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Brutal Megatruecel trait: parents didn’t let you touch M-rated games



Master of Bation
Feb 8, 2023
Gaming for normies is a social thing, they heavily favor multiplayer games they can play with their friends over single-player experiences. This is why the highest selling games every year are always things like CoD and NBA 2K, and why the overall most popular game currently is Fortnite.

My helicopter curroid parents never allowed me to touch M-rated games as a child, I had to wait till I was 14 to play them. This effectively gatekept me out of comp. games in general, since I was never able to get into shooters for this reason. I guess I could’ve tried playing sports games like 2K and Madden, but those have always looked incredibly boring to me. By the time I was finally allowed to play comp. shooters, the skill gap between my peers and I was already insurmountable.

I honestly think the ESRB and MPA ratings boards should be abolished or at least massively overhauled. We live in the internet age now – upon hitting puberty, kids can and will seek out adult content; there’s no real way to stop them. Most kids are going to view/play movies or games intended for adults anyway, all these boards and the establishments that adhere to their guidelines do is create another hindrance for helicopter parentscels in having a social life.

But yeah, considering that this thread looks like the first on this topic, it seems I’m likely an outlier on this forum as well :lul: Brutal shit
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@ElTruecel this is the crucial bit of nuance you miss in your “not playing vidya is a gigatruecel trait” threads. Playing something like Dragon Quest won’t help you NTmaxx, it’s anti-NTmaxxing if anything. You need to play games like CoD and Battlefield to fit in with normoids
They let me play M rated games thankfully.

That must suck not being able to play them though. You missed out on a lot mang
I wasn't allowed to play them until I was 11, so I missed out on games such as COD etc. Even when I told my mom that everyone my age is allowed to play these games, she just said "oh well they're not my children, just cause they're allowed to doesn't mean you are". I literally had to convince my parents to buy me GTA
You missed out on a lot mang
Yeah, I hear people talking a lot about how great games like BO2 were in their heyday :feelsbadman: My first CoD game was BO4, IIRC I put like 50-100 hours into that and still sucked monkey balls. Haven’t touched a comp. game since
Same, I was the only guy my age that I knew that wasn't allowed to play them. It sucks because I missed out on playing some of the earlier CoD games in their prime
they tried to prevent me from playing Half-Life and CS but I didn't listen to them cos it was ridiculous and those were some of the most fun games back in the stone age, it didn't matter at all in the end though

i played maybe one CS 1.6 game with people from highschool over the internet, and even that barely-social experience i still somehow fucked up with my autism and weirdness, just fucking everything up to the point we never played again
I wasn't allowed to play them until I was 11, so I missed out on games such as COD etc. Even when I told my mom that everyone my age is allowed to play these games, she just said "oh well they're not my children, just cause they're allowed to doesn't mean you are". I literally had to convince my parents to buy me GTA
11 isn’t a bad cutoff imo; once a kid hits puberty he’s pretty much guaranteed to seek out adult content, so it’s honestly the best time to stop restricting what media he consumes. The only shit you should restrict your kids from playing/watching is anything with (((diversity))) propaganda in it; If I had a young child, I’d feel much more comfortable letting him watch a 90s/2000s shonen anime with mild sexual references as opposed to whatever’s being aired on Nick Jr./Disney Channel today with all that disgusting LGBT shit
I didn't play any real violent games until I was 15 kek
@ElTruecel this is the crucial bit of nuance you miss in your “not playing vidya is a gigatruecel trait” threads. Playing something like Dragon Quest won’t help you NTmaxx, it’s anti-NTmaxxing if anything. You need to play games like CoD and Battlefield to fit in with normoids
Fair and I agree
When I started gaming at around 8 my parents wouldn't let me buy M rated games, but by the time I was 14-15 they didn't care and let me play whatever I wanted, although my mom still complained when she saw me playing FPS games.
I was playing M-rated games in middle school
I could play but I never got to play online games with people in my class because my parents stopped buying me new consoles at one point and no way they were going to pay for online.
My dad would complain about me playing too many video games and being online too much, complaining that I wasn't socializing enough, not realizing that online is how a lot of people socialize now so he was just making it worse.
Also I could never use in-game mic because my parents were super nosey and if they heard me talking they would barge in and be super embarrassing so I just never tried. Honestly this still bothers me, I always feel like someone is going to barge into the room or something.
I just played a lot of flash games and single-player games on emulators because of this, when I got a job and could afford my first PC my life got a lot better.
Of course I still missed out on a lot of crucial experiences not being able to play online games like you said... I still don't play online shooting games because I know I would get mogged by all the people who were playing that shit after school since that were 9.
I missed out on a lot of NTmaxxing opportunities because of my retarded parents.
Wasn't me but I knew a kid in school that his mom didn't let him play GTA 4 because she was afraid he might do those things.

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