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Soy Most white knights don't realize they're exactly the kind of guy women hate

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

Everything burns
Nov 29, 2022
I've seen this mentally a lot among redditors and twitter users and rotting old millennials who spend their time defending women online so much that I have to call it out. "bro the only reason dating is so hard is bad men! :soy: :soy: if most guys weren't psychotic pieces of shit it'd be much easier to get laid!" They actually think it's some horrible abusive fat ugly sexists that women have been dating.

Sorry buddy but you're exactly the type of guy women hate. They don't like average guys who respect them. They like attractive men no matter how abusive they claim their exes are. Do you really think they'd reject a chance to be with the Chad that pumped and dumped them? Hell no. The only reason they claim men are lazy and have to put no effort into dating is because they're dating chads who are lazy and have to put no effort into dating!

I'll never stop laughing at hearing stories of foids complaining about their friends bf never doing any laundry and her doing everything for him. Cunt, I know for a fact that if you had a chance with an attractive man you'd do everything for him as well. Watch how fast these foids morals and principles leave them when Chad tells them to suck it.

Meanwhile women will take out their rage out on incels and normies. "She just got groomed so she has trust issues with men bro!:soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:"
They are step and fetch fuckers, disposable minds and bodies for society
They don't like average guys who respect them.
Sad but true tbh

They always choose the most disrespectful Chad rapists and then blame incels for the misogyny, like we are the reason Chad is the asshole he is. Foids just enjoy the animal domination of Chad. I don't judge, that's how they are hard wired, but they should stop pretending otherwise. We all know by their actions that their pseudo progressist statements are full of shit.
Sad but true tbh

They always choose the most disrespectful Chad rapists and then blame incels for the misogyny, like we are the reason Chad is the asshole he is. Foids just enjoy the animal domination of Chad. I don't judge, that's how they are hard wired, but they should stop pretending otherwise. We all know by their actions that their pseudo progressist statements are full of shit.
Then they'll claim all men are just as bad they just haven't been given a chance! Foids will never stop being retarded.
Chad is as Chad does , These Gullible man didnt realize female Nature yet.

Then again society makes sure most man stay ignorant and Oblivious .
Chad is as Chad does , These Gullible man didnt realize female Nature yet.

Then again society makes sure most man stay ignorant and Oblivious .
white knight exist since humsn exist tbh, by nature male instinctively simp for female. lot of male deer ram their head to each other fighting for pussy, lion kill each other for female pride, male bird need to have beautiful tails to attract females. its always like that even with animals but now we will see 1000 simps going for a girl thats only serve as ego boost at best.
white knight exist since humsn exist tbh, by nature male instinctively simp for female. lot of male deer ram their head to each other fighting for pussy, lion kill each other for female pride, male bird need to have beautiful tails to attract females. its always like that even with animals but now we will see 1000 simps going for a girl thats only serve as ego boost at best.
Brutal they never realize how over it is.
They only want white knights when it's convenient, meaning, real life. I'm a independent woman, but someone is robbing me and I need random retard number 56 to save me. I'm being raped, I need random retard number 86 to save me.

But Online, if you are going about defending the m'ladies, their pussies are as dry as the desert, seeing you do that.
They only want white knights when it's convenient, meaning, real life. I'm a independent woman, but someone is robbing me and I need random retard number 56 to save me. I'm being raped, I need random retard number 86 to save me.

But Online, if you are going about defending the m'ladies, their pussies are as dry as the desert, seeing you do that.
Their pussies were more wet for the rapists than the simps. Jfl. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Foids aren't even shy about whining that guys are being too nice to them, they will do it all the time

Most of these whiteknights barely even know the foids whom they're so passionately whiteknighting for

Simping is a disease, where men's human nature is corrupted by subjugation to foid beasts
Leave her alone bro :soy:
Just approach more women bro :soy:

How dare you, you ruined the future of my generation I'm charging you with sexual harrassment :foidSoy:
I think subconsciously they may ven respect incels more (still won't fuck them of course) because incels are honest about themselves, the sitiation and what they want, while white knights and male feminists are these deceitful snakes who conceal what they really want in order to appeal harmless
Imagine giving a single second of your day to a woman online let alone defending her. :feelskek:

Modern men are just as joke as modern women at this point.
I think subconsciously they may ven respect incels more (still won't fuck them of course) because incels are honest about themselves, the sitiation and what they want, while white knights and male feminists are these deceitful snakes who conceal what they really want in order to appeal harmless
I don't think that foids care that much about honesty tbh

