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Most countries are going to make misogyny illegal, aren't they?



Dec 28, 2017
Which basically turns men discussing women into criminals.

It's like the crazy ass countries to have mandatory sentences for criticizing the government. Singapore, Thailand, China (although maybe not an official law).

Will that cause most men to rebel? Nah, men will do anything for pussy.
I'm glad I'm blowing my brains out before this all happens.
I can see this happening in Cucknada in the near future.
Incels will be sent to concentration camps by 2025
women and niggers will merge together into a giant archon from the starcraft series that erases civilization from the face of the earth
Which basically turns men discussing women into criminals.

It's like the crazy ass countries to have mandatory sentences for criticizing the government. Singapore, Thailand, China (although maybe not an official law).

Will that cause most men to rebel? Nah, men will do anything for pussy.
Isn't misogyny already illegal?
women and niggers will merge together into a giant archon from the starcraft series that erases civilization from the face of the earth
Call me one of those men who wants to watch the world burn but I'd love to see this happen (in Starcraft) just for the catharsis.
is this not already law there?
Gotta pander to half of the population... womans rights were a mistake.
Yup. That's coming right after the criminalization of "homophobia" however the left defines it.

We should expect many more thought laws.
Giving women rights was a mistake.
Giving women rights was a mistake.
missoginy is an inch short of being ilegal. missandry on the other hand is widelly indoctrinated and applauded

again im sorry for bringing out my country again but in Spain they have erased all proof of any disidentism to feminism. A guy on another thread is asking me for articles proving what I told is really happening in Spain and I dont have proof because no journalist cant go agains the 'gender ideology'. So even here i seem like a cheater, is so frustrating
missoginy is an inch short of being ilegal. missandry on the other hand is widelly indoctrinated and applauded

again im sorry for bringing out my country again but in Spain they have erased all proof of any disidentism to feminism. A guy on another thread is asking me for articles proving what I told is really happening in Spain and I dont have proof because no journalist cant go agains the 'gender ideology'. So even here i seem like a cheater, is so frustrating
Bro your country got cucked hard. I'm so sorry.
Lotta dudes gonna be identifying as masculine presenting transgendered lesbians I think.
Bro your country got cucked hard. I'm so sorry.
i apreciate it man. Spain got gigamastercucked-nuked.
Everyday I think they will talk about this times in a 100 years as we do now with the soviet union??
I wish I could share more articles and information but there is nothing in english and the little bit in spanish gets taken down in minutes!!
Incels will be sent to concentration camps by 2025

That's way too late imo. I'll say 2022, maybe even by next year. In the USA, you may be right if Trump gets elected in 2020 though, but we Americancels better form our own coalition by the time he leaves office.
It's already illegal because "hate speech" = whatever the government wants it to be.
Cope the world will have anti misogyny laws that are punishable by death penalty in 2030s.
Which basically turns men discussing women into criminals.

It's like the crazy ass countries to have mandatory sentences for criticizing the government. Singapore, Thailand, China (although maybe not an official law).

Will that cause most men to rebel? Nah, men will do anything for pussy.

The conspiracy theorist in me suggests that this is because of the prison industrial complex and the need to lock up more men after people previously imprisoned in large numbers for drug related offenses are being freed.

missoginy is an inch short of being ilegal. missandry on the other hand is widelly indoctrinated and applauded

again im sorry for bringing out my country again but in Spain they have erased all proof of any disidentism to feminism. A guy on another thread is asking me for articles proving what I told is really happening in Spain and I dont have proof because no journalist cant go agains the 'gender ideology'. So even here i seem like a cheater, is so frustrating
i apreciate it man. Spain got gigamastercucked-nuked.
Everyday I think they will talk about this times in a 100 years as we do now with the soviet union??
I wish I could share more articles and information but there is nothing in english and the little bit in spanish gets taken down in minutes!!

Spain - the country where manspreading and feminist domestic violence laws are somehow more extreme than most parts in the US, where feminists march during threat of Corona Virus claiming that things like misogyny were a bigger disease, where an antifa-esque government is now in charge?

