in my power to get out ASAP. This shithole is IT: the country.
Don't kill yourself over that hell hole.
/pol/cel said:
Im doing everything in my power to get out ASAP. This shithole is IT: the country.

Good choice boyo.
CopeWithTheRope said:
Good choice boyo.

We all just need to make a mass exodus to Asia kek. The West is lost.
IronMike said:
Same my tyrone best friend is living out of state with his gf, graduated with a super useless degree, but got a job in a big city making 20 an hour

I'm sitting here thinking about job applications for the last 2 months

What is his job?
/pol/cel said:
We all just need to make a mass exodus to Asia kek. The West is lost.

The West isn't lost but it's on life support. Trump hit pause on our impending doom. But if he is defeated next election by some SJW it's over.
Templarcel421 said:
The West isn't lost but it's on life support. Trump hit pause on our impending doom. But if he is defeated next election by some SJW it's over.

Trump isent fanatical or extreme enough to prolong the Wests demise. Nothing short of Hitler can save it. Best to let the rats and cucks drown in their filth.
I had a similarly perplexing thing happen. A pair of dumbass fuckin' greaseballs I used to know in high school somehow got the means to move out to Seattle, one of the most expensive cities in the country, to work fast food jobs. I'm not stuck in my hometown either, but it's worth being aware that moving is not some kind of panacea, especially for incels; wherever you go, you will inevitably come with. City, country, coast, plain, mountain, and forest, none are escapes for fucked up pariahs.

Where'd this guy and his hole move to, anyway? There's a big, big difference between the Holy City of Santa Barbara and, say, Oildale.

I haven't found California to be any worse than anywhere else I've been, really. The indictments it receives are overstated, but neither is it some kind of promised land. Anno Current Year, just about every corner of the country is suffering from the same species of decadent rot, whether it be Jamestown, ND or New York City.
California probably has more hypergamy that any other state because of hollywood and famous people around
I want california reduced to ashes
Its so easy for normies to get into relationships they dont even think about. Oh how the other side lives.
How will moving there do you any good? Chadlifornia is one of the most pinkpilled states in America.
8008 said:
just yesterday i was in full suifuel mode thinking about moving to hawaii or california to get away. i log on to instagram today to find he just went and moved to california with his girlfriend. 

while i am sitting here with suifuel feels imagining my life, people are actually doing it.

ive never been closer to the trigger until right at this moment. i actually almost cried 

i cant even get a job and he somehow has the means to move 2000 miles. the jealousy is making me sick. i need to figure out how to looksmax and move to california or ill die trying

Move to Cali, go ER

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