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Men are Selfless, Females are Selfish



Nov 13, 2017
I just bought a class-based MMORPG. You can choose between a warrior, a cleric, a rogue, or a wizard. Being a veteran of such games, I choose the warrior - they're the only class that can handle direct combat for extended periods of time. They're strong, durable, you can customize them with their own back story, philosophy, battle mechanics that reward those who fully understand the nuances of the system. They're the obvious choice.

It's fun for a while, but the game is difficult and the warrior can only take so much. I need indirect means to use strategies beyond brute force - magic, range, buffs and heals. Ah hah! I'll find myself a cleric. I heard magic classes suck in this game, that magic is only used by evil characters in the lore, but maybe this class is an exception.

I look for a guy wearing robes. Drat, a wizard. Wizard's can manipulate their environment, but are fragile, weak, deal less damage than warriors. In the lore, they sell their souls to demons, and I can't have this satanic nonsense in my Christian party. I ignore them and go to the next guy in a robe. Drat, another wizard.

A wizard came up to me and asked if I was a rogue. I said hell no. Rogue's are for edgelords LARPING as criminals, with terrible stats, no lore or customization. Strictly worse than warriors. Yet I keep meeting wizards looking for rogues. WTF dudes? That's a terrible party. You need power and defense, maybe from someone like me.

Thought I found a cleric the other day. They said they were a cleric. Never cast a single healing spell. They left my party when I told them I didn't know Steal Gil. I already told you, I'm a holy warrior, nobody on the server is playing rogues, and if I don't find a cleric soon, I'm quitting this stupid game.


Thus is the struggle between men and females and why we're both unhappy. We try to be good guys looking for our good girls, females are bad girls looking for their bad **boys** (not bad **guys**). Nature bestowed them narcissism to survive, and it makes up their entire fucking philosophy.

"I'm wearing this make-up for myself!" "Haven't you thought of helping yourself?" "It's not our job to help men. They should help themselves." "You can't love anyone until you love yourself." Females see the world in terms of crass self-interest and expect others to live the same. Chad is Chad because Chad is Chad. If he had to work hard to be Chad, then he is a guy who worked hard to be Chad instead of Chad, and he wants to be the guy who works hard to be Chad instead of Chad. Incels are incels because they want to be incels, otherwise they wouldn't be incels. You want help from her? Then you don't want her, you want the her that gives help to you.

This is not the mentality of equals or our compliments. They're just shallow, stupid, lazy, and USELESS. Villainous without the consistency, mean to the weak and weak to the mean, and completely oblivious to the hard work men put into society and themselves to keep things right. Society won't be fixed until we stop listening, or caring, about their vindictive whims.
It's the opposite. Foids form sisterhood while guys still have a pecking order where they one up one another.
They expect random men to help them but they themselves don't help men in their needs.
It's the opposite. Foids form sisterhood while guys still have a pecking order where they one up one another.
They expect random men to help them but they themselves don't help men in their needs.
this. foids are selfless but for other foids only. men are selfish and dont bother being bros
It's the opposite. Foids form sisterhood while guys still have a pecking order where they one up one another.
these sisterhoods are selfishness expressed through collective action

male hierachies require most men to server below someone else, to be willing to make sacrifices for the group and to trust and rely on each other. like in a hunting party

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_HApmGofeA

female's create a fake forced pretense of equality that each individual is constantly trying to subvert through social agression like gossiping, gaslighting, shaming, etc.

how men betray each other over pussy today is in large part because men as a group are so disempowered, making it useless to take the side of your fellow men over siding with women and maybe increasing your chances at some coochie

not trying to suggest men are perfect or even all that good at holding together
but neither are women, they just a) invest more effort into hiding it and b) what unity they do have it often the result of aggressive loyality enforement mechanisms, not their cooperative and altruistic nature
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Being a veteran of such games,
Cope most ppl are selfish
mean to the weak and weak to the mean
This is true probably for a majority of women. At my last job I have seen how these 'good' females treat their unattractive or short male subordinates.
Mean without reason, unreasonably rude, without any self-restraint and decency. I have seen beasts, not human beings.
Let's this 'progressive' soyciety burns if it allows literal beasts ( mean females and male bullies ) to have power over harmless and powerless people.
Let's this 'progressive' soyciety burns if it allows literal beasts ( mean females and male bullies ) to have power over harmless and powerless people.
Terrible comparison. Beasts are far better than people.
Men can feel love, foids can only feel selfishness and greed

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