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Men who cannot drive should not be allowed to work - How to fix the situation and the general problem behind it



Nov 2, 2018
Men who cannot drive should be treated as handicapped people and therefore we should not be allowed to work or we should have at least a choice, since we are absolutely limited in our options. Working without a driver licence does not make any sense at all. I am unable to drive, unfortunately. This should also be seen as a compensation, since I am exposed to female driving.

Also men who are unable to drive should also be allowed to kill themselves gracefully and without any pain, since life without a driver licence does not make any sense in general. You cannot catch up anymore, you will always be emasculated by female driving. Therefore you should have the option to choose euthanasia in order to end this suffering.

Perhaps that might be an exeggaration but hear me out. You only have this life and this era to learn how to drive. It will never come back. It is absolutely special within itself. Now imagine you missed out on that. It is absolutely bothering me. Once you missed a certain point in life, you just cannot catch up anymore. You are simply jsut a dropout of society.

I have some ideas in order to fix those things. Since the general public will never ban female driving I am willing to settle down for a trade. It is also absolutely applicable and I do not have any unrealistic standards. In fact the standards now are absolutely unrealistic and unjustifiable. For example, in Germany you have to pay at least 2000 Euro for a driver licence, that is the minimum. That is completely out of place and some people really cannot afford it anymore.

Instead of numerous driving schools all over Germany, we should combine all driving schools with the general school system. That means driving should be thaught at school. This would also lead to more workplaces within the education system and on top of that it would be more handy for the bureaucracy itself. This is also asbolutely needed here in Germany, since you have to wait quite a long time for another driving lesson. You also have to wait at least 2 months for the permission to do driving theory examination. My solution to it would fix the entire schedule in general.
Driving teachers are now connected to the education system itself which makes this job even more viable.

Men who are older should also have the possibility for a special treatment beside the options I have mentioned above. They should have the possibility to participate in driving lessons for a fair deal, instead of the system robbing them. The school system could arrange night classes which are already common for all other kind of subjects as well. There, men who are older than 20 do have the possibility to make their driver licence without any stress, with general back up from the system and help and support from the teacher in order to reintegrate those men into society.

@Barnacle thoughts on this one?

Also @rightfulcel and @Damo the incel
Get this man an honorary driver’s license, his sanity demands it.
I do agree that monetary restrictions on something as fundamental as a driver’s license shouldn’t exist
Men who cannot drive should be treated as handicapped people and therefore we should not be allowed to work or we should have at least a choice, since we are absolutely limited in our options.
Wouldn’t dudes all over the world just pretend to be retarded and not get licenses on purpose to not work?
Get this man an honorary driver’s license, his sanity demands it.

I wish man. By the way your profile picture moggs me.

I do agree that monetary restrictions on something as fundamental as a driver’s license shouldn’t exist

In fact, actually every leftist should be for it since they are for equality.

Wouldn’t dudes all over the world just pretend to be retarded and not get licenses on purpose to not work?

How did you post so much in under a week, are you a neet?

I am currently on NEET, for the first time. Before that I have worked in warehouse logistics. It is indeed over at this point.
What do you do to pass the time.
Get this man an honorary driver’s license, his sanity demands it.
I do agree that monetary restrictions on something as fundamental as a driver’s license shouldn’t exist
It's poor fag tax. Rich scum once again fuckover poorcels
Driving should absolutely be taught in schools. Not being able to drive while females drive basically means you aren't a man but just a little boy
Driving should absolutely be taught in schools. Not being able to drive while females drive basically means you aren't a man but just a little boy
Fr, not trying to brag (sorry last German) but driving is one of the times I actually feel well adjusted and masculine.
What do you do to pass the time.

Basically not that much. I am just sitting behind a screen like I used to, hitting the gym brutally until my hands start to bleed, trying to lift a female. The typical stuff.
Basically not that much. I am just sitting behind a screen like I used to, hitting the gym brutally until my hands start to bleed, trying to lift a female. The typical stuff.
Unconsensual female lifting, :chad:
but driving is one of the times I actually feel well adjusted and masculine.

It is natural to feel like this since you have something for yourself. You also made the step into adulthood which is significant. Yo uare now a part of the society and yo ucan participate in it.

Unconsensual female lifting, :chad:

I need to do something... The next target will be the female trainer.
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@BrendioEEE thoughts?
What the fuck?

2000 Euro is also the minimum most likely. By the way, the tool to practise for theory examination costs 70 Euro. For this money you can pay off the whole driver licence in USA.

Driving should absolutely be taught in schools. Not being able to drive while females drive basically means you aren't a man but just a little boy

Indeed and as I have mentioned in my post above, it is absolutely applicable. This is not unrealistic at all. This also would lead to a situation where men who were dropouts would once again participate with the system instead of working against in. In reality everyone whould just win in this situation.
It would also fix the bureaucrcy behind it as well.
the rare times when my dad let me take his care i feel confident and powerful driving it, it must be hard for a guy in his mid 20s to not be able to drive.

It actually is. Plenty of people do underestimate it, since they are capable of driving and they have something for themselves. I literally have nothing. Whenever i go outside I see al lthe people. Everyone jsut have a driver licence and an expensive car, while i have to take the bus. To be honest, I feel like a cuck.

btw you can't drive

I just have problems with driving itself. On top of that I cannot deal with my age.
I agree, driving should definitely be thaught at school rather than let men spend time and money in driving schools, assuming they can even afford it. Having a license and a car is necessary to fit in the society, a man who have neither will never be seen as an equal from people who drive regularly but rather as a target to make fun of and criticize.
It's all so wrong. Some people get a virgin, new car at 18 while others have to wait for their license until 26-30 and have to pick an used car which was driven by other men before you and it's even a low-tier car no less.
The reason it is not taught in school is so low value men never learn and forget it exists meanwhile foids try to get their driver license asap. This is indeed brutal. Its like being born in the space age but unable to use a spaceship. Might as well be born a caveman if you can't drive.

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