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Mental "cels" are personality cels

WarmIncelation said:
None of that is what therapy is about. Why do you Shit on therapy when you don't even know what therapy is dude. It doesn't magically do anything either. But it doesn't help, especially with anxiety. But I really doesn't make It disappear

Therapy is essentially that. What else do you do there? Them giving you some bullshit "exercises" is still just talking, it doesn't have any effect. You might as well tell yourself to do those things, the end result is the same. And if you really need someone else to tell you what to do in order for you to actually do something, then just lol.

It only works for normies who in reality have nothing wrong with them but they're just feeling down. They get a little validation or some pointless copes and eventually they forget about their problem and boom they're "healed".
If you have any actual problems, well then gl because it all depends on how others treat you. 
If they treat you like shit, then you feel like shit. Then you go back and try some pointless exercise, they still treat you like shit. You go back because you thought you did something wrong and repeat.

And again, I said that MEDICATION (i.e actual physical drugs) can work because it's more than empty words and can physically alter your mood.
knajjd said:
WarmIncelation said:
Looks and personality are two very different things. The halo effect is definitely a thing, I'm not denying that. As for "personality theory " im not sure what the hell you mean. What is personality theory exactly? I'm not denying that looks aren't supreme. But i am saying that other things matter when you fall in the middle. Chad or bust is lookism bs and it's lazy as fuck.

Therapy can be helpful for people with legit mental illness.

the belief that personality matters for sexual attraction when it doesn’t. sexual attraction is purely physical and boils down to “this person’s genetics are good and i must mate with him”. a female being attracted to someone’s personality makes absolutely ZERO sense from an evolutionary viewpoint. the very most a nice and outgoing personality will help you to achieve will be male friends.

I wish we were on reddit so i could gild you
knajjd said:
the belief that personality matters for sexual attraction when it doesn’t. sexual attraction is purely physical and boils down to “this person’s genetics are good and i must mate with him”. a female being attracted to someone’s personality makes absolutely ZERO sense from an evolutionary viewpoint. the very most a nice and outgoing personality will help you to achieve will be male friends.

I'm not making that claim though. Re read everything I've said. You're arguing against something I'm not saying. Obviously if there is no physical attraction personality is irrelevant. But personality DOES matter. When you have multiple choices you're attracted to personality Is then the deciding factor. 

That's why I said it doesn't matter at the extremes. Because either you're too ugly to not be considered or too chadly so you have no competition. I'm saying that most of the people here are not at the lower extreme. Therefore it is their personality that makes them discounted because they are attractive enough

I hope you see what I'm trying to get at. Looks are the front door. Personalities are the doors to other rooms. Sub 3s don't have front doors and 8+ are giant arch ways that lead into a large stadium.

VLÖ said:
Therapy is essentially that. What else do you do there? Them giving you some bullshit "exercises" is still just talking, it doesn't have any effect. You might as well tell yourself to do those things, the end result is the same. And if you really need someone else to tell you what to do in order for you to actually do something, then just lol.

It only works for normies who in reality have nothing wrong with them but they're just feeling down. They get a little validation or some pointless copes and eventually they forget about their problem and boom they're "healed".
If you have any actual problems, well then gl because it all depends on how others treat you. 
If they treat you like shit, then you feel like shit. Then you go back and try some pointless exercise, they still treat you like shit. You go back because you thought you did something wrong and repeat.

And again, I said that MEDICATION (i.e actual physical drugs) can work because it's more than empty words and can physically alter your mood.

You're wrong, but there is no point in arguing with you. So believe what ever you'd like my friend. I'll go with the evidence. :)
WarmIncelation said:
You're wrong, but there is no point in arguing with you. So believe what ever you'd like my friend. I'll go with the evidence. :)

>you're wrong I have evidence!

>doesn't post the evidence
VLÖ said:
>you're wrong I have evidence!

