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RageFuel Muslims are the niggers of Canada



Heil I.N.C.E.L.
Sep 30, 2019
Some based mf drove his truck over a family of Muzzies and on cue the media having a racist field day with it.

It's quickly becoming the George Floyd incident of Canada. I'm already fucking sick of this shit. Muh Muslim lives matter. Justice of Muslims. Racism is ingrained in Canadian society. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, everyone is saying how oppressed Muslims are, even though they probably outnumber non-Muslims in most of the big cities.

If it was so bad they wouldn't be flooding into the country by the millions to voluntarily be oppressed.
Idk why the left has such a raging boner for muh religion of peace
Too bad you live in delusion and this is not the case.

Hopefully this'll be the reality in a couple of centuries when the white race is (hopefully) extinct.
You're so delusional, how do you cope with the fact that jews got you here and that the best you'll do is become a slave of them because you're low IQ? You'll never get better treatment than you have in the last 100 years, it's going downhill from here mudmonkey.

Also you don't even fucking live in Canada you retard, wtf would you know?
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even though they probably outnumber non-Muslims in most of the big cities
I know this is a lie as of now. But future lifefuel

Sometimes I think cumskin are absolutely autistic. They know the real enemy is the king yet lash out at the slave. Brain dead people.
Just kill yourself already, it's over white boy.
you say that is over for browncels when evul white man 'steals' your women, you say other thing and say another
I know this is a lie as of now. But future lifefuel

Sometimes I think cumskin are absolutely autistic. They know the real enemy is the king yet lash out at the slave. Brain dead people.
They aren't braindead. They are just insanely racist and hateful. So much hate and violence in their kind that is not imaginable to us.
It's because ethnics try to at least keep their women in check. White men are cucks.
so you admit JBE, JBB ? at least don't make next day another JBW thread

Ethnicels are actually right. We really are a disgusting race. Back in time we enslaved and slayed people left and right, now we're leading BLM and Antifa troops, virtue signaling to protect the very same people we screwed over centuries ago. It's truly ironic.
It's because ethnics try to at least keep their women in check. White men are cucks.
Can you name any Muslim country that isn't being ravaged by feminism? There's only 3 countries left that force women to wear hijabs now. Even Saudi Arabia lets women drive cars now. The Muslim religion will die off and become a cucked perverted version of itself like Judaism.
Can you name any Muslim country that isn't being ravaged by feminism? There's only 3 countries left that force women to wear hijabs now. Even Saudi Arabia lets women drive cars now. The Muslim religion will die off and become a cucked perverted version of itself like Judaism.
yes muhh based islam, he needs to feel batter bullying whites but arabs are next on globalist list
so you admit JBE, JBB ? at least don't make next day another JBW thread

@gymletethnicel, an immigrant that gets govt income and votes socialist, frequently changes his opinion to fit his need at the moment. One day it’s “I’m a poor Muslim worker in the west” the next “I’m Muslim and we’re taking over”.
You're so delusional, how do you cope with the fact that jews got you here and that the best you'll do is become a slave of them because you're low IQ? You'll never get better treatment than you have in the last 100 years, it's going downhill from here mudmonkey.

Also you don't even fucking live in Canada you retard, wtf would you know?
He knows dude. He already took the vaccine and votes socialist. By far greatest Jewish asset on this forum, or one of the biggest rivaling that one amerimutt liberal. These people have nothing going on inside their head I swear. Just like @ThoughtfulCel, there are contradictions made within minutes and you don’t get a real opinion line. You just get a shitty snaky vague constantly changing garbage heap.
Some based mf drove his truck over a family of Muzzies and on cue the media having a racist field day with it.

It's quickly becoming the George Floyd incident of Canada. I'm already fucking sick of this shit. Muh Muslim lives matter. Justice of Muslims. Racism is ingrained in Canadian society. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, everyone is saying how oppressed Muslims are, even though they probably outnumber non-Muslims in most of the big cities.

