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Serious Martyrdom, not delusion.



My only goal is to ascend and fight back
May 26, 2024
I'll try to keep this short. I checked out IT and incelexit and it confirmed that the bluepill is completely 100% useless. Some men truly hate being incels, so they resort to delusional thinking and deny the blackpill, but that doesn't work.

I'm an incel by circumstance, not choice. I didn't choose to be ugly, autistic, or short. If you're an incel by circumstance, then you would logically hate your life, and by extension would want to revolt and never accept hell without a fight. Conforming is accepting hell. I haven't smiled in days. I cry and have rage because I fucking hate my life. I think it's a fakecel trait to be happy or enjoy life. Is your life not utter shit and despair and pain?

Off tangent but there's going to be the guy like "why is this guy still yapping, ban him" whilst sharing memes all day and talking about ai chatbots for gooning. I'm actually using my brain to think seriously about something that could create some form of progress. I want to at least fight back against the society that wants to treat me like an inferior being. I would rather fight and be killed then conform. I don't care about memes or jokes, I'm tired of hell.

I don't think just living in delusion works to ascend. "Confidence" is a psyop because it's delusion. It's the same thing as "just pretend you're not ugly." Personality, providing, liking women, is all a scam. I realize that we should hate women because if women got with their looksmatch, then inceldom would be solved, but women are such cunts they disrupt the market by dating up.

Revolting would be somehow getting women to be forced to be with ugly/lower genetics men. It should be public information that the only reason the incel epidemic exists is because of women's selfish and hypergamous behavior. I don't want true love atp, true love doesn't exist for truecels. I would be mentally prepared to force a woman to be with me. Martyrdom sounds edgy and cringe but I'm prepared to die for a good cause. It's brutal, my own Mom doesn't even care about me. I was crying about that earlier. All foids are the same. It's either fight or rope in my mind. I reject the bluepill or be nice bs. I will force a woman to be with me even if she doesn't love me. I have to fight until I get what I deserve, by force if needed. I can't be a soy, even if I'm nonNT/shortcel, I need to be a rage filled man and hate the unfair world to fight against it. I need hate, anger and strength. Empathy, kindness, submissiveness, are useless feelings in this shitty corrupt world.
Based. I admire your tenacity brocel
I think it's a fakecel trait to be happy or enjoy life. Is your life not utter shit and despair and pain?
I don't think anyone really enjoys there life here, rather just accepts it and tries to find any form of cope to give some semblance of joy.
Revolting would be somehow getting women to be forced to be with ugly/lower genetics men. It should be public information that the only reason the incel epidemic exists is because of women's selfish and hypergamous behavior. I don't want true love atp, true love doesn't exist for truecels. I would be mentally prepared to force a woman to be with me. Martyrdom sounds edgy and cringe but I'm prepared to die for a good cause. It's brutal, my own Mom doesn't even care about me. I was crying about that earlier. All foids are the same. It's either fight or rope in my mind. I reject the bluepill or be nice bs. I will force a woman to be with me even if she doesn't love me. I have to fight until I get what I deserve, by force if needed. I can't be a soy, even if I'm nonNT/shortcel, I need to be a rage filled man and hate the unfair world to fight against it. I need hate, anger and strength. Empathy, kindness, submissiveness, are useless feelings in this shitty corrupt world.
"Mentally" Forcing yourself on a foid is not a great Idea given will just call the cops on you for just talking to her and send you to prison or the simps around her will hunt you down to hurt or kill you. I don't think you are in a good state of mind and its just going to do you more harm than good if you are going to do what you are implying.
How are u gonna force a woman to be with you are you gonna rape her or what JFL. With this line of thinking ur just gonna end up in jail and not accomplish much, you are not Hunter Biden who can get away with raping teen prostitutes in Ukraine every week or any other privileged individual like Epstein, you are just dirt to be squashed by the system. 'Justice' system is for normies, elites don't follow that shit and couldn't care less.

Go join army or something you get army halo and get deployed in korea or japan or some shit or try slavlands they love BBC american soldier cocks down there ded srs I know because I am slavic.

