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Brutal Most people's values largely come from (((Hollywood))) movies, mine included



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
Jewish hollywood movies have brainwashed me from an early age and there is nothing I can do about it. Here are some things I learned from these jew movies growing up:

1. THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN HAVING SEX, especially having TEEN SEX AS A TEEN. If you aren't fucking a new bitch every week like you are a character on Friends you are a loser.
2. Doing drugs, smoking, mental illness-- all these things are cool and romantic.
3. White people (jews included) are the most attractive, well rounded, witty people. They are the main characters of life.
4. It's fucking cool to use violence to showcase superiority. Vengance is earned.
5. Rich people are just more interesting.
6. Ugly people don't exist or are evil.
7. If you are a male '5' it's normal to partner with females that are 7-8 psl.
8. Every decently attractive white bitch you meet ends up being a one-night stand.
9. Everyone is a huge sexual deviant that has a weird kink and is able to afford a specialized therapist.
10. If you don't live in a labyrinthine apartment overlooking Central Park, or live in a fat 2 story suburban mansion you dont exist.

Like imagine a piece of media, even today with all this woke shit, being the complete opposite of my value list: like it would have to be about a chang married to a black landwhale-- they don't do drugs or have sex at all, they also hate violence, and work in a non-profit to teach kids how to be goody-too-shoes praying to God. They are also poor, but good. Would anyone watch this hypothetical show???? I can't comprehend how non-sensical and boring it is just conceptually.

I find it most perplexing that people who are also raised on these films still manage to have relatively the same values, but completely ignore the fact that they are a piece of shit just ike me. At least I KNOW IM EVIL. Yet they have the same values as me pretty much, and can't comprehend the harm their shit values bring to the world- i'm not sure if it's willful ignorance, or a boldfaced lie. But either way, most people have a very JEWISH way of valuing what is important in people, and what is important in life that's almost impossible to escape from.

if you aren't capable of being a main character in a jewish movie YOU DONT EXIST, YOU DONT MATTER, YOU BELONG IN AN OBSCURE BLOB OF IRRELEVANCE
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ER was probably the biggest influence on peoples values round here
Depends on your upbringing. Based people always identify with the bad guy in movies. Ex Scarface, Vegeta in dragon ball etc
ER was probably the biggest influence on peoples values round here
To be fair, ER was influenced by hollywood as well. Many of his quotes come from star wars/other movies.
Depends on your upbringing. Based people always identify with the bad guy in movies. Ex Scarface, Vegeta in dragon ball etc
I find it funny how many "bad guys" are actually good guys demonized. For example, joker is obviously a good guy.
Not mine, im a slavcel. Most of my childhood I didn't watch h0llyw00d.

But the trash I watched (Disney cartoons) that shape some of my opinion. Now I understand thats what they did is predictive programing and they implanted shit into my head, like porn(Many of those cartoons contain hidden sex scenes) also bluepilled idiology.

f*ck j00lyw00d.
Not mine, im a slavcel. Most of my childhood I didn't watch h0llyw00d.

But the trash I watched (Disney cartoons) that shape some of my opinion. Now I understand thats what they did is predictive programing and they implanted shit into my head, like porn(Many of those cartoons contain hidden sex scenes) also bluepilled idiology.

f*ck j00lyw00d.
what are your values? what is important to you in people?

also you contradicted yourself
To be fair, ER was influenced by hollywood as well. Many of his quotes come from star wars/other movies.
ER could not fit in within the jewish main character paradigm-- therefore he had to go ER to correct that
The Jew is the King of Gold, at the Bank and in Court… By proxy or in person. He owns
everything…the Press…the Theater… the Radio…the Chamber of Deputies…the
Senate…the Police…over here, and over there… The great inventors of the Bolshevik
tyranny have elicited a thousand cries of horror… that is well understood. They strike terror into the heart, yet are never, ever seen as pointing out the proliferation of Kikes, nor as adding-up to a global conspiracy… An odd blindness… (at the same time it is necessary to bone-up on Hollywood, its secrets, its intentions, its masters, its universal hype, its incredible market of world-wide stupefaction… Herriot has revealed not the least little part of the essential work, of the capital of Jewish Imperialism).
Louis Ferdinand Celine
what are your values? what is important to you in people?

also you contradicted yourself
I didn't since you say movies and not cartoons.

