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Venting My first time featured on IncelTears, and my response (Dumbfucks who think I'm a pedo).



Feb 16, 2019
So as you guys know, I got my first spot on IncelTears... for the most complete bullshit and dumb reasons ever by morons with chronic pedo hysteria.

The thread I had originally posted in question was a thread regarding the accelerated development and aging that females seem to be going through. Now, what does your average IT asshole dipshit decide to take away from it? Oh, I want to fuck children.

Look, you sick morons, I'm not trying to rationalize pedophilia as being an okay thing at all. I'm trying to bring up something that's a public health concern, being that there are chemicals that are making children develop into puberty too fucking early. But being biased cocksuckers that are 100% convinced that we are just all pedophiles, you take what I say and twist it into me thinking it's okay to be attracted to children, when that was never what I said. I'm concerned about their early development into adolescence without the proper mental development making them a target for actual no-shit pedophiles who want to use their hormonal thinking against them, and effectively fucking ruining them psychologically for life. But nah, lets instead try and make him look like a pedo instead for leddit upboats.


You morons sure do think about pedophilia a lot for someone who is supposedly against that shit. I wonder why being concerned about females developing too early from chemical endocrine disruptors automatically makes you make a logical leap towards me being a pedophile, but hey, I guess that's the way you think when pedophile boogeymen constantly live in your head rent-free.

And you know what? I'm sorry if something like that actually happened to you as a child. But I think you need to quit making the assumption that incels are all terrible monsters who want to rape children. For fucks sake, I'm just a sad lonely guy angry at the world. I'm trying to find joy and happiness and stop being so bitter and hateful, but goddamn, you pieces of shit sure aint helping.

You may say, "oh, but why are you so angry if you really aren't a pedo? hmmmmm???". Well, here's why.

My father was sexually abused, and it completely ruined him. I genuinely wish the worst on pedophiles like that, not supposed gaslighting of people you call pedos over the internet because you're all virtue signaling assholes. Thanks for ruining the label of ACTUAL PEDOPHILIA by calling attraction to girls who aren't even under the age of consent in some states "pedos", you fucking morons. It completely devalues the word entirely when you have people like my father who were actually molested. And you have the goddamn balls to say that I'm the same thing as that.

I think there's some particular comments I would like to respond to.

Man, this guy got four sentences in and realized he was in real danger of making a coherent point so he decided to inject some superficial nonsense and blatant bullshit to keep up appearances with the other delicate manchildren who might read it.
Except it isn't bullshit, because I was trying to pose a question, not make a point you moron. You probably didn't even think about what I said, you probably just made a quick mental shortcut and automatically went to pedophilia like the lazy faggot that you are.

Oh yeah, and on the subject appearances, I gave that up long ago with you shitbrained cocksuckers who think that a 19 year old who likes a 17 year old is a pedophile.

15-year-old girls do not look like 25-year-old women. What a massive doofnugget this guy is.
There's hardly any physical differences between a 15 year old girl and a 25 year old girl. Maybe you made the mistake of thinking I was trying to insult them, but I was not. Whatever.

This is his long winded rationale of why it's ok to be attracted to kids. Hes just trying to make it sound like he can't tell that they are teenagers so it's ok to want them. Yuck.
teenagers = kids
You're fucking stupid. Case dismissed.
I'm hardly even older than these "kids". I'm a teenager myself. So does that mean I'm basically a kid too? Or do you morons only infantilize females when it benefits you the most? Which is it?

Maybe because the teenagers you're seeing in your high school movies actually are grown ass adults.
I don't even watch that garbage, but whatever. I'm not a masochist.

See, it started rational enough as there's been a sane discussion on children physically developing earlier/harder, but then he went overboard with the "wrinkles" part and went into the usual "wall" and "We're living in a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah!" bullshit as statistics have proven today's youth is doing significantly less partying than previous years.
So yeah, this is a roundabout way of saying "let's fuck children 'cause they already look like adults and are gonna look hella-old when they're actually 30".
Maybe I was wrong about the whole parting thing, but the point stands that today's youth engages in pretty unhealthy habits that do age you quickly.
You morons honestly make me wonder if you guys are pedos yourselves. I talked about this because I don't want adults to start looking old too early, not because I wanted to justify pedophilia. Fuck you.

Chad's cock is to blame, obviously.
Ya know what? I have no words. This speaks for itself here.
This really isn't a good fucking look for you guys. Just saying.

