Whis I could have a good personality like him one day.
Normies suggesting that “women are attracted to men with
good pERsonality”, results in Incels (men who are unable to attract women) starting to believe that abusing and/or killing women is what constitutes “good pERsonality” (based on obsERvation of abusive men being most sexually successful), which leads to incels
IMITATING the behaviour of abusive men in ordER to
EMULATE abusive mens’ success in tERms of attracting women.
ThERefore, Promoting the bluepill and suggesting that women are attracted to men with “good pERsonality” IRONICALLY
HARMS women
MORE than it
BENEFITS them, because it leads to the creation of more violent men, who wERe once upon a time kind gentlemen but turned ruthless in ordER to attract women because they obsERved that women are attracted to abusive men
And this ultimately leads to a more violent society of chaos and destruction
Giving women rights is like releasing lions, tigERs, gorillas etc. from the zoo. When you release a dangERous animal from its cage and give it “freedom”, it will use its freedom to destroy society until you eithER kill it or put it back in a cage.
When putting an animal back in its cage (taking away womens’ rights) is no longER an option, a zookeepER’s only option is to kill it, and that’s what we r seeing today with countless numbERs of men killing women because it’s the next best altERnative when taking away their rights isn’t something they are capable of (because they hold no position of powER or influence to make significant societal changes, so they resort to doing what they CAN do on an “individual” level).
But when enough individual males start to do this, it’s no longER a pERsonal issue but an issue which affects the COLLECTIVE functionality of the SYSTEM itself.
It’s up to women to decide: sacrifice your rights and live in a peaceful society, or face the evER increasing possibility of a violent death and taking your “rights” with you to your early grave (whERe your rights are pointless because you aren’t even alive to enjoy them).
Make your CHOice