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Blackpill Most "incels" are volcels who could marry 3-4/10 women, but know she will age out so they so they become volcel, and dead end workers or escortcels.

  • Thread starter basementLDARcel
  • Start date


Feb 28, 2022
If you were to brag on this site about having sex with a 3-4//10 woman who wasnt a prostitute, you would get banned, but many of you may say "I would rather fuck hot hookers than have sex with a sub par wife." Which means you dont care about marriage obligations at all. you just see it a means to an end. the marriage obligations, for thousands of years, were that you would agree to sex ahead of time.

Professional sports players have to sign contracts ahead of time giving consent to be filmed and broadcasted to national TV. they dont consent every time they play a game. the consent was given due to the contract they originally signed which gave their consent months or years in advance.

if you sign a marital contract, for thousands of years by saying "for better or for worse", you were agreeing to your spouse they could have sex with you "til death do us part". most people in marriage ceremonies just go through the motions and said "I DO". but they didn't listen, they gave what could be argued as "unconfirmed consent". they never really listened, they just assumed marriage wasnt binding, and was "cute", and thus agreed to marriage. they then realized what they were tied into, and wanted out. in the past, they couldn't get out, in the present, they can. many incels here know a wife can weasle out of marriage and get a lopsised divorce settlement. but this wouldnt be hypocritical if incels were non willing to get marriage to any woman. the incels i am using in the context of this topic are ones who just want to have a hot woman they can have sex with for pleasure (and kids are an "ok" side effect), and they wont get too ugly when old. they would be "tolerable". but a 3-4 woman who may be somewhat tolerable when young, wouldn't be tolerable when older.

as marilyn monroe put it, "if you cant handle at my best, you cant handle me at my worst". this what "for better or for worse", means.

marriage has always been traditionally about a woman's exchange of her sexual resources for a man's financial resouces. if a man marries a woman, she is now guaranteed his financial resourse, but a man isnt guaranteed her sexual resources. if she leaves, she gets his sexual resources and he is strippoed of his financial resources. being open to divorce is supporting this lopsided exchange, and also not respecting the origins of marriage and trying to warp it into some perverted failure we see today
I wouldn’t mind marrying a 3/4 woman who actually showed an interest in me, but they’re just as picky as the stacies.
Men have always been pushovers and bitches for women. The patriarchy and ALL the rituals and ceremonies you shit culture has to offer will never allow men to be free from being the indebted servants of a literal toilet bowl.
Men have always been pushovers and bitches for women. The patriarchy and ALL the rituals and ceremonies you shit culture has to offer will never allow men to be free from being the indebted servants of a literal toilet bowl.
they used to. men used to be able to force sex on their wives. in some countries they still can.
lol ethnic whorez specially slut latinaz wouldnt accept anything below 7/10 white
lol ethnic whorez specially slut latinaz wouldnt accept anything below 7/10 white
nothing to do with the thread.

just another user who lacks attention span to read through decent arguments

weed has destroyed your brain. stick to the sewers
I wouldn’t mind marrying a 3/4 woman who actually showed an interest in me, but they’re just as picky as the stacies.
Sadly yes, hypergamy made it so women can always look out for the best they can get. A sub4 male stands absolutely no chance against the hordes of simps who're going to orbit these beckies.
I would take any woman that isn't in an extreme weight class (aneorexic/landwhale) or isn't terminally/chronically ill with some debilitating shit where I'd be her babysitter instead of her husband
Cope. I’ve been rejected by escorts. Ugly women can already find men more attractive than us. Even prostitutes can pick and choose which customers they take. Rape is the only option at this point
:feels:: nothing to do with the thread.

just another user who lacks attention span to read through decent arguments

weed has destroyed your brain. stick to the sewers

No isnt part of my vocabulary. I would fuck ANYTHING that looks MORE OR LESS like a toilet.
But this can be accepted if we take as fundaments the theory men=women.
Which i do NOT agree. I strongly preach men are more valuable than sluts and since sluts are barely semi-evolved monkey brained creatures, shouldn't be entitled to shit. The sub 6 should be covered and forced to labour fields, the over 6 should be enslaved for sexual consumption.
I think men have RIGHTS to be selective while sluts DON'T because we DO carry the society to new horizons while their only duty, only purpose, is to be attractive enough to be pussy creampied.

