Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Most here aren't ready to accept the soypill yet

I heard small penises are all the rage in 2022.
Honestly you need to be a certain level of NT and not have social anxiety or autism if you wanna get anything
good looking or not
Honestly you need to be a certain level of NT and not have social anxiety or autism if you wanna get anything
good looking or not
100% this.
Copers will ignore this, people here can cope however they want but it's mostly neurotypicality that makes/breaks people (as long as you aren't facially deformed or extremely short).

ER unironically is the best example for that.
Nowadays ER would be called a fakecel here and be bullied due to his wealth/comparatively well looks/high intelligence - or even for owning/driving a car. He is the living proof what Asperger's Syndrome can do to someone - and he wasn't even severly autistic (as in the sense of a recognized disability).
Not even talking about schizophrenia/psychosis which is even worse.

How do you explain people like Rhaast or -even worse- Gambler otherwise?
There was even another Autistcel with chadlite-tier looks/some money and who only so far had sex with sex dolls and a mentally/physically severly disabled, morbidly obese, wheel-chair bound woman. He is btw trannymaxxed and homeless now. Was a bullying victim on Kiwifarms and posts since ~20 years now on sex doll forums.
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Very delusional thread
I heard small penises are all the rage in 2022.
I enjoyed my time here, but looks like it's time for me to get out there and attend to the line of foids begging for my 3 inches
I enjoyed my time here, but looks like it's time for me to get out there and attend to the line of foids begging for my 3 inches
Your avi doesn't do justice to your situation :p
100% this.
Copers will ignore this, people here can cope however they want but it's mostly neurotypicality that makes/breaks people (as long as you aren't facially deformed or extremely short).

ER unironically is the best example for that.
Nowadays ER would be called a fakecel here and be bullied due to his wealth/comparatively well looks/high intelligence - or even for owning/driving a car. He is the living proof what Asperger's Syndrome can do to someone - and he wasn't even severly autistic (as in the sense of a recognized disability).
Not even talking about schizophrenia/psychosis which is even worse.

How do you explain people like Rhaast or -even worse- Gambler otherwise?
There was even another Autistcel with chadlite-tier looks/some money and who only so far had sex with sex dolls and a mentally/physically severly disabled, morbidly obese, wheel-chair bound woman. He is btw trannymaxxed and homeless now. Was a bullying victim on Kiwifarms and posts since ~20 years now on sex doll forums.
the autismpill is underrated
The blackpill about oofy doofy is that…. Not everyone can be an oofy doofy. A lot of people are too jaded. You have to be ignorant about many of these topics to not raise concern in any women you talk to. Any word could trigger off the Misogynist alarm in the brain.
In the videos, the narrator repeatedly notices simp-class body language. He's right about it all. In the case of the picrel couple, he points out that the girl is out on front. I'll add an observation he missed: this is the only couple where the man's hand is palm-forward. If you go back and look at every couple that's holding hands, the man's hand is in a position such that his palm is facing backwards.

This guy in this pic is definitely being dominated by this woman.

Screen Shot 2022 01 11 at 52643 AM

But here's the problem I have with these videos in general: you're assuming these men are having sex with these women. I suspect that a lot of these relationships are """"poly"""" which means the man has his dick in a cage and the girl bangs random chads. Have we forgotten the degeneracy we find daily on reddit? The unironic "my wife's boyfriend" posts? Remember this:
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/e1pth0/my_wifes_boyfriend_got_this_cool_new_giant/

And if she's not banging other guys right now, she's probably carrying a torch for a past chad. She's been on the carousel. She's an alpha widow.

Sorry but I just don't believe most of the guys in these videos are in happy relationships, or relationships that will last. Good for them if they've ascended though.
just be an outlier bro, worked for me
The chadpill is mostly cope
Chads are desirable, but relatively scarce. Most Chads can be found on dating apps and social media, though the former isn't used by the majority of women, so they have to settle with the best they can find, or sometimes the best they can get.

In an environment with less competition, average and slightly below average men are more likely to find partners and reproduce. It's true that many couples have almost the same level of attractiveness, and I wholeheartedly believe that's always going to be the case, aside from some considerable exceptions.

What truly screws men over is the damn internet culture of hysteria where toxicity towards men goes unpunished. Promiscuity is also a part of the equation. Feminism is a case in point. Dating apps and hookup culture also play a role. The Blackpill is an advantage for average men to understand what's going on in this sick world and to improve their looks to some degree as well.

But yes, you're going to see normie couples here and there. Things aren't as objective as we'd like to think.
If a Chad locks himself up in the room and never go out to try, of course he will not slay, low chance that some girls will break into his house and rape him.

