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Story My biggest fakecel moment? Spending hours with gigastacy



Former Wagecuck turned Neetbuxmaxxer. Gymcel
Aug 24, 2023
Kind of clickbait title because she had no choice but still, given that I am a massive incel this would be one of my most fakecel moments which goes against my overall inceldomness or whatever. Anyway I wanted to share this story since it is lifefuel to look back on and it may be interesting plus I have no friends to talk to.

So back in high school, my year level had this sort of day program.

Basically for one day of the year you would be randomly paired up with someone in your class and it would be kind of like a day off of school where instead you just did miscellanous stuff around the school to help out such as sending out mail, cleaning the cafeteria during class time after lunch, collecting the school crossing flags during class time pictured below.


So you just did stuff like that for day, I liked it a lot since I did not like doing schoolwork so it was basically a day off school, so you basically just got to hang out for a school day with whoever you got paired up with which is pretty chill.

Now I was fortunate enough to be paired up with this really nice blonde gigastacy:what:

I would say this picture resembles her and she has a great ass and tits, this stacy was basically a 10 out of 10, honestly now that I reflect on high school maybe the best blonde in my year level but I kind of forget high school at this point so maybe not.

Anyway that day was absolutely awesome, I got to spend time walking around with her and talking to her, she was nice so she was not completely disinterested in me or a bitch and we had some nice conversations and we learnt things about each other, because if it was not for this random program we would have never talked to each other, strangely even though I was attracted to her I was not majorly crushing on her or anything at any point in time even during this, I had no real expectations out of it, except I hoped that it could lead to us talking more in class, or being able to talk to more girls because of it, since I rarely talked to girls in high school, I was hoping I could get some sort of social proofing out of it.

Anyway it was great until after the lunch time bell, I went to grab her from her friends to finish up the last hour and a half or so of the day, I was looking forward to this part because this was the cafeteria cleaning part as I mentioned earlier, after you cleaned up they gave any leftover food from the day that would go off to us, so I was hoping I could sit eat and chat with this stacy, however she informs me for the last part of the day she wanted to finish this school project with her friends instead of finishing the program with me.

I was a little dissapointed even though I had no expectations, if I was a chad and she liked me she definitely would not have chosen her friends over me lol and it kind of ruined my whole social proofing wishes, I ended up grabbing my best friend at the time to get him out of class and get free food with me instead which was alright though.

Sadly after that day things went back to the status quo with the gigastacy, we never spoke in class or out of class even though she was alright to talk to and I went back to talking to no girls as I did in high school.

If you read all this bullshit thank you I appreciate you:feelscomfy:
>spends time with attractive women
>"Basically for one day of the year you would be randomly paired up with someone in your class"
>"Sadly after that day things went back to the status quo"

such is our fate :feelsbadman:
>spends time with attractive women
>"Basically for one day of the year you would be randomly paired up with someone in your class"
>"Sadly after that day things went back to the status quo"

such is our fate :feelsbadman:
Yeah I mean I am grateful for the time I had at least, I am glad I had experiences like that though, reason being is I see straight through the gaslights such as "You don't need a significant other to be happy"

It's easy to argue me on this and say that I am placing relationships and sex on a pedastal due to never having one, however I think it really is the ultimate simple pleasure in life.

Firstly we are biologically programmed to reproduce, not do something else to pursue happines while being single, such as mastering the piano or whatever the fuck. So thats why talking to foids feels good.

But I can just observe the behaviour of others, when it comes to relationships, normies will act like junkies, they will break friendships and have no honor just to get with girls or to just even fucking talk to them sometimes.

