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LifeFuel Most rich ppl are still ugly in India.



Sep 30, 2019
I made an experiment this morning. I went to the best buffet lunch in the large Indian city I live in (at a Marriott 5-star hotel). Since it was a Sunday, the place was packed with families. Rich ones. For just me, the buffet cost over 4000 Rs (ordinary Indians eat for 50 Rs per meal max). And here, there were families of 5, 6 or more.

The people coming here are luxury shop owners (Jewelleries, big Sari shops), people who own factories, IT companies etc ... There were only looksmatched ugly fat couples, both young and old. Kids were also ugly.

This means that in India, female Hypergamy has not yet changed the game to any great extent. You still marry money and caste. Fat and ugly? No problem.

Sure, there is the "westernized" crowd who go to certain bars and clubs. It does exist but they are still a minuscule group on the margins of Indian society. At this Marriott buffet lunch, not a single Stacy or Chad in sight. Even the few Whites that were there were ugly. Balding, old engineer-looking dudes; only men.

It was quite nice and refreshing.

I do not want to give false hopes to curries living in the West, though. Once you have left the trad Indian caste system, it is nigh impossible to get back in.

@Zer0/∞ @Currycel69_ @curryboy420 @Currychan @CurryCoper @Currymanlet @CurryCoper @JayGoptri Thoughts?
Rich in curryland=lower middle class in burgerland:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: what a failed excuse for a country what a shithole:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
You obviously don't know shit about India.

Most Indians are poor. But the rich are really rich. Huge houses, huge SUVs, tourism all over the world, all the electronic gadgets you can think of, plus an army of servants because wages are dirt cheap. Tier one cities, like the one I live in offer the same amenities as anywhere else.
Because you have to know a shit-ton of little rituals that you can only learn by living in the country and speaking the local languages.

It is impossible to learn these outside India, even if both your parents were raised there. It is a direct consequence of "it takes a village ..."

Also, few curries born outside India speak their ancestral language well enough.
Rich in curryland=lower middle class in burgerland:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: what a failed excuse for a country what a shithole:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Would you rather live in India, Brazil or south africa?
Ignore this idiot. He saw a Mumbai slum on YouTube once and he thinks he knows India
He's white and he's still an incel. That tells me everything I need to know about him jfl
Because you have to know a shit-ton of little rituals that you can only learn by living in the country and speaking the local languages.

It is impossible to learn these outside India, even if both your parents were raised there. It is a direct consequence of "it takes a village ..."

Also, few curries born outside India speak their ancestral language well enough.
Are IITians respected regardless of caste?
I'm entitled to be rich then. Where are my millions?
Nah India is a shithole (I'm indian myself but I live in the west). There's a few rich people yeah but a lot of students from India that come to the west struggle a lot. Only the very few upper castes manage well
I am not talking about how rich indians live. I am talking about who they fuck and marry. Apparently no hypergamy there (at least not based on looks). All the couples I saw at lunch today were ugly and fat. And yet they were spending double the monthly salary of a teacher on a hotel buffet. Means that even though they are wealthy, they do not follow the Stacy/Chad rules in mating. All were looksmatched
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I'm entitled to be rich then. Where are my millions?
The people I saw this morning probably represent less than .1 % of the Indian population.

What is interesting is that they were all ugly, fat and looksmatched. No looks-based hypergamy there
As I stay here in India that is what I say I still got some hope in arranged marriage. I just need to work enough earn money take care of my family business and some day after 7/8 years ( I am 22 now) I will be getting married.:bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
But no I wont do that I will be LDAR after getting rejected so many time and getting humiliated I dont want to end up like a beta provider and most of the beautiful Indian Foids has boyfriends who fucks them so who wants a lose Fuck hole or a ugly foid who cannot even give a boner. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
In general and for Incel, yes - certain places in India are a better mental/ spiritual living experience than the West is today. This is especially true for NEET Incels, or those who have saved up enough from the West to where they can rot in peace and also remain out of the workforce. It is true that for Indians here and the boomer+ generation of Indians (even those who moved to the West) ugliness doesn't mean one can't be well off financially. This is very true especially in India.

For Westerners:

Ascending is also doable for those who have some sort of cultural or family connections, but can be done for those who don't provided some combination of the above criteria are met. (I.e. some money). Some sacrifices need to be made for Westerners, of course, but for those who are willing to do it, it's going to be less daunting than it is in the West today. Looks-matching by itself is much less prevalent here.

