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News Muh slavs are subhuman

Yan Babayan

Yan Babayan

Apr 10, 2023
Yes we're lower IQ than europe but still higher IQ than the rest. Especially JFL at pajeets calling us subhuman. Look at yourself first. Chemistry was invented by russian, electricity was invented by serbian. What have you invented shitskin?
Also mods protecting the jeets yet allowing and even participating in slav hate. Disgusting
slavs are okay race tbh
Retarded sandniggers with european complexes and curries shouldn't matter, also any europoor telling you this needs to know that they're the reason why the the white race is falling apart, we should stick together
This is @12 Years a Rotter alt
Yes we're lower IQ than europe but still higher IQ than the rest. Especially JFL at pajeets calling us subhuman. Look at yourself first. Chemistry was invented by russian, electricity was invented by serbian. What have you invented shitskin?
Also mods protecting the jeets yet allowing and even participating in slav hate. Disgusting
You are subhuman because of your present; where your slavic foids come here in jeetland for prostitution for what ? 6k rupees per day ? ~ 73 US bucks
what did all Mendelyev's Periodic Table and Tesla's AC motor ever gave you other than slavery to the bolsheviks?

Jeets don't really hate slavs 'specially ruusis mind you, because our glorious past of old sovjet-indian ties and arms selling and all; but new era slavs in post-ussr world are rather going westoid way in hating jeets and it's just reaction to that thing.
slavs seem really smart and all the foids seem to have big ass titties.

but they have a bad reputation for scamming, prostitution, doing other immoral stuff, alcoholism, violence, acid attacks, etc... shit that central asians and MENA tend to also do.
slavs seem really smart and all the foids seem to have big ass titties.
but they have a bad reputation for scamming, prostitution, doing other immoral stuff, alcoholism, violence
acid attacks
I mean we're not the best race I don't pretend otherwise. I'm just extremely annoyed by THIRD WORLD SHITSKINS TELLING ME ABOUT MY RACE. I have nothing against scandinavian giga iq chads calling me subhuman because I kind of agree. The thing is scandinavians are chill and don't participate in racism whatsoever despite being the most developed nation on planet earth. It's all fucking shitskins. We should honestly do a race test before applying for an account on this forum. Brown = automatically rejected.
So tired of their low iq arrogance and entitlement :lasereyes:
:lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes: Like I was not always this racist but after interacting with them directly I became a full on poltard :lasereyes:
@Chudpreet alt
Slavs lost lots of reputation with USSR collapsing. Had the USSR remained strong or competitive, slavs would still hold respect.
Stopped reading here all slavs should be banned from europe a purge would be good
Exactly they arent white and should know their place they should stop pretending ti be white when they look like gook rape babies
Especially JFL at pajeets calling us subhuman. Look at yourself first.
Pajeets have no right to call anyone subhuman, pajeets should be burned alive
Jeets don't really hate slavs 'specially ruusis mind you, because our glorious past of old sovjet-indian ties and arms selling and all; but new era slavs in post-ussr world are rather going westoid way in hating jeets and it's just reaction to that thing.
Nah, there’s jeets here who think they can punch down at slavs cause of cherrypicked examples of “Just Be Curry” in Eastern Europe

Then again though it’s white users like @ADHD_cel and @WorthlessSlavicShit I see pushing that nonsense, ironically or not
We should honestly do a race test before applying for an account on this forum. Brown = automatically rejected.
Cope, us curries are the most truecel race on earth, we deserve to be here
It’s a crab bucket thing tbh, a lot of shitskins who wish they were white try to drag Slavs down to their level as a cope by saying “slavs are subhuman”, “slavs aren’t white”, etc.
Current day Slavs are a shell of what they used to be.

Nikola Tesla was a Slav, so that's all anyone needs to know, tbhngl. The man was a genius from another realm.
Nah, there’s jeets here who think they can punch down at slavs cause of cherrypicked examples of “Just Be Curry” in Eastern Europe

Then again though it’s white users like @ADHD_cel and @WorthlessSlavicShit I see pushing that nonsense, ironically or not
Most of my insta reposts are ironic, kek
Current day Slavs are a shell of what they used to be.

Nikola Tesla was a Slav, so that's all anyone needs to know, tbhngl. The man was a genius from another realm.
That's true for a lot of races not only slavs. I see the same being said about pretty much every one. America is over, the west is falling, Scandinavia is becoming brown, Japan used to be brutal samurais now they are cucked hikkis, etc. It's not a reason to be racist especially not against fellow whitecels.
Cope, us curries are the most truecel race on earth, we deserve to be here
Ok, IQ test then
That's true for a lot of races not only slavs. I see the same being said about pretty much every one. America is over, the west is falling, Scandinavia is becoming brown, Japan used to be brutal samurais now they are cucked hikkis, etc.
True, sadly.

