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LifeFuel Men are arguably prettier (from an objective standpoint) than foids. Yes, even the thing the foids are known for...



Jun 20, 2022
Supposedly winning us by a fucking landslide is actually factually incorrect. No im not gay, let me explain for a sec.

Men are more robust, which means better bones which usually mean better face/body.

If women werent blackpilled by society in the looks department (from the womb to the tomb) and didnt think about how to look better physically 24/7/365 and men werent gaslighted to think the opposite this would be as apparent as night and day.

Men dont wear makeup, they dont have the fat distribution advantage that women have, they dont have entire INDUSTRIES cathering to their every cosmetic need and STILL manage (if they look after themselves and have an at least decent genetic baseline to work with) to look equally if not better than most women (especially in this chad only society where a considerable number of men are waking up to this necessity).

Even serious philosophers like schopenhauer argued for my motion right here, you can look it up...
Men are better looking because ugly "men" aren't considered men in the first place. We are supposed to be asexual eunuchs.
1. There is no beauty in nature without perception.
2. We humans have perception.
3. Therefore beauty is subjective.

Beauty is not a fact in nature.

But apart of this, no. The value is based on offer and demand.
Agreed, from an objectively aesthetic standpoint, male beauty is based on sharpness and angularity, while female beauty is based on curvature and fat distribution in the right places. The female form objectively looks more clunky and stupid.

Peak man > peak woman

However, the threshold for an attractive woman is much lower, or rather I should say most girls are naturally just a few small efforts away from being attractive. Just imagine (young) guys and girls you know in their underwear; in my experience there are way more passable women than men.
Peak man > peak woman

However, the threshold for an attractive woman is much lower, or rather I should say most girls are naturally just a few small efforts away from being attractive. Just imagine (young) guys and girls you know in their underwear; in my experience there are way more passable women than men.
Thats testosterone talking IMO. We were biologically designed to see the female body (as in 90% of cases) as "passable", while for young, fertile women its the opposite.
I agree. Foids generally age worse too. Take away fake up and men have better skin, which is very important to look good.
Peak man > peak woman

However, the threshold for an attractive woman is much lower, or rather I should say most girls are naturally just a few small efforts away from being attractive. Just imagine (young) guys and girls you know in their underwear; in my experience there are way more passable women than men.
Also, as i said, men are gaslighted by society to not give the importance women give to their attractiveness.
Agreed, from an objectively aesthetic standpoint, male beauty is based on sharpness and angularity, while female beauty is based on curvature and fat distribution in the right places. The female form objectively looks more clunky and stupid.

There’s also the way body size factors into attractiveness and how being larger is more desirable for men and being smaller is more desirable for women.

The ideal male form is built for athleticism, adventure, and combat, while the ideal female form is built to be flipped over, pounded, and pop out a healthy child. The former is a vessel built for daring and grueling physical undertaking, while the latter is more akin to a vending machine in its functionality. So it’s no surprise which would be objectively more aesthetically appealing
There’s also the way body size factors into attractiveness and how being larger is more desirable for men and being smaller is more desirable for women.

The ideal male form is built for athleticism, adventure, and combat, while the ideal female form is built to be flipped over, pounded, and pop out a healthy child. The former is a vessel built for daring and grueling physical undertaking, while the latter is more like a vending machine in its functionality. So it’s no surprise which would be objectively more aesthetically appealing
Also brocel, the genetic makeup of men is constantly and fervently being selected by natural selection TO THIS DAY in the sexual market (the 90/10% rule) while the juggernaut law just asks for a woman to be fertile and willing to pass on her genetic make up.
While I disagree that the average man looks better than the average woman, I do think that it's much harder to be considered attractive as a man, and thus attractive men outshine their female counterparts. To be considered attractive as a man, many genetic factors need to align in your favor. You need to be tall, have good forward growth in the jaw (but not too much), low body fat, decent muscle growth, clear skin, good eye orbitals, good hair genes, and you can't cover anything up with makeup like women can. To be attractive as a woman, you just need to avoid looking unattractive, and every flaw you have, men will fetishize. Too short? Men love short girls. Too chubby? No, you're just thick, and men love a girl with curves, etc.
While I disagree that the average man looks better than the average woman
I don’t believe he stated that. Rather, he agrees with you, but believes the cause to be fakeup and foids learning to looksmax from a young age as opposed to them inherently being better-looking than males
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I don’t believe he stated that. Rather, he agrees with you, but believes the cause to be fakeup and foids learning to looksmax from a young age as opposed to them inherently being more aesthetically appealing than males
Yes, i didnt. Thanks brocel. Foids are naturally frail, weakly little beings. While this gives them a certain kind of allure (mans natural instinct to protect and provide and, in extreme cases, to dominate and subjugate) it objectively makes them less appealing.
I don’t believe he stated that. Rather, he agrees with you
I think I worded it poorly. I should have said, "I don't believe the average man looks better than the average woman even if you take away fakeup." Since you're right, he didn't say that and I was just making a general statement on my views on the topic.
I have said this before but ya, men mog foids.
Idk I don't find other men pretty bc I am not a faggot
1. There is no beauty in nature without perception.
2. We humans have perception.
3. Therefore beauty is subjective.
Some things are objective. Everyone, even babies, prefer symetrical over assymetrical faces
from a young age, foids have been conditioned to hide their poor genetics with fake up and filters while men are usually just raw dogging their looks. also factoring in shit like tits and ass where men will place a great importance on the body of a woman, meanwhile the face is just super subhuman. I think this is why gymcels exist because they don’t understand the female gaze isn’t like the male gaze where your body can make you attractive and fuckable. so many dysgenic foids passing down their subpar genetics and cursing the men of their lineage by reproducing. A 4’9 foidlet could have 10 kids if she wanted too.
even in her old age, she will have more simps than all of her 10 sons combined. imagine.
sounds pretty gay
from a young age, foids have been conditioned to hide their poor genetics with fake up and filters while men are usually just raw dogging their looks. also factoring in shit like tits and ass where men will place a great importance on the body of a woman, meanwhile the face is just super subhuman. I think this is why gymcels exist because they don’t understand the female gaze isn’t like the male gaze where your body can make you attractive and fuckable. so many dysgenic foids passing down their subpar genetics and cursing the men of their lineage by reproducing. A 4’9 foidlet could have 10 kids if she wanted too.
even in her old age, she will have more simps than all of her 10 sons combined. imagine.
Thats real. I found billy rae brandt attractive (yk, that insuferable bitch who is always giving shitty advice on yt shorts) but when i discovered she's almost a literal midget, the wood got killed pretty quickly.

