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My depression is causing me to lose faith in God



Nov 8, 2017
Why would God almighty, merciful and just, make a being like me just to suffer? Just interacting with my oneitis is torture when i know I would never in hell stand a chance with her. Her gaze towards me while talking just screams pity and disdain for me, a subhuman 5'5. Even her laughter during our conversations seem like pity. I pray and pray, nothing ever works out. Christiancels, anyway to cope to regain faith in God?
It's 2018, and only now, as the hour grows ever darker you have this crisis of fate? Well it's about time!
Why would God almighty, merciful and just, make a being like me just to suffer? Just interacting with my oneitis is torture when i know I would never in hell stand a chance with her. Her gaze towards me while talking just screams pity and disdain for me, a subhuman 5'5. Even her laughter during our conversations seem like pity. I pray and pray, nothing ever works out. Christiancels, anyway to cope to regain faith in God?
Cause there is no god lol. Either come to terms that god doesnt exist or that he is a terrible cunt (see disease, torture, war, hunger, etc). Also, keep in mind that if you were born in the middle east you would believe in Allah, in india Shiva, in China Buddha, in Tibet the Lama, in Mexico the Virgin Mary. The only reason you believe in your god is because of where you were born. You were indoctrinated.
>Having a oneitis
This is a big problem. You can't pray for a woman to love you, orbiting a woman just causes pain and suffering and is extremely low IQ. She'll never be with you. When I was a teenager I fell into depression and became an Atheist, but the less emotional I got as I got older, I went to University and studied Evolutionary Biology and Psychology, aswell as private studies of Abrahamic Religions made me become a "Neo Christian"

Your negative emotions are coming from your oneitis, thus the solution is to cut her out of your life, it might hurt at first but it'll do more good than bad.
Cause there is no god lol. Either come to terms that god doesnt exist or that he is a terrible cunt (see disease, torture, war, hunger, etc). Also, keep in mind that if you were born in the middle east you would believe in Allah, in india Shiva, in China Buddha, in Tibet the Lama, in Mexico the Virgin Mary. The only reason you believe in your god is because of where you were born. You were indoctrinated.
I was born in Mexico so I was indoctrinated into the disgusting Catholic Church. I left the church long ago for a life of science.
I prayed 3 hours a day to get my oenitis back in HS. Look where I am now
>Having a oneitis
This is a big problem. You can't pray for a woman to love you, orbiting a woman just causes pain and suffering and is extremely low IQ. She'll never be with you. When I was a teenager I fell into depression and became an Atheist, but the less emotional I got as I got older, I went to University and studied Evolutionary Biology and Psychology, aswell as private studies of Abrahamic Religions made me become a "Neo Christian"

Your negative emotions are coming from your oneitis, thus the solution is to cut her out of your life, it might hurt at first but it'll do more good than bad.

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Perfect rebuttal of my argument. 10/10
Also i am shrek. Im ugly asf. Thanks for the reality check. IM AN OGRE!!
Why would God almighty, merciful and just, make a being like me just to suffer? Just interacting with my oneitis is torture when i know I would never in hell stand a chance with her. Her gaze towards me while talking just screams pity and disdain for me, a subhuman 5'5. Even her laughter during our conversations seem like pity. I pray and pray, nothing ever works out. Christiancels, anyway to cope to regain faith in God?

Dude there is no God. Stop pretending.
Why would God almighty, merciful and just, make a being like me just to suffer? Just interacting with my oneitis is torture when i know I would never in hell stand a chance with her. Her gaze towards me while talking just screams pity and disdain for me, a subhuman 5'5. Even her laughter during our conversations seem like pity. I pray and pray, nothing ever works out. Christiancels, anyway to cope to regain faith in God?

Christian girls are for Chad only. God hates incels.

Stop focusing on God. God’s not gonna give you shit. Just hope for the best when you die that you’ll be in heaven. That’s honestly the only effective cope you can get from religion.

Focus on your life, having fun, ascension, finding shit to do, whatever. God isn’t gonna wave a wand and help you because he doesn’t care to do that. Life is a test and if you pass, your gifts will be in heaven.

Good luck man, try some antidepressants. You will probably never get your oneitis, but meds can help you to cope with that internally and peacefully.
Hate to break it to you chief, but there’s no omnipotent wizard that lives in the sky. This life is the only chance you got, so try to have as much fun as possible.
There IS a God. He's a psychotic maniac that hurled you on Earth to suffer. I fucking hate God. We're literally slaves for beings higher than us in HIS creation.

