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Muslims worship a stone



Sir ethnic cel the 1st lord of landwhales, grannys
Nov 2, 2021
Muslims call other people pagans but they worship a stone from space which is part of the Kabbah. They pray to the stone 5 times a day. Allah is the moon God thats why you see the star and moon on their mosques and even flags


View: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1245251336491919
They are nigger worshippers for kissing a black stone
inb4 muslim cope
Idc I need that Muslim foid I've been ogling at for the past few days on insta
Idc I need that Muslim foid I've been ogling at for the past few days on insta
continue dreaming because you wont get her except wanking to pictures
First of all the star and crescent symbolism didnt exist until centuries later after Islam, islam doesnt have a symbol thats why in the beginning it was just a black flag, second this stone is from heaven and it was dropped to prophet Abraham when he was building the kaabah, thats all no worship there is prophetic traditions that say touching it is blessed and thats why muslims try to touch it but nobody is praying to that stone.
First of all the star and crescent symbolism didnt exist until centuries later after Islam, islam doesnt have a symbol thats why in the beginning it was just a black flag, second this stone is from heaven and it was dropped to prophet Abraham when he was building the kaabah, thats all no worship there is prophetic traditions that say touching it is blessed and thats why muslims try to touch it but nobody is praying to that stone.
Thats why its part of the Kabahh and people pray to a Khabba and stone 5 times a day. You cant see thats paganism? That is shirk and muslims say christians are pagan. I am not christian just saying
Thats why its part of the Kabahh and people pray to a Khabba and stone 5 times a day. You cant see thats paganism? That is shirk and muslims say christians are pagan. I am not christian just saying
The kaabah is the first house of worship to be ever built it was built by prophet abraham pbuh. Muslims first used to pray to the direction of Jerusalem but after the muslims destroyed all the pagan idols in mecca it became the new direction of prayer. We are not praying to the kaabah or the stone, look up how Muslims pray and tell me where does it include stone or kaabah worship. When people go and pray in a church they all face the priest and pray in one direction does that mean they worship him?
The kaabah is the first house of worship to be ever built it was built by prophet abraham pbuh. Muslims first used to pray to the direction of Jerusalem but after the muslims destroyed all the pagan idols in mecca it became the new direction of prayer. We are not praying to the kaabah or the stone, look up how Muslims pray and tell me where does it include stone or kaabah worship. When people go and pray in a church they all face the priest and pray in one direction does that mean they worship him?
There is no muslim prayer without "QIBLA" not even one prayer. If any muslim does not pray in the direction of Kabaa it is not accepted as muslim ,never ever. So that means the Kabba and black stone are God Allah for the muslims.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kwA-Gg464ow
There is no muslim prayer without "QIBLA" not even one prayer. If any muslim does not pray in the direction of Kabaa it is not accepted as muslim ,never ever. So that means the Kabba and black stone are God Allah for the muslims.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kwA-Gg464ow

The Qibla used to be Jerusalem. Does that mean Jerusalem is also god?? Also look on whats the ruling if i didnt pray to the qibla without knowing and there is a verse in the quran that says it's ok cuz wherever you face you are towards god but the qibla is to unite muslims, even if you moved the kaabah and black stone building we will still pray to the same point, the black stone was once stolen btw muslim didnt change their prayer direction.
There is no muslim prayer without "QIBLA" not even one prayer. If any muslim does not pray in the direction of Kabaa it is not accepted as muslim ,never ever. So that means the Kabba and black stone are God Allah for the muslims.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kwA-Gg464ow

Since when is the point that you face to pray is god. God instructed in the Quran to pray towards the qibla.
There is no muslim prayer without "QIBLA" not even one prayer. If any muslim does not pray in the direction of Kabaa it is not accepted as muslim ,never ever. So that means the Kabba and black stone are God Allah for the muslims.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kwA-Gg464ow

The prayer is not accepted because it doesnt follow gods commandment to pray towards the qibla, which is the direction me praying in the direction of something doesnt make that something god. Also look up what arab christians call god. Its Allah. Jews call it Eloh. There is a similarity the difference is in theology
Since when is the point that you face to pray is god. God instructed in the Quran to pray towards the qibla.
Obviously Arabs wrote in Quran to pray to Qibla because thats where they stored all their idols for hundreds of years. Just think about it, they stored idols in Kabba and then today muslims pray to that same Kabba.

