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Muslim man tells the story of how he was cucked by a German Chad.



Fesikhcel From Zabbaleen
Nov 10, 2017
Hello, this story that you're about to read is one out of many reasons why I've left Islam and totally denounce it.
At the time this has happened I was about 15/16 years old and my turkish girlfriend was 14 at that time. We were and still are very good friends but something horrible happened that caused our relationship to weaken. We both are (well, I was) Muslim at that time when she met a german guy that she liked on some online gaming site. Keep in mind we live in secular germany, not in some Islamic country(!) At first she was just friends with him but 3 months later the guy told her that he loved her and wanted to be in a relationship with her. It took awhile till my Muslim friend said "yes" to a relationship because she always kept in mind that he had to convert if they wanted to eventually engage or even marry.
Me, being a good friend as always, promised her to keep this a secret and never told my parents NOR anybody else that may know about this. Many months have passed and she was always on the phone with that guy, and I must say, he was quite a gentleman. One day he even visited her despite living 6 hours away from us, they met at some random place and took selfies there and talked till he took his train back home again.
Time went by and she even told me she wanted to marry him in the future. I just thought that was silly because she was 15 at that time and had no clue how hard it would be to get him to convert. Despite the german guy willing to convert to Islam for her, her mother did not want to marry off her daughter to some german guy. I felt bad for her and supported her as much as I could, and tables have turned: all her family have found out about the relationship she had with that guy and THIS is where the story starts:
Her brother took her phone and brutally beated her and even pulled her by her hair. Ironically her brother was always seen with women but his sister having a boyfriend is a big NO NO! Her mother encouraged her sons to beat their sister for being a "whore" and having a boyfriend. At that same day she knocked on my door. I was shocked to see her in the situation she was in! Her hair looked messy and resembled the one of a homeless person, her mascara was all over her face and her eyes were red from crying. I told her "oh no, they found out, didn't they?" And she cried and said yes. I was the only friend she could seek refugee in.
We talked in my room and I tried to calm her down. I honestly felt so sad for her and she told me how bad her family treated her, SUDDENLY - I heard loud angry knocks on my door. Who was it? Her crazy mother! She screamed at the top of her lungs and blamed me for "whoring" her daughter to a german man. All I was doing was being a good friend and keep in my, she never lost her virginity to anybody. I was honestly surprised that my neighbors havent called the police because she was screaming like a maniac! My mother tried to calm her down by saying "Allah forgives your daughter. Don't worry, she will break up with this guy and will marry somebody who is good for her..." blablabla. We stood there for 1 HOUR and tried to calm her crazy mother down...
What has happened to my friend now, you may ask? She has a kurdish boyfriend now and she told me she'll never go for a german one because hell bent down on that day they found out about her relationship.
So let me get this straight, a Muslim family moves to Germany, and refuses to allow their daughter to integrate into the culture of the country they moved to. So they are objectively colonizing Germany. This is a redpill post alright, but not for the reasons you think it is. If you don't want your daughter to get dicked by Germans, don't move to Germany, stay in the goddamn desert.

Hell, the German "Chad" (he obviously was a beta) was even willing to convert.
So let me get this straight, a Muslim family moves to Germany, and refuses to allow their daughter to integrate into the culture of the country they moved to. So they are objectively colonizing Germany. This is a redpill post alright, but not for the reasons you think it is. If you don't want your daughter to get dicked by Germans, don't move to Germany, stay in the goddamn desert.

Hell, the German "Chad" (he obviously was a beta) was even willing to convert.
All Germans are Chads.
just scroll to the comments and you will find this post by op:
Muslim parents are never racist UNTIL their daughters want to marry an interracial man! Then trust me, they are more racist than Nazi skinheads here in germany. I once asked my mother what she'd think of me if I liked a black guy and wanted to get married to him. Her response? "So you'd like to walk around with ugly black children I assume?" That totally disgusted me.
a foid has written this, there is no cucking involved.
So let me get this straight, a Muslim family moves to Germany, and refuses to allow their daughter to integrate into the culture of the country they moved to. So they are objectively colonizing Germany. This is a redpill post alright, but not for the reasons you think it is. If you don't want your daughter to get dicked by Germans, don't move to Germany, stay in the goddamn desert.

Hell, the German "Chad" (he obviously was a beta) was even willing to convert.
high iq post.
Germanistancel here, the writer strikes me as a second or third generation migrant. Many turks came here in the 50's-70's as "guestworkers",
so you have to keep in mind that those guys had easily 50+ years to "integrate". How good that worked you can see in the post, lol.
To be fair there are some "normal" muslims here, too. My brother is friends with a gay & alcohol drinking muslim for example, but his family would probably kill him if they found out.
guestworkers = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastarbeiter
All Germans are Chads.
You're delusional buddy, but I do find it funny that if you search up refugee porn and German you get a German dude fucking an arab in a hijab. I was intending to find some good cuck material but ended up getting a bunch of Mia Khalifa knockoffs. Very disappointing.
Islam has to be the most retarded thing on the face of the Earth.
So let me get this straight, a Muslim family moves to Germany, and refuses to allow their daughter to integrate into the culture of the country they moved to. So they are objectively colonizing Germany. This is a redpill post alright, but not for the reasons you think it is. If you don't want your daughter to get dicked by Germans, don't move to Germany, stay in the goddamn desert.

