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"Muh why are incels so obsessed with wanting a wife and family? There's more to life than wanting a wife and kids."



Aug 6, 2023
A man's terminal goal in life is to procreate and protect our offspring. Everything in a man's life is centered around this goal, including our hobbies. We wake up in the morning and shower so we smell good to attract women. We use gel and comb our hair so we look well groomed to attract women. We work hard at our jobs so we can make money to attract women. We work out so we can look visually pleasing to attract women.

Even our hobbies are centered around procreating. Look at Grand Theft Auto 5 for example. It's one of the most popular video games to have ever existed and has sold over 100 million copies. In the game the player makes money to buy fancy cars, expensive houses, and fancy clothes. The reason a man does those things in the real world is to ATTRACT WOMEN. Even in the virtual world where we can't date women, our brains are still wired to want to do these things from a primitive level because it makes us feel as though we're attractive enough to procreate.

The reason why men enjoy murdering and winning competitions against other men in video games is because it indulges in a man's fantasy of proving to women that we're alpha males and superior to other competing men. It's also seen as another positive, since it means we removed gene competition from the dating pool. Keep in mind this also makes us MORE ATTRACTIVE TOWARDS WOMEN.

Every minute detail about our lives is centered around procreating. Normtards will never understand this. You can't change the wiring in a man's brain.
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"Silly inkwell, there's more to life than having friends, a social life, a girlfriend/significant other, children, a loving supportive family, sex, social acceptance, and the right to not be treated with disgust or ostracization and being respected as a human being" :soy::foidSoy::chad:
A agree with most of your post but not the part about video games. How is someone who plays fortnite in any way trying to advance their chances of procreation?
All I want is to simply pump and dump whores
A agree with most of your post but not the part about video games. How is someone who plays fortnite in any way trying to advance their chances of procreation?
Because a game like GTA will endulge in man's fantasy of being attractive enough to procreate. I've never played fortnite so I-don't really know what it's about, sorry.
All I want is to simply pump and dump whores
Pumping and dumping many women is the ideal male primitive mating strategy. While you may not want to raise the kids yourself, you're still wired to want to fuck women to spread your genes far and wide.
A man's terminal goal in life is to procreate and protect our offspring.
Honestly, I think that protecting one's offspring has more to do with what is expected of a man than what a man would do if there were no socio-religious institutions behind it. The number of single mothers getting pregnant by Chad and Tyrone is proof of them.
Even our hobbies are centered around procreating.
I don't agree, honestly. Only roleplay modes have this component. The desire for individualization and status is what makes these types of games fun and interesting. Foids are just another complement.
The reason why men enjoying combatting and winning against other men in video games is because in the real world this would prove to women that we're alpha males and are superior to other competing men. It's also seen as another positive, since it means we removed gene competition from the dating pool. Keep in mind this also makes us MORE ATTRACTIVE TOWARDS WOMEN.
For practical purposes, whoever has the ability to control armies and impose themselves on other men can perfectly rape, kidnap and even buy slaves for their personal and sexual enjoyment.You wouldn't need to charm or convince a foid. Convincing a foid to be with you is something that occurs in conditions where the foid has the capacity to choose.
I wonder if any women are impressed by the skills of pro CS players like s1mple and donk.
In the end only thing that does matters, reason to live for someone else and a support while you do it. Problem is they corrupted everything, wives are whores, kids are femboys and snarky lesbians, husbands are cucks, of course that this type of family is not happy.
Virtually everything we do serves the purpose of reproduction. The meaning of life is to ensure the survival and proliferation of your genes. Sex and intimacy are at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy for a reason. A life without sex is a life of chronic pain and it is tantamount to killing a man several times over. Inceldom kills a man's genetic legacy by rubbing him out the gene pool, it kills any chance of him having a respectable position in society and it literally pushes him towards an early grave.

Life is so hollow without sex, intimacy and companionship. Normies are evil for trivialising the importance of these things.

I want love
You're not entitled to that, sweaty. You sound like a disgusting misogynist. No wonder no woman wants you. :foidSoy: :soy:
Virtually everything we do serves the purpose of reproduction. The meaning of life is to ensure the survival and proliferation of your genes. Sex and intimacy are at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy for a reason. A life without sex is a life of chronic pain and it is tantamount to killing a man several times over. Inceldom kills a man's genetic legacy by rubbing him out the gene pool, it kills any chance of him having a respectable position in society and it literally pushes him towards an early grave.