I wish I was young again I would make so many better choices but I rotted my life away.
“I can’t even imagine what being NT must feel like. Even if I somehow magically had chad looks I have so much crippling social anxiety that the thought of actually meeting up with foids and fucking them makes me feel like pissing myself. I would still fight these fears in order to ascend else I’d be a volcel but normies abilities to feel comfortable enough with randoms to do this kind of thing means that they have had a lifetime of positive experiences to reinforce their psyche to not feel fear when having sex or anything else of the sort. This is why we’re rotting on this forum. Trying to comprehend what it’s actually like to experience what normies experience is like building a tower made of twigs all the way to neptune. Just give it up before you start. We have twigs, they have a rocket from 1000 years in the future and they were born with it”
Brocel, I’m 4 months youngER than you and also a non-NT but I realized IT and IncelExit were bluepilled bullshit a long time ago, yet you somehow just now realized it? :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
How's the 24/7 grind working out for you? Have you ascended and enlightened the world like the Buddha?
How's the 24/7 grind working out for you? Have you ascended and enlightened the world like the Buddha?
No, because of cowardice, laziness and the circumstances I was given. Also the sheer level of impossibility regarding my goal.

To build a movement, grow on social media, succeed in an online business, all that takes time and work, but my Mom doesn't believe in me, I have to deal with University assignments and the mental turmoil of the Fitxfearless video still being on my back, and I have to look in the mirror and see an ugly face which demoralizes me, because it is impossible. If I had a normal face, success still wouldn't be guaranteed, but with an ugly face, it's incredibly demotivating to try to succeed.

My time management is shit. No one will listen to someone who's a public humilation. I could say "I want to succeed, I'm trying really hard", but I would get demoralizing comments like "No, you're not", "Quit this shit LMAO", "you're from the fitx :lul::lul:", so it's hard to be motivated to do the work needed.

I can't live with being a public humilation until I die, so my (admittedly ridiculous) goal is to become as famous as possible. I want to be 25 with 100k subscribers or 10k followers on Instagram. I want to at least be googleable, because it's basically legacy. If I died now, I would be known as "the loser incel who's little brother laughed at him and was publicly humilated by millions." I want to be seen as the strong and disciplined ugly man who's a freedom fighter. The truecel among incels, who resisted against society and got what he deserved. But in order to be seen as that, in order to have control over my reputation, I have to become famous. If I don't become famous and live a private life, I will die with only the Fitxfearless video representing me. Dying as a humilation is what prevents me from suicide, because I can accept being humilated, I can accept being seen as a loser, but dying as a humilation, and being mocked after death is too humiliating.

Those goals are fucking impossible for normies, and I'm trying to achieve those goals as a truecel. It's going to be difficult, and it's going to take a lot of time if it works, but it will likely fail. But martyrdom is dying knowing I at least tried to grow a movement and fight back. I'm scared of my Mom, I'm scared of failure, I'm too lazy and demotivated to do the work needed to grow a movement. I need to fix that asap.
Brocel, I’m 4 months youngER than you and also a non-NT but I realized IT and IncelExit were bluepilled bullshit a long time ago, yet you somehow just now realized it? :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
I knew it was BS, but I want to question things. I'm ok with being controversial.

I analysed the bluepill, redpill and blackpill. The bluepill is completely an unusable framework. It has a 0% success rate. It's trash. "Just be nice to women." "Make her laugh." "Pretend life is a disney movie.", "It's ok to be weak." "Cry in front of her." Even for a normie, the bluepill will make the women like you less, unless the women is a liberal fag who's brain chemistry is messed up from the chemicals in the water. So the bluepill doesn't even work for normies.

The blackpill is objectively factual, but not beneficial. Because it will expose the truth, but your life will still be shit anyways. "Short people and ugly people have it harder." "Subhumans should just kill themselves because their lives will be permanent suffering." Yeah, that's true. But the fuck? Because reality is unfair, I'm forced to live a hellish life until I die?

The redpill is delusionist, but it has slight uses. If you go to the gym, if you study hard, your life probably will get better, women will probably respect you more, but and the big but, is it only works for normies and chads.

When I was 17 and working out consistently and I had a six pack, I was still called ugly on monkey.app. I quit self improvement because it didn't work for an autistic ugly guy like me.

The bluepill is garbage. The redpill is inapplicable. And I don't want to accept the blackpill because I would rather fight back and try to become as famous as possible to grow a large scale movement and make it so if I die, I'm not solely defined by the Fitxfearless video, and find a way to force a woman to reject their biology to be with truecels.

i basically reject all of the pills, because the bluepill is useless, redpill doesn't work, blackpill is true but I refuse to live in hell without fighting to get what I want, so I'm taking the revoltpill.
How's the 24/7 grind working out for you? Have you ascended and enlightened the world like the Buddha?
The short answer is I'm lazy, coward, and scared.

