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Blackpill Men didnt controll women, they just choose to fail



Ultimate Virgin Deluxe
Apr 26, 2022
My blackpill experience is most likely different from all of you. Mines based off woman I had to interact with and not in a ascending way. Or a good way most of the time except for the freinds I had(just because I cant get ass deosnt mean I cant be freinds). A ugly truth I seem to learn about women is they all or most want to live like theres elites. Just like how women in Sparta lived. All luxxury wile the men were to suffure and do all the hard work. Well it seems to be the case with both my mom and grandma.

And what I mean by that is they have the same pattern though it varys. Mom when ever I lived with her would have all these fucking dresses and shoes to the point were the closet in my "room" was her 4th closet because she would have all these shoes and clothes and fucking dressess. She invested in seducing and manipulating men instead of being independant. Somthing feminists claims to fight for(independance). She chose a white collar job as a carear. Deosnt even want to clean but wants the house clean. So she has me clean a bunch of shit up. I cant count the amount of times I had to clean hair out of her fucking shower. Clean makeup from her sink. Clean up from all the messes she made deslite wanting a clean house. She also seems to have a mind of a sociopath and I mean it litterally. She manipulates. Remember my Truck-kun from previous threads? I didnt want it. But instead of helping me like I asked she decided to manipulate me into going at dealerships I didnt want to go. Entraping me to have a vehicle I didnt want. Keep in mind I was using my own money to pay it off. She wasnt buying me shit except driving me to dealerships she would force me to.

But a darker example of how that whore chases luxury was her choice of men. She and my dad broke up when I was 1. She then would knowingly date men who were threataning and voilent with me. She didnt care if they beat me. She only cared if they offended her ego. Most of the time she would beat me for either not cleaning well enough or getting sent to the office. Even at one point called me animal and make me sleep on the floor. And Eat from the floor during that time too. She never cared about me. Only her ego. The worst part is she has zero remorse. I can see her putting my 3 year old sister in the same conditions because I saw instaces were she did on previous times I saw her. She allowed kids who were 10 year old push my 3 year old sister away and ignkred it.

Back to the point. A much less worst example is my grandma. But it isnt really a happy case either. My grandma may not trade morrals for ego to such extent but she will trade her IQ for it. Acts like she is smarter then me on shit were its the opisite case. Trys to have the mindset of a fucking monk when ever my whore of a mom deos evil shit. Sorry if I type like I have rabies. It was some horror shit I went through. But my grandma would have zero ability to understand why people are assholes in WA state as if cutlures from non whites werent a problem. She votes democrat like there the better idea. SHE DRIVES A FUCKING HUNDAI AND THINK ITS BETTER THEN A TOYOTA OR HONDA! Hundais are litterally cars for those who want luxury but cant afford it. Infact like a true old ladie she thinks Im better off with a Ford ranger then a CRV. At least she lets me make my own choices unlike my mom. But the problem with my grandma is actually the problem with most woman who arent a sociopathic whore like my mom. They chase luxury. She has bills and even chooses to put herself through hardships just so she can blow money off fucking cruzes. She hasnt put the burden on me but fuck deos she waste money on Star Treck Cruze ships. And she is in 80K in debt for her house payment. She is also oblivious to alot of things going on in the house. I have to make sure to do the dishes before she touches them other wise she will run the dishes in the washer without scrubing out the food particles. She may not ask me to do much but I do a handfull of house maintenance so she dont destroy the damn house, she only wants to work white collar job wich ok she is in her 70s but before that she would on want to do white collar jobs. But as I learn thats all woman want to do.

Live a white collar life. They dont want to do the shit men do. The last time I dealt with woman in blue collar jobs was in retail. My last job was a meat clerk at QFC and this bitch named Reena would want me to do all of her job as she did fucking nothing. And before that when I worked at Lowes the boss Melissa would be angry all the time because she deosnt want to do retail and would work the fuck out of everyone else. She would put way more taks then even store managers when ever they susbsitute for the night crew. Women want to do nothing but leech off of men. They dont want to get there hands dirty they dont want to act like a real equall to men they just want a white collar luxury life. If I was wrong I wouldn't be as blackpilled as I was. Ive been in my HVAC class for a year and each quarter (theres 4 per year) only 3 women of 75 different students would be in that class. When I signed up for the plumbing aprentiship there was hundreds of men like 600 men, and only one woman would show up for a blue collar job. If your a woman lurking on here first of all fuck off and do somthing better with your life then spy on us but also, stop going for the white collar life. Learn to change breack pads on a car. Learn to fix a leack on a pipe. Learn to be like the people who built the civilized world if you want to be a real equall. You yourself have free will to be as blue collar as us men. But no you want to live as the Spartan queen and leech off of mens suffering. And if its not enough you just make it worst for men dont you?

Back to the incels. Women here dont respect what good men has brought to this world. There the diet version of the shit CEOs of a company who over work and underpay there employees. They dont want to contribute to what we make. You see it in the bills that support single moms. You see it in allomony. You see it in others things that I cant remember. These degenerate cunts dont want to do good but just leach off of us who build. Its what we has before the illegals came to leach off of us. Why is it that girls rarely drive trucks or do anything productive? Remember that there leeches. And sont deserve our repect or patience.
i read everything and you are mostly right, and your story is horrific.
Sorry for what you endured brocel ;(
i read everything and you are mostly right, and your story is horrific.
Sorry for what you endured brocel ;(
I will say this, its usually the left wing women who are like this more then any type of women from what Ive seen.
In a moral world the people who did this to you would be tied down for you to personally chop them into pieces, we would even offer you an executioners mask and disguise if you were too nervous to openly face your tormentors, or they would be fucking humane and have just aborted you since they clearly weren't fit to have you in the first place.
In a moral world the people who did this to you would be tied down for you to personally chop them into pieces, we would even offer you an executioners mask and disguise if you were too nervous to openly face your tormentors, or they would be fucking humane and have just aborted you since they clearly weren't fit to have you in the first place.
Eh, despite the shitty child hood, I feel optimistic about adult hood.
Brutal stuff man

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