Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Venting [meta] Half this forum is IT bait posts or straight up delusional retards

Too many youngcels, high-schoolers and newbies who never heard of the word incel until some woman or redditor called them one. Just look at the avis of some of these guys, lol.
If you cant get laid in your social circles then cold approaching is hopeless anyway

If you dont have a social circle you dont have the abilities to cold approach anyway
TBH that shit stopped being funny long ago, it just seems annoying and trollish, always feels like its a larp trying to create a post to go back and post on inceltears

"Piss bottles am I right"

"On day 90 of no fap, I have so much energy now"

"Muh loli waifu of high culture"

Its pretty ridiculous to try and make a forum about something this serious of a global problem, into a joke, if we aren't taking this seriously, why should anyone else

I only get laughs from genuine jokes, not from the try hard threads of guys who have like @RopeMaXXer said:

They don't create threads to discuss anything, debate anything, come up with ideas for something, try and start a psyop, nothing, all they do is post retarded shit and troll the site

Reminds me of that line from Tropic Thunder - "you never go full retard"

The sentiment is true, if all you ever do is act retarded, it stops being funny, it starts feeling forced and fake, it feels pathetic
I thought your revenge post was very interesting. I was looking forward to seeing where it went. But then it got locked...

I wanted to add,

" since going back in time to get revenge is impossible, it's best to prevent that need by stopping the problems as they happen! " ...

It's a difficult thing to post something so edgy without getting pushed off the edge bro. I'm sure you'll find away around it.
8/10 will slay with cold approaches
Depends on what you mean by slaying. I have a couple of Chad friends I went "sarging" with in the past.
They got smiles and numbers from cold approaches but never really fucked anything they didn't pick up in a bar or nightclub.

The whole cold approach is a meme. You only approach foids who give you IOIs.
Not to point any fingers but you know who I'm talking about
"I deserve nubile JB with blue eyes and stronger suction power than black hole"
"Today stupid whore snickered 2 kilometers away from me when I stood up from bench in park"
"I want to groom my own sex slave and only feed her my cum"

Not that I don't agree with general spirit of most of these posts, they're low quality and make everyone else look retarded. General rule of thumb is, if it sounds like something a buzz feed journalist would write so he can screenshot it the user is retarded.
Worst of all, some users have made it their persona to be a consistent retard.

Anyone below 21 and 5 cold approaches should be banned from posting here imo. I know I'm being elitist but I don't care
Give this man a medal NOW

92D9B001 9D54 4D8E 937F 533346DFB610
Anyone below 21 and 5 cold approaches should be banned from posting here imo. I know I'm being elitist but I don't care
mfw im fakecel
C8A1B076 0CD2 450E BF0A C246435E5976
excuse me, im legit
Very true, @Napoleon de Geso is a perfect example of a planted obnoxious retard to make this community look bad
MGTOW say that incels are just failed simps. I am proof that not all
This forum is home to some really fucking retarded elitists who will say shit like "muh teenagers cant be inkel" and "ur fakecel if you dont approach bro :soy: :feels: " if you are not normie and look like shit, its OVER, it doesnt matter if you're still in HS or haven't approached, if you are able to rationalize and look at the bitter truth in an unbiased way, you should be able to figure out whether is over or not. Detecting your own inceldom early can serve as good damage control in order to save yourself from future rejections.
This board has been dumbed down lately. I dunno why.
TBH that shit stopped being funny long ago, it just seems annoying and trollish, always feels like its a larp trying to create a post to go back and post on inceltears

"Piss bottles am I right"

"On day 90 of no fap, I have so much energy now"

"Muh loli waifu of high culture"

Its pretty ridiculous to try and make a forum about something this serious of a global problem, into a joke, if we aren't taking this seriously, why should anyone else

I only get laughs from genuine jokes, not from the try hard threads of guys who have like @RopeMaXXer said:

They don't create threads to discuss anything, debate anything, come up with ideas for something, try and start a psyop, nothing, all they do is post retarded shit and troll the site

Reminds me of that line from Tropic Thunder - "you never go full retard"

The sentiment is true, if all you ever do is act retarded, it stops being funny, it starts feeling forced and fake, it feels pathetic

Dude i feel the exact same way. @angrycurrycel this is what im talking about when i say autistic shitposting is annoying as fuck
Im kinda giving up tbh
Im literally thinking of going MGTOW (MCTOW or MSTOW if you prefer)
Im kinda giving up tbh
Im literally thinking of going MGTOW (MCTOW or MSTOW if you prefer)

Dude MGTOW is just the black pill plus coping, there's no need to change over into anything, lets not let these retards redefine what we already know to be true, most MGTOW are incels anyways, it matters not the label you go by, what matters are its doctrine, if you are black pilled, you are black pilled, you calling yourself MGTOW wouldn't make you a MGTOW because you are black pilled, its to late to revert your mind and start coping like the typical MGTOW
Quit this gatekeeping. Shitposting is the slag of freedom.
Quit this gatekeeping. Shitposting is the slag of freedom.