I'll grind to make my goals happen. I'm fr because I need to do this for myself. The Fitxfearless video gets more viral by day, my Mom doesn't give a fuck about me, I can't neet because I have to move out because I hate her controlling and gaslighting, I hate the unfairness of the fact that the world is so unfair, I can't have what I want, I can't have sex when I'm staring at girls in public wishing I could smash but I know that Chad takes them. I stare in the mirror, and cried after looking at my reflection, because I know society will always treat me like shit for being ugly. It is a pipedream but I have a strong desire for it to happen. A revolution where ugly people fight back against this unfair society that subjugate them to hell.

I have doubts and I know I will fail which is ultimately demotivating, but I have to find the will to fight back against this unfair world, and in order to do that I have to stop being in a state of extreme fear and laziness. I know I'm not doing the work needed and I need to start doing it to make my visions into a reality. I need to fight to the bitter end, and if it gets to that point, use force or violence and be ok with being killed for fighting back but I'm too much of a lazy coward to fight a losing battle.
My man read Schopenhauer, the original blackpill philosopher. Only then will you truly understand the futility of your martyrdom complex.
Brutal shaheedpill
My man read Schopenhauer, the original blackpill philosopher. Only then will you truly understand the futility of your martyrdom complex.

I know it's futile. My life itself is futile. I know the world is unfair because I have nothing. I hate my family, have no friends, the goals I tried to achieve failed, my entire life has been mockery and misery. I understand the mentality of mass shooters (that sounds glowie, I'm not going to do crime FBI), because in futality, there's resistance.

It's not as if I don't know everything I plan to do is unrealistic and impossible, it's my life would be hell even if I didn't try to do what I want.

If I don't try to grow a movement/revolt, I will continue to be a subhuman in the eyes of society, waiting to be mauled to death.

If I don't try to become famous/live a private life, I will die only being known for the public embarrassment who got laughed at by his normie brother and made fun of worldwide.

If I don't try to escape the 9 - 5 rat race, I will never have free speech, and my life will be shit working for a boss. My digital footprint/financial future is also fucked so it's actually insecure to rely on a job.

I'm turbofucked. Regardless of what I do, my life is going to be shit, therefore, might as well do what I want. There's no normie path for me, there's no safe path for me, because even the "safe path" is hell. So throwing myself in the deep end to do what I want is what I view as the most rational way to live. Maybe I fail and become homeless after my Mom kicks me out, at least I did what I wanted to do.

I'm the same as the rebellious pothead who who parties every night, snorts cocaine, and drives high to be rebellious against the world. Except that I'm more of an idiot than him because he would be more likely to succeed.
Based. I admire your tenacity brocel
Even though he’s delusional I admire his perseverance and surviving through all he’s been through with his home life, non nt, and height.
i think i will write a book on my life then shoot myself to publicize it.
I don't think anyone really enjoys there life here, rather just accepts it and tries to find any form of cope to give some semblance of joy.

"Mentally" Forcing yourself on a foid is not a great Idea given will just call the cops on you for just talking to her and send you to prison or the simps around her will hunt you down to hurt or kill you. I don't think you are in a good state of mind and its just going to do you more harm than good if you are going to do what you are implying.

I'm not going to rape a woman.

Obviously I'm not in a good state of mind, my life is shit. I have no future. It makes logical sense in my position to turn to crime, go ER, or rope, and that's not an exaggeration because I have nothing to live for, if I'm a viral embarrassment anyways and I hate my parents.

But I'm going to try to make my visions into reality.
Even though he’s delusional I admire his perseverance and surviving through all he’s been through with his home life, non nt, and height.
I don't have perseverance. I'm a lazy coward because my life is shit and it's demoralizing to work at something I know will fail. It is delusional, but either I kill myself or have everything I want. That's my "childish" mentality on things, because there's no point in living, living a subpar existence after experiencing endless pain.

I have to work towards being famous, financially free, big movement, revolution, ascending as a truecel, having what I want, or there's simply no point in living a subpar existence or a normal life, because my experiences were never normal.

It's cope or rope in action. Try to get everything I want, then fight when I don't get what I want. If I can't ascend naturally, then I'll have no choice but to force a woman to be with me. Morals are out the window if I tried my best without confrontation and still failed.
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I don't have perseverance. I'm a lazy coward because my life is shit and it's demoralizing to work at something I know will fail. It is delusional, but either I kill myself or have everything I want. That's my "childish" mentality on things, because there's no point in living, living a subpar existence after experiencing endless pain.
You haven’t roped and you don’t preach giving up, and you’re not fully insane like @Intellau_Celistic so you are imo
You haven’t roped and you don’t preach giving up, and you’re not fully insane like @Intellau_Celistic so you are imo
Because my mind isn't normal due to being extremely nonNT.

