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Meet the People Who Won’t Have Sex Until They’re Sterilized



Nov 3, 2018
Women and non-binary people tired of getting turned down by doctors for sterilization are taking to TikTok to express their frustration—and also their joy at being child-free.

“Yep, you fucking heard it,” Sadie(@sadieanneliza), a 26-year-old Uber driver from Denver who uses they/them pronouns, said in the video. Their voice slurred—they admitted to being “fucking zooted” off of pain medication—as they talked about the sterilization procedure they’d had earlier in the day.

But when it came to her own feelings, Sasha “dreaded almost every other aspect of being a parent.” She didn’t want to experience pregnancy, the trauma of childbirth, the financial burden of raising a little one. And she worried how being a parent would “directly inhibit [her] ability to achieve other goals in life.”

All the drama made Sasha wonder if she even wanted to have children at all. “I realized that the things I had been looking forward to about having kids were almost exclusively limited to the idea of seeing a future significant other being happy to become a father,” she said.

Sasha spent time volunteering with children to see if she’d change her mind. It only solidified her feelings. “I didn’t dislike the kids, [but] I just wasn’t comfortable there,” she said. “I realized that parenting a young kid would just not be for me.”

She began researching permanent contraception in the form of a sterilization procedure. Sasha made the decision to not have sex until she could afford the surgery. To this day, she hasn’t been able to get one. So Sasha, who is now 25 and lives in Minneapolis, hasn’t had sex since her sophomore year of college.

When Sasha began her first sexual relationship, she ended up taking hormonal birth control pills, but always used condoms as backup.

“I feel as though I’ve had to put part of my life on hold,” Sasha said. “Even if I were to meet someone today who was perfect for me and I wanted to be in a serious relationship with them, I would have to wait until we could move forward with that part of our relationship.”

Part of the problem, Sasha and others say, is how difficult it can be for young women and non-binary people to convince doctors they will not “regret” opting into a procedure that leaves them unable to have children for the rest of their lives. Women in the United States must be 21 to have their sterilizations covered by Medicaid or the Indian Health Service. Those with private insurance do not have that age restriction.

One study cited by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) reported that around 20 percent of women who get the procedure before they are 30 feel “regretful” afterwards. That risk of regret drops down to 6 percent for women who are sterilized after age 30.

Still, ACOG lists sterilization as the most common form of contraception for married couples, with 18.6 percent of American women aged 15-49 getting permanent contraception.

To find encouragement, Sasha has trolled the r/Childfree subreddit, where users provide support to like-minded internet friends who also don’t want to become parents. The subreddit has a pinned Google Doc where users can share the names and contact information for doctors who have helped them get the procedure and spoke to them in a respectful, judgement-free manner.

Sasha recently saw a health-care provider for a different issue and mentioned that she was planning on having her tubes tied. To her “surprise,” the doctor was very supportive “right from the get-go.” Though this specific practitioner is not a surgeon, she plans to refer Sasha to the right doctor for the procedure.

“She suggested that I write a letter about why I don’t want children and why I want the procedure, as this may help convince doctors who may be concerned about performing permanent sterilization on a person my age,” Sasha said. “She also warned me of a doctor who requires his patients to see a psychologist and have them sign off on the procedure before he will agree to perform it. I suspect that doctor does not require his patients to have a psychologist sign off on their decision to have children, which arguably has a far greater impact on someone’s life than not having them. This policy sends the horrible message that the decision to not have children is most likely the result of a mental illness.”
stunning and brave
Are you kidding? Great news.

I support their decision on not being able to have kids. The world doesn't need mentally ill people with their sick gender ideology.
Other goals in life? Like what? Consoomering?

Are you kidding? Great news.

I support their decision on not being able to have kids. The world doesn't need mentally ill people with their sick gender ideology.

True though.
Im glad those idiots dont reproduce.....
Yeah, im really happy when females dont wanna reproduce, because in a few generation only women with a maternal side will remain. No more whores
I'm surprised that whores don't want to carry Chad's babies. Glitch in the matrix
How did we went from civilisation, the golden age in the 50's to the degeneracy of the today's world?

I recently watched the landing video of the 'Eagle' and almost cried. We went from sending men to the moon to teaching radical feminism and globohomo in schools, giving NASA a minuscule budget WHILE SPENDING BILLIONS FOR FUCKING FAGGOT AND SODOMY PROPAGANDA TO OUR YOUTH!!! :feelsree:

Okay. 75 feet. There's looking good. Down a half, 6 forward.
04 06 45 02
60 seconds.
04 06 45 04Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Lights on. …
04 06 45 08Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
Down 2 1/2. Forward. Forward. Good.
04 06 45 17Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
40 feet, down 2 1/2. Kicking up some dust.
04 06 45 21Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
30 feet, 2 1/2 down. Faint shadow.
04 06 45 25Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
4 forward. 4 forward. Drifting to the right a little. Okay. Down a half.
04 06 45 31Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
30 seconds.
04 06 45 32Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Forward drift?
04 06 45 33Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
04 06 45 34Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
04 06 45 40Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
KEY MOMENTThe Eagle touches down on the lunar surface:CONTACT LIGHT.
04 06 45 43Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
04 06 45 45Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
ACA—out of DETENT.
04 06 45 46Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Out of DETENT.
04 06 45 47Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
04 06 45 52Buzz Aldrin (LMP)
413 is in.
04 06 45 57Charlie Duke (CAPCOM)
We copy you down, Eagle.
04 06 45 59Neil Armstrong (CDR)
Houston, Tranquility Base here.
04 06 46 04
The Eagle has landed.
Last edited:
Non-binary people :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
Good for them if they're foids. They're taking themselves outside of the gene pool so they're not passing on their mental illness to their children either.
I recently watched the landing video of the 'Eagle' and almost cried. We went from sending men to the moon to teaching radical feminism and globohomo in schools, giving NASA a minuscule budget WHILE SPENDING BILLIONS FOR FUCKING FAGGOT AND SODOMY PROPAGANDA TO OUR YOUTH!!! :feelsree:
if USA funded NASA now as much as they funded 50 years ago we would be in mars
Are you kidding? Great news.

I support their decision on not being able to have kids. The world doesn't need mentally ill people with their sick gender ideology.
This tbh

90% of foids need to be sterilized
Do I read that title right? Women take revenge at sexist doctors by... not being a whore.

Horseshoe theory in action JFL
First time I agree with a female this is shocking and feels weird. :feelswhat:
society sterilized me without my consent :feelsbadman:
fucking chad
At least Chad can't knock her up and allow her to breed.

Even though she still has sex which implies selection.

Should've mutilated her clitoris out along with it.
I'm surprised that whores don't want to carry Chad's babies. Glitch in the matrix

They want to hold out in case they encounter a Chad that is 0.0000000001% more attractive.
Imagine being a fucking uber driver and thinking kids would be so horrible, I would prefer to give birth and raise the kids than be a shit-tier wagecuck. The absolute state of women, getting maternal instinct mogged by a sexless man in his twenties.
The greatest gift they can give to the world, and they refuse to grant it. They’re children.
Are you kidding? Great news.

I support their decision on not being able to have kids. The world doesn't need mentally ill people with their sick gender ideology.
The reason why they don't want children is because that means they'll have to mentally grow up and not be a child mentally anymore

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