OP, if you want to "learn coding", there is some essential theory you must cover. This is math, so prepare your asshole, if you hate math. You need to learn data structures and algorithm analysis. You need to know your trees from your linked lists and arrays, as well as the run-time complexities of each implementation (FIFO, LIFO, FILO etc.). You need to understand run-time complexity (big O, big Omega, big Theta) and proving algorithms for their best and worst case scenarios. Algorithms are effectively the mathematically rigorous, discretized instructions that can be executed by a Turing machine (aka a computing machine aka your computer aka the thing you use to jack off to loli porn). In practice you won't do this in any job that doesn't require a PhD, but it's very important to know what optimized code looks from clunky code nonetheless. You'll need to know it for some interviews, though, depending on the job.
On the programming side of things you need to learn three types of languages:
1. A systems level language that is close to the hardware. This is most commonly C, and I don't think it will be topped anytime soon, it's just too damn important.
2. An object-oriented programming language. The OO (object-oriented) paradigm is too ubiquitous in industry to simply ignore. Virtually every program you will help write will use OO concepts (classes, inheritance etc.). It's streamlined, effective, and idiot-proof in a lot of cases (except the cases that you need to explicitly state). Java is your go-to OOP langauge.
3. A general purpose all-around programming language. The king, the big daddy, the undisputed champion: C++. You can do practically everything with C++, but some language are better suited for specific tasks (like JS for frontend webdev). It's hard to learn and easy to fuck up with, but that's probably my personal bias and weakness speaking.
Academically, I'd advise you to learn applied math/stats and take programming on the side. It's honestly the best bang for your buck. Computer science as a discipline is fine, but operating systems, compilers, and databases aren't essential to know if your job is going to be slapping together some GUI for a program or a making nice looking website. They are critical, if you want to pursue computer science at the graduate level, though.
tl;dr: do a trade.