Hell, the German "Chad" (he obviously was a beta) was even willing to convert.

Literally this. Fuck immigrants (especially Muslim scum) who refuse to assimilate. I’m an immigrant myself but I fucking hate my own kind when I read these stories.
Dumb whore needs to keep her legs closed thats only for mohamed
So let me get this straight, a Muslim family moves to Germany, and refuses to allow their daughter to integrate into the culture of the country they moved to. So they are objectively colonizing Germany. This is a redpill post alright, but not for the reasons you think it is. If you don't want your daughter to get dicked by Germans, don't move to Germany, stay in the goddamn desert.

Hell, the German "Chad" (he obviously was a beta) was even willing to convert.
ECFD7208 5FF2 4797 A9F5 58E510A9BB99
Why the fuck is she allowed to have a boyfriend after. Cucked muslims are the worst
So let me get this straight, a Muslim family moves to Germany, and refuses to allow their daughter to integrate into the culture of the country they moved to. So they are objectively colonizing Germany. This is a redpill post alright, but not for the reasons you think it is. If you don't want your daughter to get dicked by Germans, don't move to Germany, stay in the goddamn desert.

Hell, the German "Chad" (he obviously was a beta) was even willing to convert.
High IQ as fuck
Based family!

In western families tho', they would've encourage her to fuck with whoever she likes: No problem at all, if she becomes a Chad cock sucking whore.
So let me get this straight, a Muslim family moves to Germany, and refuses to allow their daughter to integrate into the culture of the country they moved to. So they are objectively colonizing Germany. This is a redpill post alright, but not for the reasons you think it is. If you don't want your daughter to get dicked by Germans, don't move to Germany, stay in the goddamn desert.

Hell, the German "Chad" (he obviously was a beta) was even willing to convert.
It was the pigskin scum who destroyed Muslim countries. CuckGerms and other pigskin cucks have no right to impose their filthy inferior degenerate culture on Muslims ,even the ones living in Germany or other pigskin degenerate shithole. Actually, Muslims have an acquired right in all of the pigskin lands, resources and roastie pussy as a payback for hundreds of years of colonialism ,which is still continuing to this day.
Islam has to be the most retarded thing on the face of the Earth.
Well, I always get laughs how they present themselves as "peaceful".

Muhammad never got any people to convert peacefully. When he was doing it almost no one converted.

Once he went into his 2.0 mode and just started slaughtering people, entire Middle-East was conquered by 661 (under 30 years after his death).

No one converts unless you tell them "convert or die".
based GrAy (rare spawn)
More of us are growing in numbers... holy fuck
We need all arabcels to rise up against the khinzirskin menace.
Cumskins have always found holes in our insults so they don't get offended by it often. They've constructed that fucking britshit language themselves. Why should we be weaponizing their own language at them? It'll put us at a disadvantage and will only make us look like retarded fools. Blacks tried to insult them with cracker and it didn't quite work out. Piglets just kept going with nigger like cracker was a training dummy for wignatfaggots. We need to take over their lands and insult them in our language that they dont understand so they feel very pissed off and confused.
Do you have any good anti-white slurs in Arabic?
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When white female coalburners get punished it's "based". Apparently not based when chad chasing hojabjs get punished.
When white female coalburners get punished it's "based". Apparently not based when chad chasing hojabjs get punished.
Cumskins are retarded two-faced mentally ill idiots.
Well, I always get laughs how they present themselves as "peaceful".

Muhammad never got any people to convert peacefully. When he was doing it almost no one converted.

Once he went into his 2.0 mode and just started slaughtering people, entire Middle-East was conquered by 661 (under 30 years after his death).

No one converts unless you tell them "convert or die".
Same thing happened with Christianity. Was every christian conversion inherently perfectly peaceful? No bloodshed was ever torn over them? The conversion of the Pagan Germans and Balts were vibrant and lovely. No one ever got a pinky toe cut with a paper during these good old times.:feelskek:
I don't think I can tolerate my enemies with peace any longer. Violence is needed, it naturally all comes down to this.
Cumskins are retarded two-faced mentally ill idiots.

Same thing happened with Christianity. Was every christian conversion inherently perfectly peaceful? No bloodshed was ever torn over them? The conversion of the Pagan Germans and Balts were vibrant and lovely. No one ever got a pinky toe cut with a paper during these good old times.:feelskek:
I'm not denying it. Same shit, different creed.

It's same with feminism, you obey it or you face the consequences.
I'm not denying it. Same shit, different creed.