I say keep that shit on 4chan with all the trapfag fuckery, you do realize that shit started off as "shitposting" right - "its just a joke man, le feminine penis", now the entire site is infested

Shit posting is what allows larps and trolls to hide in plain sight, because there's nothing that distinguishes them from your average poster, its very ironic for you to call this gatekeeping, because I see "shitposting" as a gateway that allows trolls and larps to enter
I say keep that shit on 4chan, shit posting is what allows larps and trolls to hide in plain sight, because there's nothing that distinguishes them from your average poster, its very ironic for you to call this gatekeeping, because I see "shitposting" as a gateway that allows trolls and larps to enter
You say like it's a bad thing. And without it nobody except self-proclaimed true users will "enter". That is where "gatekeeping" part kicks in. Some people will request to much attention to their self-absorbed persona this way and a lot of threads will become blogblogposts.
Some people will request to much attention to their self-absorbed persona this way and a lot of threads will become blogblogposts.

1. Them requesting attention doesn't mean they'll get it

2. What if those "blog posts" are actually interesting and informative, what if they lead to good conversations, lead to people starting their own sites, starting groups, various projects, men sharing financial tips and ideas, etc, how is that a bad thing?

Do you know what trolling leads to - NOTHING, just the deterioration of site quality and a decrease in participation of ACTUAL MEMBERS

Until the trolls wake up one day and there's barely anyone to troll, because all the legit users left and went elsewhere, tired of the BS, and then the entire forum is just a circle jerk of trolls making shitposts and other trolls responding ironically to it, some larping as legit users trolling with "fake outrage", etc
1. Them requesting attention doesn't mean they'll get it

2. What if those "blog posts" are actually interesting and informative, what if they lead to good conversations, lead to people starting their own sites, starting groups, various projects, men sharing financial tips and ideas, etc, how is that a bad thing?

Do you know what trolling leads to - NOTHING, just the deterioration of site quality and a decrease in participation of ACTUAL MEMBERS

Until the trolls wake up one day and there's barely anyone to troll, because all the legit users left and went elsewhere, tired of the BS, and then the entire forum is just a circle jerk of trolls making shitposts and other trolls responding ironically to it, some larping as legit users trolling with "fake outrage", etc
Write to mods what we should consider trolling then. For example, I don't like edgeposts.
Write to mods what we should consider trolling then. For example, I don't like edgeposts.

What are "edgeposts", because what you consider edgy might not be the same for others, while someone making an entire thread about how they have a room filled of piss bottles and they are going to eat some chicken tendies has no room for interpretation, its obviously just trolling
I'm delusional retard!

Oh wait...

I admited it, therefore I'm not?


Oh well.

At least I'm straight up about it!
I say keep that shit on 4chan with all the trapfag fuckery, you do realize that shit started off as "shitposting" right - "its just a joke man, le feminine penis", now the entire site is infested

Shit posting is what allows larps and trolls to hide in plain sight, because there's nothing that distinguishes them from your average poster, its very ironic for you to call this gatekeeping, because I see "shitposting" as a gateway that allows trolls and larps to enter
Part of forum cultrue are just meaningless meme posts we write to establish connections, joke around, make friends, just socialize. Shitposing (in moderation) is great.
Part of forum cultrue are just meaningless meme posts we write to establish connections, joke around, make friends, just socialize. Shitposing (in moderation) is great.

Jokes aren't shitposting, completely different, please don't conflate the two, shit posting is someone spamming the site with forced memes, BBC threads, Race bait threads, Dog pill threads, that's shit posting, nobody is going to get mad at a joke every now an then, but shit posting is about spamming these "jokes" for the sole purpose of irritating others, its not about making friends, socializing, joking around, shit posting is trolling, its about angering people
Jokes aren't shitposting, completely different, please don't conflate the two, shit posting is someone spamming the site with forced memes, BBC threads, Race bait threads, Dog pill threads, that's shit posting, nobody is going to get mad at a joke every now an then, but shit posting is about spamming these "jokes" for the sole purpose of irritating others, its not about making friends, socializing, joking around, shit posting is trolling, its about angering people
Hmm, I always thought "shitposting" is more about posting rather worthless, meaningless, but still mildly amusing content. What you are describing seems to fall under the definition of "trolling".
I always thought "shitposting" is more about posting rather worthless, meaningless, but still mildly amusing content

If a site gets spammed with what you are describing here, isn't that just trolling anyways?

I think it is, the entire purpose and meaning of the site is lost
tbh the minimum cold approaches requirement sounds like a good idea
If a site gets spammed with what you are describing here, isn't that just trolling anyways?

I think it is, the entire purpose and meaning of the site is lost
Like I said, I think in moderation it is great and it contributes to a lot of the site's culture. Like Ritalinbot, Zesto's essay posts, etc. If it gets out of hand, mods can simply warn or ban certain users. I don't think a silly "soys me" meme will somehow completely devalue high-effort posts by users like RageAgainstTDL or LiterallyASoyboy.
"Today stupid whore snickered 2 kilometers away from me when I stood up from bench in park"
Are most of these posts really that exaggerated? I went somewhere a few days ago and this wrinkly roastie in her 40s with a face caked in makeup went out of her way to sit on a bench on the complete other end of the room from me, she refused to look at me, even after I showered, washed my skin and hair and was looking my best. I swear to God foids go out of the way to look like you insulted them by existing.
Go ask our some low tier Becky tomorrow. You'll thank me for it even if you get rejected. I'm almost certain you never tried.
I know I sound like redpiller coper but you never know until you try

If you say so
He's full of shit and he doesnt know how to rate..