And as a child I didn't have values, besieds being nice and friendly. Till it all changed when I became a teen as was heavily bullied.
As long as you're aware of the brainwashing, the effect isn't as damaging.
As long as you're aware of the brainwashing, the effect isn't as damaging.
you don't have a lot of control over these things subconciously
The biggest blackpill is that 90% of it is reality. If you're a rich good-looking WASP or kike or just a normal roastie then your life is a giant party full of sex, drugs and unrestrained hedonism.
11. Finding the 'love' of your life is a central theme and people obsess over their 20s to try and secure one in their 30s by trying different women out, no shortage of options
12. Short people don't exist and if they do they're sexless jesters or women
13. If you didn't go to a rich suburban high school with high quality infrastructure and funding then you don't exist
14. The 6'5'' white chad that made fun of the weak in high school ends up being the most successful in life
15. If you didn't get invited to the party of the most popular kid in the grade on the weekend whilst their parents were on vacation then you don't exist
16. Love develops overtime and a female could initially hate someone at first then begin to love them because they did some dark triad or bluepilled 'kind' actions over the course of time
17. You can easily ask people around you for help and they will care, family, friends, therapists, the neighbour. Isolated people don't exist
18. You could pull women if you have a fancy car and regularly speed with it
19. If you're not a social butterfly you're not important, if you're a nerd you will get thrown into the trash can instead of just being ignored
20. Chad always has time to socialise, time for extracurriculars and still tops the class regardless of if he studies or not
this list can go on and on
The biggest blackpill is that 90% of it is reality. If you're a rich good-looking WASP or kike or just a normal roastie then your life is a giant party full of sex, drugs and unrestrained hedonism.
fuck YEAH :chad:
fuck YEAH :chad:
Also people don't understand that this is the world ER was living in and the reason he was so fucked up. This could've been him if he just wasn't born a gook, he literally had everything else.
Really depends what you watch. Obviously if you watch normie "romcom" movies or lame ass gay shit, then naturally you will develop an unrealistic view of life. I never quite understood people that enjoy laughtrack shows like Friends or foid worship shows like the Kardashians.

Sci-fi, horror, psychothrillers, and other more hardcore genres are at least partially free from the jooish nonsense that's pedaled out there. Most of the films I watch are devoid the things you mentioned. Where are you seeing this stuff? :dafuckfeels:
even in sci-fi movies

like you kind of start expecting more from women, and get angry that they are fucking idiots and are not at least competent like Ripley,
Also people don't understand that this is the world ER was living in and the reason he was so fucked up. This could've been him if he just wasn't born a gook, he literally had everything else.
if you aren't capable of being a main character in a jewish movie YOU DONT EXIST YOU DONT MATTER YOU BELONG IN AN OBSCURE BLOB OF IRRELEVANCE
ER could not fit in within the jewish main character paradigm-- therefore he had to go ER to correct that
yeah. in fact, many of us couldn't be "character" anything cus no one cares about us. fame chasing is one of top motives to ERing
you don't have a lot of control over these things subconciously
You don't have control of anything subconsciously, tbf, but you can break free from brainwashing. It's just never easy. You're ahead of most in that regard.
14. The 6'5'' white chad that made fun of the weak in high school ends up being the most successful in life
actually Jews try to tell you that he ends up being a deadbeat dad or something (which is a lie), but either way, they forgot to mention HOW FUCKING AWESOME HIS LIFE WAS up until that point.
It's actually more nuanced than it seems. Sure, Hollywood movies and media have a significant effect one someone's values, but so does general society and cultural norms. A lot of values are learned from parents, friends, teachers, etc. Also, movies are a reflection of the mainstream views at the time much more than they actually shape the views of society- in other words, they're playing off of and becoming popular because of the sentiment of the times today. For example, if American Pie was released today, it wouldn't be as popular, simply because not many people would be able to relate to it. So it's really that most people's values are shaped broadly by society, and movies are just an explicit and slightly exaggerated display of those values.