Now, i know this is an utopistic view, i mean, i know i am 100% right but still the soyciety is twisted and the world doesn't revolve around this so for my mental health i should just shut the fuck up and behave. Should probably stop being this much based and accept the mainstream anthropological constructs and just... why not, maybe betabux a 3/10 foids for life and long-term rent her stinky pussy (aka "marriage"). But hey, then 2 issues occurs:
1) i can't because guess what? Even if i could i would still be rejected even by 3/10 foids.
2) i can't because i'm loyal to my ideas. Call me anything you want.
Cope. I’ve been rejected by escorts. Ugly women can already find men more attractive than us. Even prostitutes can pick and choose which customers they take. Rape is the only option at this point
How old are you and where are you loving where you go rejected by escorts?
Most high IQ thread in weeks.
Can’t wait to have hot sex with hot escorts
Have you ever heard about Juggernaut law?
If you were to brag on this site about having sex with a 3-4//10 woman who wasnt a prostitute, you would get banned, but many of you may say "I would rather fuck hot hookers than have sex with a sub par wife." Which means you dont care about marriage obligations at all. you just see it a means to an end. the marriage obligations, for thousands of years, were that you would agree to sex ahead of time.

Professional sports players have to sign contracts ahead of time giving consent to be filmed and broadcasted to national TV. they dont consent every time they play a game. the consent was given due to the contract they originally signed which gave their consent months or years in advance.

if you sign a marital contract, for thousands of years by saying "for better or for worse", you were agreeing to your spouse they could have sex with you "til death do us part". most people in marriage ceremonies just go through the motions and said "I DO". but they didn't listen, they gave what could be argued as "unconfirmed consent". they never really listened, they just assumed marriage wasnt binding, and was "cute", and thus agreed to marriage. they then realized what they were tied into, and wanted out. in the past, they couldn't get out, in the present, they can. many incels here know a wife can weasle out of marriage and get a lopsised divorce settlement. but this wouldnt be hypocritical if incels were non willing to get marriage to any woman. the incels i am using in the context of this topic are ones who just want to have a hot woman they can have sex with for pleasure (and kids are an "ok" side effect), and they wont get too ugly when old. they would be "tolerable". but a 3-4 woman who may be somewhat tolerable when young, wouldn't be tolerable when older.

as marilyn monroe put it, "if you cant handle at my best, you cant handle me at my worst". this what "for better or for worse", means.

marriage has always been traditionally about a woman's exchange of her sexual resources for a man's financial resouces. if a man marries a woman, she is now guaranteed his financial resourse, but a man isnt guaranteed her sexual resources. if she leaves, she gets his sexual resources and he is strippoed of his financial resources. being open to divorce is supporting this lopsided exchange, and also not respecting the origins of marriage and trying to warp it into some perverted failure we see today
Such bluepill cope. Ugly women don't want ugly men. They get average men these days.
I wouldn’t mind marrying a 3/4 woman who actually showed an interest in me, but they’re just as picky as the stacies.
No isnt part of my vocabulary. I would fuck ANYTHING that looks MORE OR LESS like a toilet.
This. I'd take any woman that would be willing to love me and stay with her until the end. Except, unfortunately for me, such a woman doesn't exist, so I'll never get a Disney-tier happy ending like that.
The problem is, that a date with 3/4 girl is imposible for me.
I wouldn’t mind marrying a 3/4 woman who actually showed an interest in me, but they’re just as picky as the stacies.
Same here, I woud have finally somebody
I don't blame them. The only thing that women offer these days is their body, so if they're not even attractive then what's the point of marrying them?

Imagine spending all your money on her, babysitting her as if she's a spoiled child, giving up all your freedom, and dedicating your entire life to the impossible task of making her happy, and she's nothing but a sub5, ugly, worthless whore that won't even have sex with you unless she feels like it.

Anyone that chooses a life like that is a retarded cuck.
Your standards are too high.
1. I know
2. I'm sorry
3. I'm joking because the only female that I coud accept shoud be on looks level, body looks, hair lenght and physical (looks like that age) of Marie Rose from Dead or Alive. I need my teenage aryan lolita virgin fighter. F0ids can cope, soyaks can rope. Coope and sneed
I used to think i'd settle for any breathing foid even if she was subhuman, but after having my first and only girl ever show affection and "romantic interest" towards me (even tho that lasted like a week), i compare every girl i see to her, and unfortunately she mogs like 99.5% of girls i see irl.
Maybe one day this will pass, hopefully
I need to see this looks chart because 4/10 is yikes.
I have no access to even 1-2 out of 10 women.

