virtually every greviance you have with whites can be traced back to the eternal Jew and the anglozog empire. You want to talk slavery? Jews were vastly overrepresented in people owning slaves. 0.5% of the white population living in America while slavery was still legal owned slaves, where as 40% of Jews living in America at that time did, yet for some reason the media always depicts the slave owner as an evil cross wearing white man in all the movies. Why would this be? Could it have anything to do with the fact that Jews own Hollywood and deliberately distort your image, with the purpose of making you hate the white man? It would make sense afterall, seeing as Jews have a lot of historical greviances with whites. You've been manipulated all your life to hate the wrong enemy. Jews, with their promotion of gangster rap and thug culture, are the reason blacks can't live normal, healthy, upstanding lives, unless they want to be incels, that is