I literally cant understand how guys find girls who are literal cm's away from being legally midgets attractive and sometimes have them as their oneitis. Miss me with that BS.
Some things are objective. Everyone, even babies, prefer symetrical over assymetrical faces

1. Some things are objectives.
2. Babies have perception.
3. There is no beauty in nature without perception.
4. We humans have perception.
5. Therefore beauty is subjective.

O(x): xxx is an objective thing.
B(x)B(x)B(x): xxx is a baby.
P(x)P(x)P(x): xxx has perception.
H(x)H(x)H(x): xxx is a human.
N(x)N(x)N(x): xxx is nature.

Beauty is subjective (Be(N(x))Be(N(x))Be(N(x)) is dependent on P(x)P(x)P(x)).

Hence, from the given premises, we logically conclude that beauty is subjective.

Proportionality is not equivalent to beauty. You can measure proportionality, but not beauty in and of itself, because beauty in and of itself does not exist outside of our genetic programming, which is what exercises value judgments thanks to our perception.
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Saying that most men look prettier or better than women is simply false. But who are you asking? If you aren't attracted to males, wtf does it even mean to call them more attractive? If you showed me a generic 'attractive' guy I probably wouldn't find him goodlooking at all, bc I don't care abt them.

It's true that foids use makeup as a prop, while males don't. But males also use jestermaxxing, prostitution, betabuxxing, etc. as a prop more than foids do, whereas makeup is still at least physical. Either way, most males aren't going to be pretty, cute or eclipse foids in feminine beauty. If they did, then they would be attractive to us.

Supposedly Adam Qadmon represented a perfect androgyne figure, mankind in its original perfection before man was split by the introduction of Eve. While that is an ancient gnostic ideal, most men are far from that.
Thats real. I found billy rae brandt attractive (yk, that insuferable bitch who is always giving shitty advice on yt shorts) but when i discovered she's almost a literal midget, the wood got killed pretty quickly.

I literally cant understand how guys find girls who are literal cm's away from being legally midgets attractive and sometimes have them as their oneitis. Miss me with that BS.
a lot of these women would be incel if they woke up as the male versions of themselves. That’s why there are so many female to male detrasitioners, a lot of them even commit suicide.

The blackpill knowledge should be taught in schools. Even id argue that blackpill knowledge is even more useful to chad than it is for inkies, because at least they have things like their genetics on the line and the quality of life of their future offspring. inkies never had a foot in the game to begin with. There’s not much to be lost.
It's the kind of gay that's close enough to knock a vase of full on liberace at one sudden move.
Jfl im trying to have a normal, intellectual discussion and all you morons can say is "hur dur gayyyyyy". Y'all are just like normies sometimes.

Sorry for destroying your simpish, coping ways, though.
It's the kind of gay that's close enough to knock a vase of gayness over at one sudden move.
they should call off the pride parades next week, they'll never live up to this thread
jake gyllenhaal GIF
Supposedly winning us by a fucking landslide is actually factually incorrect. No im not gay, let me explain for a sec.

Men are more robust, which means better bones which usually mean better face/body.

If women werent blackpilled by society in the looks department (from the womb to the tomb) and didnt think about how to look better physically 24/7/365 and men werent gaslighted to think the opposite this would be as apparent as night and day.

Men dont wear makeup, they dont have the fat distribution advantage that women have, they dont have entire INDUSTRIES cathering to their every cosmetic need and STILL manage (if they look after themselves and have an at least decent genetic baseline to work with) to look equally if not better than most women (especially in this chad only society where a considerable number of men are waking up to this necessity).

