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Blackpill My biggest wish is being NT



Mentally illcel 3/10 manlet, eyecolor lotteryLoser
Nov 22, 2022
I am an ugly non-NTcel who's been failing at pretty much everything I've ever started. I'd rather be much uglier and shorter but NT over still being very ugly and non-NT.

If you are NT you'll be functioning normal and fit in with society just fine.

I failed to get my drivings license because I was too anxious and was literally shaking behind the wheel. What I envy about normies is that the more they do something the better they get at it due to being part of the NT world.

For non-NT people that's not the case I'd say that the more I try to do something the more I suck at it.

Most normies will pass their drivers license from the first time and even if they do fail next time they'll do much better because they can adapt to everything in life.

I cannot function properly in this society and that's what is bothering me the most aside from looks. I feel like I must be taken care of like a child because I cannot do shit on my own. At this point i am a "high" functioning autist.

Being NT is pretty much all you need to live a fulfilling life. If I was NT right now I'd smoke weed and forget about everything, chill and enjoy the moment but since I am non-NT I overthink all the time making my experience miserable.

I cannot focus on anything due to miserable intrusive thoughts. Fuck this world. I just want to rope. NTpill is the most brutal and fuck what others say.

You NTcels literally have no idea what a non-NTcel goes through on a daily basis. My brain is broken I miss being an innocent child.

@CRYSTAL METH @Ci Jey @ElTruecel @supersoldier @DarkStar
honestly, same :feelsbadman:

i would've ascended a long time ago if i was non-nt
I'd rather be much uglier and shorter but NT over still being very ugly and non-NT.

If you are NT you'll be functioning normal and fit in with society just fine.
life is fucking brutal for non nts. +1 to your entire message
@juche necromancer what do u think as a fellow non-ntcel
i would've ascended a long time ago if i was non-nt
I could have lived a better life if it wasn't for autism and other issues
I could have lived a better life if it wasn't for autism and other issues
bro my life would have been amazing even if i didnt get pussy if i was NT. NT is law. You can still be happy without pussy if you're NT. NTpill deniers are all fakecels. NTs can figure out shit meanwhile we're stuck for eternity.
I am an ugly non-NTcel who's been failing at pretty much everything I've ever started. I'd rather be much uglier and shorter but NT over still being very ugly and non-NT.

If you are NT you'll be functioning normal and fit in with society just fine.

I failed to get my drivings license because I was too anxious and was literally shaking behind the wheel. What I envy about normies is that the more they do something the better they get at it due to being part of the NT world.

For non-NT people that's not the case I'd say that the more I try to do something the more I suck at it.

Most normies will pass their drivers license from the first time and even if they do fail next time they'll do much better because they can adapt to everything in life.

I cannot function properly in this society and that's what is bothering me the most aside from looks. I feel like I must be taken care of like a child because I cannot do shit on my own. At this point i am a "high" functioning autist.

Being NT is pretty much all you need to live a fulfilling life. If I was NT right now I'd smoke weed and forget about everything, chill and enjoy the moment but since I am non-NT I overthink all the time making my experience miserable.

I cannot focus on anything due to miserable intrusive thoughts. Fuck this world. I just want to rope. NTpill is the most brutal and fuck what others say.

You NTcels literally have no idea what a non-NTcel goes through on a daily basis. My brain is broken I miss being an innocent child.

@CRYSTAL METH @Ci Jey @ElTruecel @supersoldier @DarkStar
Brutal, only reason I could adapt to driving and get the basics is due to my extensive passion for cars, otherwise I would have fucked up so hard bro.
bro my life would have been amazing even if i didnt get pussy if i was NT. NT is law. You can still be happy without pussy if you're NT. NTpill deniers are all fakecels. NTs can figure out shit meanwhile we're stuck for eternity.
in my case, I can only figure out shit if you are deeply passionate in it, otherwise im eternally stuck.
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Brutal, only reason I could adapt to driving and get the basics is due to my extensive passion for cars, otherwise I would have fucked up so hard bro.
with Non NT mind, it simply cant do shit if you are not deeply passionate about it in the first place, FUCKING BRUTAL.
Most normies will pass their drivers license from the first time and even if they do fail next time they'll do much better because they can adapt to everything in life.