Life is so hollow without sex, intimacy and companionship. Normies are evil for trivialising the importance of these things.
Very true. It seems like the people who trivialize things are the ones lucky enough to have them.
Problem is they corrupted everything, wives are whores, kids are femboys and snarky lesbians, husbands are cucks, of course that this type of family is not happy.
At this point I don't even think it's bad parenting anymore. Society plays a huge roll in how your kids are raised, not so much the parents.
Honestly, I think that protecting one's offspring has more to do with what is expected of a man than what a man would do if there were no socio-religious institutions behind it. The number of single mothers getting pregnant by Chad and Tyrone is proof of them.

I don't agree, honestly. Only roleplay modes have this component. The desire for individualization and status is what makes these types of games fun and interesting. Foids are just another complement.

For practical purposes, whoever has the ability to control armies and impose themselves on other men can perfectly rape, kidnap and even buy slaves for their personal and sexual enjoyment.You wouldn't need to charm or convince a foid. Convincing a foid to be with you is something that occurs in conditions where the foid has the capacity to choose.
Thanks for taking the time to write this, I really appreciate the feedback a lot.
Honestly, I think that protecting one's offspring has more to do with what is expected of a man than what a man would do if there were no socio-religious institutions behind it. The number of single mothers getting pregnant by Chad and Tyrone is proof of them.
Very true and I agree. Men on a primitive level would rather pump and dump than to raise a kid.
I don't agree, honestly. Only roleplay modes have this component. The desire for individualization and status is what makes these types of games fun and interesting. Foids are just another complement.
I'm confused but don't know how to explain in it words. Could you please explain further?
A man's terminal goal in life is to procreate and protect our offspring. Everything in a man's life is centered around this goal, including our hobbies. We wake up in the morning and shower so we smell good to attract women. We use gel and comb our hair so we look well groomed to attract women. We work hard at our jobs so we can make money to attract women. We work out so we can look visually pleasing to attract women.
Wether every male alive knows it or not, our very existence is centered around working to eventually find a foid, reproduce with her, and then eventually raise your offspring with her & protect them(along with your foid) until the day you die.

Is this a bad thing? Well, it's the natural state of humanity which has existed for thousands of years, and our civilizations all serve to reflect this in some way: All civilizations were patriarchal, and valued the males intellect, strength, etc. above that of the female. This is not a bad thing in itself, it's simply just reflecting the overall state of nature which we as humans have been endowed with: However, it does indicate that the current system is utilizing this in order to potentially exploit males & utilize foids as "ZOGbots" of sorts.
Even our hobbies are centered around procreating. Look at Grand Theft Auto 5 for example. It's one of the most popular video games to have ever existed and has sold over 100 million copies. In the game the player makes money to buy fancy cars, expensive houses, and fancy clothes. The reason a man does those things in the real world is to ATTRACT WOMEN. Even in the virtual world where we can't date women, our brains are still wired to want to do these things from a primitive level because it makes us feel as though we're attractive enough to procreate.
High-IQ take.

Another thing worth noting, is that in GTA you can't get married or have any kind of LTR with foids: Even in a virtual reality where we are removed from the option of relationships, we still feel the need to work towards attaining these materialistic assets in order to help as ascertain our position on the social hierarchy, which exists primarily in order to attract women.

In a way, we truly have no break: Even our copes such as vidya reinforce this method of mental programming through ingraining within us the need to work towards these milestones, which we know subconsciously will potentially shift us closer towards our innate desires.
The reason why men enjoy murdering and winning competitions against other men in video games is because it indulges in a man's fantasy of proving to women that we're alpha males and superior to other competing men. It's also seen as another positive, since it means we removed gene competition from the dating pool. Keep in mind this also makes us MORE ATTRACTIVE TOWARDS WOMEN.

Every minute detail about our lives is centered around procreating. Normtards will never understand this. You can't change the wiring in a man's brain.

This, in a way, proves what ER stated in his manifesto: Sex really is the root cause of all ills, it is what drives us to better ourselves & also put down others.
Another thing worth noting, is that in GTA you can't get married or have any kind of LTR with foids: Even in a virtual reality where we are removed from the option of relationships, we still feel the need to work towards attaining these materialistic assets in order to help as ascertain our position on the social hierarchy, which exists primarily in order to attract women.
You explained it better than I did.
In a way, we truly have no break: Even our copes such as vidya reinforce this method of mental programming through ingraining within us the need to work towards these milestones, which we know subconsciously will potentially shift us closer towards our innate desires.
Brutal shit. There's no break. We're wired to want to do these things even in our free time.
This, in a way, proves what ER stated in his manifesto: Sex really is the root cause of all ills, it is what drives us to better ourselves & also put down others.
Extremely true.
A agree with most of your post but not the part about video games. How is someone who plays fortnite in any way trying to advance their chances of procreation?
Most of them are 10-40
"Silly inkwell, there's more to life than having friends, a social life, a girlfriend/significant other, children, a loving supportive family, sex, social acceptance, and the right to not be treated with disgust or ostracization and being respected as a human being" :soy::foidSoy::chad:
ummmmmm ok they're a big deal but you're not entitled to them ok ???? :foidSoy:
Survival and Reproduction are the main goal of life for all biological organisms. Those who deny it are clowns.
I like this post because I have been thinking very similar thoughts.