@OutcompetedByRoomba gtfih
I can never spend any sort of time with a person that has a higher SMV than me thats why Im always alone
And now you're thinking of it years later while she forgot about it the moment the program ended
And now you're thinking of it years later while she forgot about it the moment the program ended
Yep, its absolutely fucking brutalll. I often think about that, how I will think about these foids, some of them maybe I never interacted with them, some of them I knew for a little, due to my lack of female interaction I will occasionally reflect on them as an escape from my boring life, however these goids have all forgotten me entirely lol, and I reflect on that fact and its so sad, they are all having great lives right now and my life sucks.
Yep, its absolutely fucking brutalll. I often think about that, how I will think about these foids, some of them maybe I never interacted with them, some of them I knew for a little, due to my lack of female interaction I will occasionally reflect on them as an escape from my boring life, however these goids have all forgotten me entirely lol, and I reflect on that fact and its so sad, they are all having great lives right now and my life sucks.
Hey man, i've been thinking about a girl that was assigned to sit next to me on a flight for 10 hours. I didnt said a single word to her, but im still thinking about it days later. Because she was sleeping and eating and watching a movie next to me, it felt like i had a gf. Its actually so fucking brutal.
Because she was sleeping and eating and watching a movie next to me, it felt like i had a gf.
Holy fuck jesus, I have never had an experience like that but damn fuck, idk if that would feel like a tease or something idk that just seems like it would suck, like a little window in to what you are missing.
d earlier, after you cleaned up they gave any leftover food from the day that would go off to us, so I was hoping I could sit eat and chat with this stacy, however she informs me for the last part of the day she wanted to finish this school project with her friends instead of finishing the program with me.
brocel, i felt ya :cryfeels:
i had the same situation,
I was the same in high school when we had a prom, I wanted to back out since it's a cringe but they made me lol
I accidentally fell for 8/10 stacy and it was great. i was already a total incel and i knew i was wrong but i believed in normie bullshit. eventually after 3 days of preparation and the final performance i went up to her and through a huge shake i took her contacts, then i could barely work up the courage to ask her out and she didn't even answer me back and then intentionally avoided me.
sorry too for having to read this shit, just the point is that it's all doomed to fail, can't a freak date stacy, it's just impossible and that was the fuckup after that finally took :blackpill: still remember this shit though
brocel, i felt ya :cryfeels:
i had the same situation,
I was the same in high school when we had a prom, I wanted to back out since it's a cringe but they made me lol
I accidentally fell for 8/10 stacy and it was great. i was already a total incel and i knew i was wrong but i believed in normie bullshit. eventually after 3 days of preparation and the final performance i went up to her and through a huge shake i took her contacts, then i could barely work up the courage to ask her out and she didn't even answer me back and then intentionally avoided me.
sorry too for having to read this shit, just the point is that it's all doomed to fail, can't a freak date stacy, it's just impossible and that was the fuckup after that finally took :blackpill: still remember this shit though
Did you get to take a stacy to prom?
Decemeber 2025 join date is brutal.
You got her contact info?

I don't think english is your first language.
Did you get to take a stacy to prom?
Decemeber 2025 join date is brutal.
You got her contact info?

I don't think english is your first language.
yep i'm sorry, english isn't my native, trying not use translators
>Did you get to take a stacy to prom?
she was forced to cause she hadn't her chad on that and i was the only one that left, even though she mostly ignored me while interactions i have this as the best moments in my life.
>You got her contact info?
i did under the pretense of having a video of it, when in fact i wanted to try.
>Decemeber 2025 join date is brutal.
before i just used to shitpost on 4ch on incels threads after that i found this :feelsthink:
what do you rate your face out of 10?
yep i'm sorry, english isn't my native, trying not use translators
>Did you get to take a stacy to prom?
she was forced to cause she hadn't her chad on that and i was the only one that left, even though she mostly ignored me while interactions i have this as the best moments in my life.
>You got her contact info?
i did under the pretense of having a video of it, when in fact i wanted to try.
>Decemeber 2025 join date is brutal.
before i just used to shitpost on 4ch on incels threads after that i found this :feelsthink:
I wish you the best speaking english and learning it if you are trying to learn.