Stop listening to scholars and use your own brains and eyes. You will see muslims praying to a stone and kissing a stone
Obviously Arabs wrote in Quran to pray to Qibla because thats where they stored all their idols for hundreds of years. Just think about it, they stored idols in Kabba and then today muslims pray to that same Kabba.

Stop listening to scholars and use your own brains and eyes. You will see muslims praying to a stone and kissing a stone
Then why were the idols destroyed seems counter productive. Also the qibla in the quran doesnt not refer to mecca btw. It used to be Jerusalem but when the prophet pbuh left mecca and went to medina god instructed him. To pray towards and then it was under muslim rule and the first thing he did was break EVERY idol.
Then why were the idols destroyed seems counter productive. Also the qibla in the quran doesnt not refer to mecca btw. It used to be Jerusalem but when the prophet pbuh left mecca and went to medina god instructed him. To pray towards and then it was under muslim rule and the first thing he did was break EVERY idol.
Kaaba was always in Mecca . I was talking about Kabba when I said idols.

Why pray to something that was the place for idols and then put a stone in that place? Open your eyes man and use your brains
Kaaba was always in Mecca . I was talking about Kabba when I said idols.

Why pray to something that was the place for idols and then put a stone in that place? Open your eyes man and use your brains
In the beginning it wasnt, it was built by prophet abraham pbuh. Later when the jews mixed with the arabs they introduced idol worship to them and introduced baal, thats why before islam arabs used to kill their daughter to baal as sacrifice its mentioned in the quran Btw.
In the beginning it wasnt, it was built by prophet abraham pbuh. Later when the jews mixed with the arabs they introduced idol worship to them and introduced baal, thats why before islam arabs used to kill their daughter to baal as sacrifice its mentioned in the quran Btw.
How o you know Abraham existed? Where is his grave? Infact where is Muhhamads body? It doesnt even exist, dude open your eyes and stop been bamboozled
How o you know Abraham existed? Where is his grave? Infact where is Muhhamads body? It doesnt even exist, dude open your eyes and stop been bamboozled
Prophet Mohammed PBUHgrave is in medina also many lineages go back to prophet Abraham pbuh. Anyways may god guide you to the truth
Prophet Mohammed PBUHgrave is in medina also many lineages go back to prophet Abraham pbuh. Anyways may god guide you to the truth
Nonsence, anybody can say that is Muhammads grave . Where is the proof ,take dna from the corpse and compare with the claimed offspring. They cant ,its all lies. With all the science today they will still refuse but claim Islam is the true religion but refuse to proof it :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Nonsence, anybody can say that is Muhammads grave . Where is the proof ,take dna from the corpse and compare with the claimed offspring. They cant ,its all lies. With all the science today they will still refuse but claim Islam is the true religion but refuse to proof it :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Dude i honestly couldnt give less of a fuck on what you think but if you are going based on religion, i hope i explained how muslims dont worship the kaabah
Nonsence, anybody can say that is Muhammads grave . Where is the proof ,take dna from the corpse and compare with the claimed offspring. They cant ,its all lies. With all the science today they will still refuse but claim Islam is the true religion but refuse to proof it :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Royal family are so far the most well know and proven descendants of the last prophet.


Prince Hamza Bin Al Hussein, also apart of the Jordanian royal family.


Nonsence, anybody can say that is Muhammads grave . Where is the proof ,take dna from the corpse and compare with the claimed offspring. They cant ,its all lies. With all the science today they will still refuse but claim Islam is the true religion but refuse to proof it :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
youre retarded there is evidence that muhammed existed

literally denying history now jfl at hindus
The Greco-Roman, Christian, Jewish, Indian, or Chinese historians didn't apply a fraction of the source-criticism Muslim historians and traditionalist applied to their material.
when there is no living (and credible) witness or modern forensic analysis. Look at the sources, consider who wrote them, consider who would benefit from forging them, consider if multiple different sources give a coherent explanation.
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Royal family are so far the most well know and proven descendants of the last prophet.


Prince Hamza Bin Al Hussein, also apart of the Jordanian royal family.


