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My beat up 500$ van got stolen last night



Mar 8, 2018
I was at work. Almost finished my shift. Went and started my van to warm it up. Went back inside to use the bathroom. It was stolen in less than a minute.

My van is so beat up I never believed it could be stolen( cost me 500$ at the auction. It is severely rusted and basically falling apart)

Now I am screwed. Im stuck walking everywhere in ice cold weather.

Who wants to guess the race of the car thieves? :(
The low inhib slayer that stole it is probably fucking prime JBs in it right now.
I'm so sorry, OP.
I would say what do you expect but you already expected it not to get stolen
I love vans, what kinda van was it?
You forgot you keys in the van?

Also shit bro that's pretty unlucky. You had insurance right?
My condolences
Where do you live that your car would get stolen within a minute

this is roughly what it looks like
Where do you live?
it was stolen in the suburbs right outside a high crime area
Who wants to guess the race of the car thieves? :(

There's only one group who's to blame for anything.
You were expecting me to say Black, weren't you?
OK, it's the Jews.
If you find your van or get another vehicle, put a tracking device in it.
E911FE24 1C02 4F1E 89E1 96ADFE9F3C12
Nigga why would you leave a running car unattended?
There's only one group who's to blame for anything.
You were expecting me to say Black, weren't you?
OK, it's the Jews.
I was at work. Almost finished my shift. Went and started my van to warm it up. Went back inside to use the bathroom. It was stolen in less than a minute.

My van is so beat up I never believed it could be stolen( cost me 500$ at the auction. It is severely rusted and basically falling apart)

Now I am screwed. Im stuck walking everywhere in ice cold weather.

Who wants to guess the race of the car thieves? :(
Around the ones who steal, always lock your steering wheel.
Sorry to hear that, OP. :feelsbadman:
I was at work. Almost finished my shift. Went and started my van to warm it up. Went back inside to use the bathroom. It was stolen in less than a minute.

My van is so beat up I never believed it could be stolen( cost me 500$ at the auction. It is severely rusted and basically falling apart)

Now I am screwed. Im stuck walking everywhere in ice cold weather.

Who wants to guess the race of the car thieves? :(
There's only one group who's to blame for anything.
You were expecting me to say Black, weren't you?
OK, it's the Jews.
Blaming cucks is unironically fucking cucked, foids are the root problem, cucks are just a side-effect
This was probably meant to go in Off Topic. But I'm really sorry. I don't even know how to drive and I dread the cold weather too.
Another brag thread and even in inceldom discussion. Nice.
The low inhib slayer that stole it is probably fucking prime JBs in it right now.
I'm so sorry, OP.

Holy shit, brutal but true. Gangbanger chad is getting his dick sucked by underage street urchins and selling dime bags. Meanwhile, OP is stuck posting on an incel message board without means of transportation.
Low status men always finish last and are picked on, it isn’t fair.
Maybe did you a favour by stealing it? Are you a fatass? Ever thought about walking it to work rather than using a car? EvEr ThOuGhT aBoUt ThE PoLluTiOn iT EmItS? No you didn't did you?

I've been around curries throughout HS. IMO Curries are better looking than Blacks, but only slightly.
Curries dont have the astronomical crime rate of blacks though. I mean my van was so beat up that the police thought i was exaggerating when i described it to them. Such petty and random crimes are generally the work of blacks in America.
I've been around curries throughout HS. IMO Curries are better looking than Blacks, but only slightly.
It was pretty much agreed that curries are the most subhuman. But if that’s your opinion , ok
Curries dont have the astronomical crime rate of blacks though. I mean my van was so beat up that the police thought i was exaggerating when i described it to them. Such petty and random crimes are generally the work of blacks in America.
We're talking about looks mainly. And yeah Curries are much higher IQ than Blacks, I'd rather deal with any race besides Blacks because Blacks have lower IQ, Higher Testosterone and due to these factors blacks commit more crimes than any other group. Here's a video describing the IQ of Blacks.

I'm black BTW, and even being black doesn't exempt you from Blacks harassing you, but still I criticize my race heavily due to their actions and how it makes all of us Blacks look bad to many people.
As if being a tortured incel isn't enough. Sorry man
Sorry to hear OP, wish you didn't have to live in misery.
As for the thief:
Let's hunt them down and behead them.
Blaming cucks is unironically fucking cucked, foids are the root problem, cucks are just a side-effect

Autism: 100.

It was a joke. I don't care about the race of the thief. What matters is the van got stolen.
We're talking about looks mainly. And yeah Curries are much higher IQ than Blacks, I'd rather deal with any race besides Blacks because Blacks have lower IQ, Higher Testosterone and due to these factors blacks commit more crimes than any other group. Here's a video describing the IQ of Blacks.

I'm black BTW, and even being black doesn't exempt you from Blacks harassing you, but still I criticize my race heavily due to their actions and how it makes all of us Blacks look bad to many people.

Damn this dude is a super coon lmao
I was at work. Almost finished my shift. Went and started my van to warm it up. Went back inside to use the bathroom. It was stolen in less than a minute.

My van is so beat up I never believed it could be stolen( cost me 500$ at the auction. It is severely rusted and basically falling apart)

Now I am screwed. Im stuck walking everywhere in ice cold weather.

Who wants to guess the race of the car thieves? :(
453E3947 1506 4295 A1FF ABCEAE0D2D4A
U do realise if someone tries to steal your van you can just say 'no' because they're not legally allowed to take it
U do realise if someone tries to steal your van you can just say 'no' because they're not legally allowed to take it
I went inside to use the bathroom while leaving it on. My van is so beat up I never imagined anyone would steal it.
I went inside to use the bathroom while leaving it on. My van is so beat up I never imagined anyone would steal it.
Yeh that must b so fucking annoying considering u left if for such short amount of time.

Is there a way u can get it back or is it gone forever?
500$ bro... That is cheap as fuck...
A van like that in my country costs at least the 5000$.
sorry for your loss incel brother :(
Lmao why tf would anyone steal that shit tbh
How'd this turn out?
You should be grateful your pedo van was stolen
Now how are you going to go AM?

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