Normies are not incels, if a normie behaves normally and hangs out with people he will eventually score something, be it a sjw whore that share his beliefs or a femcel.
Lifefuel :feelsautistic:

Yes brocel, blackpillers are stoopid :p
Chadpillers are not blackpillers though, they are copers
It's harder to accept soys are getting pussy by jestermaxxing than just coping by saying you need to be 6'5 to get a girl
Chadpillers are not blackpillers though, they are copers
It's harder to accept soys are getting pussy by jestermaxxing than just coping by saying you need to be 6'5 to get a girl
Not me, I wish I was soymaxxed.
These guys are just rightoid copers who see liberals and leftists as losers when that is clearly not the case.
Lookist guys were real quiet after Travis Blackpill dropped that video.

Epic and monumental video :yes:
the only conclusion i can come to is that online dating has artificially skewed our perception on reality. a lot of these oofy guys wouldn't stand a chance on online dating, even their looks matches will pass them over thinking that they can do better, whereas in real life natural attraction cannot be denied. if two people have attraction to each other in real life then they will always have a chance of progressing further. online, the woman will always think she is better than that guy because she is absolutely worshipped. some of these guys on this vid are what we would consider 'incel tier' , yet they are the ones ending up with a woman. i have very very little success online but i do get some degree of interest from women in real life, so I know what I am saying is true. it's no coincidence that the blackpill came to prominence at the same time as the rise and dominance of online dating. online dating does not = real life.
i have very very little success online but i do get some degree of interest from women in real life, so I know what I am saying is true.
What prevents you from actually dating them?
What prevents you from actually dating them?
if you're attracted to someone, you're attracted to them, it's that simple. online, women are passing over men that they would be naturally attracted to in real life, because they have chads messaging them left, right and center. i've had some girls who i thought were out of my league giving ioi's to me irl and i know for a fact these girls wouldn't give me the time of day online, i even question myself if they are just messing with my head, because i have become so used to and conditioned to my continual online dating failures. online really isn't an accurate picture of reality. if online was the only version of reality that i had ever experienced, then i'd think and truly believe and convince myself im the ugliest incel in the world and it would be OVER. a lot of online only 'incels' would change their perception on reality once they start getting ioi in the real world, unless you are genetically and objectively butt ugly, then it really is over.
if you're attracted to someone, you're attracted to them, it's that simple. online, women are passing over men that they would be naturally attracted to in real life, because they have chads messaging them left, right and center. i've had some girls who i thought were out of my league giving ioi's to me irl and i know for a fact these girls wouldn't give me the time of day online, i even question myself if they are just messing with my head, because i have become so used to and conditioned to my continual online dating failures. online really isn't an accurate picture of reality. if online was the only version of reality that i had ever experienced, then i'd think and truly believe and convince myself im the ugliest incel in the world and it would be OVER. a lot of online only 'incels' would change their perception on reality once they start getting ioi in the real world, unless you are genetically and objectively butt ugly, then it really is over.
Yes, I understand that. I agree. But what prevents you from actually dating them if they've shown interest in you? Did you ever try approaching them?
Yes, I understand that. I agree. But what prevents you from actually dating them if they've shown interest in you? Did you ever try approaching them?
He is copy pasting youtube comments:feelsaww:
would those guys still make it if they were 25+ year old virgins? kinda doubt it

probably just ugly guys that got lucky early in life, got laid early, managed to stay friends with people somehow

there's plenty of guys like those who have nothing and get nothing when they go outside, don't know anyone, don't meet anyone, etc
would those guys still make it if they were 25+ year old virgins? kinda doubt it

probably just ugly guys that got lucky early in life, got laid early, managed to stay friends with people somehow

there's plenty of guys like those who have nothing and get nothing when they go outside, don't know anyone, don't meet anyone, etc
I don't think they got lucky, I think the norm for even soy looking below average guys is to have a decent social life
It's us who got unlucky
I don't think they got lucky, I think the norm for even soy looking below average guys is to have a decent social life
It's us who got unlucky
i guess so, most people on forums like this are already pretty old friendless virgins though, so there's not many pills for them to accept, they're quite fucked and would need a lot of work to dig themselves out of this situation
niggas finally learn about the NTpill
yeah, chads are low T af but it doesn't make them any less chad
The blackpill about oofy doofy is that…. Not everyone can be an oofy doofy. A lot of people are too jaded. You have to be ignorant about many of these topics to not raise concern in any women you talk to. Any word could trigger off the Misogynist alarm in the brain.
100% this.
Copers will ignore this, people here can cope however they want but it's mostly neurotypicality that makes/breaks people (as long as you aren't facially deformed or extremely short).

ER unironically is the best example for that.
Nowadays ER would be called a fakecel here and be bullied due to his wealth/comparatively well looks/high intelligence - or even for owning/driving a car. He is the living proof what Asperger's Syndrome can do to someone - and he wasn't even severly autistic (as in the sense of a recognized disability).
Not even talking about schizophrenia/psychosis which is even worse.

