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Blackpill Morality is a joke. Always has been. Be moral to the extent where it benefits you. Normies are outplaying you, and you're letting them.



Jun 20, 2022
Karma, "what goes around comes around", thats all normfag language. As an incel, you cant afford to see the world through rose tinted glasses.

As we all know, thats BS, but let me go a lil bit further than that.

if you keep on trying to do shit through "the right way" (wtvth that means) you will always be stomped by people who are born naturally superior to you (in regards to the task at hand).

Its like you're a football manager and playing against messi and simply choosing to not stop him ANY WAY you can, cause that wouldnt be "fair play". Its that stupid.

If you see a shortcut, take it. If you can gamble the system, dont overthink it.

Cause normies might have the crust of morality, but deep down and on avg, they are 10x more crude and vile than any person on this site.

They might not engage directly (im talking intellectually) with the reality at hand, but they will do ANYTHING, legal or not, to further their personal agenda (even just 1 cm ahead of their competition).

On that regard, i think they are much more blackpilled than we are, tbh.
Does this deserve a fucking pin or not?

Are you not entertained
Morality is a social construct we need to dismantle it in order to dismantle the patriarchy
Morality isn't real, there is no right or wrong.
Morality isn't real, there is no right or wrong.
Morality IS real, the further we engage it in the idea of being real. Its like saying government isnt real cause you cant touch it.
Greycel moment
We do live in a goddamned patriarchy,

Tell me between being 10/10 130iq foid born to a rich family and 10/10 130 iq nerotypical chad born to a rich family which one would you choose to be born?
Morality IS real, the further we engage it in the idea of being real. Its like saying government isnt real cause you cant touch it.
I guess it depends on your definition of real.
We do live in a goddamned patriarchy,

Tell me between being 10/10 130iq foid born to a rich family and 10/10 130 iq nerotypical chad born to a rich family which one would you choose to be born?
See my ultimate post (slums of india one) where i dismantle this odea of yours.
Be a “good” person and help others, meanwhile chad has the most vile personality imaginable yet is still handed everything in life
For anyone unable to help themselves and without anyone on their side the morality of strangers is the only hope there is.
We do live in a goddamned patriarchy,

Tell me between being 10/10 130iq foid born to a rich family and 10/10 130 iq nerotypical chad born to a rich family which one would you choose to be born?
Foid, obviously. Better orgasms, more privileges, less responsibilities. We live in a world where men were under harsher selection and ended up with higher trait variance, so they make up the majority of the top performers in most fields. Our privilege is the privilege of having to bring more to the table because we are worth less innately.
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I've gamed the system for a decade now and don't care. Morality doesn't exist, at least in current society.
See my ultimate post (slums of india one) where i dismantle this odea of yours.
You dismantled this idea through cherry picking? No offence but no ethnic is 10/10 and equally no foid is less than 5/10 do you think the life of a 10/10 foid who have too many cringy orbiters is better than chico your delusional

Other than that you have to understand that toilets for all their privliges will never command the same level of power held by the likes of Alexander Augustus Constantine Shapur Mohammed Basil the Bulgarslayer and Stalin a foid will always be viewed as a foid and the best man is a powerful one, aside from the Virgin Mary no foid will ever affect the world like a powerful man would and if just seek comfort and ease of living you have a brain of a toilet in a body of a man.

Inceldom is caused by other men rather than foids themselves those are the men who wanted to tax the other half of the population to increase their profits the same lot who preach about "human rights" and equality in order for them to indulge in their primal instencts without any checking or judgement at the cost of you and me the very same people who enabled "egalitarianism" at the cost of everything sacred and holy be it natural habitats plants animals men and (rarely) foids.

You post was about morality right? Here is the idea of morality : it is a deal between two or more parties and that deal says "instead of seeking benefits at the cost of eachother we should seek it by working together" however when it is more benefitial for on party to screw over the other/s they would do so without hesitation or remorse, in a sense morality is a man's failed attempet to escape his animalistic and fallen nature and with that men end up screwing each other.