Besides, are most incels really that honest about themselves? IMO not necessarily, people look to the blackpill community for a sense of personal identity and tribalism but a lot of it is pretend

But I think it's not entirely untrue that foids prefer incels to ITcel-tier Redditcucks. After all, incels are supposedly evil terroristic darktriad mf'ers, and foids love to get off to true crime and psychopaths. Which mostly shows that they're impatient and are thinking of Chads and attractive males constantly, but hey, it's hard to do that when talking about ITcels
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Women will date average-looking men, most couples consist of partners who possess nearly the same degree of beauty.
From what I've seen, many people(guys and girls) tend to over rate women and under rate guys. I see more guys who are objectively, a point or two above their partners
Sad but true tbh

They always choose the most disrespectful Chad rapists and then blame incels for the misogyny, like we are the reason Chad is the asshole he is. Foids just enjoy the animal domination of Chad. I don't judge, that's how they are hard wired, but they should stop pretending otherwise. We all know by their actions that their pseudo progressist statements are full of shit.
Progressive foids as well as supposed spiritual foids are the worst shit liar bastards
white knight exist since humsn exist tbh, by nature male instinctively simp for female. lot of male deer ram their head to each other fighting for pussy, lion kill each other for female pride, male bird need to have beautiful tails to attract females. its always like that even with animals but now we will see 1000 simps going for a girl thats only serve as ego boost at best.
Competing for females is logical since the winner gets to breed but white knighting is illogical in that it serves no purpose other then make a mockery of themselves and is even dangerous as the case of the recent german simp who got his eyes btfo by Moroccan migrant
I've seen this mentally a lot among redditors and twitter users and rotting old millennials who spend their time defending women online so much that I have to call it out. "bro the only reason dating is so hard is bad men! :soy: :soy: if most guys weren't psychotic pieces of shit it'd be much easier to get laid!" They actually think it's some horrible abusive fat ugly sexists that women have been dating.

Sorry buddy but you're exactly the type of guy women hate. They don't like average guys who respect them. They like attractive men no matter how abusive they claim their exes are. Do you really think they'd reject a chance to be with the Chad that pumped and dumped them? Hell no. The only reason they claim men are lazy and have to put no effort into dating is because they're dating chads who are lazy and have to put no effort into dating!

I'll never stop laughing at hearing stories of foids complaining about their friends bf never doing any laundry and her doing everything for him. Cunt, I know for a fact that if you had a chance with an attractive man you'd do everything for him as well. Watch how fast these foids morals and principles leave them when Chad tells them to suck it.

Meanwhile women will take out their rage out on incels and normies. "She just got groomed so she has trust issues with men bro!:soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:"
Id say Wuhmen are more obsessed with evil inkwels then stupid white knights.:feelsgah::feelsgah:
I think subconsciously they may ven respect incels more (still won't fuck them of course) because incels are honest about themselves, the sitiation and what they want, while white knights and male feminists are these deceitful snakes who conceal what they really want in order to appeal harmless

Here’s the reality:

Women 100% are attracted to masculine characteristics or traits, they just gaslight men collectively because it gets them popularity. Women are very social status conscious because in cave man times angering a man means they die, so sneaky women collectively reproduced over time.

Most “nice guys” are effeminate soy redditor faggots who are putting on this facade of kindness in order to get the woman to fuck him.

If you are a woman who is repeatedly exposed to this dynamic, you will just go for the hot guys who treat you like shit because they are honest about it.

Women love drama because they are either mentally Ill or it’s a way to push out that masculinity in a world which is very domesticated and nice, to turn the puppy dog into a wolf.
White Knights are criminals
Most “nice guys” are effeminate soy redditor faggots who are putting on this facade of kindness in order to get the woman to fuck him.

If you are a woman who is repeatedly exposed to this dynamic, you will just go for the hot guys who treat you like shit because they are honest about it.
most nice guys are just ordinary guys who have been told their whole lives to respect women and be nice, and that the world works that way

foids don't care that much about 'honesty' lmao, and dark triad Chad lies to them all the time
most nice guys are just ordinary guys who have been told their whole lives to respect women and be nice, and that the world works that way

foids don't care that much about 'honesty' lmao, and dark triad Chad lies to them all the time
Then why are enough men supporting feminism? Why are they upvoted so much on Reddit?