For "MonkCel'ing" in India vs. The West:

Of course, for those willing to give up the idea of ascending altogether, the great thing for a Westerner who has been through the grinder is that giving up foid/chad worship (or the constant reminder of it) is much easier in India. The constant reminders and expectations one has of trying to "fit in" in the West will mostly vanish given time. And that makes a HUGE difference on one's sense of well being. To remain integrated and financially successful in the West one almost has to play the Foid/Chad game or feel the constant misery from not playing it. This is especially true if you have to work and are not NEET or somehow rich. Even if one manages to integrate by way of grinding in a career, there is still a constant torture and feeling of dread. These are almost 90% of the stories we see here on .is
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As I stay here in India that is what I say I still got some hope in arranged marriage. I just need to work enough earn money take care of my family business and some day after 7/8 years ( I am 22 now) I will be getting married.:bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
But no I wont do that I will be LDAR after getting rejected so many time and getting humiliated I dont want to end up like a beta provider and most of the beautiful Indian Foids has boyfriends who fucks them so who wants a lose Fuck hole or a ugly foid who cannot even give a boner. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Maybe. Or if your family will allow it, you could give up the idea of getting married. I know lots of Indian families. I am not KHHV and I have had sex (escorts). I was born and raised in the West, however, in today's times, it might be possible for you to get your family to understand that you are going to contribute to the family business but that you don't want to get married. That is, unless you are able to lower your expectations enough to where you will be happy with the marriage given to you. It is possible, and you might even luck out and get a pretty foid. But, if you are on .is it means you probably will have a tough time doing this, so be prepared to let go of the idea also. I have met some Indians in the 40's and 50's who are somewhat "Westernised" and who are basically content being single forever. They wouldn't be able to do in the West.
That’s middle class in burgerland nigga:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: and on top of that we don’t have cows shitting outside our houses and weirdo curries peeing everywhere and lakes full of dead bodies :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: what a shithole:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
I'm not going to say you are wrong. There are more pros to living in the West IF one is looksmaxxed and/or born into some real wealth, but that's not the experience of lifestyle or most people here. So like @K9Otaku said, you are an idiot for mentioning these things.
but that you don't want to get married.
I say them sometimes they think I am joking. I also said I am an anti Natalist they laughed. But yeah let’s see what tomorrow brings (I have a bit hope still in me that I can ascend). And I don’t think I will be deleting my .is anytime soon. Also I don’t like the idea of Escortmaxxing I think sex shouldn’t be treated as a commodity and sex without love from my point is useless.
Nah India is a shithole (I'm indian myself but I live in the west). There's a few rich people yeah but a lot of students from India that come to the west struggle a lot. Only the very few upper castes manage well
True. Some of the reasons are attributed to their lack of Western-made experience, schooling or the benefits of being born into a family which was successful enough so they don't have to grind. For the rest of them, they fall into the hellscape that is Western decay.

Were you born in India or in the West?
I am grateful that I was not born in India :feelshmm:
Nigga i saw mumbay on youtube looks worse than ghetto in detroit:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: what are you smoking
The average Bombay upper-middle class joint family has more spending cash than negroid familes in urban Detroit. Their private school teachers have more money and comfort. Water front Mumbai is filled with rich pajeets. Society Mumbai is filled with well-to-do curries and quite a few of them are ugly. You probably saw the Dhobi ghats or slums in between the bigger Talukas. Besides, in most Indian cities, even shitty areas don't come with ghetto negros who will put a bullet in your ass for $3. Only happens in parts of BurgerLand.
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I say them sometimes they think I am joking.
I also said I am an anti Natalist they laughed.
Who your family members?
But yeah let’s see what tomorrow brings (I have a bit hope still in me that I can ascend).
Hmm fair enough. But I suggest deconstructing this hope sooner rather than later. Especially if you've joined .is, it means you are less and less like the average Indian.
And I don’t think I will be deleting my .is anytime soon.
Also I don’t like the idea of Escortmaxxing I think sex shouldn’t be treated as a commodity and sex without love from my point is useless.
"Without love"? Unless you find a traditional marriage in which you get lucky are given a foid with good looks AND a sense of duty, (which substitutes as and grows into a kind of love) then you'll be disappointed. Because this idea of Bollywood love is such a bullshit concept. I know of more and more upper class westernised Indians who wanted some sort of bollywood movie type love marriage and they end up getting hurt or even divorced. Hardly ever works.
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Who your family members?
yeah they

Hmm fair enough. But I suggest deconstructing this hope sooner rather than later. Especially if you've joined .is, it means you are less and less like the average Indian.
I am trying to do that.
I know

"Without love"? Unless you find a traditional marriage in which you get lucky are given a foid with good looks AND a sense of duty, (which substitutes as and grows into a kind of love) then you'll be disappointed. Because this idea of Bollywood love is such a bullshit concept. I know of more and more upper class westernised Indians who wanted some sort of bollywood movie type love marriage and they end up getting hurt or even divorced. Hardly ever works.
I said that just for the sake of saying nothing serious. I dont watch Movies :feelskek::feelskek: unless I watch it on xvideos. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Yeah, a lot of them say their Indian life is more comfortable since they could afford driver and maid back there but have to live in cheap homes barely getting by over here. Takes years for them to upgrade from that lifestyle and not all of them end up getting citizenship.
Yes. But it varies greatly depending on the field they entered and where they chose to live.