Major fucking Cope on his part, normies have to live off cold approaches to get laid because they look like shit in pics trying to compete with 8+/10 pics of men online.
Sure but he'll also have plenty of success. And 8/10 is special, they're in the minority, and foids are willing to drop their pants for any minority high value male.

He's full of shit and a proven fucking retard.

8+/10 men can get laid at any time of the day cold approaching. Online is an uneeded convenience for them at this point.

Sub8 males NEED cold approach game to get laid.
1. Them requesting attention doesn't mean they'll get it

2. What if those "blog posts" are actually interesting and informative, what if they lead to good conversations, lead to people starting their own sites, starting groups, various projects, men sharing financial tips and ideas, etc, how is that a bad thing?

Do you know what trolling leads to - NOTHING, just the deterioration of site quality and a decrease in participation of ACTUAL MEMBERS

Until the trolls wake up one day and there's barely anyone to troll, because all the legit users left and went elsewhere, tired of the BS, and then the entire forum is just a circle jerk of trolls making shitposts and other trolls responding ironically to it, some larping as legit users trolling with "fake outrage", etc

Literally this, this is the embodiment of users like insomniac.

Just an absolute wasteland of a thread when you see his low effort posts, just infecting everyone else with his low IQ presence. It's one thing when you see it in offtopic threads, but then we got a fucking problem when it's inceldom discussion threads getting polluted with the circle jerk trolling.

There's also too many idiots on the ban megathread with random shit posts of "free xxx" and 9 out of 10 times, that banned user doesn't deserve to come back.
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Like I said, I think in moderation it is great and it contributes to a lot of the site's culture. Like Ritalinbot, Zesto's essay posts, etc

Ironically the two users you used as examples are two of my most hated users, I think they were useless trolls that contributed to the degradation of the sites culture and made it shittier, no wonder they got banned for being trolls, but all too late, they had already made their impact, they made posting pointless shit a norm, something accepted
Ironically the two users you used as examples are two of my most hated users, I think they were useless trolls that contributed to the degradation of the sites culture and made it shittier, no wonder they got banned for being trolls, but all too late, they had already made their impact, they made posting pointless shit a norm, something accepted
>implying that shitposting wasn't a norm to begin with
If anything, I think now we have more valuable posts weekly than ever, especially comparing to the early days (2k17) of the forum.
If anything, I think now we have more valuable posts weekly than ever, especially comparing to the early days (2k17) of the forum.

That's because low quality posters are being weeded out, but more and more keep popping up

I wasn't here in 2017 but when I came in, it wasn't this bad, it wasn't just a troll fest of dogpill and bbc being spammed, the site is going down the 4chan road and if it continues and people keep accepting and tolerating it, the site is going to be come just a low quality microcosm of 4chan/r9k
That's because low quality posters are being weeded out, but more and more keep popping up

I wasn't here in 2017 but when I came in, it wasn't this bad, it wasn't just a troll fest of dogpill and bbc being spammed, the site is going down the 4chan road and if it continues and people keep accepting and tolerating it, the site is going to be come just a low quality microcosm of 4chan/r9k
I think it's the exact opposite tbh, I remember when that BBC autist would make lots of threads, but now mods tolerate racebait threads much less than in 2k18. I don't think this site will go down the /r9k/ route as long as no racebait, no trannies, no foids, no selfies rules will be uphold. There are no signs of them going away.
the site is going down the 4chan road and if it continues and people keep accepting and tolerating it, the site is going to be come just a low quality microcosm of 4chan/r9k
As if it's not been exactly that for 6 months or longer...
Haha sounds like @Personalityinkwell based regardless
Haha sounds like @Personalityinkwell based regardless

the fact this dude cares about IT bait is kinda cucked though

I do meet his requirements, I'm 25 and approached plenty
U barely have 2 thousand something posts on this forum and you've been here for two years and a half almost

Get the fuck off of here you normie, you don't get to talk down to anyone.

Also I know you farmed your online time by keeping this tab open on your pc, it doesn't impress anyone :feelshmm:
U barely have 2 thousand something posts on this forum and you've been here for two years and a half almost

Get the fuck off of here you normie, you don't get to talk down to anyone.

Also I know you farmed your online time by keeping this tab open on your pc, it doesn't impress anyone :feelshmm:
ok retard

also nice necrobump
There's a mix of everything on this forum. For some of us the only time we laugh is when we read something absurd here.

Cold approaches aren't a good indicator, you can be a 8/10 guy and still fail 5 out of 5 times because cold approaches suuuuuuck.
U barely have 2 thousand something posts on this forum and you've been here for two years and a half almost

Get the fuck off of here you normie, you don't get to talk down to anyone.

Also I know you farmed your online time by keeping this tab open on your pc, it doesn't impress anyone :feelshmm:

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