But in the end, we are talking about the same values, so it doesn't really matter.
I only got my values from Taxi Driver and Joker.
1. THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN HAVING SEX, especially having TEEN SEX AS A TEEN. If you aren't fucking a new bitch every week like you are a character on Friends you are a loser.
i suffered from this a lot also
i am a sandnigger and having sex as a teen or having a gf is very forbiden to me and to most boys unless you're really handsome because girls aren't ready to risk getting a bf unless he's really worth it.
when i was young i used to watch MBC2 (movie channel) and all the films were just love teen romance. ofc all of them were white and fair and beautiful and the only thing i had to do is watch them and whishing that when i grow i will get to have the same as them.
3. White people (jews included) are the most attractive, well rounded, witty people. They are the main characters of life.
the difference between the average sandnigger i see daily and the average whitey in the movies was so fuckin big i just couldn't realize how good looking these actors are.
6. Ugly people don't exist or are evil.
all the evil movie chacarcters are always ugly bastards and mofos. i never really saw prince charming doing an evil character ever
ER was probably the biggest influence on peoples values round here
his parents were parts of hollywood, he was the same as them and if possible he would have went in the same route as his father and just become some low tier actor. it's amazing that this kid is related to such big hollywood names.
all this make you think we were just seeing a big movie about a guy commiting mass shooting
i suffered from this a lot also
i am a sandnigger and having sex as a teen or having a gf is very forbiden to me and to most boys unless you're really handsome because girls aren't ready to risk getting a bf unless he's really worth it.
when i was young i used to watch MBC2 (movie channel) and all the films were just love teen romance. ofc all of them were white and fair and beautiful and the only thing i had to do is watch them and whishing that when i grow i will get to have the same as them.

the difference between the average sandnigger i see daily and the average whitey in the movies was so fuckin big i just couldn't realize how good looking these actors are.

all the evil movie chacarcters are always ugly bastards and mofos. i never really saw prince charming doing an evil character ever

his parents were parts of hollywood, he was the same as them and if possible he would have went in the same route as his father and just become some low tier actor. it's amazing that this kid is related to such big hollywood names.
all this make you think we were just seeing a big movie about a guy commiting mass shooting
no, he was a visionary and his parents weren't

he could've been the greatest horror screenwriter and director

he would've been like Wes Craven on steroids....if he didn't have a more important purpose (directing the incel movement)
Jewish hollywood movies have brainwashed me from an early age and there is nothing I can do about it. Here are some things I learned from these jew movies growing up:

1. THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN HAVING SEX, especially having TEEN SEX AS A TEEN. If you aren't fucking a new bitch every week like you are a character on Friends you are a loser.
2. Doing drugs, smoking, mental illness-- all these things are cool and romantic.
3. White people (jews included) are the most attractive, well rounded, witty people. They are the main characters of life.
4. It's fucking cool to use violence to showcase superiority. Vengance is earned.
5. Rich people are just more interesting.
6. Ugly people don't exist or are evil.
7. If you are a male '5' it's normal to partner with females that are 7-8 psl.
8. Every decently attractive white bitch you meet ends up being a one-night stand.
9. Everyone is a huge sexual deviant that has a weird kink and is able to afford a specialized therapist.
10. If you don't live in a labyrinthine apartment overlooking Central Park, or live in a fat 2 story suburban mansion you dont exist.

Like imagine a piece of media, even today with all this woke shit, being the complete opposite of my value list: like it would have to be about a chang married to a black landwhale-- they don't do drugs or have sex at all, they also hate violence, and work in a non-profit to teach kids how to be goody-too-shoes praying to God. They are also poor, but good. Would anyone watch this hypothetical show???? I can't comprehend how non-sensical and boring it is just conceptually.