It's not a reason to be racist especially not against fellow whitecels.
It’s a crab bucket thing tbh, a lot of shitskins who wish they were white try to drag Slavs down to their level as a cope by saying “slavs are subhuman”, “slavs aren’t white”, etc.
Exactly, the thing is we did not ask for their opinion. We dnr and don't care what they say
Exactly they arent white and should know their place they should stop pretending ti be white when they look like gook rape babies
Do you know your place?
tbh i never had a problem with slav nigger. i just heard always that if you go to one of the slav countries and you're rich you can just buy a wife
i don't know if that's true but i would like to marry some white slav girl
also, just a reminder that most people in this forum that say that slavs are subhuman and niggers of the white race are slavs themselves to appear more of a victim so you're just being a hypocrite now
tbh i never had a problem with slav nigger. i just heard always that if you go to one of the slav countries and you're rich you can just buy a wife
i don't know if that's true but i would like to marry some white slav girl
also, just a reminder that most people in this forum that say that slavs are subhuman and niggers of the white race are slavs themselves to appear more of a victim so you're just being a hypocrite now
im being a hypocrite?
im being a hypocrite?
Also mods protecting the jeets yet allowing and even participating in slav hate. Disgusting
saying that curries are the one saying "slavs are subhumans" is a big lie
we all know that the slavs in this forum are the one calling themselves "niggers of the white race" or "honorary deathnics"
users like nhilistic soul, incline, tokoenic, newbie17 and many other always shame slavs even tho they're slavs themselves.
actually, deathnics of the forums are the one saying that slavs are real whites and that they have a lot of SMV compared to non whites.

btw a lot of white (real whites) are the one saying that slavs are deathnics, go deal with them first if you wanna be considered master race.
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Slavs are based :feelsLSD:
Yes we're lower IQ than europe but still higher IQ than the rest. Especially JFL at pajeets calling us subhuman. Look at yourself first. Chemistry was invented by russian, electricity was invented by serbian. What have you invented shitskin?
Also mods protecting the jeets yet allowing and even participating in slav hate. Disgusting
slavs are the niggers of white race
slavs seem really smart and all the foids seem to have big ass titties.

but they have a bad reputation for scamming, prostitution, doing other immoral stuff, alcoholism, violence, acid attacks, etc... shit that central asians and MENA tend to also do.
wtf are central asians doing arent they just poorer chinks
also stop crying, you know slavs mog ethincs to death
poopjeets hate themselves already leave them alone.
everything "invented by slavs is either flawed, incomplete, or stolen (ak-47 being a copy of stg-44) and have to be perfected by whites or jews (yes, jews)
why are your MiGs always burning themselves?
why are your tanks a walking coffins?
why is russia hesitant to drop a tactical nuke? (afraid of a failure?) the russian nuclear arsenal is the only reason why slavic countries are not decimated yet and if russia failed deploying them in ukraine NATO will invade you the following day, that's why Russia did not and will never deploy nukes in ukraine.
poopjeets hate themselves already leave them alone.
everything "invented by slavs is either flawed, incomplete, or stolen (ak-47 being a copy of stg-44) and have to be perfected by whites or jews (yes, jews)
why are your MiGs always burning themselves?
why are your tanks a walking coffins?
why is russia hesitant to drop a tactical nuke? (afraid of a failure?) the russian nuclear arsenal is the only reason why slavic countries are not decimated yet and if russia failed deploying them in ukraine NATO will invade you the following day, that's why Russia did not and will never deploy nukes in ukraine.
Russians were first in the cosmos. There were also great Slavic/Russian scientists in history.
Everyone stoles from someone. I remember reading an early Christian author and he wrote ( as far as I remember ) that Greeks took their philosophy from Eastern nations ( obviously Egyptians and others ).
Russians were first in the cosmos.
space is fake, don't fall for cold war propaganda, the soviet union couldn't even build a safe jet fighter but managed to penetrate the ozone somehow? bs
Yes we're lower IQ than europe but still higher IQ than the rest. Especially JFL at pajeets calling us subhuman. Look at yourself first. Chemistry was invented by russian, electricity was invented by serbian. What have you invented shitskin?
Also mods protecting the jeets yet allowing and even participating in slav hate. Disgusting
That's just the way the race discussions on here go lmao:feelskek::feelshaha:. Here, the thing you're trying to do is to portray your race to be as incel as possible. Stuff like this is making us look like fakecels tbh:feelsugh:.

Also, as for your question... scimago just dropped this so I might as well repost it here.

View: https://twitter.com/ScimagoJR/status/1660680033919197186?cxt=HHwWhICztabs9YsuAAAA

Below India, nevermind anyone else, comparable to Iran and Brazil... it's over:feelscry::feelsrope:.

Nah, there’s jeets here who think they can punch down at slavs cause of cherrypicked examples of “Just Be Curry” in Eastern Europe

Then again though it’s white users like @ADHD_cel and @WorthlessSlavicShit I see pushing that nonsense, ironically or not
Kek:feelskek::feelskek:. Talking about how someone's race contributes to their inceldom has been a staple of discussions on this forum since its inception, yet when I point out the realities of Slavic women massively preferring foreigners, suddenly some people have a problem with it:feelsugh:, because it goes against their JBW fantasies of all "white" men having all the women of the world crawling on their knees in front of them.