A normal minded person's frame of logic is "My life is ruined, therefore I should kill myself or do drugs."

My frame of mind is "My life is ruined, therefore I should be a complete idiot, and do only what I want to do. Fuck what my Mom says or thinks. If I want to be escape the 9 - 5, become famous to change the narrative of my reputation, grow a movement and ascend, then I'll try to escape the 9 - 5, become famous, grow a movement and ascend. Because I deserve what I want."

I'm giganonNT. I unironically followed Andrew Tate and Sneako for a long time. I used to chew on toilet paper, take naps in the school bathroom in High School which made my jacket smell like shit one time, watch gore, used to jerk off to incest porn, accidently write long posts. My brain is fucked up, I'm in no way normal. That's purely why I didn't rope. It's because of the way my brain is wired, not because of an external characteristic. If I was ugly and NT, I probably would have roped, but my mind was just programmed in a weird way to make me view roping as a stupid decision. Why rope when it does nothing to change the system, going ER is better then roping. Why "give up" by playing video games all day when it's fucking unfair that normies live better lives than me. I want to die trying to get what I want.

The problem with my mind is it's hard for me to do things to actually implement my ideas/take action because I'm probably an ADHDcel which is why people think i'm a larper or trying to be x/y, when I can't focus on things for very long.
Because my mind isn't normal due to being extremely nonNT.

A normal minded person's frame of logic is "My life is ruined, therefore I should kill myself or do drugs."

My frame of mind is "My life is ruined, therefore I should be a complete idiot, and do only what I want to do. Fuck what my Mom says or thinks. If I want to be escape the 9 - 5, become famous to change the narrative of my reputation, grow a movement and ascend, then I'll try to escape the 9 - 5, become famous, grow a movement and ascend. Because I deserve what I want."

I'm giganonNT. I unironically followed Andrew Tate and Sneako for a long time. I used to chew on toilet paper, take naps in the school bathroom in High School which made my jacket smell like shit one time, watch gore, used to jerk off to incest porn, accidently write long posts. My brain is fucked up, that's purely why I didn't rope. It's because of the way my brain is wired, not because of an external characteristic. If I was ugly and NT, I probably would have roped, but my mind was just programmed in a weird way to make me view roping as a stupid decision. Why rope when it does nothing to change the system, going ER is better then roping. Why "give up" by playing video games all day when it's fucking unfair that normies live better lives than me. I want to die trying to get what I want.

The problem with my mind is it's hard for me to do things to actually implement my ideas/take action because I'm probably an ADHDcel which is why people think i'm a larper or trying to be x/y, when I can't focus on things for very long.
Same. You’re one of the few people who are deeper on the spectrum than me. I’ve also had many dreams before but 90% of it is unrealistic and never happens
Same. You’re one of the few people who are deeper on the spectrum than me. I’ve also had many dreams before but 90% of it is unrealistic and never happens
I'll try to make the goals I have happen.

Because my life is so fucked, I can't follow the normal or safe path.
I'm not going to rape a woman.

Obviously I'm not in a good state of mind, my life is shit. I have no future. It makes logical sense in my position to turn to crime, go ER, or rope, and that's not an exaggeration because I have nothing to live for, if I'm a viral embarrassment anyways and I hate my parents.

But I'm going to try to make my visions into reality.
I'm guessing thugmaxing is on the table for you. From what I understand that in the black community thugs are view positively by black foids whereas ones who get a job and act like a functional citizen tend to be looked down apon, which in the end is stupid as everyone is trying to shoot eachother for the attention of foids.
I guess you have gained infamy from being an incel, the only way now is to just go with it unapologetically.
I'm guessing thugmaxing is on the table for you. From what I understand that in the black community thugs are view positively by black foids whereas ones who get a job and act like a functional citizen tend to be looked down apon, which in the end is stupid as everyone is trying to shoot eachother for the attention of foids.
I guess you have gained infamy from being an incel, the only way now is to just go with it unapologetically.
Thugmaxxing is an option, going ER is an option, but those are things to be considered as very last resort.

It's unlikely, even if I massively fail and end up homeless at 25, that I'm going to turn to crime/being a thug. It's technically a crime to use force, but I want to be a civilized person so I could be a "criminal" but not a criminal. It's probably due to being nonNT.

What I'm going to do is try to accomplish every goal I have. I will try to become famous, I will try to grow a movement, I will try to get to an end goal of having every penny I make being outside of traditional employment so I can be in a position where I can revolt/speak the truth and not rely on an employer because it is unfair that my life is shit due to genetics which is unfair.

It is unrealistic and delusional, but that's what I'm going to try to do.

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