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JFL "My (50F) son (15M) has become a far-right extremist and I have no idea what to do." I doubt this is legit because its too perfectly stereotypical.

the top reply is hilarious "he needs a professional or six." jfl
step 1: don't have a son at the ancient years of 35.
I'm sure the people around him will have a compassionate and appropriate response for his greatest well-being. Yeah that kid is fucked.
As bad as my dad is I am glad he was in my life. Imagine being raised by a woman:feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke:
@Uggo Mongo @Adolf Hitler @DarkStarDown
Deserved for being a feminist roastie
If she weren't a whore single mother, she could raise her child better 1- by being able to share her responsibilities with someone else and thus not having to sacrifice her job too much on behalf of her child or sacrifice her child too much on behalf of work; 2- the son could have a male figure with whom he could relate more; 3- she could use her husband's masculine strength to punish her son.

Fuck fornicators and divorced people, especially women who raise children alone (if anyone should raise children alone, let it be the man at least).

"many of my friends had children at my age and they did not have children on the spectrum, not that it's a problem anyway"
Foid moment. She can't relate to her son's masculine problems.
Mein Kampf is shit

Real Nazis read Goebbels, Rosenberg or the Protocols of the Elders of Zion or Henry Fords "The International Jew"

A true autist would understand this. That story is fake asf. "Ohhh Mein Kampf" is something that sounds dramatic in normie ears. There are far better books out there. It's pretty boring and contains relatively little "hate".
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This post is too perfect. Ticks every box:

You forgot one box: Reddit
You have to be retarded to believe this is real
@Uggo Mongo @Adolf Hitler @DarkStarDown
no long story on reddit is real and they're just crafted to get updoots or push a narrative
In the age of 35 w0men shouldn't have kids, no wonder Autism is rising, its because w0mens eggs at that point are trash.

I want to highlight the last paragraph.

After that, I was very strict about everything he was doing. I would pick him up and drop him off, even though it meant I needed to take off time from work to do so. When I dropped him off at home, I locked the doors to make sure he could not escape before returning to work (Thats abuse, and if it was his father, they would have definetly took the kid away from him, but w0men get a pass, not surprising). However, this did not work either, and eventually I was called by the school principle who let us know that he and his school friends (who he has also convinced to become Nazis now!) had beaten a group of POC(Aka n1gg3rs, @rabs and other 3rd world scum) boys up and that he and his friends would receive a suspension as a result. I was so livid. I could not imagine the fact I was raising a future criminal (In a normal world he would have been considered a hero), and he told me that I was a traitor (Yes you are, you betryed your son and your people stupid wh0re) for not being proud of him for being stronger than them and for beating up "murderers of our people, rapists of our women, and invaders of our lands". No reason can get to him, and no discipline can get to him. And now I AM SUFFERING THE CONSEQUENCES TOO, all my friends now assume I must be a racist because of my son, and don't want to spend time with me anymore. The other parents at the school avoid me. People who used to be friendly are now cold. I have no idea how to deal with this situation, can anyone here on Reddit give me good advice?

This parapgraph proves that all the w0men care is about themselvs and their social standing, this is why in the past social shaming and banishment worked and w0men were capt in check.

Based youngcel, based for defending his people and for getting stronger, in a better world only a century ago, his mother and father would have praised him and his femily would have honored for protecting the people for the gangs of 3rd w0rld trash.

Also he was incel and when she decided to limit his pc usage, he went outside got ripped, joined other group of based man and became stronger.
roasties need to not have kids at age 35-40

big cause of autism
Least larp soyditt post
if you have a son at the late age of 35 you’re not going to have some intelligent autistic son because that’s hereditary and genetic, the only thing you will have is maybe a retarded autistic son or at worst a child with Down syndrome or a fucked up disease

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