Cope, us curries are the most truecel race on earth, we deserve to be here
Curries in the West have a negligible sex difference in outmarriage.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/ABCDesis/comments/p7f94h/interracial_marriage_rates_for_south_asians/

There's not much data on outmarriage of curries living in non-Western countries, but all the sources I could find about curries in China agree that Indian men are disproportionately more likely to marry Chinese women than the opposite.

Zheng is an associate of a WeChat team made up of men and women in China-India cross-cultural relationships and marriages.

“This group alone has 200 such partners,” Zheng said.

The majority of the relationships include an Indian guy and A chinese girl. Relating to Zheng, there clearly was only 1 few when you look at the group that is weChat the lady is Indian plus the guy is Chinese.

Compare that to living in a country where women are four times more likely to marry a foreigner than the men (as is my case), or in a country where 80% of people emigrating out of it are women (as is the case for the Russiancels here). Do you honestly believe that we have it that much easier than you boyo:feelswhere:? Even in Japan, there are so many Slavic women married to local men that it's a legit phenomenon studied by scientists.

Tbh, looking at those stats, I legit don't get how curries gained the reputation as the most incel race here, when rices at least have it unambiguously worse:feelsseriously:.

I mean, most of it has been memes and sarcasm, 70% of this site's proper race hate goes towards curries
Yup, which is kind of bizarre considering the stuff I mentioned above:feelswhere::feelsjuice:.

space is fake
Based and truth-they-don't-want-you-to-knowpilled.

The Wisconsin pharmacist who sabotaged 500 vaccine doses believes the Earth is flat and that the sky is a shield to stop us seeing God, according to FBI documents

Stopped reading here all slavs should be banned from europe a purge would be good
Rather trade 5 IQ points or so if it means not being a homosexual communist. Slavs are superior to Western europeans.
Also belarus IQ mogs western europe. Hungary and Poland are on par with most of western europe.
Also belarus IQ mogs western europe.
Belashit has shitty and fake data literally no one can prove their iq besides their "government"
Also, as for your question... scimago just dropped this so I might as well repost it here.
My point was that slavs are capable of great discoveries/feats, since historically a lot of them were in fact made by slavs. My point was not specifically about russians. You know why? Because Russia is a kind of country where there's no native ethnos, meaning, you cannot be ethnically russian. It's a melting pot of finn/scandinavian genes, south/western/baltic slavs, uralic/finno-ugric genes (basically finngols, look it up kek), also tatars and other deathnics.
So my point was not about how great Russian empire is. I never said that. Or do you as a slav think that slavs = russia??
Below India, nevermind anyone else, comparable to Iran and Brazil... it's over.
Below shitskins lmao. Depressing but expectable. Again it doesn't disprove my point about slavs. You know what is the reason for this statistic you linked? All 100+ iq people MIGRATE out of russia. They migrate literally anywhere we have a culture of leaving the fuck out of this country. I've had a coworker who was a literal braintard with no education other than high school. He lived with his parents and kept working for years, saving wagies to... eventually leave the country. He actually migrated to fucking georgia. This is how our people are. They don't care that georgia is barely better than russia. They just want OUT. Because this place is beyond saving. My giga iq classmates also were always talking about where they'll go after school. One would go to GERMany, one to Czechia. Russia is a "prison of nations" so to speak, where the unfortunate genes/souls end up
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My point was that slavs are capable of great discoveries/feats, since historically a lot of them were in fact made by slavs.
Fair enough and don't worry, I perfectly agree with this. My post was more to give some ethnic posters here who are way too highly caught up in their delusions a bit of a reality check about their race not being as much of a reason for their inceldom as they wished it to be.

So my point was not about how great Russian empire is. I never said that. Or do you as a slav think that slavs = russia??
Nope and I never would.

Below shitskins lmao. Depressing but expectable. Again it doesn't disprove my point about slavs.
True, it doesn't. Admittedly, when population size is taken into account, the picture gets somewhat better for Slavs, but it's still much worse than it could be:feelsugh:, especially since even then, it's only the richest, small Slavic countries that are in any way comparable to developed countries:feelsseriously::dafuckfeels:. Kinda hopefuel:whitepill: to have at least some countries like that, but still:feelswhat:.

You know what is the reason for this statistic you linked? All 100+ iq people MIGRATE out of russia. They migrate literally anywhere we have a culture of leaving the fuck out of this country. I've had a coworker who was a literal braintard with no education other than high school. He lived with his parents and kept working for years, saving wagies to... eventually leave the country. He actually migrated to fucking georgia. This is how our people are. They don't care that georgia is barely better than russia. They just want OUT. Because this place is beyond saving. My giga iq classmates also were always talking about where they'll go after school. One would go to GERMany, one to Czechia. Russia is a "prison of nations" so to speak, where the unfortunate genes/souls end up
True. Brutally summed up, brain drain is the curse of all low-income countries.

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