There are 2 types of MGTOWs, they are different, even though they share the same end goal;
1. Virgin MGTOW; Redpilled copers who know they can't get laid and decide to stop trying to do so in hopes (read;delusions) that it will somehow make all foids desperate and more cautious of their choice to venture into whoredom. They are incels in denial, who've copingly convinced themselves to take "hard to get" game to the next level, regardless of what they believe and choose to call themselves.
2. Non virgin MGTOW; Failed formerly bluepilled betacucks/betabuxxers who've suffered at the hands of the family court system, getting divorceraped to oblivion and decide to go the same route as the virgin MGTOWs.
INCEL is not a group you join, or actions you associate yourself with, or beliefs you have or a title you earn or call yourself. It is defined as 'a state of celibacy due to involuntary conditions and restrictions'.
If you're reading this Cucktears, BrazilianSmegma, CNN, VICE, BasedCuck..... , If you consider yourself as normal and you are unable to get laid due to being subject to the same 'involuntary conditions and restrictions that lead to the state of celibacy', then you are unconditionally qualified and certified as an INCEL, whether you like it or not.
Solid matter cannot be called as liquid. They are 2 different states.