Nice chart and beautiful family. Still its all fake. We have the technology so do dna from prophet Muhhamad and these fakers family and prove it but they wont because its all myths and fake
There are very, very few historical records of Jesus of Nazareth and almost all are after his death.
when there is no living (and credible) witness or modern forensic analysis. Look at the sources, consider who wrote them, consider who would benefit from forging them, consider if multiple different sources give a coherent explanation.
They claim to have Muhhamds corpse so do dna and prove these are descendants of Muhhamd then we will believe in Islam.

They cant prove it except showing fancy meaningless charts and fake burial sites.

Islam is fake
Nice chart and beautiful family. Still its all fake. We have the technology so do dna from prophet Muhhamad and these fakers family and prove it but they wont because its all myths and fake
Your opinion does not reflect the current scholarly consensus. Even some guest brought on to speak about the subject was Tom Holland, a popular historian who is not a specialist in the field and cannot read Arabic, Syriac or other relevant languages. You need to be aware that there is now an amateur cult following for these extreme conspiracy-style theories (eg that Islam began in Transjordan instead of Mecca) that most scholars have long since dismissed. As one of the answers pointed out, Patricia Crone, who started out as a radical skeptic and practically founded that school, moved away from many of her assertions and acknowledged that there is no serious doubt that Muhammad existed or that the Quran dates from his time.

As to the evidence, we first have unanimous agreement from the 2-3 generations after Muhammad that he existed. Early Muslim history played out on a global stage starting immediately after Muhammad’s death. No one could just make him up and have everyone just play along. Muhammad is not unique in this way, though the evidence in his case is even stronger than for other figures. To say otherwise is to engage in Moon-landing-denial-level conspiracy theorizing.

I think the Islamic historical tradition is good enough evidence as it is, but some have insisted that only non-Arabic evidence counts. The most famous example of these is the Syriac Fragment on the Arab Conquests dating from 636CE and recording the first battles between the “Romans” and the “Arabs of Muhammad”. This is around the date given by the Muslim historians for the same battles.

If you want an accessible summary of the current state of the field, you can take a look at Sean Anthony’s recent book Muhammad and the Empires of Faith. Anthony was a student of Crone so his sceptical bona fides are beyond question. Another student of Crone, Robert Hoyland, collected all non-Arabic historical materials on early Islam in Seeing Islam as Others Saw I
They claim to have Muhhamds corpse so do dna and prove these are descendants of Muhhamd then we will believe in Islam.

They cant prove it except showing fancy meaningless charts and fake burial sites.

Islam is fake
youre retarded i gave you an objective analysis of this question but youre ideologically cucked. There is much proof and i have showered you with information.

The Prophet Mohammad PBUH died almost 1400 years ago. The genes from his family have been diluted and spread all over the region and to many other places in the world.

Also how would we do that?

He’s supposedly buried in Medina and given the climate it’s entirely plausible that there could be recoverable DNA. Two problems with that, though. First, we don’t exactly have incontrovertible evidence that that’s him. Just tradition. There obviously weren’t burial records, and that’s not exactly the most stable region in the world. Whoever ended up being proved wrong by the tests (and someone would be) would inevitably claim that he was moved or those weren’t really his remains or those nefarious Jews/Sunnis/Shiites/Christians/Bahá'ís/Yazidis/insert-hated-group-du-jour-here tampered with the results. Second, do you really think that the House of Saud is stupid enough to allow the testing when it could be viewed as sacrilege and no good can come of it?
The other way we’ve done this sort of thing is to track down known descendants. That’s how we know that Thomas Jefferson raped his slave Sally Hemmings and that Warren Harding fathered a lovechild. The problem is that there aren’t any known descendants. That’s way too much time to be certain that you’re descended from someone. Even if you had birth certificates stretching all the way back to the seventh century, how certain are you that all your ancestors were faithful to their husbands? I mean, I’m fairly sure I’m my dad’s child and I’d be really surprised to find out that he’s the result of some torrid affair my grandma had, but beyond that? Since my grandpa doesn’t use computers, I’m perfectly comfortable saying I have absolutely no clue whether or not he’s a bastard or not.
Even if that weren’t a problem, there’s still the issue that Muhammad wasn’t the only one at that time with his genes. His Y-chromosome haplotype was shared with any other male children his father or uncles had and any of their male-line descendants. There’s no way to tell whether or not someone inherited their Muhammadan Y-chromosome from, say, Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib instead of the Last Prophet.
There’s a fairly famous study that is claimed to demonstrate that 1 in 200 men is the direct descendant of Genghis Khan. It does no such thing. I’m perfectly willing to concede that the timing and geography of the spread of the particular Y-chromosome haplotype found strongly suggests that it was spread by the Mongols and that there’s a good argument to be made that Genghis Khan shared it. But you know who else is almost certain to have fathered a lot of bastards during the conquest? Qasar, Hachiun, Temüge, and Belgutei, his brothers, along with other members of his father’s family.
Genealogy is hard, and DNA doesn’t always simplify things.
youre retarded i gave you an objective analysis of this question but youre ideologically cucked. There is much proof and i have showered you with information.