Just for the cause of being born with bad physical traits, I will never have a chance to date my own oneitis, while some other Neanderthal can easily date her because he has Chadlite looks. And they say God is all love and kindness when HIS Nature is inherently HEINOUSLY unjust and unfair.
All these Low IQ Atheist copers.
All these Low IQ Atheist copers.
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I know you're memeing here with the low IQ stuff, but as a breadpilled christcuck how do you explain that fact that studies have shown time and time again that atheists are, on average, more intelligent than theists?
God never existed in the first place.
god put you here to kek at your subhumanity. go ER
I know you're memeing here with the low IQ stuff, but as a breadpilled christcuck how do you explain that fact that studies have shown time and time again that atheists are, on average, more intelligent than theists?
The fact that most Theists come from Low IQ third world countries is a big factor, intelligent whites in leftist societies where things matter less and less are the most likely to fall down the Nihilistic black hole of Atheism. Especially when so many modern institutions push men in that direction.

I used to be an Atheist, I completely understand the way of thinking, it seems logical, but in reality it's based on ignorance and emotion. This doesn't mean that most Christians aren't ignorant and emotional aswell. Most Religious people in general for that matter are very stupid and can't argue to save their life.
Isn't god a genocidal maniac?
Didn't he flood the entire earth, killing everything?
Why wouldn't he make you out to suffer for his enjoyment then?
Organized religion was pretty much invented just so we slaves don't hurt the status quo and work like mad to support the elites. Why do you think suicide is even a sin? It's not wrong to kill yourself if you only live to feel pain. Of course to Mr Shekelstein it's bad because you have to keep working until your last bit of life essence leaves your body.
Isn't god a genocidal maniac?
Didn't he flood the entire earth, killing everything?
Why wouldn't he make you out to suffer for his enjoyment then?
If 99% of people on Earth were hyper degenerates with no morals beyond any degeneracy seen today wouldn't you flood the earth aswell?
If 99% of people on Earth were hyper degenerates with no morals beyond any degeneracy seen today wouldn't you flood the earth aswell?
Yes, it must feel good to be in such a position of power and omnipotence, i'd get more creative though, i'd give sentience to rocks and trees and make them massacre people.
Inceldom can be explained if you believe in reincarnation. You were probably an SS officer or serial killer in a past life, so you've been punished with being an incel for 9 lives. Just do your dharma for 9 lives and be a good soy boy cuck and you'll eventually get reincarnated as a rich white tall Chad.
Inceldom can be explained if you believe in reincarnation. You were probably an SS officer or serial killer in a past life, so you've been punished with being an incel for 9 lives. Just do your dharma for 9 lives and be a good soy boy cuck and you'll eventually get reincarnated as a rich white tall Chad.
Low IQ
Unironically believing in religion as an incel

The absolute state of incels.is
is it coping if I only go to church for the free food?


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Cmon man, how could you even believe in that darkage mythology in 2018? Your suffering is just even more proof that there's no "All loving God" If there was a God who loved you you'd be living a happy life full of meaningful relationships and opportunities. This savage existence is not the product of the Christian interpretation of God
All loving does not mean God is interventionist, that goes against the concept of free will.
All loving does not mean God is interventionist, that goes against the concept of free will.
Just stop, religion was made to control the idiot masses. God is not real, or at least the religion interpretation isn’t, you’re all wasting your time. Why do you think there’s millions of interpretations of the same religious books? They fluctuate in meaning everyday century! Religion is so disorganized, there is no proof for what any book says. Why doesn’t God give us a messiah or a prophet right now huh? But no, God just so happenly gave us all of them hundreds of years ago. He also stopped contact with humans and stopped doing magic around that period also. What a coincidence huh?
I went to Catholic school.....and it's all a bunch of stories. Just like the Jungle Book. Just like Lord of the Rings. Religion is nothing more than one persons interpretation of God through fairytale.

When you die, you go right back in the womb and then your shat out another women's vagina......Congratulations....you've just been reincarnated!
There IS a God. He's a psychotic maniac that hurled you on Earth to suffer. I fucking hate God. We're literally slaves for beings higher than us in HIS creation.