Some of us are actually objectively factually incels and not some asshole with strict standards who blames others for his own demands.
I have no access to even 1-2 out of 10 women.

Some of us are actually objectively factually incels and not some asshole with strict standards who blames others for his own demands.
I bet you're like 6'3" and white yet claim to be a trucel :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
marriage = prostitution
marriage = prostitution
Yep, so might as well just see actual prostitutes instead of going the marriage route and ending up paying 100x more money than your whore of a wife is actually worth in the long run.
I wouldn’t mind marrying a 3/4 woman who actually showed an interest in me, but they’re just as picky as the stacies.
Women these days only respect gigachads. Marrying a 3-4 woman is a guarantee divorce-rape/miserable marriage.
If you were to brag on this site about having sex with a 3-4//10 woman who wasnt a prostitute, you would get banned, but many of you may say "I would rather fuck hot hookers than have sex with a sub par wife." Which means you dont care about marriage obligations at all. you just see it a means to an end. the marriage obligations, for thousands of years, were that you would agree to sex ahead of time.

Professional sports players have to sign contracts ahead of time giving consent to be filmed and broadcasted to national TV. they dont consent every time they play a game. the consent was given due to the contract they originally signed which gave their consent months or years in advance.

if you sign a marital contract, for thousands of years by saying "for better or for worse", you were agreeing to your spouse they could have sex with you "til death do us part". most people in marriage ceremonies just go through the motions and said "I DO". but they didn't listen, they gave what could be argued as "unconfirmed consent". they never really listened, they just assumed marriage wasnt binding, and was "cute", and thus agreed to marriage. they then realized what they were tied into, and wanted out. in the past, they couldn't get out, in the present, they can. many incels here know a wife can weasle out of marriage and get a lopsised divorce settlement. but this wouldnt be hypocritical if incels were non willing to get marriage to any woman. the incels i am using in the context of this topic are ones who just want to have a hot woman they can have sex with for pleasure (and kids are an "ok" side effect), and they wont get too ugly when old. they would be "tolerable". but a 3-4 woman who may be somewhat tolerable when young, wouldn't be tolerable when older.

as marilyn monroe put it, "if you cant handle at my best, you cant handle me at my worst". this what "for better or for worse", means.

marriage has always been traditionally about a woman's exchange of her sexual resources for a man's financial resouces. if a man marries a woman, she is now guaranteed his financial resourse, but a man isnt guaranteed her sexual resources. if she leaves, she gets his sexual resources and he is strippoed of his financial resources. being open to divorce is supporting this lopsided exchange, and also not respecting the origins of marriage and trying to warp it into some perverted failure we see today
id marry a 1/10 tbh but im too incel
I don't blame them. The only thing that women offer these days is their body, so if they're not even attractive then what's the point of marrying them?

Imagine spending all your money on her, babysitting her as if she's a spoiled child, giving up all your freedom, and dedicating your entire life to the impossible task of making her happy, and she's nothing but a sub5, ugly, worthless whore that won't even have sex with you unless she feels like it.

Anyone that chooses a life like that is a retarded cuck.
Imagine getting university education and wageslaving just to have a chance to betabuxx an ugly female like girlfriend of Sam Bankman.
Masturbation or even escortcelling is a lesser evil in that case.
It's not my fault that I was born ugly and sick. Why I should be 'happy' with such an ugly girlfriend even when animalistic thugs who didn't contribute to soyciety can get better women?

Most "incels" are volcels who could marry 3-4/10 women​

Yes they are known as whitecels.
Women these days only respect gigachads. Marrying a 3-4 woman is a guarantee divorce-rape/miserable marriage.
I mean, hypothetically, a loving 3/4 woman who I knew I’d be happy with for the rest of my life, I’d marry her. Of course that’s not possible though.
I bet you're like 6'3" and white yet claim to be a trucel :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
I'm almost a foot shorter than that and ethnic JFL. Hence I don't like fakecels.

A white tallfag probably could fuck if he lowered his standards enough, unless he's deformed or autistic.
I'm almost a foot shorter than that and ethnic JFL. Hence I don't like fakecels.

