I hear horror stories from my friends about the things guys do and the things they say behind other women's backs (I have heard on multiple accounts firsthand).
Many men can say the same about women...
Do "horror stories" justify calling all men "filth"?
If she says yes to that, then she would have to concede that it is okay to call all black men filthy hood thugs.
She wouldn't, of course, but it's the exact same logic.
More recently, I started talking to a guy who seemed like the sweetest and most perfect person I could ask for
only to have his ex-girlfriend message me telling me about all the things he did in the past (basically cheated on her, manipulated her, led her on, etc.) Everything that a stereotypical narcissistic would do.
The memes write themselves
This was hard for me as that happened to be the first person I actually saw myself dating in the future and the only time I have felt like I had any "hope" towards dating.
He didn't look like average Marky Carter from her neighborhood, so yeah... Again, memes write themselves.
I was clearly wrong and am fervently appalled by not only his actions, but men in general.
All black people are thugs, right?

Bold statement, lady.
I have noticed that many of the men on these incel forums/pages always go to criticize women for being whores and not having respect for themselves
I don't say the latter, because I know women aren't capable to understand things like respect, dignity or integrity.
So I don't care.
Yet men are celebrated for sleeping with multiple women (praised for being a "chad").
Why is she whining towards us about this? If you want to change that standard, talk to the people participating in the dating and hook up world. Normies and sex havers. The people you refuse to aim at. We aren't your target, faggot.
I also want to say that I am in no way an incel

Need I say anything?
as I have to ability to date, but I am well-informed on the community as a whole.
I leave this statement as many of you will go to attack me for being a "fakecel" or some gibberish.
I might be autistic, is this sarcasm?