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JFL MGTOW just reached a new low. I don't think they can cope harder if they tried.

Wristlet 2

Wristlet 2

"The only thing I could do was even the score."
Jan 13, 2020

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

Since it's quarantined by reddit simp admins:

I recently went on a motorcycle trip through Vietnam, I got this idea from one user in MGTOW and I thought what the heck, I should do it. No plan, just bought a bike and hit the road.

During one evening I had an interesting experience. I had booked Airbnb in Kon Tum. However, I was running way behind and I still had about 120km to go when it got dark. Road was horrible, loads of Vietnamese traffic and I averaged about 20km/h. In top of that, a storm came. So I did what any sensible man would do and pulled over to have a beer. It was a small village in middle of nowhere where nobody could speak English. "Very well, I just find a different place nearby," I thought. I pulled out my phone and realized- no data left. Damn. No place to sleep, stormy night, no way to communicate, and in middle of nowhere.

So I had one more beer. Found one local who was able to understand me via google translate (his phone). Found a place to buy credit for my phone. Found another local to direct me to shabby hotel. Parked my bike there, had many more beers and had a blast. Bed was as hard as floorboards and shower meant cold water out of a bucket. No worries.

Now, the 'eye opening experience' part. I have traveled many times with GFs. I was thinking about it during that night. I had quite annoying experience during that night but it would have been 100x worse with a GF. I would have had to deal with hysterical woman who cries, curses, complains about the 'hotel' and makes the whole situation way worse. On my own, even crappy experiences feel like a breeze.

World feels helluva lot different when you go your own way.
:feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:
Is he not right that a naggy bitch would ruin such a trip?
only if you're a betabux, they don't nag with chad

thats the problem with MGTOWs, they're BETABUXERS, they're more based than the average betabux because they're done with it and stopped simping, but they're still bluepilled

also that trip is in itself a cope
I'm surprised he didn't mention the part where a lot of women came to him asking for company but he rejected them as mgtows always claim they "attract women"
Mogs me at travelling
Pathetic. Most of those shit-tows think their life is gonna be like a charles bukowski novel when they start riding their cope-cycles around

that moron went to fucking vietnam even. Maybe he wanted to be featured on bestgore, who knows
MGTOW haha... Nobody needs a women haha...
Can't browse MGTOW unless I have a reddit account.

Why do people keep using mainstream websites for ideas that those sites don't want.
Pathetic. Most of those shit-tows think their life is gonna be like a charles bukowski novel when they start riding their cope-cycles around

that moron went to fucking vietnam even. Maybe he wanted to be featured on bestgore, who knows
I'm surprised he didn't mention the part where a lot of women came to him asking for company but he rejected them as mgtows always claim they "attract women"
He had many gfs in the past. I have absolutely nothing in common with him. I dont care.
only if you're a betabux, they don't nag with chad

thats the problem with MGTOWs, they're BETABUXERS, they're more based than the average betabux because they're done with it and stopped simping, but they're still bluepilled

also that trip is in itself a cope
I don't know. The bitch would probably ask to stop every so often and probably wish for a better hotel.
She would accept the answer the chad would give, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't try her chances in bitching. That's how foids are.
Come on.
I sometimes fantasize about cutting all ties and just hitting the road. I've heard many a story about this, and it always involves a motorcycle. I don't know why. If I was gonna travel on my own, I would need to carry a lot of stuff with me.

This post is legit. There's experiences to be had if you don't have people tying you down. Not all of them are experiences I want, but if cold water out of a bucket in rural Thailand is your thing, you can only have it by going your own way.
He's unironically doing better than us. Wonder why he's in Nam of all places tho
the guy can actually get over the fact that women are shit and enjoy his hobby while we ldar. yes they are coping by lieing themselves they don't need a woman and when you ask them how they deal with being horny they say that they are sex-havers and anyone can go in a club and fuck something :feelsseriously: but i see them more as an ally than an enemy. whatever im a flithy greycel just ignore me
I don't know. The bitch would probably ask to stop every so often and probably wish for a better hotel.
She would accept the answer the chad would give, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't try her chances in bitching. That's how foids are.
Come on.
who cares man that trip is retarded anyway, those "adventure" trips of intentionally putting yourself through inconveniences and calling it "adversity" are retarded. they're complaining in the thread that women don't want to do shit trips like that and would rather be in a 3-5 star hotel, and i'm like, shit, i would too tbh

the only situation in which being alone is better than being in a relationship is if you're a betabux. that's why mgtow have come to the conclusion that they're better off alone, because the only thing they have going for them is money and all they're good for is being cash points for foids
the guy can actually get over the fact that women are shit and enjoy his hobby while we ldar. yes they are coping by lieing themselves they don't need a woman and when you ask them how they deal with being horny they say that they are sex-havers and anyone can go in a club and fuck something :feelsseriously: but i see them more as an ally than an enemy. whatever im a flithy greycel just ignore me

no you have a point ngl

they're semi blackpilled and absolute allies against simps, cucks, foids... but they're still ridiculous sometimes
Don't really see a point in this thread. He's right, a woman would most likely bitch and nag all the time and ruin his trip. You either cope or rope, and he seems to be happy enough with his copes. Chads are born, not made, so what's left for us to do, is try to find as much happiness as possible considering the shitty cards we've been given.
I'm surprised he didn't mention the part where a lot of women came to him asking for company but he rejected them as mgtows always claim they "attract women"
It's funny how they pretend to not care about the opinion of women. Yet still use it, in order to brag to their fellow MSTOW's.
what's left for us to do, is try to find as much happiness as possible considering the shitty cards we've been given.
people here forget that and hate anyone who is just living his life lol
JFL at slamming beers while driving down a shitty road in a rainstorm in a third world country. This retard is probably dead right now.
i agree with the mstow. i hike and bike very often and "cope" me as much as you want but going on a trip with gf seems like major pita. just last week i was climbing a hill when i passed a couple where the guy was hauling a big bag on his back while his gf with nothing couldnt even keep up and was bitching at him how hot it is. and she wasnt like remarking about the hot but really bitching.

