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Most soul-crushing thing a roastie said to you?



Dec 20, 2017
Got the idea for this thread when reading Elliot's manifesto, apparently his own friend said to him "No girl will ever Fuck you" and ditched him or something
It was when two of my crushes said the similar thing

"leave me alone" and "get the fuck away from me"

It wasn't really crushing, I was rather left with disappointed laugh. It's always my reaction when something I care about doesn't go my way.
Akarin said:
It was when two of my crushes said the similar thing

"leave me alone" and "get the fuck away from me"

It wasn't really crushing, I was rather left with disappointed laugh. It's always my reaction when something I care about doesn't go my way.

The familiar "just fucking lol at the universe" laugh. Done it a few times tbh

I'm super high inhibition so never got burned. Did send a message to a girl saying "hi" which was ignored.
ive been compared to fat 300lbs boy with lazy eye recessed chin/jaw and glasses in terms of looks (saying im on level with him) by a cunt
tenta said:
ive been compared to fat 300lbs boy with lazy eye recessed chin/jaw and glasses in terms of looks (saying im on level with him) by a cunt

how bad is your condition? send a pic of what yours looks like using other peoples faces
look up lefort 3 girl, it is like the before of that except infraorbitals are more back and less bone mass in mandible/narrower face and nct
Why are you so ugly? asked once in middle school.
You are ugly (multiple times).
Looks of disgust and females making fun of me behind my back.
Had girls made fun of me being a girl, when I was 12 (just before puberty). I've always had long hair and always wore skin tight clothing's got made fun of that as well.

The only time I didn't had long hair was when I was 17 to 21.
'You are ugly, i'm not joking, you are really ugly'.
once when I was 14 I had a huge crush on a girl from another class. So as my class was in session I slipped out and walked over to her classroom. I then knocked on the door, opened it and told the teacher that he would have to excuse Sarah from class because the principal wants to see her. Then she got up and followed me out of the door.

5 minutes later I told her I made the whole principal thing up and just wanted to see her because I like her.

Her response "Ewww...what makes you think I would go out with YOU?" then she left and walked back to class and I never talked to her again.
Getlooksordie said:
once when I was 14 I had a huge crush on a girl from another class. So as my class was in session I slipped out and walked over to her classroom. I then knocked on the door, opened it and told the teacher that he would have to excuse Sarah from class because the principal wants to see her. Then she got up and followed me out of the door.

5 minutes later I told her I made the whole principal thing up and just wanted to see her because I like her.

Her response "Ewww...what makes you think I would go out with YOU?" then she left and walked back to class and I never talked to her again.
If you were chad, she wouldve followed you as soon as she saw you. Fuck life. E.R. NOW
my sister saying - " you are ugly, you will never have sex or even a relationship"

Although she is blackpilled in a way because she said if i get my plastic surgery and it goes well ill deffs get women.

and then just ur general high school bitches treating me like shit and calling me ugly etc etc etc

idkwattodowithlife said:
Had girls made fun of me being a girl, when I was 12 (just before puberty). I've always had long hair and always wore skin tight clothing's got made fun of that as well.

"I don't want to go out with you"
Allday said:
Got the idea for this thread when reading Elliot's manifesto, apparently his own friend said to him "No girl will ever Fuck you" and ditched him or something

Oh boy he said that to the wrong person
"A girl would have to REALLY hate herself to go out with you" accompanied by a cackling laugh, in response to me inviting a roastie for coffee in college.
"I dont like you, you are ugly! I will never date you, you are ugly!"
Getlooksordie said:
once when I was 14 I had a huge crush on a girl from another class. So as my class was in session I slipped out and walked over to her classroom. I then knocked on the door, opened it and told the teacher that he would have to excuse Sarah from class because the principal wants to see her. Then she got up and followed me out of the door.

5 minutes later I told her I made the whole principal thing up and just wanted to see her because I like her.

Her response "Ewww...what makes you think I would go out with YOU?" then she left and walked back to class and I never talked to her again.


I had such high inhib it took me 2+ hours just to text "hi", never mind doing something like this.
Getlooksordie said:
once when I was 14 I had a huge crush on a girl from another class. So as my class was in session I slipped out and walked over to her classroom. I then knocked on the door, opened it and told the teacher that he would have to excuse Sarah from class because the principal wants to see her. Then she got up and followed me out of the door.
5 minutes later I told her I made the whole principal thing up and just wanted to see her because I like her.
Her response "Ewww...what makes you think I would go out with YOU?" then she left and walked back to class and I never talked to her again.
I too was too low inhib that it had gotten me into brutal moments with femoids that I don’t want to talk about. I wish I was high inhib honestly.
The first time I had that feeling was when I was 12.
There was a school assembly and while we were all sitting in rows on the gym floor my knee lightly bumped the girl sitting in front of me.
I had the biggest crush on that girl and felt a huge rush of excitement that my knee actually touched her. But then she spun around and glared directly at me, "FUCK YOU"
I was shocked that she reacted like that over nothing and also embarrassed that it was in front of all the other kids around us, who laughed at me.
It confused me how such vile words could come out of a cute face.
Not really something specific.
But women tend to ignore me or be very snarky/unfriendly, so I dont bother with them.
Moved to a new state when i had just turned 13 and i had just been starting to become comfortable with people from outside my small social circle and even girls that we started hanging out with before moving.
Rode my bike to school the first few days at new school. Shy and helped avoid new bus/new people. Had problem with bike had to take the bus. Riding home the first time three girls sitting in one seat across and diagonally back one seat tapped me and said "Destiny wants to know if you're a boy or a girl" whole pointing at the girl in the middle who turned all red. 
Another time, same bus different day, riding home, bus almost empty. A 2/10 Puerto rican girl who looked like she had her face bashed in with a stick was calling me out saying kid with such and such hat on, turn around let me see you. I turned around and before i could even react to her face shes like oh hell no turn back around.
"he's gonna be single forever" in reference to me when I was eavesdropping a sluts conversation about rating boys basically
"There's no hope for him"
Being told everyday i was ugly by the same girls in high school. They bullied me all the way from 9th to 12th grade. My step mom always called me ugly. She always said she was glad i was never her real son because she was embarrassed by me. She cucked my dad hardcore only using him for his money and a place to stay. I was non stop mentally abused by her since ive been 6 years old. I hate her so much. I hate all women.