Due to the ideas developed during the "age of reason" and "the enlightenment" in which rené descartes maintains that the grace that is necessary for salvation can be earned through the works and ethics of men without the help of God and that human beings are virtuous and able to achieve salvation when they do their best to find and act upon the "truth".

These sets of ideas that pedestalized men and humanity in general and the result of this is us men embracing our very own wickedness such as pride greed wrath lust sloth envy and gluttony the endorsement such ideas have culminated in the aftermath of the French revolution, and the establishment of the "rights of men"

men started to become more and more in touch with their animalstic side this time however putting the full might of their brains to work no superstion involved and the result is far more effective way of plenty of things including alienting other men from their primal need to mate.

Our endorsement of concepts such as "human rights" and "equality" we overthrew the spiritual God of Abraham and replaced him with materialstic Gods old, these vile Gods who behave like Animals and we being apes will naturally have a strong and dominant male at the helm of the social hierarchy and that male (the patriarch) will seek to alienate everyone a threat or not just to satisfy himself.

We don't need to dismantle morality as whole but instead we have to change it into something more favorable to us, instead of having Capitalists and egalitarianists telling us how to idealiy live we need to make a cause that someone who is powerful may patronize and lead us to better conditions regarding our status as sexless men and replace their hierarch with our own and their Patriarch with our own.
Better orgasms
No orgasm beats that of defeating your enemies and putting their nose to dust

more privileges
These are the only ones you see a truly privileged person will never show their privileges to anyone, men espacially won't because they are afraid of other men.

less responsibilities
These do often comes with privileges
We live in a world where men were under harsher selection and ended up with higher trait variance
What if said selection doesn't involve the consent of the often selective party?
so they make up the majority of the top performers in most fields
Which equals more power and privileges to the winner rather than the referee/judge.
Our privilege is the privilege of having to bring more to the table because we are worth less innately.
And distribute what is being brought as seen fit.
I'm just gonna do the things that make me feel good. Abandoning morality is like the idea that you should steal beggars change because they can't do anything and you get closer to being rich. You shouldn't stoop to normies level.
No orgasm beats that of defeating your enemies and putting their nose to dust

These are the only ones you see a truly privileged person will never show their privileges to anyone, men espacially won't because they are afraid of other men.

These do often comes with privileges

What if said selection doesn't involve the consent of the often selective party?
Did men consent to be forced to compete to the death over resources so they could amass something to trade in for innate female value? For every women raped there were a multitude of men killed but no one gives a shit because men aren't eligible targets for sympathy.

Not to mention, irrelevant in the context of the modern first world.

Which equals more power and privileges to the winner rather than the referee/judge.
No. It means less power and privileges on average because women can always choose the winners of the competition as their partners. Men are the ones who shoulder the fate of being the losers by themselves. Even the richest men can instantly be humiliated by their girl whenever she feels like it, e.g. Jeff Bezos being humiliated by his girlfriend when she got star-struck around DiCaprio. He got all the money in the world, but if she decides he is unworthy he can't do anything.

And distribute what is being brought as seen fit.
I'm going back to "kek", these aren't worth the effort of a long-winded answer.
Morality is a social construct we need to dismantle it in order to dismantle the patriarchy
Wrong forum. We're mantling the patriarchy here. IT infiltrators are pretending to be Arabs now :feelskek:
Be a “good” person and help others, meanwhile chad has the most vile personality imaginable yet is still handed everything in life
Wrong forum. We're mantling the patriarchy here. IT infiltrators are pretending to be Arabs now :feelskek:
Yeah you are the patriarchy that is getting cucked by capitalists and egalitarians into rotting here.

Put down men and install God at the helm of social hierarchy in order to stop being incel
@Arabcel99 First you want to dismantle the patriarchy, now you want to institute a theocracy? God commanded patriarchy, so good luck straightening that out. I'm going to ignore you as an obvious infiltrator now.
God commanded patriarchy
God wanted a patriarchy in which the patriarch would be his representative on earth and be first among equals and not todays egalitarian style patriarchy in which a patriarch thinks he is the God the strongest dog get to fuck all the bitches.

The former is supported by God the angels saints and good honest men while the later is supported by demons narccissts cucks and toilets

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