Always has, since the genesis of contraceptives, women being more exhibitionistic, "short dresses are bad! below the knees" etc righties have always went against foid "degeneracy". Now with women having more options for mates and the utter power of batemans principle they blame their lack of sex with the way society operates. And say delusional shit like "one day the republican government will abolish women's rights". But if we come up and tell them they are ugly and thats the true reason as to why they have these issues (In fact I am willing to bet all of my chips that if they were good looking, and got a nice foid with a miniskirt dancing for them and giving them attention. They wouldn't even care about women being whorish or degenerate. They care that women aren't being whores with them and not cheating on them. I mean honestly, if you were married and your wife does a bunch of hot sexual shit for just you would that not make you happy? Assuming she wont cheat on you because you are good looking, in comparison to a foid that does fuck all sexually and wants you to do everything without enthusiasm? They also put race into the mix. Yet studies have shown that white women don't get "blacked" in fact. White female porn stars want to be paid twice as much if the male actor is black. And even refuse to do the scenes sometimes. A lot of delusion and coping for sure.
And with regard to bullying being driven by increased male on male hostility owing to increased competition for resources and lack of opportunities to impress women significantly long enough to get in long term relationships with them?
It's getting to the point that at some stage not even because of dating concerns but hostility and bullying concerns that there is a need to stop letting women rampantly abuse and use nonchad males and making them act more modest and afraid to mess with random males.
It's out of survival at this point not even because of hopes for getting a relationship. Women are getting too bold and treating too many men like shit while being worshiped by society.
With women now as a protected class the more sociopathic among those in society see men especially unattractive non-NT framelet males as "easy targets" for bullying.
Women being free to act how they want has in that way come at the expense of low status males that were already struggling and socially marginalized before. And let me remind those patriarchy concern trolls that even back then some of those same struggling and socially marginalized men never insisted on getting married or into relationships.
Yet because feminists have a sociopathic desire to hurt nonchad males they blame nonchad males for instating some kind of patriarchy that they never played a part in instating and as "payback" making the lives of those nonchad males more uncertain and filled with hardship to the benefit of women.
Sounds mgtowish tbh. I've heard of these types of ideas before. That men do a lot if not most shit to impress women. The number one incentive behind isis terrorist attacks is because of the idea that if they die for their god, he will provide them with 42 or 72 virgin young Stacies in heaven. I shit you not. Also impressing girls is the number one incentive for bullies.
Yeah that's why foids rarely get bullied and it's always low status unattractive non-NT framelet guys that are some of the number one "easy targets" of bullying. But society tries to cover this up and gaslight that foids get bullied too because some angry anonymous man referred to a foid as a fat pig. It's a fucking joke.
Yeah, they ignore genetics a lot. It's the biggest talking point on this forum and many others yet it's the most ignored and dismissed among IT and other groups. And if it is acknowledged. It's brushed off in an introduction to incels and never talked about again. I have seen borderline mysticism tier shit on IT yet we're the crazy ones for believing in science.
Yeah the guy with the flair eat bread not pills and sickle and hammer has stated before that he thinks cost benefit analysis is pseudoscience. These are the kind of people we are dealing with.
IncelTARDS often overlook this. It's not our content that drives people into our forums. it's their own experiences and analysis that makes them want to talk about their issues. So they find a place to do so. The coming of age incel is confused as to why women don't like them because everyone keeps saying it's for x y z reason yet it doesn't make sense. They mainly realize the ugly truth for themselves. Most introductory posts start off with something along the lines of "I can't believe I doubted you guys" or "I never imagined i'd be here" etc
The deliberately overlook it to feel better about themselves for not only bullying blackpilled incels but lecturing them about how they shouldn't look at blackpill content while at the same time deeming themselves well balanced enough to consistently read that same blackpilled content and mock incels.