Reverting to fascism won't necessarily save you, for even they pedestalize women and give them an out by blaming their behavior on some other external mechanism. Women will always win unless men decide to hold them accountable. It starts with people on sites like this and people willing to discuss and condemn how easily women throw low status males under the bus time and time again.
women and niggers will merge together into a giant archon from the starcraft series that erases civilization from the face of the earth

One of my favorite books, 'Blood Meridian', has an interesting quote: “They is four things that can destroy the earth, he said. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers.” (for the purpose of this thread, a special emphasis on the first and last items)
archived that one, based story
I had a similar one but lost it. Something on how people cheat or the like. Pol deletes shit without archiving.
Reverting to fascism won't necessarily save you, for even they pedestalize women and give them an out by blaming their behavior on some other external mechanism. Women will always win unless men decide to hold them accountable. It starts with people on sites like this and people willing to discuss and condemn how easily women throw low status males under the bus time and time again.
Truth. The left and the right, even the alts, are fucked. This is why I say incels are apolitical at best and sort of an "alt-centrist" at worst. Well, "Worst".
The conspiracy theorist in me suggests that this is because of the prison industrial complex and the need to lock up more men after people previously imprisoned in large numbers for drug related offenses are being freed.

Spain - the country where manspreading and feminist domestic violence laws are somehow more extreme than most parts in the US, where feminists march during threat of Corona Virus claiming that things like misogyny were a bigger disease, where an antifa-esque government is now in charge?

Reverting to fascism won't necessarily save you, for even they pedestalize women and give them an out by blaming their behavior on some other external mechanism. Women will always win unless men decide to hold them accountable. It starts with people on sites like this and people willing to discuss and condemn how easily women throw low status males under the bus time and time again.
you have to be the first informed person about the radical state of spain that i found in this forum. you know that the feminist of other countries like UK, europe, so want to imitate us. As a good example of feminism!!!

1. youre right, in the middle of the corona they were waving signs that said 'Toxic Masculinity Violence kills more than the virus'
Kills by coronavirus= several thousen in months
foids killed by domestic violence in a year = around 40

2. We do have an antifa-esque government, one ich short of being Leninist

3. We have made-up words to criminalize men that have no even traslation into english cause they are invented, true Orwellian language

4. If the conservatives win some day they will still allou foids to by this hypergamic, arrogant, unconcius dangerous bitches they are today.

5. Nobody blames woman for their own behaviour, it allways has to be someone elses fault.
you have to be the first informed person about the radical state of spain that i found in this forum. you know that the feminist of other countries like UK, europe, so want to imitate us. As a good example of feminism!!!

1. youre right, in the middle of the corona they were waving signs that said 'Toxic Masculinity Violence kills more than the virus'
Kills by coronavirus= several thousen in months
foids killed by domestic violence in a year = around 40

2. We do have an antifa-esque government, one ich short of being Leninist

3. We have made-up words to criminalize men that have no even traslation into english cause they are invented, true Orwellian language

4. If the conservatives win some day they will still allou foids to by this hypergamic, arrogant, unconcius dangerous bitches they are today.

5. Nobody blames woman for their own behaviour, it allways has to be someone elses fault.

I don't understand:

If a country is rich and doing well, like Sweden, they become ultra feminists.

If they're poor and fucked up like Brazil and I guess Spain, they become ultra feminists.

you have to be the first informed person about the radical state of spain that i found in this forum. you know that the feminist of other countries like UK, europe, so want to imitate us. As a good example of feminism!!!

1. youre right, in the middle of the corona they were waving signs that said 'Toxic Masculinity Violence kills more than the virus'
Kills by coronavirus= several thousen in months
foids killed by domestic violence in a year = around 40

2. We do have an antifa-esque government, one ich short of being Leninist

3. We have made-up words to criminalize men that have no even traslation into english cause they are invented, true Orwellian language

4. If the conservatives win some day they will still allou foids to by this hypergamic, arrogant, unconcius dangerous bitches they are today.

5. Nobody blames woman for their own behaviour, it allways has to be someone elses fault.

Yeah that feminist march in the middle of coronavirus should have never been allowed to proceed. During that time pinkpillfeminist subs were saying that men were the real virus (really sub 8 males that don't accommodate women). Those subs also earlier called the coronavirus a "based and pinkpilled virus" because of the statistics showing that it resulted in the deaths of more men than women.