i didnt say nothing ofc but thought to myself, bitch what is HE supposed to do??? tell the weather to pleease cool down??? just take off your shirt or something ffs. she was literally like a toddler whimpering at its mother
JFL at slamming beers while driving down a shitty road in a rainstorm in a third world country. This retard is probably dead right now.
I should get a bike and start driving
But he's actually in the right lol. It's better to travel single and fuck local foids than betabuxx for stacy and be criticized for every other minor shit she finds inappropriate. He's based and did nothing wrong.
Are there comments I'm supposed to read because the actual OP seems pretty reasonable.

Really says more about us if we think we can't enjoy something without a foid. All these anti-mgtow just shows we still worship them.
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that trip is in itself a cope

Exactly, he doesn't see the irony in stating that A TRIP HE ONLY TOOK BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE A WOMAN turned out great because A WOMAN WASN'T AROUND

He's using circular logic, you'd have to first cope and get into the mindset of "just explore the world dude" to buy a fucking motorcycle and trek through some 3rd world piece of shit area instead of being in the comfort of your own home gaping a stacy with your dick

I just had to give my 2 cents :feelskek:
Coping MGTOW My 2 Cents
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Exactly, he doesn't see the irony in stating that A TRIP HE ONLY TOOK BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE A WOMAN turned out great because A WOMAN WASN'T AROUND

He's using circular logic, you'd have to first cope and get into the mindset of "just explore the world dude" to buy a fucking motorcycle and trek through some 3rd world piece of shit area instead of being in the comfort of your own home gaping a stacy with your dick

I just had to give my 2 cents :feelskek:
View attachment 240042
based as fuck
Exactly, he doesn't see the irony in stating that A TRIP HE ONLY TOOK BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE A WOMAN turned out great because A WOMAN WASN'T AROUND

He's using circular logic, you'd have to first cope and get into the mindset of "just explore the world dude" to buy a fucking motorcycle and trek through some 3rd world piece of shit area instead of being in the comfort of your own home gaping a stacy with your dick

I just had to give my 2 cents :feelskek:
View attachment 240042
a coper already responded to you in there btw
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a coper already responded to you in there btw

Just saw it, responded back :feelskek:
Why would anyone just randomly just "go on a trip" alone

What?, for a "sense of adventure", to "find some meaning"?

My point is, people who are satisfied/"feel fulfilled" in life don't waste time (or energy) doing things like that lol, because they don't need to convince themselves "there's more to life", they don't need to "search for meaning" because their life is already enjoyable enough, that is enough for them, just waking up everyday and enjoying their life as a modern human being

People who are satisfied in life don't have what I call "Nature Nostalgia", they aren't yearning to experiencing "the old days" or "get back to their roots"

That's what trips like these are about, nobody is just randomly going to buy a bike and decide "lets take a trip through vietnam alone", that's not a logical thought at all lol, that's someone who is desperate to "experience something"

But its all a coping mechanism, there's nothing there to experience, nothing objective is obtained, only subjective reasoning as to why it was "worth it"

Its like one of those guys who is in a "mid life" crisis and just randomly buys an expensive car (especially a sports car)

Let me put it another way

You use the internet right?

Now would you just randomly decide to "break away from everyday life" and personally deliver letters to people rather than simply email them (or call, or text)?

I doubt it, sounds pointless to do that doesn't it, like a waste of time and resources for some subjective "meaning" you got out of the "experience"

Are you getting my point?

Nobody who is satisfied with life even bothers to do things like this, they'll have no problem just enjoying modern conveniences because why make your life more difficult or possibly put your health at risk, when you enjoy living so much, when your life is great
I rather have a gf than ride a motorcycle out in the middle of nowhere.
only if you're a betabux, they don't nag with chad

thats the problem with MGTOWs, they're BETABUXERS, they're more based than the average betabux because they're done with it and stopped simping, but they're still bluepilled

also that trip is in itself a cope
He was probably trying to SEAmaxx and spun it as a random vacation to hide it lol
I'm surprised he didn't mention the part where a lot of women came to him asking for company but he rejected them as mgtows always claim they "attract women"
Ok you're right dude but you made no point. Maybe OP doesn't want to admit he's just a loser in a third world shithole and it's all cope trying to break away from civilization, but I would still argue that being without a woman is the best way to travel. Maybe with your buddies it's a whole other deal entirely but with a whyning woman to complain about everything just no fucking way.
Pathetic. Most of those shit-tows think their life is gonna be like a charles bukowski novel when they start riding their cope-cycles around

that moron went to fucking vietnam even. Maybe he wanted to be featured on bestgore, who knows

Vietnam is a nice place to visit tbh.
Vietnam is a nice place to visit tbh.
yeah but not in a shitty bike and a shitty hotel with cold water, which he purposely put himself through and then patted himself in the back for overcoming the adversity JFL
yeah but not in a shitty bike and a shitty hotel with cold water, which he purposely put himself through and then patted himself in the back for overcoming the adversity JFL

True, but saying he had an awful time is still not accurate. Visiting places is generally fun.
They are beyond saving
i used to be mgtow myself but then i realized it was a massive cope, everyone there atleast had on gf in the past whereas i was still a virgin.
Go to the forest
But he goes to Vietnam forest trashy bike. Maybe can even bang vietnamese whores of mediocre culture because he cool travaller. And I cannot impress females with mediocre culture, only with extremely high, who are extremely rare

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