If i ever go ER it wont be a surprise given how females have treated me all my life.
When my HS oneitis told me that even if I got straight teeth after my braces ill still be ugly af, it fucking broke me. To top it off I had gotten a really fucked up haircut at the time so my self esteem was at a all time low. During that time I craved the rope more than ever.

Being told I was loser almost everyday, told I have never accomplished anything or ever will with my life, told I would die a virgin, told my only chance of losing virginity was through a prostitute (honestly its the only reason why I haven't fucked a prostitute, I don't want to prove her right), and constantly being made fun of for not being social. It was all by the same girl too, I had for so many fucking classes in high school.
Reading through all your posts makes me fucking hate Cucktears.
Fuck them and their just world fallacy. Honestly, you guys seem alright and they expect young, still developing kids/teens to experience such hatred and vitriol ands till come out like oh I love Life! Fuck it

Sadist said:
When my HS oneitis told me that even if I got straight teeth after my braces ill still be ugly af, it fucking broke me. To top it off I had gotten a really fucked up haircut at the time so my self esteem was at a all time low. During that time I craved the rope more than ever.

Being told I was loser almost everyday, told I have never accomplished anything or ever will with my life, told I would die a virgin, told my only chance of losing virginity was through a prostitute (honestly its the only reason why I haven't fucked a prostitute, I don't want to prove her right), and constantly being made fun of for not being social. It was all by the same girl too, I had for so many fucking classes in high school.

Fuck her. She's nothing :)
Ever since i was a child, everyone made fun of my weight and size up until i got to high school, it stopped for whatever reason, all the bullying has made me into a misanthrope and now as a 20 year old man, i avoid 9 out of 10 people in part because i think they are about to hurt me in someway and in other because i became schizoid and now want no friendships and/or no relationships with people outside my family in general with some very intricate exceptions of course.
Thread makes me sad. :( 

"I wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole"

- Girl who I wanted to befriend after I asked her why she hates me.

"I've been dared to ask you out, please say no"

- Random girl in middle school.
A girl found out I had a crush on her and yelled out "EWWW" from across the room
Constantly hearing that I am good looking, yet incel for almost half a year (SLUT COLLEGE EVEN)
Back in my 7th grade, a long time ago, I actually had an attractive Latina hag call me "ugly" because I was telling her friend that he was a fat-ass (he was hitting me physically, basically bullying me) after lunch . Once we got in class, he was still harassing me and so I told him off, she told me this exact quote and I still remember: "You should look at yourself, you're ugly.

After that school day was over, I went home and cried in my lonely room. It was a Friday, so that made it significantly worse. It was a extremely traumatic experience. Its one of the worst tortures that those sluts have ever wrought upon me; second to never talking to me in real-life, never giving me attention.
I rarely put myself in those situations. Although there was one time in a NEETbux jobsearch class when an FHO honestly asked if I were gay. I looked around in astonishment and answered no. I should have asked her to suck my cock.
BlackPill47 said:
I rarely put myself in those situations. Although there was one time in a NEETbux jobsearch class when an FHO honestly asked if I were gay. I looked around in astonishment and answered no. I should have asked her to suck my cock.

This jobsearch class wasn't in Australia was it?
and what's an FHO
I've suppressed those sort of things, I couldn't remember them if I tried.
Girl once told me
"You do realize no one here likes you, right?"

HS was great


"She only said hey to you because she promised herself she would be nice to people with disabilities"

My disability?

I had a lisp, was short, awkward and was ugly.

She probably thought I was a retard
"I only talk to you because I don't want you to go shoot up the school" or something like that. This was in middle school.
BlackPill47 said:
I rarely put myself in those situations. Although there was one time in a NEETbux jobsearch class when an FHO honestly asked if I were gay. I looked around in astonishment and answered no. I should have asked her to suck my cock.

No one does your just put into them by default once your face hits a certain threshold of ugly
A femoid friend after noticing I'm well off and single 26 year old.

"Would've loved to be your gf if only you were better looking"

Was silent for a bit then did a 180. Barely talk to her since then
Soul crushing insults are regular.

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