I find it most perplexing that people who are also raised on these films still manage to have relatively the same values, but completely ignore the fact that they are a piece of shit just ike me. At least I KNOW IM EVIL. Yet they have the same values as me pretty much, and can't comprehend the harm their shit values bring to the world- i'm not sure if it's willful ignorance, or a boldfaced lie. But either way, most people have a very JEWISH way of valuing what is important in people, and what is important in life that's almost impossible to escape from.

if you aren't capable of being a main character in a jewish movie YOU DONT EXIST, YOU DONT MATTER, YOU BELONG IN AN OBSCURE BLOB OF IRRELEVANCE

View: https://youtu.be/LyhTxQwSwJU
Can confirm, my views on the world were completely skewed by Hollywoods movies which were my only cope up until twenty something, back then movies were filled with looksmaxxed white chads and stacies living the unrealistic highschool dream.
Jewish hollywood movies have brainwashed me from an early age and there is nothing I can do about it. Here are some things I learned from these jew movies growing up:

1. THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN HAVING SEX, especially having TEEN SEX AS A TEEN. If you aren't fucking a new bitch every week like you are a character on Friends you are a loser.
2. Doing drugs, smoking, mental illness-- all these things are cool and romantic.
3. White people (jews included) are the most attractive, well rounded, witty people. They are the main characters of life.
4. It's fucking cool to use violence to showcase superiority. Vengance is earned.
5. Rich people are just more interesting.
6. Ugly people don't exist or are evil.
7. If you are a male '5' it's normal to partner with females that are 7-8 psl.
8. Every decently attractive white bitch you meet ends up being a one-night stand.
9. Everyone is a huge sexual deviant that has a weird kink and is able to afford a specialized therapist.
10. If you don't live in a labyrinthine apartment overlooking Central Park, or live in a fat 2 story suburban mansion you dont exist.

Like imagine a piece of media, even today with all this woke shit, being the complete opposite of my value list: like it would have to be about a chang married to a black landwhale-- they don't do drugs or have sex at all, they also hate violence, and work in a non-profit to teach kids how to be goody-too-shoes praying to God. They are also poor, but good. Would anyone watch this hypothetical show???? I can't comprehend how non-sensical and boring it is just conceptually.

I find it most perplexing that people who are also raised on these films still manage to have relatively the same values, but completely ignore the fact that they are a piece of shit just ike me. At least I KNOW IM EVIL. Yet they have the same values as me pretty much, and can't comprehend the harm their shit values bring to the world- i'm not sure if it's willful ignorance, or a boldfaced lie. But either way, most people have a very JEWISH way of valuing what is important in people, and what is important in life that's almost impossible to escape from.

if you aren't capable of being a main character in a jewish movie YOU DONT EXIST, YOU DONT MATTER, YOU BELONG IN AN OBSCURE BLOB OF IRRELEVANCE
disney media should be illegal for kids
Jews are probably why I like alcohol so much. I've seen so many win their battles while looking "cool" with alcohol.

it's over
Depends on your upbringing. Based people always identify with the bad guy in movies. Ex Scarface, Vegeta in dragon ball etc
Vegeta was a manlet that’s why he’s my hero — keep overcoming the odds Saiyan Prince :feelsLightsaber:
Vegeta was a manlet that’s why he’s my hero — keep overcoming the odds Saiyan Prince :feelsLightsaber:
The day that happens will be when the Dragon Ball franchise finally ends.
Jewish hollywood movies have brainwashed me from an early age and there is nothing I can do about it. Here are some things I learned from these jew movies growing up:

1. THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN HAVING SEX, especially having TEEN SEX AS A TEEN. If you aren't fucking a new bitch every week like you are a character on Friends you are a loser.
2. Doing drugs, smoking, mental illness-- all these things are cool and romantic.
3. White people (jews included) are the most attractive, well rounded, witty people. They are the main characters of life.
4. It's fucking cool to use violence to showcase superiority. Vengance is earned.
5. Rich people are just more interesting.
6. Ugly people don't exist or are evil.
7. If you are a male '5' it's normal to partner with females that are 7-8 psl.
8. Every decently attractive white bitch you meet ends up being a one-night stand.
9. Everyone is a huge sexual deviant that has a weird kink and is able to afford a specialized therapist.
10. If you don't live in a labyrinthine apartment overlooking Central Park, or live in a fat 2 story suburban mansion you dont exist.