A white tallfag probably could fuck if he lowered his standards enough, unless he's deformed or autistic.
Ok I believe you then. But the amount of tall white dudes claiming to be incel on this forum is crazy. They're just Stacy-only volcel retards
let me explain to you how i am not a volcel, when i was kid , not one foid showed any interest or greeted me, when i got old i approached but never had any positive feedback , also during the whole time i was a contributing member, being responsible and educating myself. i had hope although very less that i might someday find a partner. also i thought its okay if nobody selects me but atleast they are happy thats all that matters.
i also was also observing how the popular kid is the bully and the attractive kid. gets all the attention , has multiple girlfriends, go to sleepover, gets invited to parties and has a overall better quality of life.
When i grew up further i also noticed how some of the foids who are more than 30 are still unmarried. now i have to come to a logical conclusion. do i work hard and continue trying to get a job and finally expect to get a wife. but by that time i will already be very old . wtf. and is the value of a foid so high that i need spend my life working in the hope of getting one.
i also noticed how in younger days guys had gfs so were they already rich that they can afford her or is there something else. if somebody is paying 50 i am not gonna pay 500 for the same thing.
then i took the Blackpill.
if there is no gurantee then its gambling and i am not a gambler.
in the current scenario you are competing , supporting and also expect to marry a foid. but it was supposed to be them that should have been supporting me during my career and day to day activities.
its either a stacy or go fk yourself.
and i will find copes to spend the other half of the life or whatever is left before the rope.
Your title doesn't really match most of what you wrote, which regards to the fact that marriage is now cucked and men get nothing out of it. I agree with this. But your title is not correct. Ugly women are affected by hypergamy too. Girls with 3-4 smv seek men with smv of 6 and above,
If you were to brag on this site about having sex with a 3-4//10 woman who wasnt a prostitute, you would get banned, but many of you may say "I would rather fuck hot hookers than have sex with a sub par wife." Which means you dont care about marriage obligations at all. you just see it a means to an end. the marriage obligations, for thousands of years, were that you would agree to sex ahead of time.

Professional sports players have to sign contracts ahead of time giving consent to be filmed and broadcasted to national TV. they dont consent every time they play a game. the consent was given due to the contract they originally signed which gave their consent months or years in advance.

if you sign a marital contract, for thousands of years by saying "for better or for worse", you were agreeing to your spouse they could have sex with you "til death do us part". most people in marriage ceremonies just go through the motions and said "I DO". but they didn't listen, they gave what could be argued as "unconfirmed consent". they never really listened, they just assumed marriage wasnt binding, and was "cute", and thus agreed to marriage. they then realized what they were tied into, and wanted out. in the past, they couldn't get out, in the present, they can. many incels here know a wife can weasle out of marriage and get a lopsised divorce settlement. but this wouldnt be hypocritical if incels were non willing to get marriage to any woman. the incels i am using in the context of this topic are ones who just want to have a hot woman they can have sex with for pleasure (and kids are an "ok" side effect), and they wont get too ugly when old. they would be "tolerable". but a 3-4 woman who may be somewhat tolerable when young, wouldn't be tolerable when older.

as marilyn monroe put it, "if you cant handle at my best, you cant handle me at my worst". this what "for better or for worse", means.

marriage has always been traditionally about a woman's exchange of her sexual resources for a man's financial resouces. if a man marries a woman, she is now guaranteed his financial resourse, but a man isnt guaranteed her sexual resources. if she leaves, she gets his sexual resources and he is strippoed of his financial resources. being open to divorce is supporting this lopsided exchange, and also not respecting the origins of marriage and trying to warp it into some perverted failure we see today
Neil de grasse tyson when the coping is too strong 1
marriage has always been traditionally about a woman's exchange of her sexual resources for a man's financial resouces. if a man marries a woman, she is now guaranteed his financial resourse, but a man isnt guaranteed her sexual resources. if she leaves, she gets his sexual resources and he is strippoed of his financial resources. being open to divorce is supporting this lopsided exchange, and also not respecting the origins of marriage and trying to warp it into some perverted failure we see today
foid now are taking benefits of 2 systems. a traditional conservative and a liberal feminsit. only a cuck soy retard will jump through all the hoops in the hope not a gurantee to get a foid.
That's irrelevant, even those 3-4/10 toilets still only go for 8+ Chad's and chadlites.
Ugly women are affected by hypergamy too.
they use fakeups and spend days with dogs in room alone.
Girls with 3-4 smv seek men with smv of 6 and above,
Jfl they were already priviledged. it was always men who settled and marry these ugly cunts. because traditionally lookism was not such prevalent and the parents used to do the bidding.
That's irrelevant, even those 3-4/10 toilets still only go for 8+ Chad's and chadlites.
no wonder mgtow movemnet came to be. those fuckers got divorceraped by ungrateful foids. its not sustainable at the end.

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