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NSFW More info about ER, eg his death and autopsy. (NSFW Gore) (Mods Pin this if you want to, this thread has Almost Lost media)

I'm not going to waste my time talking to you. You're as low as someone here gets.

Imagine thinking anyone who dislikes mass shooters is bluepilled, or anyone who wouldn't be a mass-shooter is an "empathetic soyboy faggot." This completely mindless black-and-white approach makes it impossible to actually call out the people who are bluepilled or like that. It's utterly self-defeating.
you are literally retarded, all i am saying is elliot was an incel, you can hate him and repudiate what he did but saying he wasn't an incel is not true at all

your argument is that he killed random people and that makes him a fakecel? :lul::lul::lul:, killing as many people as possible is the whole point of a mass shooting, and has nothing to do with him being an incel or not

again, i don't think what he did was right but i consider him a true incel, you are a faggot telling a bunch of lies for no reason hahaha, fucking nigger
Just facemax by taking a round to the head theory
im not saying what he did was right or wrong, im saying he was going for a mass shooting, he wanted to destroy the whole world and population, why wouldn't he kill random pedestrians? he didn't give a fuck, if he gave a fuck he wouldn't go for a mass shooting to begin with, are you retarded? it's not that hard to understand how a mass shooting works

I'm not indulging you or engaging in discussion, you only deserve to be ignored, even this gives you too much attention which you feed off like a parasite. I'm only replying to you now to set the record straight.

In the comment linked here, your exact words:

if he was an empathetic soyboy faggot and "muh won't kill incels only chads :feelstastyman:" then he would't do a mass shooting to begin with jfl

Naturally my response challenged the notion only an "empathetic soyboy faggot" would not go on a mass-shooting. And here you said I was bluepilled, because I condemned Elliot Rodger for killing people who didn't ever do him harm. The same idiotic logic.

I don't care how you feel about it, I never made a point that you actively supported the massacre but I wouldn't blame anyone for walking away with that impression: you obviously don't care about his victims. (You said I was "crying like a bitch because he killed some asian failed normie losers lmfao" here. That's how someone who, at the very least, is apathetic and dismissive about this massacre would write.) My responses clearly just criticized your false framing.

Again, you're sick and mindless, I'm not going to get anywhere with you, of course I will defend my perspective from your false insinuations since other people are in this thread.
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RIP the supreme gentleman
false insinuations
all i am saying is facts, elliot rodger was an incel and identified as one.

you said he never identified as one, you lied, and it shows how low you are, i don't know why you are hating on elliot, makes me believe you are a foid or a normie, or best case scenario a bluepilled incel who is jealous that elliot looked better than you

that's the end of the conversation, you can't show any solid fact that proves elliot wasn't an incel(and as i previously said, you lied about him not identifying as one), your arguments are bluepilled and retarded, saying he killed random people thus making him a fakecel(???), saying he could have gotten an asian gf if he wanted(if that was true, some asian girl would have shown interest in him on the datings websites he was using or at college), all lies and bs
I thought his body was never actually found lol
all i am saying is facts, elliot rodger was an incel and identified as one.

Pedanticism, you keep repeating this. So what if I was wrong about that and he used the term in some disparate forum comments. He doesn't use it once in My Twisted World which is obviously why I said he didn't use the term or identify with it. The point was he never was part of an incel community, a false impression many normies are under to give him undue association with us. You're straw-grasping for this to try to paint me as uninformed on the topic. The other guy I replied to didn't even know anything about him killing the two roommates and their friend. Being incorrect to say he never used or identified with the word because I didn't know about every last forum comment he made and was going off what he wrote in My Twisted World doesn't invalidate any of my other points, but you're obviously honing in on this as a way to detract from them.

you said he never identified as one, you lied, and it shows how low you are, i don't know why you are hating on elliot, makes me believe you are a foid or a normie, or best case scenario a bluepilled incel who is jealous that elliot looked better than you

that's the end of the conversation, you can't show any solid fact that proves elliot wasn't an incel(and as i previously said, you lied about him not identifying as one), your arguments are bluepilled and retarded, saying he killed random people thus making him a fakecel(???), saying he could have gotten an asian gf if he wanted(if that was true, some asian girl would have shown interest in him on the datings websites he was using or at college), all lies and bs

You're a downright unsettling freak. Go get obsessed with someone else, I'm done talking to you, you're hopeless and pathetic.
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What a strange feeling it gives me to see his corpse for the first time and even more so at this moment.
View attachment 1388678

For people doubting it is ER, just look at his clothing and compare it to the one he had before he went for the shooting. It is him.