It's same with feminism, you obey it or you face the consequences.
At least it's not cucked. I've decided by myself that Islam is the best religion. Back in my redpill libcuck debunking days I was considering being an Ex-Muslim but I realized they were just idiots trying to brainwash me into some nonsense and bullshit. Westerners doomed themselves into letting in the jews: thereby allowing feminism, hypergamy and degeneracy to spread like wildfire. I'd rather stick to my own culture and my own community.
I'll probably live to see the West's downfall, and I will never shed a single tear because of it. They did it to themselves.
At least it's not cucked. I've decided by myself that Islam is the best religion. Back in my redpill libcuck debunking days I was considering being an Ex-Muslim but I realized they were just idiots trying to brainwash me into some nonsense and bullshit. Westerners doomed themselves into letting in the jews: thereby allowing feminism, hypergamy and degeneracy to spread like wildfire. I'd rather stick to my own culture and my own community.
I'll probably live to see the West's downfall, and I will never shed a single tear because of it. They did it to themselves.
It's getting cucked and fast. Lots of muslims have acquired western tastes and values while living in west it's sort of impossible short of living in isolated communities with your own schools etc.
It's getting cucked and fast. Lots of muslims have acquired western tastes and values while living in west it's sort of impossible short of living in isolated communities with your own schools etc.
Everything everywhere is getting cucked fast. Islam as a result of controlled opposition and western-supported/progressivecuck rulers has been deteoriating of sincere adherence. Muslim Gen Zoids are only islamic culturally. They have been practically rejecting it and they have embraced LGBT+ and feminist cultures. A lot of modern imams are also very cucked (Madkhalis for one example) There are still some based ones but we're getting drought by westcuck propaganda very fast and it isn't stopping anytime soon.
That's what I fear. I don't fear the West's decline. They brought this shit to us and propagandized it to death. I hate them even more for that.
Everything everywhere is getting cucked fast. Islam as a result of controlled opposition and western-supported/progressivecuck rulers has been deteoriating of sincere adherence. Muslim Gen Zoids are only islamic culturally. They have been practically rejecting it and they have embraced LGBT+ and feminist cultures. A lot of modern imams are also very cucked (Madkhalis for one example) There are still some based ones but we're getting drought by westcuck propaganda very fast and it isn't stopping anytime soon.
That's what I fear. I don't fear the West's decline. They brought this shit to us and propagandized it to death. I hate them even more for that.
At the very least, the Muslims in UK are very ultraconserative from what I've observed. Muslim percentage rates in Britain are steadily raising due to anglos being hyperhedonistic and not having children. All on them.
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At the very least, the Muslims in UK are very ultraconserative from what I've observed. Muslim percentage rates in Britain are steadily raising due to anglos being hyperhedonistic and not having children. All on them.
Well, Muslims in UK are of different country than in other countries. You know what I am talking about.
Well, Muslims in UK are of different country than in other countries. You know what I am talking about.
I do know. More Muslims need to stick to the faith and call out western bullshit like them. I wish we had them here in Saudi now. Thanks to the disbanding of the CPVPV, degeneracy is slowly sweeping in.

Ah yes a German guy prepared to be Muslim is rejected because a Kurdish family only want Kurdish inlaws. Sounds more like nationalism than Islam. So this grounds for completely turning his back on Islam? This must be some larp post from a faggot some where
So let me get this straight, a Muslim family moves to Germany, and refuses to allow their daughter to integrate into the culture of the country they moved to. So they are objectively colonizing Germany. This is a redpill post alright, but not for the reasons you think it is. If you don't want your daughter to get dicked by Germans, don't move to Germany, stay in the goddamn desert.

Hell, the German "Chad" (he obviously was a beta) was even willing to convert.
Miscegenation is disgusting and assimilating only produces mutts that will ruin everything like in america. Why would you ever want your people to breed with sandfoids or any other foids beside white. If whites were based they would beat the shit out of foids and betas trying to racemix rather than seething that racist sandniggers don't want their foids breeding with pigskins
Miscegenation is disgusting and assimilating only produces mutts that will ruin everything like in america. Why would you ever want your people to breed with sandfoids or any other foids beside white. If whites were based they would beat the shit out of foids and betas trying to racemix rather than seething that racist sandniggers don't want their foids breeding with pigskins
Holy gigabased post
So let me get this straight, a Muslim family moves to Germany, and refuses to allow their daughter to integrate into the culture of the country they moved to. So they are objectively colonizing Germany. This is a redpill post alright, but not for the reasons you think it is. If you don't want your daughter to get dicked by Germans, don't move to Germany, stay in the goddamn desert.

Hell, the German "Chad" (he obviously was a beta) was even willing to convert.
1672434637349 1

Assuming that story is true and not just some made up propaganda bullshit on that stupid libcuck subreddit, I will deeply thank her brothers and mother if I ever meet them. Filthy whore foids who betray their own race and culture and try to date a pigskin piece of shit deserve to be burned alive ,slowly in a public square while a group of hairy and handsome dark-skinned chaddams piss on her worthless face and body.
slowly in a public square while a group of hairy and handsome dark-skinned chaddams piss on her worthless face and body.
This sounds gay af

Also, how was the narrator cucked in this story? The narrator is obviously a foid ,not a guy. When she says "girlfriend", she actually means a regular friend of the same gender.
Muslimahs love BWC
Based pfp.

daddi wy is da plane heading to dat tower

we sinned and we are facing the consequences son

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