"But a gf isn't everything in life inkwell!"
wife and kids are very big responsibility 4 me
dont want that
I like this post because I have been thinking very similar thoughts.

"But a gf isn't everything in life inkwell!"
Normtards will never get it. We can't make them understand. If they can't understand basic common sense, how are they going to understand this?
A man's terminal goal in life is to procreate and protect our offspring. Everything in a man's life is centered around this goal, including our hobbies. We wake up in the morning and shower so we smell good to attract women. We use gel and comb our hair so we look well groomed to attract women. We work hard at our jobs so we can make money to attract women. We work out so we can look visually pleasing to attract women.

Even our hobbies are centered around procreating. Look at Grand Theft Auto 5 for example. It's one of the most popular video games to have ever existed and has sold over 100 million copies. In the game the player makes money to buy fancy cars, expensive houses, and fancy clothes. The reason a man does those things in the real world is to ATTRACT WOMEN. Even in the virtual world where we can't date women, our brains are still wired to want to do these things from a primitive level because it makes us feel as though we're attractive enough to procreate.

The reason why men enjoy murdering and winning competitions against other men in video games is because it indulges in a man's fantasy of proving to women that we're alpha males and superior to other competing men. It's also seen as another positive, since it means we removed gene competition from the dating pool. Keep in mind this also makes us MORE ATTRACTIVE TOWARDS WOMEN.

Every minute detail about our lives is centered around procreating. Normtards will never understand this. You can't change the wiring in a man's brain.
I agree
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Normgroids have had companionship, affection and sex for free throughout their entire lives. It's not a big deal to them, so they imagine it would be the same for us.

They cannot even begin to comprehend how it feels for example to reach 30 years old and still be a KHHV, entirely and utterly touch starved and emotionally starved to the point of no longer feeling human.
Normtards will never get it. We can't make them understand. If they can't understand basic common sense, how are they going to understand this?
Actually, that's the only meaning of life
they have idealistic view of humans....expect us to just,,,serve the society, be good boys without receiving anything in return while lads get to fuck cuz well they lad
they have idealistic view of humans....expect us to just,,,serve the society, be good boys without receiving anything in return while lads get to fuck cuz well they lad
very true.
There literally isn't more to life than having wife and kids. What kind of life are you going to have if you don't have at least the objective of finding a decent partner?

After 40 (or ever 30), what will you be doing if you don't have a woman? Work and cope, that's what. And you'll be doing that until you die. You can find decent copes, but at the end of every day, you're back at home alone, with only yourself, because whatever friends you had found wives and moved on and your family is dead. And even if you could, you wouldn't want to see them because they all lifemog you to the moon.
Look at ninja lol.
A agree with most of your post but not the part about video games. How is someone who plays fortnite in any way trying to advance their chances of procreation?
A man's terminal goal in life is to procreate and protect our offspring. Everything in a man's life is centered around this goal, including our hobbies. We wake up in the morning and shower so we smell good to attract women. We use gel and comb our hair so we look well groomed to attract women. We work hard at our jobs so we can make money to attract women. We work out so we can look visually pleasing to attract women.

Even our hobbies are centered around procreating. Look at Grand Theft Auto 5 for example. It's one of the most popular video games to have ever existed and has sold over 100 million copies. In the game the player makes money to buy fancy cars, expensive houses, and fancy clothes. The reason a man does those things in the real world is to ATTRACT WOMEN. Even in the virtual world where we can't date women, our brains are still wired to want to do these things from a primitive level because it makes us feel as though we're attractive enough to procreate.

The reason why men enjoy murdering and winning competitions against other men in video games is because it indulges in a man's fantasy of proving to women that we're alpha males and superior to other competing men. It's also seen as another positive, since it means we removed gene competition from the dating pool. Keep in mind this also makes us MORE ATTRACTIVE TOWARDS WOMEN.

Every minute detail about our lives is centered around procreating. Normtards will never understand this. You can't change the wiring in a man's brain.

Extremely based and true.

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