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Minority acceptance is about socialization, not true equality

  • Thread starter Deleted member 26180
  • Start date

Deleted member 26180

May 8, 2020
Think about which minorities in our society are getting acceptance (even through violence such as some sects of women's rights groups and race rights groups).
Then think about the ones which aren't.
Notice a pattern?

All of us here stem from one or another unaccepted/unacceptable minority, first of all.

Second what is the difference and why?

What: social benefits to the "norm". You can overlook someone's gender or skin colour faster than their face or height, with something like poverty in between.

People who are accepted are socially advantageous and large enough in numbers to be worthwhile integrating and who pose a threat if ignored: POC, women, LGBT, most big religions and cultures, etc. Although we see that the revenge story plays out in how in turn the old norms are slowly considered unwanted - whites, cishets, Christians, Europeans, non-racemixed people, and men.

People who are not accepted are not socially advantageous. Ugly people, short people, people with certain disabilities, the poor, rednecks and hoodlums/gangsters, people with overly small or large genitals (sometimes even to strangers or near-strangers), and so on.

What's the difference?

This is a clear double standard, isn't it?


Because minority acceptance ISN'T about equity. This is the biggest lie you have been fed about people.

Minority acceptance is about THRESHOLDS and NUMBERS. Black people for instance are too numerous to ignore and are not as much of a pain, as say ugly people of any race, who are rare and are more difficult to deal with.

If the difference is not based on looks but on behaviour, it's even more apparent that there are limits and that numbers are what counts above actual fairness.
Most accepted minorities are huge, really. Think about how LGBT people are accepted in the order of those letters: lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, queers, asexes, in-betweens. Each letter is more accepted than the next and less than the last. Straight people are at the end in 'GSA' because of "oppressor halo/failo" as I hinted at above.

But think about this as well, LGBT people often act weird, often on purpose just to draw attention but let's say not, for instance the stereotype that gay guys use their hands too much when talking like an Italian (stereotype) or something. But this is semi-accepted. A person who is mildly autistic or OCD etc.? Less so. A schizo? Not a fucking chance in hell.

This also makes me want to bring up again one basic fact: stereotypes ARE real and ARE based on reality, at least until they get turned into caricatures.
Nobody makes up stories. It's hard to do so and not good cost-benefit-wise. Permuting real life to make stories and to blame or exclude people to your advantage is easier.

Stereotypes are not accepted but they still show when most people follow them without wanting to. Some people do rebel against them or exaggerate them but it only strengthens the point.

As well, stereotypes are EXACTLY why many of us get judged, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, a lot of us here get judged for things that are not "stereotypes" but literal real disadvantages that people just accept and shrug over, and nobody lifts a finger to change things or make up for it in any way, like bad looks or frame! And somehow this is acceptable! This double standard!

God the world sucks.
At the end of the day white people and Jews will still be on top and ethnics will still be slaves
The world does suck.

But its because all humans are garbage. Including you
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At the end of the day white people and Jews will still be on top and ethnics will still be slaves
This doesn't solve anything though and it misses the point. I don't mind racial equality and I don't like the inequality although to me I would prefer complete separation if possible, that seems easier on everyone honestly. (Also what even are Jews at this point? A race? A region? Culture? Religion? Who knows?)

The world does suck.

But its because a humans are garbage. Including you
Truth, but you can still find treasure in garbage. I sure hope some of what I say here is contributing well, for example.
It's the same with Tinder. What is the difference between judging someone positively or negatively based on their physical appearance on a dating app to judging them positively or negatively in real life based on their race...their race being something entirely physical by the way.

It's the same with Tinder. What is the difference between judging someone positively or negatively based on their physical appearance on a dating app to judging them positively or negatively in real life based on their race...their race being something entirely physical by the way.

This. Thank you.

Jews are actively working to drive us into extinction? The USA won't even be a white country in 100 years or so
I try stay away from mentioning them explicitly or the beliefs around them, 56% memes aside. If there is a fight against Jews, there are some POC who will take whites' sides. I've seen it, tons of sympathetic blacks, Asians, and Indians. Problem is it's mostly guys which is going to feed into the incel side of things, i.e. your conspiracies are an excuse for your inceldom etc. Nowadays unhappy or protesting guy = incel unless their reason is explicitly on the approved liberal list of rights and wrongs.

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