Sad but true.
This is why I always say that there are many things we could actually learn from the smarter feminists. The smart feminists all try to get an alliance between women of different races, religions and sexual orientations going. Blacklivesmatter was started by LESBIAN women, on colleges they teach "intersectional feminism" these days that talks about this "intersection" of racism and misogyny. "Intersectional feminism" is the ideology all tumblr cunts promote.
So we increasingly have this situation where men have to defend themselves against ALL women AND against men of other races, religions and sexual orientations.
And this idea of saying that feminism is simply a white thing is just as short-sighted as saying that feminism is a Jewish trick. African-Americans tried this strategy for 50 years, always saying that feminism is just for white women and that black women don't need feminism. Has that worked out for them? Obviously not since they're either in prison now or lead by feminist lesbians who created this BLM movement and the "women's march to washington" and so on.
Trying to label feminism as racism won't save you. The smart feminists are already trying to create this "intersectional feminism" where women of all races work together. And it is increasingly working, as can be seen not only at black women but also at muslim women.
Slutwalk, BLM and Women's March - to name just three of hte most recent feminist movements were far from just being white phenomenons. You're foolish if you believe that this strategy of simply labelling feminism racist with the non-white women just being tokens, will safe you.