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News Mass stabbing in Singapore by a 20 year old

Social contract is crumbling in Asia with all the attacks!!

Every single post written on this account is fiction. Account was created as an social experiment. Do not attempt this at home. Doing so could lead you but is not limited to death, breakage, screaming parents, dismemberment, leakage, foul discharge, mutilation, humiliation, dehydration, itchy feet, hypertension, a splinter - And you know how painful those can be! This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

All my post is fiction. Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.
The more noodlefoids go whitu cocku onry the more u would have ricecels going ER :feelsaww:
The more noodlefoids go whitu cocku onry the more u would have ricecels going ER :feelsaww:
I do not support this action but all I can say is, "gamers rise up!"
i hope all are toilets
Ricecels, Erwachet!
Possibly an inkwel

Jfl, where do they find these dark ass currycels? :feelskek:
Based as a Singaporean
So he just went around and stabbed random people or what
I don't blame him, all the whites and blacks going over there to steal their Women, you're just creating incels elsewhere.

Fuck passport bros...
I don't blame him, all the whites and blacks going over there to steal their Women, you're just creating incels elsewhere.

Fuck passport bros...

Sadly it’s a dog eat dog world whERe evERyone is looking out for themselves primarily

A white incel will go to an ethnic country and marry an ethnic woman, without caring about the fact that he is reducing the chances of success for his fellow incels who are native to that ethnic country.

We r united by our misERy and suffERing, but if you and anothER incel on this forum wERe both intERested in a girl (but she was only willing to be with one of you), you’d both viciously fight each other to win hER ovER.

BrothERhood goes out the window when self-intERest is at stake.

Humans and all living beings are naturally selfish for the sake of maximising self-presERvation and increasing their own individual chance of survival

Most of us have seen those countless ascension posts of “ex-incels” who ascended and they end up rubbing it in our faces, their own success gets to their head and they mock the rest of us as “losERs” in their final post before they get banned.

They wERe your friend just yestERday because they were incel like yourself, but the moment their situation changes, their loyalty and allegiances change, they wERe never in it for you, they wERe in it for themselves all along.

Nobody hERe is your friend, we’re all on our own. Just share your thoughts with evERyone but realise that all we have in common is our similiar circumstances, and that the moment thERe is any change in those circumstances, you or the guy on this forum who you thought was your “friend” can forget the othER in an instant as if he didn’t even exist to begin with.
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Sadly it’s a dog eat dog world whERe evERyone is looking out for themselves primarily

A white incel will go to an ethnic country and marry an ethnic woman, without caring about the fact that he is reducing the chances of success for his fellow incels who are native to that ethnic country.

We r united by our misERy and suffERing, but if you and anothER incel on this forum wERe both intERested in a girl (but she was only willing to be with one of you), you’d both viciously fight each other to win hER ovER.

BrothERhood goes out the window when self-intERest is at stake.

Humans and all living beings are naturally selfish for the sake of maximising self-presERvation and increasing their own individual chance of survival

Most of us have seen those countless ascension posts of “ex-incels” who ascended and they end up rubbing it in our faces, their own success gets to their head and they mock the rest of us as “losERs” in their final post before they get banned.

They wERe your friend just yestERday because they were incel like yourself, but the moment their situation changes, their loyalty and allegiances change, they wERe never in it for you, they wERe in it for themselves all along.

Nobody hERe is your friend, we’re all on our own. Just share your thoughts with evERyone but realise that all we have in common is our similiar circumstances, and that the moment thERe is any change in those circumstances, you or the guy on this forum who you thought was your “friend” can forget the othER in an instant as if he didn’t even exist to begin with.
Ethnic pluralism is the solution. Ban all interracial relationships and ban all immigration schemes. Problem solved.
Ethnic pluralism is the solution. Ban all interracial relationships and ban all immigration schemes. Problem solved.

Immigration ( just like feminism, homosexuality, transgendERism, capitalism, communism etc.) is a concept created by the Jews to “divide and conquER”.

When evERyone is mixed race, people won’t fight each othER based on racial diffERences

instead, they are more likely to collaborate/work togethER so that they can be more of a productive labour force for the Jewish elites
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Immigration ( just like feminism, homosexuality, transgendERism, capitalism, communism etc.) is a concept created by the Jews to “divide and conquER”.

When evERyone is mixed race, people won’t fight each othER based on racial diffERences

instead, they are more likely to collaborate/work togethER so that they can be more of a productive labour force for the Jewish elites
Wrong. People will always find ways to fight each other. Instead of fighting over race, they will just fight over religion/politics or something else which is much more dividing
Wrong. People will always find ways to fight each other. Instead of fighting over race, they will just fight over religion/politics or something else which is much more dividing

Jews definitely want the hERd to be busy fighting amongst themselves so that they nevER unite against their common enemy: the Jewish ovERlords.

But thERe is a balance to evERything. If society is at war the whole time, instead of civilizations being built, civilizations get destroyed, and thERe would be no longER any society left for the Jews to rule ovER because evERyone is dead

ThERe is no point in the Jews ruling the world if they end up being the “king of the ashes”. No point sitting on a throne if nobody is thERe to call you “king.”
around rice, prepare for slice:society:
chinks gonna chink

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