I passed my driving test 1st try and I'm ND also no NT for your height/face buddyboyo
Brutal, only reason I could adapt to driving and get the basics is due to my extensive passion for cars, otherwise I would have fucked up so hard bro.
You mog me in being able to drive comfortably
I know how to drive decently chilling at low/cruising speed, but I got no license yet.
I have no licence either, but i'm American and 21
So it's more shocking than if i was European in lieu
I don't have a driving license while many females have.
I don't have a driving license while many females have.
because you're non NT abused dog. It's over. If ur a man without a driving license you are already considered a subhuman unless ur HTN +
Yup looking at the rest of my relatives shows that muh genetics in this instance is cope. My issue is simply just being non neurotypical in
this instance which fucks up the rest of my life
Yup looking at the rest of my relatives shows that muh genetics in this instance is cope. My issue is simply just being non neurotypical in
this instance which fucks up the rest of my life
i dont care about foids i want my sanity back.
its really one of the most brutal pills. and no one can change this fact.
It's not that being NT necessarily will allow you to ascend per that fact alone, but it will make your life much easier in virtually every way:
-Can moneymaxx easier
-Can NTmaxx & make a social circle easier
-Can overall function better
-Less of a target for thugs, bullies, and mockery in general

All of which, will somewhat raise your chances of ascending

Being NT is just a tide that "raises" all NT boats.
honestly, same :feelsbadman:

i would've ascended a long time ago if i was non-nt
You mean NT

But yeah, if I was NT & also actually tall(6'2+) I wouldn't be here
NTpill destroyed me
Norwoodpill, NTpill, IVFpill, and heightpill combined with also learning the truth about the JQ, Great Replacement, and how we're enslaved essentially has completely & utterly wrecked my mental state.

At least we see the world for what it is.
I am an ugly non-NTcel who's been failing at pretty much everything I've ever started. I'd rather be much uglier and shorter but NT over still being very ugly and non-NT.

If you are NT you'll be functioning normal and fit in with society just fine.

I failed to get my drivings license because I was too anxious and was literally shaking behind the wheel. What I envy about normies is that the more they do something the better they get at it due to being part of the NT world.

For non-NT people that's not the case I'd say that the more I try to do something the more I suck at it.

Most normies will pass their drivers license from the first time and even if they do fail next time they'll do much better because they can adapt to everything in life.

I cannot function properly in this society and that's what is bothering me the most aside from looks. I feel like I must be taken care of like a child because I cannot do shit on my own. At this point i am a "high" functioning autist.

Being NT is pretty much all you need to live a fulfilling life. If I was NT right now I'd smoke weed and forget about everything, chill and enjoy the moment but since I am non-NT I overthink all the time making my experience miserable.

I cannot focus on anything due to miserable intrusive thoughts. Fuck this world. I just want to rope. NTpill is the most brutal and fuck what others say.

You NTcels literally have no idea what a non-NTcel goes through on a daily basis. My brain is broken I miss being an innocent child.

@CRYSTAL METH @Ci Jey @ElTruecel @supersoldier @DarkStar
I’m not nt myself and I don’t struggle with being bad at things. Only things I struggle with is literally everything normal
I failed to get my license the first time. The second time I got it. but I honestly don't like driving at all. I feel stressed out and anxious the whole way through. It drains me. I'd rather walk or use public transportation.
My biggest dream is to be a 6'7+ Nordic ubermensch.
I never even took drivers ed, although I’m a high anxietycel myself so it’d probably be better if I was off the road
if i was normal i would at least have some friends irl and a job
You were born non NT however im sure that if you experienced key milestones such as teen love, teen life overally and grew up under a united family instead of a broken one, you would definitely be more NT and definitely not an incel.

Sadly as we know, we missed out on our youth and there is no way back
I am a huge advocate for how important NTpill is because it fucked my life up, but I call cope. If I could change anything I want, I’d choose Chad tier looks. I’m not such a retarded autist that I would fail with those looks. Besides, if you are disgustingly ugly, think of Mitten Squad or worse, it doesn’t matter how NT you are, women will not like you at all. Even other men won’t want to be friends with you. You are your looks.
Yeah, being NT would have helped me _a lot_ in my life.
Being NT is pretty much all you need to live a fulfilling life
JFL if you think most people have fulfilling lives.

Dude, 70% of normies are miserable, at least. They just cope better because they feel they belong to the world, while we autists are outsiders.
I'm NT. It means nothing if you're still ugly.

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