>doesn't post the evidence

Im not going to bother posting any evidence that supports an entire scientific discipline (psychology ). Thats ridiculous.
WarmIncelation said:
Im not going to bother posting any evidence that supports an entire scientific discipline (psychology ). Thats ridiculous.

Whatever man, if you think therapy will help go ahead. Just don't be surprised when you get empty platitudes and go nowhere.

But advertising that snake oil shit to others is just an asshole move.
VLÖ said:
Whatever man, if you think therapy will help go ahead. Just don't be surprised when you get empty platitudes and go nowhere.

But advertising that snake oil shit to others is just an asshole move.

Therapy has helped me immensely. It isn't snake oil at all. Claiming that an entire science that is well established and has been shown to help people is bullshit is the crime here.
WarmIncelation said:
Therapy has helped me immensely. It isn't snake oil at all. Claiming that an entire science that is well established and has been shown to help people is bullshit is the crime here.

Whoa buddy boyo, why are you here then? Shouldn't you be out socializing with your friends and hanging out with your GF you got from your successful therapy?
VLÖ said:
Whoa buddy boyo, why are you here then? Shouldn't you be out socializing with your friends and hanging out with your GF you got from your successful therapy?

That's why I don't understand you ripping on it. You obviously don't know what therapy is for. It isn't for finding girlfriends ffs. I'm not sure where you even got that into your head. It's for dealing with mental illness. In my case bad anxiety and depression and PTSD
WarmIncelation said:
That's why I don't understand you ripping on it. You obviously don't know what therapy is for. It isn't for finding girlfriends ffs. I'm not sure where you even got that into your head. It's for dealing with mental illness. In my case bad anxiety and depression and PTSD

Well from what you said therapy supposedly will help people to become NT and thereby find themselves someone. You even said in your earlier posts how "personality matters", and by that I assume that you meant therapy is going to change your personality.

I'm curious though, how exactly did they cure your bad anxiety, depression and PTSD?
VLÖ said:
Well from what you said therapy supposedly will help people to become NT and thereby find themselves someone. You even said in your earlier posts how "personality matters", and by that I assume that you meant therapy is going to change your personality.

I'm curious though, how exactly did they cure your bad anxiety, depression and PTSD?

Never said any of that actually. Never said it would help people become NT. That's something you fabricated. Personality does matter for people in the middle (average looking people like I said above ) 

As for cure, I'm not cured exactly. I'm just able to trick my issue (specifically anxiety ) using different therapeutic techniques. Specifically cognitive behavioural therapy. As for PTSD similar to my anxiety but also introducing myself more often to the issue has helped it.
Popbob said:
high inhibition and assburgers does it for me. Personality is bullshit and has nothing to do with inceldom

A shrink told me I have high inhib and aspergers. She said that can drop you below the Elephant man, and it is not easy to fix either. She didn't think looks are my problem. I used to talk to girls with my hands wrapped around my body.
autism affect SMV as much as looks
fukmylyf said:
Mental illness and personality are two entirely different things.

This. Women don't give a fuck about personality but having a legitimate social skill impairment due to a mental disorder will leave you an incel if you're sub Chad in looks.
NYincel said:
A shrink told me I have high inhib and aspergers. She said that can drop you below the Elephant man, and it is not easy to fix either. She didn't think looks are my problem. I used to talk to girls with my hands wrapped around my body.

Pretty sure "high inhib" is not a legit diagnosis tbh.
Appearance is the number one cause of inceldom but being overly feminine and/or autistic in your mannerisms is not too far behind.
whogivesafucc said:
my guinness world record inhibition and asperger's do cause me to be a personalitycel, yes.

This. Ive had girls say i act like a robot. Im so inhibited i restrain most emotional expression
I have good personality. I'm 3.5 PSL, I hardly ever get treated poorly. I'd say more but I'd get banned for bragging or spreading the blue pill or whatever else that would cause people butthurt. Looks are more important, of course.

>TFW I can't be my true self, anywhere.
fukmylyf said:
Mental illness and personality are two entirely different things.

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