I found another photo by reverse image searching. It's just another angle, further away. It helps to confirm it's real, especially since it shows the car (BMW 328i Coupé) and everything and the corpse in the photo shown here clearly matches with the previous photo. It's here:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/comments/1hk9npv/body_of_isla_vista_mass_killer_elliot_rodger/
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I found another photo by reverse image searching. It's just another angle, further away. It helps to confirm it's real, especially since it shows the car and everything and the corpse in the photo shown here clearly matches with the previous photo. It's here:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/comments/1hk9npv/body_of_isla_vista_mass_killer_elliot_rodger/

What a strange feeling it gives me to see his corpse for the first time and even more so at this moment.
It Is surrel seeing his body
It Is surrel seeing his body

The reddit post was from 2 months ago. Did you just recently have someone send you the photo, like on Discord? He could've gotten it from this very reddit post or from someone who saw it there.

The reason I'm asking is I'm curious whether it just surfaced and entered circulation online recently. (not saying it wasn't there before, but maybe it re-surfaced and is being spread more now.)
you're hopeless and pathetic
you are the only pathetic person on this thread, crying like a bitch saying elliot wasn't an incel, you are probably mad asf because he looked way better than your deformed sandnigger ass
The point was he never was part of an incel community
PUAhate was the incels.is of his time, and he indentified as an incel there, end of the subject
you are the only pathetic person on this thread, crying like a bitch saying elliot wasn't an incel, you are probably mad asf because he looked way better than your deformed sandnigger ass

PUAhate was the incels.is of his time, and he indentified as an incel there, end of the subject
The reddit post was from 2 months ago. Did you just recently have someone send you the photo, like on Discord? He could've gotten it from this very reddit post or from someone who saw it there.

The reason I'm asking is I'm curious whether it just surfaced and entered circulation online recently. (not saying it wasn't there before, but maybe it re-surfaced and is being spread more now.)
Man, I gotta let you know how based you are. I'm glad that I'm not the only one against the mass shooter shit. This line you said is good to, Aku.

Yep. Humans are predictable enough. Guy just kills himself, no one cares. Guy kills other people before killing himself, everyone pays attention.

Very relatable, and I'm glad you stated it.
all i am saying is facts, elliot rodger was an incel and identified as one.
He was literally a 22 year old virgin, end of discussion
100%, Wilkes McDermid is a much better "saint" for inceldom IMHO than that privileged, mommy-funded little weirdo.

But ER was briefly a global news sensation, and he has motivated a whole generation of little edgelords to have their little violent revenge fantasies. So people are going to talk about him.

I never liked this ER faggot.
The shit he was saying, he sounded like a fucking retard.

Also, if he truely killed the bullied kids because they were chinese (asian) and shy etc. then he is a pos for doing that.
Had he killed the bullies, I'd have been supportive of him, but not like this.

But, I honestly know next to nothing about all this because back then I never cared.
No, he wasn't. He didn't try to get girls that would have been more attainable for him. He cold approached some conventional blonde girls and got enraged when they didn't reciprocate interest. He clearly never made a sincere effort to get girls that would be more interested. He was a standardcel, and we know from what he wrote he was insistent on being with a white girl. It was really largely about race for him, as can be gleaned from him talking how he did to "full Asians" on the forum comments I cited, invoking himself being "half white." He could've had an Asian girlfriend shorter than him willing to be with him with little difficulty, especially because his family was affluent. He was clearly spoiled, too.

Again, Elliot Rodger is actually a very poor example of an incel to feel sympathy to which is why the media and normies invoke him so much, to justify demonizing all of us to justify the false narrative we all have ourselves to blame for being single, when obviously the real reason we are single is because of society and women rejecting us. (Wilkes McDermid is an ideal example of an incel: he was also Asian and on top of that, had friends and social success and didn't blame collectively blame nor hate women or society at large like Elliot Rodger did. Small wonder we hear about the former more than the latter.) You are also a perfect example of the kind of person they would invoke, you are doubling-down on all their stereotypes most guys here don't fulfill.

Yes, that's a bad thing. He just killed random pedestrians. You're sick in the head. And this collective blame mentality to all of society is no better than Feminists who collectively blame all men to justify demonizing all incels. You think like normies, ironically enough.

Being an "empathetic soyboy faggot" is anyone who would not kill random strangers in an indiscriminate mass-shooting massacre, apparently.

You're mindless and sick in the head.
He killed himself instead of enslaving foids with us.

I never liked this ER faggot.
The shit he was saying, he sounded like a fucking retard.

Also, if he truely killed the bullied kids because they were chinese (asian) and shy etc. then he is a pos for doing that.
Had he killed the bullies, I'd have been supportive of him, but not like this.

But, I honestly know next to nothing about all this because back then I never cared.

IMO there was a kind of sick logic to it, he probably killed the ricecels

  1. As a kind of test for himself: was he really capable of killing people? Better find out with some easy practice victims first, like these ones right here.
  2. As a way of committing himself to going thru with the whole plan and not piking out. By making himself a killer before he even left the house, there was no going back to his old life.

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