I see now it is a similar situation where a stacy was forced to spend time with us, unfortunately for you it seems she was not as open to talking in your case as she was with me.
what do you rate your face out of 10?
I dont know, my height is definitely worse than my face, I have decent hair, decent brown neutral canthal tilt and if i squint my eyes look good for taking pics, bad big nose, decent jaw.

I would facemog some niggas on here still for sure though but either way it is not enough to save me from my inceldom, I kind of look like ER actually, I made a thread about it a month or so ago because I was rocking the same hair style as him it was like looking at ER in the mirror, some on here and even normies will say ER is attractive but I always thought ER's looks were overrated.
Holy fuck jesus, I have never had an experience like that but damn fuck, idk if that would feel like a tease or something idk that just seems like it would suck, like a little window in to what you are missing.
She even rested her head on the arm seat next to me, her face literally less than a foot from mine.
Very attractive women always treated me better than others but the cold and bitter truth is they do this because they don't consider you a threat, you are so low on the human scale that they simply see you as an object, they don't perceive you in sexual sense at ALL.
the cold and bitter truth is they do this because they don't consider you a threat, you are so low on the human scale that they simply see you as an object, they don't perceive you in sexual sense at ALL.
Yeah exactly lol, and there is no need to be mean and rude as a blonde gigastacy since you are hot and live a perfect life.
>spends time with attractive women
>"Basically for one day of the year you would be randomly paired up with someone in your class"
>"Sadly after that day things went back to the status quo"

such is our fate :feelsbadman:
I don't think i've ever interacted with an actual stacy tbh, this place where i live is pretty subhuman
Lifefuel. Be glad you were able to get a glimpse into what life actually is for humans.
Lifefuel. Be glad you were able to get a glimpse into what life actually is for humans.
Lifefuel indeed, and it was completely platonic, I mean imagine if I got to do stuff with her like hold her hand, or touch her butt, or playfully sneak away somewhere for a kiss :shock: thats why normtards are just 24/7 around their girlfriend
Lifefuel indeed, and it was completely platonic, I mean imagine if I got to do stuff with her like hold her hand, or touch her butt, or playfully sneak away somewhere for a kiss :shock: thats why normtards are just 24/7 around their girlfriend
It's so strange how an event like holding a woman's hand would be a life changing event for incels. Meanwhile, normies do it 24/7.

It's just not fair. Being locked out of a huge part of the human experience just because we were born ugly :feelscry:
Very attractive women always treated me better than others but the cold and bitter truth is they do this because they don't consider you a threat
Brutal Emasculating-pill
It's so strange how an event like holding a woman's hand would be a life changing event for incels. Meanwhile, normies do it 24/7.
I actually did manage to hold a foids hand for nearly 10 seconds about 6 years ago now, was probably the best day of my life, it quite literally felt electric like electric shots through my hand, its different to platonically holding a foids hand, there were other times I have had to as a part of a silly icebreaker game, or acting in a school play but when it happens for real yeah it's barely far from hyperbole like life changing
I actually did manage to hold a foids hand for nearly 10 seconds about 6 years ago now, was probably the best day of my life, it quite literally felt electric like electric shots through my hand, its different to platonically holding a foids hand, there were other times I have had to as a part of a silly icebreaker game, or acting in a school play but when it happens for real yeah it's barely far from hyperbole like life changing
Sounds so nice.

I will eventually go to an escort. I will try to hold her hands.
Sounds so nice.

I will eventually go to an escort. I will try to hold her hands.
I think with escort it won't feel the same like I described above, I think the context really matters.

That being said i have considered getting an escort, but for me to fully enjoy it I would take her on a date somewhere first or something and lose my virginity to her, everyone called me cucked for that but I think it could really enhance the experience for me personally, if you ever were seriously considering an escort and wanted a good hand holding maybe you could try go that route? I am not expert escortcel though.
She would never hang out with you if she wasn’t forced to do so. Brutal blackpill

But you’re pretty lucky OP that you ended up in that situation. You should have asked for a blowjob or something

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