For my parent's generation it was very different. (America/Europe) They became successful in the West and so did most of that upper tier of Indian-Americans who came. They were able to integrate and it was much less complicated back in the 70/80's when the started. And since their Indian life was just study study study, for them the feeling of the American success story is front and center because things only went up and up after they moved the the West. Now they are retired and living an amazing life. Also white people accept them differently. Both conservative and liberal. Especially the Brahmins cause they know what to say to those groups and what not to say. They behave very well outwardly in social situations.

But they don't have the needs or desires their children come to have. And for many millennials and even worse Gen Z. It's over. There is a small portion of them that can manage and the rest will turn into Incels in one way or the other.

Not all of them struggle though, the multimillionaires obviously don't.
For Boomers it's not just the multi millionaires. Even lower middle class working small business Gujus did excellent and only climbed the money/social ladder if they came in 70s/80s/90s.
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How long until exposure to w*stern culture via internet turns indian foids against their own culture and into another lot of hypergamous feminist beasts?
How long until exposure to w*stern culture via internet turns indian foids against their own culture and into another lot of hypergamous feminist beasts?
Good question. I have my predictions and I know @K9Otaku and I have discussed this sort of thing before. Personally I think it has happened a bit already. To what degree its hard to say because I've completely dropped out of keeping aware of their behavior and I'm happy to be a hermit in that regard. But I also see that for the lower castes of Indians their naivety to Western culture protects them from that sort of shit. At the same time, pretty foids always find a way to become "feminist beasts" as you aptly say. I do see rural girls who prefer gym-maxxed "chad-like" rural guys over skinny "Incel-like" ones more often. But again, it's hard to make a determination as to how frequently it's actually occuring in the semi rural and urban areas. Urban I think it's more often.
Okay. But always be careful watching that RomCom shit. Bollywood & Hollywood = same horseshit and false expectations can sneak into your young brain even if you think you are immune.
they make people think everything goes right after hero gets his fuckhole but they dont show properly the dark reality marital rape (not trying to be feminist), divorce, defamation and false dowry accusation. And nowadays most of the family here at my place are destroyed as soon as some one in that family gets married. It is absurd to get married stay away from the your parents for the sake of your wife and get divorce destroying the kids lives as well who didnt even asked to be born. It is wrong completely and most of the divorces here are of people who went for love marriage the people with arranged marriage just compromise with each other. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
I dont want this drama.
How long until exposure to w*stern culture via internet turns indian foids against their own culture and into another lot of hypergamous feminist beasts?
It has already begun
How is that a lifefuel?
Even in your own post you've admitted to seeing no stacies or even beckies, but looksmatched couples
So , let me get this straight you're message to currycels is that we should work hard , save money , climb the corporate ladder and we will get a looksmatched foid - which lets be honest if you're like a trucel like me that's a 1/10 foid
Piss off
Another coping curry
How long until exposure to w*stern culture via internet turns indian foids against their own culture and into another lot of hypergamous feminist beasts?
What is interesting is that, for the moment, it does not seem to have happened on a large scale. Even among the most affluent of Indians
How is that a lifefuel?
Even in your own post you've admitted to seeing no stacies or even beckies, but looksmatched couples
So , let me get this straight you're message to currycels is that we should work hard , save money , climb the corporate ladder and we will get a looksmatched foid - which lets be honest if you're like a trucel like me that's a 1/10 foid
Piss off
Are you dense?

Isn't seeing the absence of looks-based hypergamy among some group of people lifefuel?

In the West, everytime you see rich dudes, you will see gold diggers in some form: trophy wives, noodelwhores with rich tech dudes, etc. Here, nothing. Lots of rich dudes (very rich by Indian standards) but not a single gold digger in sight. Only looksmatched fat ugly wives
Are you dense?

Isn't seeing the absence of looks-based hypergamy among some group of people lifefuel?

In the West, everytime you see rich dudes, you will see gold diggers in some form: trophy wives, noodelwhores with rich tech dudes, etc. Here, nothing. Lots of rich dudes (very rich by Indian standards) but not a single gold digger in sight. Only looksmatched fat ugly wives
ahahahahah just cuz a foid is ugly doesnt mean shes got a heart of gold
are YOU dense
these dudes are essentially betabuxxing for the worst of foids
if i was rich id want a stacy trophy wife

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