Like imagine a piece of media, even today with all this woke shit, being the complete opposite of my value list: like it would have to be about a chang married to a black landwhale-- they don't do drugs or have sex at all, they also hate violence, and work in a non-profit to teach kids how to be goody-too-shoes praying to God. They are also poor, but good. Would anyone watch this hypothetical show???? I can't comprehend how non-sensical and boring it is just conceptually.

I find it most perplexing that people who are also raised on these films still manage to have relatively the same values, but completely ignore the fact that they are a piece of shit just ike me. At least I KNOW IM EVIL. Yet they have the same values as me pretty much, and can't comprehend the harm their shit values bring to the world- i'm not sure if it's willful ignorance, or a boldfaced lie. But either way, most people have a very JEWISH way of valuing what is important in people, and what is important in life that's almost impossible to escape from.

if you aren't capable of being a main character in a jewish movie YOU DONT EXIST, YOU DONT MATTER, YOU BELONG IN AN OBSCURE BLOB OF IRRELEVANCE
You’re definitely right that films/games etc can influence people but it’s only part of the larger picture. Recently the EU told Elon Musk they would ban Twitter if he didn’t crack down and censor what they wanted him to.

Think about the pernicious effect mainstream media, government, and big tech have had on normal people.

They have become mostly propaganda vehicles for asserting control and swaying public opinion. The truth is most people aren’t very deep thinkers and will just cave to peer pressure and shaming tactics to “fit in”.

This is actually part of why I think incels are able to see a lot of this stuff for the charade that it is — we were already rejected and shamed by society after all. There is no “fitting in” if you’re an ugly low status male.

An example of this would be the LGBTQWXYZ++++ mafia and trans/pronoun propaganda that has been forced to the point of compelled speech (forcing people to lie and affirm beliefs they don’t think are true which is a horrific thing). Any old schmuck with two braincells to rub together and a functional pair of eyes could tell you a trans woman is a man playing an elaborate game of dress up. They could also tell you that only a mentally ill crazy person wants to chop their dick off an replace it with a fauxgina — which is no different to wanting to cut off your own leg.

I say this time and time again because it’s so relevant but “The Emperor’s New Clothes” should be required reading along with books like 1984 (which fortunately has been widely required up til recently). But to me TENC gets the point across very succinctly. The obvious will stare you in the face and people say nothing because there are severe consequences for telling the truth.

Sometimes I miss when I was blue pilled — Cypher in the matrix maybe was right if we assume winning their war to be hopeless. In the past I was a retard and totally delusional and indoctrinated but I was happier because I had false hope. For people like us now there’s nothing to do but wallow in the muck or organize and push for change somehow (you always gotta be careful about phrasing things since feds are everywhere). The best path though probably is mass dropouts of men and for men to just stop working and stop paying taxes whenever possible. At massive scale this would ruin society but the issue is that then we’d all be homeless. I don’t really have other ideas for fixing the west but I wish I did.
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I only got my values from Taxi Driver and Joker.
YES, still JEWISH movies-- only they explore what happens within an anti-hero trope, they are subversive within the Jewish paradigm of what is important
Cope. Popular art is shaped by society more than the other way around. Especially in an industry as incentivized by profit as Hollywood. If enough people didn't already want it, they wouldn't make it.
Funny how I hold none of these values except maybe 4
3. White people (jews included) are the most attractive, well rounded, witty people. They are the main characters of life.