If it was so bad they wouldn't be flooding into the country by the millions to voluntarily be oppressed.
The only people that have remotely the right to complain about Canada are first nation/indigenous people (because they indeed suffer from high crime rates against them -especially serial killings/sexual crimes- and because their communities have enormous problems with alcoholism/poverty and are generally speaking disregarded - which is a farce because it is still to some degree their land - although almost everything you nowadays see was built by and for whites), but muzzies definetely not, because they deliberately chose to come here and now complain.
Although things like this show again why muliticulturalism is a bad idea per se. It takes one lunatic to do something and you have a race debate going on for months and months after it (often accompanied by violence) which will never solve the issue (because it's unsolvable due to both parties hating each other and being better off on their own, a good example: Tobias R. - he was a schizophreniac who shot up some foreigners due to hearing voices and thinking that they hold back the invention of a time machine and even years after it he is still a hot-discussed topic by all political parties due to the race problem although he was a completely unpolitical lunatic.
This race issue is redundant and only an unnecessary source of conflict. Imagine being one of the founding fathers of America and hearing one of the current political debates. Race was never a topic in a homogenous country and it's only a source of conflict (for everyone involved).
Completely insane: Unironically multiculturalism and "anti-racism" (which means anti-white racism) created the enormous focus on race that we nowadays see on all sides of the spectrum and that radicalized both the left-wing and the right-wing - nothing more than destabilization and conflict arose due to it. Diversity isn't our strength, but our weakness, if I was an enemy of America that saw the BLM protests and the civil-war-like situations on American streets I would know exactly what to do if I wanted to undermine the efficiency of my opponent - just fake one incident and the mass media will incite the masses and then nothing in America is save for the next months. Racial/cultural diversity created inner politics that don't resemble inner politics, but rather foreign politics between enemy power blocks, democracy was replaced by demography and when you now don't like how people vote just import dozens and dozens of people who vote like you want. Nothing more than destabilization and worse things arose from it.
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The Jews did this
Idk why the left has such a raging boner for muh religion of peace
Cause they see race first, and see them as minorities oppressed rather than any other identity they have.
that should just be your new avi tbh
He knows dude. He already took the vaccine and votes socialist. By far greatest Jewish asset on this forum, or one of the biggest rivaling that one amerimutt liberal. These people have nothing going on inside their head I swear. Just like @ThoughtfulCel, there are contradictions made within minutes and you don’t get a real opinion line. You just get a shitty snaky vague constantly changing garbage heap.
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cumskins Seething :feelsdevil:
I know this is a lie as of now. But future lifefuel

Sometimes I think cumskin are absolutely autistic. They know the real enemy is the king yet lash out at the slave. Brain dead people.
most whitoids here if offered Chad hood and Stacy wife or ability to exterminate brown ethnics. would choose to exterminate browns over Chadhood
most whitoids here if offered Chad hood and Stacy wife or ability to exterminate brown ethnics. would choose to exterminate browns over Chadhood
Coming from invading sandniggers who could easily get a wife and a goat to fuck in their own countries but instead choose to live in Europe or NA to perform their Jihad, makes you wonder huh, and yeh what's the point of being Chad if some shitskin goatfucker will bomb your house in 50 years.
Coming from invading sandniggers who could easily get a wife and a goat to fuck in their own countries but instead choose to live in Europe or NA to perform their Jihad, makes you wonder huh, and yeh what's the point of being Chad if some shitskin goatfucker will bomb your house in 50 years.
Too bad you live in delusion and this is not the case.

Hopefully this'll be the reality in a couple of centuries when the white race is (hopefully) extinct.
Imagine a muslim world where even the white bitches are muslim. I'll have 2 brown wives and 2 white wives and have a rota so I dont have to deal with any one for too long to avoid nagging.
All of a sudden, out of nowhere, everyone is saying how oppressed Muslims are
that's basically everywhere in the west now

Muslims do terrorism on a daily basis and they have the audacity to pretend their life is as bad as jews during WW2 or black during slavery.

I think it's probably because of saudi arabia lobbying. I can't believe our secret services are letting our societies being subverted by foreign capital.
And why dont they go to arab countries or countries which have their own cultures.
It's because ethnics try to at least keep their women in check. White men are cucks.
Letting women drive cars is not something against Islamic jurisprudence. The minor feminist changes that are happening in the Middle-East are an effect of European colonialism and international criticism from Europe and the US. Also, most governments have been installed by foreign powers. The Middle-East doesn't have true democracy.

Whenever the people vote someone based in power, the West always does something to get their puppet in power.
The US tried to topple Erdogan because he is too Islamist, but it failed. The West toppled Mohammed Morsi because of his anti-Zionist and Islamic positions. They couldn't topple Hamas, so they labelled them a terrorist organization.

Feminism in the Middle-East is an effect of Western interference.
We should either reclaim "Canada" to the side of freedom and take it's 13 "provinces" and "territories" and make them into proper American states, or let the Injuns take over and replace both the whites and and the frogeaters, before it becomes an Islamic shithole and the next terrorist hotspot.