I'm done here. Just know that I'm not a pedo like these morons are saying that I am and don't ban me. I even spoke up against it when some members here did act like blatant pedophiles. I do know that they will never screencap the times that I did speak against it, and they will probably never screencap this either. I'm going to make sure to never give IncelTears the ability to make hit pieces on me again. Burn in hell you fucking assholes.
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IT edits and photoshops posts of incels as an attempt to make then look bad. The first two times I've been featured there, they have done the same to me also.
You morons sure do think about pedophilia a lot for someone who is supposedly against that shit.
We’ve already established a long time ago that they are incels in denial. They are pedos in denial too and doing this for that same reason.
Like IT is one to talk, these same assholes were sharing Childporn among each other, so who's the real pedo here? These assholes really need to get a life.
IT edits and photoshops posts of incels as an attempt to make then look bad. The first two times I've been featured there, they have done the same to me also.
I've used wording to purposely bait them before and yet they still can't do anything besides focus on that, while also attempting to twist what I said, meanwhile they entirely fail to address my argument and simply put words in my mouth so they can have a strawman to compensate with. They're fucking idiots.
taking IT seriously

There’s your problem OP, you genuinely care about what a bunch of heterophobic M-to-F trannies and fat cat ladies think.

Nobody should ever give a shit about what these freaks think, and I do mean freaks.
We’ve already established a long time ago that they are incels in denial. They are pedos in denial too and doing this for that same reason.
They even ADMIT that teenaged girls are the best! And then they go and rip on us for liking them too, when a good amount of us are 17-23! They dare say that being attracted to a girl 3 years younger is the same as being a pedophile.
Fuck em.

Like IT is one to talk, these same assholes were sharing Childporn among each other, so who's the real pedo here? These assholes really need to get a life.
Ha, that's rich. Fucking scumbags.
Actual pedos trying to frame lonely guys who just want to go back to being in highschool when life was still worth living. What a whole new low for them.
I know you're watching this thread, IT. Square up you fucking pussies.
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They over using word "pedophila" like 5 years old who just learned new word.

Also they are using it wrong. Pedophila means sexual attraction to prepubescent children (before age 12/13). During adolescence you're no longer a kid, only distinction between adolescent and adult is legal, because physical there is no none.

Even wiki supports this:
Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescentchildren.[1][2] Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.[4]
Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia

I didn't saw any case on this forum where somebody stated that they want to fuck 10 y/o foid.
I would take cute adorable 18+ who looks like 13-15. Still "pedo". But even wanting 18-20 who looks like 30+ is "pedo". Only 30+ roasties for me, only that is not pedo
soy...arguing is for cucks, go ER(emergency room)
Yes, I offered to set up a debate with them, and some cucktears PM'd me accusing me of pedophilia and being a rape apologist and potential shooter. All that good shit.

There just is no reasoning with them. They are just too set in thier ways.
JFL at writing response to IT. I couldn't care less about the shit those soy cucks are saying. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to young girls.
That's a larp.
That whole sub is a lArP. I just like how everyone seemed to take his comment seriously. "Dodged a small nuclear warhead". Moral guardians working overtime.
Almost everything is pedophilia to those people, just like almost everything is rape.

They banalize those things. If you use the same words and the same level of outrage to talk about a guy who's just commenting about how most 15 year olds look older nowadays and to talk about a guy who raped a newborn until they got internal bleeding and died, you are contributing to people assuming it's just bullshit when someone talks about pedophilia, rape, abuse, etc.
I have been featured on CuckTears a few times.
Ha ha cucktears scum, and I know you're reading this, even libturd Wikipedia isn't on board with your bullshit idea of what pedophilia is.

They call people "pedos" for being attracted to 24-year-old women, because "hurr durr da human brain doesn't fully develop until age 25!!!" The whole political spectrum is aligned against their stupidity.

Most cucktears members are probably closet pedos themselves. Why else would they be so obsessed with it?
Lol lying fucks. Once they can’t beat your argument they just call you pedo and try to get you arrested
Like IT is one to talk, these same assholes were sharing Childporn among each other, so who's the real pedo here? These assholes really need to get a life.

They were sharing incel suicide video among each other and laughing at it like total psychopaths.

They are very sick ppl. They push incelsvto commit suicide and share the vids. It’s so bizzare like something from dark web. Yet they are doing it openly
Theres no real purpose of arguing with them, no matter how rationally we deliver our point they will simply ignore it in favor of their feminist world view.
Why you care that much? They're a bunch of miserable people.
In a few years, they'd kill themselves.
Good riddance.
OP, you're giving them far too much credit by responding in such detail to them. They're a bunch of morons won't post anything that goes against their safe little narrative so it's pointless arguing with them.

In this case, their ridiculous assertion can be easily refuted by saying this: pedophilia is sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children, and 15-year-olds are blatantly not pre-pubescent.

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