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Marc Lépine was heavily abused by his father, yet he ended up hating women instead.

Why do men abused by men hate women?
I hate both men and women.

Most humans are just evil hypocrital scumbags.
Why do men abused by men hate women?
Because there are a million reasons to hate women? It doesn't really matter if or by whom you got abused ...


When I was in my early teens, my father would constantly denigrate my autistic traits. He would often tell me,

"Why are you so shameful all the time?" (I was anxious and kept my head down in public)

"We're going to grandma's house, hurry up!"(He wanted to make himself seem like an excellent father by showing her his son)

"You're moving so slowly"(He would hit me; I was sluggish from ASD/trauma)

"Your cousins are better than you!" (Again, anxiety and depression)

"I'm saying this to be kind. Don't anger me." (If I was struggling to go inside a store due to anxiety)

I once had Pyelonephritis and was fairly weak from it to the point of needing to stay home when my father wanted to visit a store. My father, instead of asking me if I took my prescribed antibiotics, simply told me, "Hurry up, let's go see grandma". He then asked Grandma to patronize me for my "disobedience".

Yes; my father would regularly batter Mother and break things. When angry, Mother would grab my stimming objects and shake them in my face while tightly grasping my neck.

Mother moved into a separate apartment and stayed with relatives, at times. We also had to live with my paternal grandparents.
Ok, funniest post by OP:
I celebrate and laugh at male “rape victims”. Hahahaha. Male-on-male crime is the best.

First of all, men can’t be raped. Of course, men can’t be raped by women in ANY scenario, so let’s just focus on male-on-male rape here. Male-on-male rape is still not rape because men don’t ever suffer any real consequences from it; men will never get pregnant, men will never be forced to carry a rapist’s child to term or have any miscarriages, men will never be in a truly vulnerable position due to their biological strength and male anatomy, men massively detach any feelings from their sexuality, men’s sexuality is depraved and emotionless anyway, and so on.

Who even gives a fuck about male-on-male “rape”? They still fucking love it; MEN HAVE G-SPOTS UP THEIR FAGGOT ASSHOLES. Men have the best orgasms of their life when their g-spots are stimulated. That’s how you know that men were made to be faggots and try their best to deny this with being homophobic and toxically masculine, Valerie Solanas said this best. Truth is, MEN ARE ANATOMICALLY INCLINED TO BE FAGGOTS WITH THEIR MAIN PLEASURE CENTER IN THEIR ANUS.

This is not similar to women being raped. Don’t give me that “women orgasm during rape” bullcrap. Women don’t even orgasm during consensual sex with their partners because penetration alone doesn’t result in a female orgasm, only clitoral stimulation does. Rapists aren’t rubbing a woman’s clit and making sure she cums, that’s for sure.

Men, however, DO orgasm during “rape”. The only reason men try to deny their inherent homosexuality is because of patriarchal systems that reward heterosexuality the most, but deep down, men know they are true faggots. Romantically, sexually, and platonically. Men only like other men, men only respect other men, men only love and are attracted to other men. Men only have the best sex of their life with other men.

...But... let’s imagine, for one second, that men COULD be raped. That would be so hilarious.

Male-on-male crime is by far the world’s biggest W. Since women can’t victimize men, it’s only fair that men’s horrific nature blows up in their own faces every once in a while. It’s only during being a victim of male-on-male crime that men can know what it’s like to be a woman. It’s only then that men will know the suffering they cause upon others. Men cause ALL of the world’s problems. Men cause women’s problems. Men cause men’s problems. Men cause EVERYONE’S problems. You know why no one gives a fuck about it? Because it’s self-inflicted. Men don’t have any actual problems other than suffering the consequences of their own actions/men’s actions (which they encourage by supporting the patriarchy (that they ultimately benefit from)).
If a man gets raped by another man, GOOD. That’s hysterical. Look at that, all your pedophilia, all your bestiality, all your porn-watching, all your masturbation to raped women, all your exploitation of marginalized and prostituted women, all your objectification and sexualization of women, all your sexual violence or fantasized sexual violence of women, ALL COMES BACK TO YOU, UP YOUR FUCKING BLOODY ASS. HAHAHA! How’s it taste for your own bitter syrup to be shoved down your throat, huh?
Looks like some schizo fujo feminist.
My dad is a narcissistic abuser, kek
I hate and wish the worst to both. :feelsjuice:
Were you abused by men?
I was abused by man and by a foid.

Why do men abused by men hate women?
All foids that appeared in my life, 100% of them, were highly abusive. Never a foid treated me with respect, kindness, compassion.

Men, on the other hand, have displayed solidarity and camaraderie towards me.

I've had male and female bullies, abusers etc. but only ever male friends and buddies.

In my experience, foids are 100% evil. Males are 99,9% evil. That means that 100% of the good people in my life have been males.

Ecclesiastes 7:

27-28 ...I found one good man in a thousand. But I did not find even one good woman.

I live by this rule. All foids are bad. 1 in a 1000 guys are good.
I was bullied by everyone and hate everyone:feelsjuice:.

Especially bluepilled faggot infiltrators who are so obvious that they get banned just a day after they join. Like you, OP. Fuck you OP.

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