Even serious philosophers like schopenhauer argued for my motion right here, you can look it up...
you are using male SMV to judge female SMV

the average man having higher facial density on average then the average foid doesnt make his male SMV higher than her female SMV
beacause men and women have complete different SMV standards

women being short, having curved nose, round eyes helps women but not men

men having less eye exposure, higher nasal bone projection, having oggee curve help men but not women

for improving their looks at most foids have is makeup and a shitty skin care routine.

inwells looksmaxxing is far more than this as we have to
Thats real. I found billy rae brandt attractive (yk, that insuferable bitch who is always giving shitty advice on yt shorts) but when i discovered she's almost a literal midget, the wood got killed pretty quickly.

I literally cant understand how guys find girls who are literal cm's away from being legally midgets attractive and sometimes have them as their oneitis. Miss me with that BS.
How tall is she? She never looked that short in videos.
Sounds like you took my shit personally. Why do love foids so much if they hate your guts?
y r u trying 2 deflect?

this thread is abt your love for males and how pretty they are, not abt hating foids!
1. Some things are objectives.
2. Babies have perception.
3. There is no beauty in nature without perception.
4. We humans have perception.
5. Therefore beauty is subjective.

O(x): xxx is an objective thing.
B(x)B(x)B(x): xxx is a baby.
P(x)P(x)P(x): xxx has perception.
H(x)H(x)H(x): xxx is a human.
N(x)N(x)N(x): xxx is nature.

Beauty is subjective (Be(N(x))Be(N(x))Be(N(x)) is dependent on P(x)P(x)P(x)).

Hence, from the given premises, we logically conclude that beauty is subjective.

Proportionality is not equivalent to beauty. You can measure proportionality, but not beauty in and of itself, because beauty in and of itself does not exist outside of our genetic programming, which is what exercises value judgments thanks to our perception.
beuty is made objective by having everyone having the same standard
This is a very gay thread
Damn, y'all are slow as fuck. Ofc i want to fuck foids, not men. Do i even have to explain this? Or y'all trying to rage bait me?!
152 cm. Think thats 5.0 to 4.9 in hamburguer height.
Wow, that is really short. Crazy a short bitch like her who isn’t even an absolute Stacy has such high standards. Her male height equivalent is rotting on this forum. Also, I absolutely hate that bitch. The mental games she clearly plays with guys she dates are absurd. I’d rather be alone than with someone with as horrible of a personality as her.
beuty is made objective by having everyone having the same standard
No, you can make all people believe the Earth is flat, and objectively, it is not.
In this case, if we talk about "subjectivity" that is shared among many or most people, it is called "intersubjectivity"

We percieve beauty because we are inclined genetically to do so. Without our genetics and without our perception, beauty does not exist. There is no beauty, as I said, without perception.
Wow, that is really short. Crazy a short bitch like her who isn’t even an absolute Stacy has such high standards. Her male height equivalent is rotting on this forum. Also, I absolutely hate that bitch. The mental games she clearly plays with guys she dates are absurd. I’d rather be alone than with someone with as horrible of a personality as her.
She has normiespeak language and coding. Also, the way she blew up overnight sounds very suspicious to me. Its almost like some group of very powerful people is trying to keep the cattle (as in normies and failed normies) as pacified amd running after the carrot as possible...
you are using male SMV to judge female SMV
tbh, most males don't have stuff which is important to the foid figure, like a good waisthip ratio or lumbar curvature

it's just a conflation to justify the op's homosexuality imo
She has normiespeak language and coding. Also, the way she blew up overnight sounds very suspicious to me. Its almost like some group of very powerful people is trying to keep the cattle (as in normies and failed normies) as pacified amd running after the carrot as possible...
Yeah, women like her just want men to run in circles trying to please them for a crumb of pussy. I hate that our current society gives women like her so much power over men. Without the social dynamics and law enforcement to protect them (which is mostly men protecting them btw), women like that would need to find a good man for protection. A woman like her is so grapable it’s crazy. I think almost any of us could physically overpower her. I hate that women like her can trash talk men and use men with no fear of harm coming back to them or rotting in loneliness. I saw a video where this tall and jacked black guy who wasn’t even ugly asked a mid Becky out, and she reacted horribly, insulting him and just being as cruel as possible. This guy could have killed her in one punch, yet she wasn’t afraid to bash him because she knows he is likely too good to hurt her and law enforcement would protect her.
Men possessing longer eyelashes and fuller eyebrows with denser hair is about as far as the peacock effect extends for humans.
Wow, that is really short. Crazy a short bitch like her who isn’t even an absolute Stacy has such high standards.
I don't find her attractive, but there's nothing wrong with a foid being around 5'0 or w/e

short foids are often more attractive than tall ones
I don't find her attractive, but there's nothing wrong with a foid being around 5'0 or w/e

short foids are often more attractive than tall ones
I don’t mind short foids either, but they would produce incel offspring.
without fakeup a lot of foids look fucked up

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