How do you explain people like Rhaast or -even worse- Gambler otherwise?
There was even another Autistcel with chadlite-tier looks/some money and who only so far had sex with sex dolls and a mentally/physically severly disabled, morbidly obese, wheel-chair bound woman. He is btw trannymaxxed and homeless now. Was a bullying victim on Kiwifarms and posts since ~20 years now on sex doll forums.
getting a gf in my country is dependant on NT, not face (unless you are the 1% of men who has a chad face)
The chadpill is mostly cope
Also in canada/australia/liberal usa states jbw is cope, ricecels slay

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=hoXxv7BFNhE

Majority of our data is based on dating apps preferences or just preferences. Foids who use dating apps are pickier than ones who don´t. Also there´s a lot of stuff that explains this phenomenon:

My problem with the blackpill community is that they cherrypick samples of the other side of lookism like the disgusting gook dating a 7´ tallfag. Sure foids are hypergamous but Chad dating a disgusting gook or landwhale or the first sample I mentioned are outliers as well. That turns blackpill science into mere memes, inceldom is ironically romantized and then any fakecel can lurk here with shitpost comments arguing "mu lack of NT-ness" and leftists faggots can take us as irrational. Such threads must be moved to the Sewers.
getting a gf in my country is dependant on NT, not face (unless you are the 1% of men who has a chad face)
good luck being NT if you're an old virgin and don't have any logistics in your favor, or ever did

only one dumb ugly guy who had GFs really comes to mind if i try hard to remember, his luck was that his parents had a big house and they left him all by himself during weekends/newyears/whatever
so he regularly threw parties and people actually came because he was Mr. House Guy who had a big house all to himself, and the average faggot did not have this advantage

that's an example of good logistics, again you can't just force good logistics into existence, or force the fact you're an old virgin out of existence

OP has basically no advice whatsoever to give to people here, it's just "check out these random guys that have advantages like Mr House Guy, they're getting laid and you aren't lol" it's really pointless and there's no pill to swallow
the idea all along wasn't just sub8 or whatever, it's that once you've fallen through the cracks and have no secret advantages like those few lucky guys, you really do need to be fairly attractive to get anything out of life, and if you're not attractive either, then you're fucked
Honestly you need to be a certain level of NT and not have social anxiety or autism if you wanna get anything
good looking or not
True tbh.
Only if you are 8+ you could get girls with being non-NT
only one dumb ugly guy who had GFs really comes to mind if i try hard to remember, his luck was that his parents had a big house and they left him all by himself during weekends/newyears/whatever
so he regularly threw parties and people actually came because he was Mr. House Guy who had a big house all to himself, and the average faggot did not have this advantage

that's an example of good logistics, again you can't just force good logistics into existence, or force the fact you're an old virgin out of existence
Stuff like this is much more important than something minor like looks. Fight me, I[UWSL] seriously dgaf about any old retard "muh you ruined the forum" bullshit stuff like this is WAY more important when it comes to not being incel, I'll repeat it because it's the truth[/UWSL]
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Stuff like this is much more important than something minor like looks. Fight me, I[UWSL] seriously dgaf about any old retard "muh you ruined the forum" bullshit stuff like this is WAY more important when it comes to not being incel, I'll repeat it because it's the truth[/UWSL]

Most of the guys in the video look like a fucking joke, especially the last one JFL

Fuck, back onto suicide watch I go
I went to a restaurant near Oxford Circus (shown in the video) with my sister yesterday. I noticed dozens of below average men with partners.
I went to a restaurant near Oxford Circus (shown in the video) with my sister yesterday. I noticed dozens of below average men with partners.
My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Aroya Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. To all law enforcement entities, this is not an admission of guilt. I am speaking to my family now.
The blackpill about oofy doofy is that…. Not everyone can be an oofy doofy. A lot of people are too jaded. You have to be ignorant about many of these topics to not raise concern in any women you talk to. Any word could trigger off the Misogynist alarm in the brain.
I was talking to my sister about her preferences. She's 21 and had rejected 3 guys from her uni who's taken her to a date. They were all above average and mog me so hard. She told me "the guys that like me, I'm not into them back but the guys I like are not into me". "They're very immature and act hard and cool like roadmen" "I'm not into that"

I ask her, "what kind of guys are you into?"
"Guys much older than me" She jokingly says "Sugar daddies".
I ask her "Show me an example"

She showed me a pic of two guys, one was a chadpreet and other some average looking doctor, both in their late 20s. My cousin is dating a below average but big indian guy.
My problem with the blackpill community is that they cherrypick samples of the other side of lookism like the disgusting gook dating a 7´ tallfag. Sure foids are hypergamous but Chad dating a disgusting gook or landwhale or the first sample I mentioned are outliers as well. That turns blackpill science into mere memes, inceldom is ironically romantized and then any fakecel can lurk here with shitpost comments arguing "mu lack of NT-ness" and leftists faggots can take us as irrational. Such threads must be moved to the Sewers.
Really hate how FaceAndLMS uses extreme examples of both scales when showing his examples and to build rebuttals. Like truecels and chad are very rare extremes and we now have many normie tier guys who failed socially being taught within the same bucket. I honestly don't like the state the incel community has gone to at this present moment.
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