Just for the cause of being born with bad physical traits, I will never have a chance to date my own oneitis, while some other Neanderthal can easily date her because he has Chadlite looks. And they say God is all love and kindness when HIS Nature is inherently HEINOUSLY unjust and unfair.
There IS a [magic omnipotent unicorn]. He's a psychotic maniac that hurled you on Earth to suffer. I fucking hate [the unicorn lord]. We're literally slaves for beings higher than us in HIS creation.
See how stupid you sound?
There are no gods bro, just relax, ride the storm, see where it takes you.
All these Low IQ Atheist copers.
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JFL at calling atheists low-IQ. Call them copers if you want, but “Low-IQ” contradicts just about every study ever done on the matter. Atheists are shown to have, on average, far higher IQs than the religious. In fact, atheism is on the rise in every first world nation on the planet. The only countries where religion is on the rise are third world backwaters with deeply embedded superstitions and low educational infrastructure.
I hate atheism
JFL at calling atheists low-IQ. Call them copers if you want, but “Low-IQ” contradicts just about every study ever done on the matter. Atheists are shown to have, on average, far higher IQs than the religious. In fact, atheism is on the rise in every first world nation on the planet. The only countries where religion is on the rise are third world backwaters with deeply embedded superstitions and low educational infrastructure.

Bs. High IQ just makes you question stuff. No correlation beetween faith and iq. Questioning stuff and social order can lead to a religious worldview many times. Also questioning is not always good and can lead to social destruction so even this is not even a positive thing per se.

Countries are born religious and go into decay and degeneration as atheist
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Happiness in this earth is not what God cares about.

Suffering is a calling to return to him.
believing in god in 2018. JFL
JFL at calling atheists low-IQ. Call them copers if you want, but “Low-IQ” contradicts just about every study ever done on the matter. Atheists are shown to have, on average, far higher IQs than the religious. In fact, atheism is on the rise in every first world nation on the planet. The only countries where religion is on the rise are third world backwaters with deeply embedded superstitions and low educational infrastructure.
Imagine my shock that nihilistic whites who are coping would be higher IQ than the majority of the religious world who are shitskin subhumans. JFL at this non argument.
Imagine my shock that nihilistic whites who are coping would be higher IQ than the majority of the religious world who are shitskin subhumans. JFL at this non argument.
Many of the studies I’m discussing were conducted on a national level genius... So within a majority white population it was reported that religious people were still lower IQ than the non-religious. Race has nothing to do with it.
Just stop, religion was made to control the idiot masses.
God is not real, or at least the religion interpretation isn’t, you’re all wasting your time.
Giga cope
Why do you think there’s millions of interpretations of the same religious books?
Because humans are flawed, evil, and manipulative, this doesn't mean humans don't have the capability to research thoroughly various religions whether they be abrahamic or otherwise and discern which one fits the best into Occams Razor.
They fluctuate in meaning everyday century! Religion is so disorganized, there is no proof for what any book says. Why doesn’t God give us a messiah or a prophet right now huh?
I'm a prophet, AMA. As for a Messiah, because it was said that the Messiah wouldn't come back until the end times.
But no, God just so happenly gave us all of them hundreds of years ago. He also stopped contact with humans and stopped doing magic around that period also. What a coincidence huh?
Prophets were people who roamed the world and gained as much information as possible, were able to logically discern the truth, and did all they could to spread it, and usually had a slight, albeit sometimes unknowing connection with God. Personally i'd say there were prophets in the last 2000 year ish period after Jesus died.
God doesn't give us free will, if you think being forced to believe in God and to follow his rules under the threat of being punished for all eternity is "free will" you're either in denial or just don't know any better
You're not forced to believe in anything. That's the whole point of free will, in fact it would actually be better if you had no knowledge of God or any religions and were just in ignorance, because that's basically a free ticket because you can't discern or research anything to delineate properly.
Many of the studies I’m discussing were conducted on a national level genius... So within a majority white population it was reported that religious people were still lower IQ than the non-religious. Race has nothing to do with it.
The non white population is rising, that brings down the national IQ, the fact is high IQ whites are much more likely to fall into the trap nihilism. I know because I fell into myself. I'm not trying to brag, but when I went to highschool, they had a special program for people in AP classes where they paid for IQ tests for all of us. I believe it was the stanford benet test. I got 154 or 156, for some reason I can't remember the exact number, but it was definitely 1 or the other. I got a free ride to University, I studied evolutionary psychology, and evolutionary biology, and in my free time I studied Abrahamic religions, all 3. I did actually get kicked out of university, because of several disagreements and fights with certain professors and other people at the school. I was very Atheistic, and Nihilistic, etc etc, but the more I researched and had a grasp on the facts, and didn't fall in line, I became enlightened on certain things. High IQ white men, fall for a trap, they find meaning in things that have no meaning, because they often have no purpose in life. It's a sad situation but it's very common.
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