If you take Jews out of number 3. then its true.
Depends on your upbringing. Based people always identify with the bad guy in movies. Ex Scarface, Vegeta in dragon ball etc
Since Childhood, I often identified with the villain when he gloated after capturing and trapping the female lead character. I enjoyed female helplessness before I understood what a woman is, which means I was disappointed when the good guys finally won.
YES, still JEWISH movies-- only they explore what happens within an anti-hero trope, they are subversive within the Jewish paradigm of what is important
I just meant it as an edgy joke.
But I guess Hollywood morals are too deeply rooted in all of us.
Depends on your upbringing. Based people always identify with the bad guy in movies. Ex Scarface, Vegeta in dragon ball etc
Yup. Always have and always will. But movies and shows about bad guys have become very mainstream. Of course half of the audience acts like self righteous retards and condemn them and the people who idolize them while not being able to get enough of the stories about them like Walter White from Breaking Bad
7. If you are a male '5' it's normal to partner with females that are 7-8 psl.
8. Every decently attractive white bitch you meet ends up being a one-night stand.
9. Everyone is a huge sexual deviant that has a weird kink and is able to afford a specialized therapist.
10. If you don't live in a labyrinthine apartment overlooking Central Park, or live in a fat 2 story suburban mansion you dont exist.
jfl. The ruling class really likes to project their own decadent life style on us plebs
Cope. Popular art is shaped by society more than the other way around. Especially in an industry as incentivized by profit as Hollywood. If enough people didn't already want it, they wouldn't make it.
Globohomo would be nothing without Hollywood
My mental health has improved ever since I stopped watching kikeywood
Mainstream movies/tv shows etc. is the main reason why people believe in all of this bluepilled nonsense. It starts at an early age with like Disney and cartoons and then as an adult it informs people's social behaviour. A lot of children would watch media with superheroes, which is giving children the message that good people defend the status quo while people who seek to change society are evil and should be stopped.
As an adult you watch shows with guys simping over foids and writers telling you that protecting women makes you a good person. No wonder a lot of men get themselves injured or killed fighting men that hit foids. They have been programmed.
Jewish hollywood movies have brainwashed me from an early age and there is nothing I can do about it. Here are some things I learned from these jew movies growing up:

1. THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN HAVING SEX, especially having TEEN SEX AS A TEEN. If you aren't fucking a new bitch every week like you are a character on Friends you are a loser.
2. Doing drugs, smoking, mental illness-- all these things are cool and romantic.
3. White people (jews included) are the most attractive, well rounded, witty people. They are the main characters of life.
4. It's fucking cool to use violence to showcase superiority. Vengance is earned.
5. Rich people are just more interesting.
6. Ugly people don't exist or are evil.
7. If you are a male '5' it's normal to partner with females that are 7-8 psl.
8. Every decently attractive white bitch you meet ends up being a one-night stand.
9. Everyone is a huge sexual deviant that has a weird kink and is able to afford a specialized therapist.
10. If you don't live in a labyrinthine apartment overlooking Central Park, or live in a fat 2 story suburban mansion you dont exist.

Like imagine a piece of media, even today with all this woke shit, being the complete opposite of my value list: like it would have to be about a chang married to a black landwhale-- they don't do drugs or have sex at all, they also hate violence, and work in a non-profit to teach kids how to be goody-too-shoes praying to God. They are also poor, but good. Would anyone watch this hypothetical show???? I can't comprehend how non-sensical and boring it is just conceptually.

I find it most perplexing that people who are also raised on these films still manage to have relatively the same values, but completely ignore the fact that they are a piece of shit just ike me. At least I KNOW IM EVIL. Yet they have the same values as me pretty much, and can't comprehend the harm their shit values bring to the world- i'm not sure if it's willful ignorance, or a boldfaced lie. But either way, most people have a very JEWISH way of valuing what is important in people, and what is important in life that's almost impossible to escape from.

if you aren't capable of being a main character in a jewish movie YOU DONT EXIST, YOU DONT MATTER, YOU BELONG IN AN OBSCURE BLOB OF IRRELEVANCE
I wonder who pushes these Hollywood ideas onto people mhmmmm

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