I have heard about made-up words to criminalize men briefly but it seems it is a recent thing. Then again manspreading made it into the dictionary as an official word in 2015 so it's not limited to Spain.

And yeah it seems like a lot of latin countries are like this with the bravado surrounding how men are always responsible for women but no one is responsible if men fall through the cracks except the men themselves. Probably a reason why the redpill is so instinctual to grasp because it puts the onus on men, the so called 'burden of performance'. It is a brutal reality to live and is whitewashed like the struggles of many men in all countries. At the same time women are especially fierce in going after many men in a way that mirrors what is happening in the US with leftist women going after men with #metoo accusations following populist right parties that at least don't dismiss men's issues getting close to power.

I am only going what I've read from mra and mgtow communities on the situation in Spain so that's the only way I got an idea that this is going on. The US, Canada, UK, Australia and even Germany are sometimes mentioned on this site but no so much Spain.

I don't understand:

If a country is rich and doing well, like Sweden, they become ultra feminists.

If they're poor and fucked up like Brazil and I guess Spain, they become ultra feminists.


There is so much talk about how porn has changed men's standards for women. There is talk of how social media has changed men's standards for women. There is next to zero real discussion about how social media has inflated women's expectations for men past anything that most men can achieve because doing so is seen as infringing on the sacrosanct right for a woman to choose and there are many delusional men that still think that if they can go to the gym they can keep up with women's rising standards.
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Yeah that feminist march in the middle of coronavirus should have never been allowed to proceed. During that time pinkpillfeminist subs were saying that men were the real virus (really sub 8 males that don't accommodate women). Those subs also earlier called the coronavirus a "based and pinkpilled virus" because of the statistics showing that it resulted in the deaths of more men than women.

I have heard about made-up words to criminalize men briefly but it seems it is a recent thing. Then again manspreading made it into the dictionary as an official word in 2015 so it's not limited to Spain.

And yeah it seems like a lot of latin countries are like this with the bravado surrounding how men are always responsible for women but no one is responsible if men fall through the cracks except the men themselves. Probably a reason why the redpill is so instinctual to grasp because it puts the onus on men, the so called 'burden of performance'. It is a brutal reality to live and is whitewashed like the struggles of many men in all countries. At the same time women are especially fierce in going after many men in a way that mirrors what is happening in the US with leftist women going after men with #metoo accusations following populist right parties that at least don't dismiss men's issues getting close to power.

I am only going what I've read from mra and mgtow communities on the situation in Spain so that's the only way I got an idea that this is going on. The US, Canada, UK, Australia and even Germany are sometimes mentioned on this site but no so much Spain.

the thing is that allmost all disidence to feminism has been violently silnced. You are right about the Vox party in the south, but just in the south. Central goverment and all its media is feminist dominated.

You want some made up words? Brace yourself in trying traslating them:
*Violencia Machista
*Tod@s / Todxs

The first one is the one they use as excuse to have male only court were they process men as if they were another race in a segregated country by the word of a foid. Domestic Violence does not exist in the law in Spain, only 'Violencia Machista' wich means something like Male Supremacist Violence towars Woman. Yep, you try living here with a foid LOL
But why Spain?
misogyny is illegal in germany, no joke
Blame the simps
misogyny is illegal in germany, no joke
Germany is probably the most cucked country on earth all things weighed in. Coming from a swedecel that should sting tbh, but holy fuck, the bastion of all kinds of world ruling capacity being this cucked? Fucking clown world, just nuke it right now.
It's a social crime.
Those are cucks who should be beaten for being such spineless castrated wimps.
Based autisticel
Reverting to fascism won't necessarily save you, for even they pedestalize women and give them an out by blaming their behavior on some other external mechanism.
Take the futurist pill
Truth. The left and the right, even the alts, are fucked. This is why I say incels are apolitical at best and sort of an "alt-centrist" at worst. Well, "Worst".
High iq
The first one is the one they use as excuse to have male only court were they process men as if they were another race in a segregated country by the word of a foid. Domestic Violence does not exist in the law in Spain, only 'Violencia Machista' wich means something like Male Supremacist Violence towars Woman. Yep, you try living here with a foid LOL
Spain is probably the worst country in the world. when it comes to cucks and feminists. Also it lost all the relevance it once had in Europe
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