Truthful, but I feel like people exaggerate the nature of the relationship. The USA has vetoed UN motions on Israel and Israel has supported the US as well and vetoed anti-American motions IIRC. The US arms trade with Israel brings in billions of dollars and so many jobs for the US. The loans and shit are actually quite good for investment in the long run. Israel agreed to the US military base there. The USA has forced Israel to abandon their plan to wipe out the Lebanese back in the old war, they were going to annihilate their force and the white house called them up and made it clear that that could not be tolerated and they needed to make peace. Also Israel was going to bomb Iran back in the Obama days to hit the nuclear power centers and Obama used his influence over them to veto that.
If you look at things like the Syrian bombing it has double benefits. For Israel it will be a strike at Iran, and for the USA it will be a strike against Russia as well and a good proxy conflict against them is arming the rebels. The existence of a middle eastern culturally western ally is also a great advantage for the US. Its not nearly as one-sided as it seems. The US military industrial complex/the bourgeoisie benefit quite a lot from the ME wars too. Do you really think that the reason the USA has to stop foreign dictators who overthrew their puppet governments from controlling the worlds oil fields and opium fields is because they need Israel to tell them that? Jfl.