It’s because they are the “moral majority”. People like us either are autistic, come from a religious background, or actually get laid sometimes and are aware of how gender dynamics really work (or all of the above)
Most white-knights get their asses kicked or off'd, the rest of society doesn't care or mind, I laugh at these fucktards losing their lives because of their blue-pilled-cuckery.
I've seen this mentally a lot among redditors and twitter users and rotting old millennials who spend their time defending women online so much that I have to call it out. "bro the only reason dating is so hard is bad men! :soy: :soy: if most guys weren't psychotic pieces of shit it'd be much easier to get laid!" They actually think it's some horrible abusive fat ugly sexists that women have been dating.

Sorry buddy but you're exactly the type of guy women hate. They don't like average guys who respect them. They like attractive men no matter how abusive they claim their exes are. Do you really think they'd reject a chance to be with the Chad that pumped and dumped them? Hell no. The only reason they claim men are lazy and have to put no effort into dating is because they're dating chads who are lazy and have to put no effort into dating!

I'll never stop laughing at hearing stories of foids complaining about their friends bf never doing any laundry and her doing everything for him. Cunt, I know for a fact that if you had a chance with an attractive man you'd do everything for him as well. Watch how fast these foids morals and principles leave them when Chad tells them to suck it.

Meanwhile women will take out their rage out on incels and normies. "She just got groomed so she has trust issues with men bro!:soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:"
I don't think foids hate them.

Theyd be disgusted to be asked out by them
I've seen this mentally a lot among redditors and twitter users and rotting old millennials who spend their time defending women online so much that I have to call it out. "bro the only reason dating is so hard is bad men! :soy: :soy: if most guys weren't psychotic pieces of shit it'd be much easier to get laid!" They actually think it's some horrible abusive fat ugly sexists that women have been dating.

Sorry buddy but you're exactly the type of guy women hate. They don't like average guys who respect them. They like attractive men no matter how abusive they claim their exes are. Do you really think they'd reject a chance to be with the Chad that pumped and dumped them? Hell no. The only reason they claim men are lazy and have to put no effort into dating is because they're dating chads who are lazy and have to put no effort into dating!

I'll never stop laughing at hearing stories of foids complaining about their friends bf never doing any laundry and her doing everything for him. Cunt, I know for a fact that if you had a chance with an attractive man you'd do everything for him as well. Watch how fast these foids morals and principles leave them when Chad tells them to suck it.

Meanwhile women will take out their rage out on incels and normies. "She just got groomed so she has trust issues with men bro!:soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:"
it doesnt matter if you are a kind of guy a woman hates.
if you are chad you could be a white knight and foids will be like "hes such a gentlemen!! "
you would be a woman beater and hate foids and foids will be like "its so hot how he never takes shit from anyone, just punch me daddy!!!" :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:
I don't think foids hate them.

Theyd be disgusted to be asked out by them
Nah, when foids are talking to each other they often whine about guys being too nice etc.

They do despise these guys. In fact, foids have a high capacity for hating and bitching about people. It is because they are hysterical creatures

They also make this worse for themselves, bc. they will establish transactional relationships with simps who they can't stand
White knights are lower than dogshit & are traitors to their own gender & enemies to all men.
White knights are lower than dogshit & are traitors to their own gender & enemies to all men.
Calling them traitors is humanizing them they arent worthy of being called humans just insects and cockroaches of soyciety and annoying at best
Then why are enough men supporting feminism? Why are they upvoted so much on Reddit?

It’s because they are the “moral majority”. People like us either are autistic, come from a religious background, or actually get laid sometimes and are aware of how gender dynamics really work (or all of the above)
That's true. The majority of men are brainless cucks who are obsessed with defending women. It's an objective fact. That's why I enjoy looking at the suicide statistics. All their hard work defending and protecting women and all it got them is divorce raped.
Nah, when foids are talking to each other they often whine about guys being too nice etc.

They do despise these guys. In fact, foids have a high capacity for hating and bitching about people. It is because they are hysterical creatures

They also make this worse for themselves, bc. they will establish transactional relationships with simps who they can't stand
Foids will whine on and hate anything and everything. It's in their nature to always find problems. They went to be the victims and in their minds people annoying them makes them victims. They're truly horrible creatures.
These men will never learn they're the stereotypical sjw who doesn't just say "I'm on your side" but gets stabbed to death a fitting end in jew York or Londonistan

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