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Blackpill Marc Lepine manifesto [ENGLISH]



May 6, 2018
"Forgive the mistakes, I only had 15 minutes to write this. See also Annex.

Please note that if I am committing suicide today 89/12/06 it is not for economic reasons (for I have waited until I exhausted all my financial means, even refusing jobs) but for political reasons. For I have decided to send Ad Patres (Latin term meaning "to the fathers") the feminists who have ruined my life. It has been seven years that life does not bring me any joy and being totally blase, I have decided to put an end to those viragos.

I had already tried as a youth to enlist in the Canadian Armed Forces as an officer cadet, which would have allowed me to enter the arsenal and precede Lortie in a rampage. They refused me because of asociality. So I waited until this day to carry out all my projects.

In between, I continued my studies in a haphazard way for they never really interested me, knowing in advance my fate. Which did not prevent me from obtaining very good marks despite not handing in my theory assignments and studying little before exams.

Even though the Mad Killer epithet will be attributed to me by the media, I consider myself a rational and erudite person that only the arrival of the Grim Reaper has forced to undertake extreme acts. For why persevere in existing if it is only to please the government?

Being rather retrograde by nature (except for science), the feminists always have a talent for enraging me. They want to retain the advantages of being women (e.g. cheaper insurance, extended maternity leave preceded by a preventive leave) while trying to grab those of the men. Thus, it is self-evident that if the Olympic Games removed the Men/Women distinction, there would only be women in the graceful events.

So the feminists are not fighting to remove that barrier. They are so opportunistic that they neglect to profit from the knowledge accumulated by men throughout the ages. They always try to misrepresent them every time they can. Thus, the other day, people were honoring the Canadian men and women who fought at the frontlines during the world wars. How does this sit with the fact that women were not authorized to go to the frontline at the time??? Will we hear of Caesar's female legions and female galley slaves who of course took up 50 per cent of history's ranks, although they never existed? A real Casus Belli. Sorry for this too brief letter."
"Nearly died today. The lack of time (because I started too late) has allowed those radical feminists to survive. Alea Jacta Est."(Latin term meaning "The Die Are Cast")-------------------------Marc Lepine

Yelled out during the course of his rampage: "Do any of you know why I'm here? I'm here to fight feminism!" "You're all a bunch of feminists, I hate feminists!" "I want the women. You are all feminists."--------------------Marc Lepine.
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Only ever man to actually lash out on feminism
Marc Lepine unites every disenfranchised and sexually celibate male, unlike the Alt-Right and other Jewish Psy-ops.
Lepine is everything ER should have been tbh


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A man of culture. They call men that kill islamcels a million miles away heroes but men who stand up to the degeneracy at home "terrorists".
A man of culture. They call men that kill islamcels a million miles away heroes but men who stand up to the degeneracy at home "terrorists".
The Alt-Right doesn't accept Lepine as a freedom fighter because the fucking Jew has told them that Lepine is half-Algerian. Fucking Jews are afraid of freedom fighters like Lepine.
The Alt-Right doesn't accept Lepine as a freedom fighter because the fucking Jew has told them that Lepine is half-Algerian. Fucking Jews are afraid of freedom fighters like Lepine.
Wiki says he was half muslim berber. Couldn't find a source that says he was half algerian jew.
Schools should make people read his manifesto
Lepine is a true hero
Wiki says he was half muslim berber. Couldn't find a source that says he was half algerian jew.
The Jews are pushing the narrative that Lepine, who changed his name to a more Catholic version, was an Islamic terrorist, rather than an incel mass shooter who fought against Canadian feminism.

The fucking Jew is afraid of the half-Algerian Muslim Berber, because the Palestinians were mentioned in the Quran that a day will come when the Palestinians will murder every fucking Jew in Israel, and the Jews will hide behind an olive tree, and the olive tree will whisper to the Palestinian that there is a Jew behind that tree, come and kill it like a rodent.
Based Lepine.

The Jews are pushing the narrative that Lepine, who changed his name to a more Catholic version, was an Islamic terrorist, rather than an incel mass shooter who fought against Canadian feminism.
Cringe he changed his name because his father had abused him and his mother and then when the mother divorced him he changed his name because of his hatred for his father.
A man of culture. They call men that kill islamcels a million miles away heroes but men who stand up to the degeneracy at home "terrorists".

Marc Lepine's manifesto has united us all, and not a single fucking Jew to derail this thread!
Acta non verba!
Ad Victoriam, RIP.
This isn't his manifesto. This is his letter he wrote before his death.
His manifesto was deemed to radical to be published. It was suppressed by court order. Some parts were leaked by a police journalist though.
Well written, purveys a coherent argument, and provides relevant context to his motivations. St. Lépine was high IQ tbh. However, the raw vehemence and the following terror are what matter most in an ER.
They want to retain the advantages of being women (e.g. cheaper insurance, extended maternity leave preceded by a preventive leave) while trying to grab those of the men.
This sums up feminism and why it will never be seen as "being about equality" no matter how many times redditors make that claim.
My favorite HERO.
This isn't his manifesto. This is his letter he wrote before his death.
His manifesto was deemed to radical to be published. It was suppressed by court order. Some parts were leaked by a police journalist though.
Where we can find those leaked parts? I've searched for a Lepine's manifesto on the internet in the past but I didn't find anything but his last letter.
Where we can find those leaked parts? I've searched for a Lepine's manifesto on the internet in the past but I didn't find anything but his last letter.
there is a link to the a snippet in french in his wiki page bibliography
Marc Lepine unites every disenfranchised and sexually celibate male, unlike the Alt-Right and other Jewish Psy-ops.
I wish people went ML instead of ER.
I wish people went ML instead of ER.
The Jew has taken advantage that people can be fucking stupid such as that Bangladeshicel who murdered his entire family in Toronto the othER day. Fucking moron is going to allow the Jew to obtain that home for pennies on the dollar.

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