The Prophet Mohammad PBUH died almost 1400 years ago. The genes from his family have been diluted and spread all over the region and to many other places in the world.

Also how would we do that?

He’s supposedly buried in Medina and given the climate it’s entirely plausible that there could be recoverable DNA. Two problems with that, though. First, we don’t exactly have incontrovertible evidence that that’s him. Just tradition. There obviously weren’t burial records, and that’s not exactly the most stable region in the world. Whoever ended up being proved wrong by the tests (and someone would be) would inevitably claim that he was moved or those weren’t really his remains or those nefarious Jews/Sunnis/Shiites/Christians/Bahá'ís/Yazidis/insert-hated-group-du-jour-here tampered with the results. Second, do you really think that the House of Saud is stupid enough to allow the testing when it could be viewed as sacrilege and no good can come of it?
The other way we’ve done this sort of thing is to track down known descendants. That’s how we know that Thomas Jefferson raped his slave Sally Hemmings and that Warren Harding fathered a lovechild. The problem is that there aren’t any known descendants. That’s way too much time to be certain that you’re descended from someone. Even if you had birth certificates stretching all the way back to the seventh century, how certain are you that all your ancestors were faithful to their husbands? I mean, I’m fairly sure I’m my dad’s child and I’d be really surprised to find out that he’s the result of some torrid affair my grandma had, but beyond that? Since my grandpa doesn’t use computers, I’m perfectly comfortable saying I have absolutely no clue whether or not he’s a bastard or not.
Even if that weren’t a problem, there’s still the issue that Muhammad wasn’t the only one at that time with his genes. His Y-chromosome haplotype was shared with any other male children his father or uncles had and any of their male-line descendants. There’s no way to tell whether or not someone inherited their Muhammadan Y-chromosome from, say, Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib instead of the Last Prophet.
There’s a fairly famous study that is claimed to demonstrate that 1 in 200 men is the direct descendant of Genghis Khan. It does no such thing. I’m perfectly willing to concede that the timing and geography of the spread of the particular Y-chromosome haplotype found strongly suggests that it was spread by the Mongols and that there’s a good argument to be made that Genghis Khan shared it. But you know who else is almost certain to have fathered a lot of bastards during the conquest? Qasar, Hachiun, Temüge, and Belgutei, his brothers, along with other members of his father’s family.
Genealogy is hard, and DNA doesn’t always simplify things.
to do so would be considered hersey as well. Just like if the grave of Abraham or David was found, the jews would not allow their DNA to be sequenced for basically the same reason.
Toss it at a sinner
No they worship the alien inside the stone
Dude i honestly couldnt give less of a fuck on what you think but if you are going based on religion, i hope i explained how muslims dont worship the kaabah
If I follow your logic then christians are not pagan as muslims claim because according to them they dont dont worship the cross and Jesus as a man and Hindus dont dont worship stone carvings(sounds familar to muslim "stones" hehe) of idols but real Gods.

So if exactly your logic then Islam is satanic and fake exactly as people claim when simply looking at muslim practices.

Do you understand now what I am saying?
to do so would be considered hersey as well. Just like if the grave of Abraham or David was found, the jews would not allow their DNA to be sequenced for basically the same reason.
Strange that "the true religion" REFUSES to allow evidence finding research but tells us "its the true religion" and "just believe bro and have faith bro"
If I follow your logic then christians are not pagan as muslims claim because according to them they dont dont worship the cross and Jesus as a man and Hindus dont dont worship stone carvings(sounds familar to muslim "stones" hehe) of idols but real Gods.

So if exactly your logic then Islam is satanic and fake exactly as people claim when simply looking at muslim practices.

Do you understand now what I am saying?
What is my logic that i have conveyed that can make you think this?

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