Even having the country overrun by beaners would be better (and "Canada" sure is lacking in spicy beans, no wonder that "country" is low on iron and culture).
The only people that have remotely the right to complain about Canada are first nation/indigenous people (because they indeed suffer from high crime rates against them -especially serial killings/sexual crimes- and because their communities have enormous problems with alcoholism/poverty and are generally speaking disregarded - which is a farce because it is still to some degree their land - although almost everything you nowadays see was built by and for whites), but muzzies definetely not, because they deliberately chose to come here and now complain.
Although things like this show again why muliticulturalism is a bad idea per se. It takes one lunatic to do something and you have a race debate going on for months and months after it (often accompanied by violence) which will never solve the issue (because it's unsolvable due to both parties hating each other and being better off on their own, a good example: Tobias R. - he was a schizophreniac who shot up some foreigners due to hearing voices and thinking that they hold back the invention of a time machine and even years after it he is still a hot-discussed topic by all political parties due to the race problem although he was a completely unpolitical lunatic.
This race issue is redundant and only an unnecessary source of conflict. Imagine being one of the founding fathers of America and hearing one of the current political debates. Race was never a topic in a homogenous country and it's only a source of conflict (for everyone involved).
Completely insane: Unironically multiculturalism and "anti-racism" (which means anti-white racism) created the enormous focus on race that we nowadays see on all sides of the spectrum and that radicalized both the left-wing and the right-wing - nothing more than destabilization and conflict arose due to it. Diversity isn't our strength, but our weakness, if I was an enemy of America that saw the BLM protests and the civil-war-like situations on American streets I would know exactly what to do if I wanted to undermine the efficiency of my opponent - just fake one incident and the mass media will incite the masses and then nothing in America is save for the next months. Racial/cultural diversity created inner politics that don't resemble inner politics, but rather foreign politics between enemy power blocks, democracy was replaced by demography and when you now don't like how people vote just import dozens and dozens of people who vote like you want. Nothing more than destabilization and worse things arose from it.
Indigenous First Nation languages should be added as official languages of Canada.
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blame canada. they must not be as woke as others.
Canada will soon be the Muslamic Nation of Canadastan.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in Canada.
Feminism in the Middle-East is an effect of Western interference.
Maybe but you just know the women there like anyone else were just waiting for the first excuse that came up to disregard the local men
TL;DR: Some aspie cumskin decides to kill an innocent brown family and then OP, a fellow aspie cumskin, starts to wonder people think certain groups are being discriminated. Fellow aspie cumskins and a boot-licking hindpoo dindpoo start to join OP in his low IQ idea.
Some based mf drove his truck over a family of Muzzies and on cue the media having a racist field day with it.

It's quickly becoming the George Floyd incident of Canada. I'm already fucking sick of this shit. Muh Muslim lives matter. Justice of Muslims. Racism is ingrained in Canadian society. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, everyone is saying how oppressed Muslims are, even though they probably outnumber non-Muslims in most of the big cities.

If it was so bad they wouldn't be flooding into the country by the millions to voluntarily be oppressed.
Fuck the mainstream media and fuck the normie retards that buy into the propaganda.

The whole George Floyd thing blowing up like it did is a testament to how A) the media will misrepresent anything to get those views and B) there are a ton of dumb mother fuckers who will believe it.

For the cop who was found guilty of murder? His jury wasn’t sequestered and in the interviews following the case it was apparent that they’d all made up their minds before the case even started. Of course the niggers on the jury made statements after like “As a Black person it was my duty to find justice” e.g. I’m black and already made my mind up to giga-overpunish and make an example out of this whitee cop. The one hold out pretty much said they were pressured and bullied into the conclusion.

A more reasonable ruling “might” have done manslaughter considering all the outrage but just straight up murder? Oh my fucking god, clearly the Chicago musical is completely accurate and public perception/a good story is all people care about instead of the actual truth.

I hate this world, fuck George Floyd he deserved what he got.
Idk why the left has such a raging boner for muh religion of peace
Ironic isn’t it — it makes absolutely no fucking sense considering the Islamic views towards women which they hate so much.

The left literally just deny that Islam believes what they believe lmfao.
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Sometimes I think cumskin are absolutely autistic. They know the real enemy is the king yet lash out at the slave. Brain dead people.

This is very true. Racism against ethnics is completely idiotic. Throughout my life I've been met with rejection and death stares from women because of my race; women notice the racism of society and don't want to be associated (especially their potential progeny) with the targets.

Whites (not all obviously) will teach their kids to hate Browns, alienating Browns even more and creating segragation and discrimination. All the while leaving the Elite destroying their life quality little by little. A useless and meaningless horizontal conflict, they're too stupid to understand apparently.

In France you literally have Jews that don't hide that they're Jews (unlike Jewish Americans) preaching hatred daily on every channel of TV and it's totally OK according to the French, the culprit of their misery is apparently some random Brown in some random neighborhood, not the government that shits on its citizens.

If Whites were smart, they could secularize and integrate Browns within their culture. They could stop watching (((TV))) and caring about (((politics))), I guess they're not so smart. It's so bright to tell your daugher to hate a guy for his race, so clever. Of course not all Whites are like this, thanfully, some are warm hearted. Anyway, karma will backfire at a point or another, Rome has fallen after all.
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They aren't braindead. They are just insanely racist and hateful. So much hate and violence in their kind that is not imaginable to us.

I guess it's in their blood. To perceive any non-White as inferior and undesirable.

Not imaginable indeed, I can't understand/feel racism.
If Whites were smart
but they are retarded and they deserve to get discriminated against and have niggers and jews fuck them over and steal their money
but they are retarded and they deserve to get discriminated against and have niggers and jews fuck them over and steal their money

Honestly yes (overall of course, some of them are good).

In my experience as an Arab most Arabs are garbage and they discriminated me and even could artifically give me a bad grade or go out of their way to mistreat me. I would rather live among Whites than Arabs.

Humans in general don't have enough IQ, and that's the root of all problems.
Honestly yes (overall of course, some of them are good).

In my experience as an Arab most Arabs are garbage and they discriminated me and even could artifically give me a bad grade or go out of their way to mistreat me. I would rather live among Whites than Arabs.

Humans in general don't have enough IQ, and that's the root of all problems.
true arabs are worse and more retarded but pigskins are at fault for encouraging them, and you're right I don't like to pick sides between races because it sounds ridiculous and dumb.

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